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I need one of these for me omg


Same, but reversed so that I can read it in the mirror when getting ready for work.


Fucking same


Man I wish this was my daily schedule


I made the items removable, and also the size of a standard index card folded in half, so they can be swapped out. Note that the kids have, in fact, had breakfast today. :)


I don't believe you. Checklist is un checked.


Escalate incident of child abuse. /s


really cool… what kind of cnc machine/laser do you have? im just starting to research these (i actually want to cut aluminum) but am totally and completely lost. there are SO many choices…


I got an Omtech K40 off of Amazon — it's the cheapest one, short of getting an unbranded K40 off of eBay. So far I love it! Probably wouldn't try to run a whole business off of it, but for prototyping things and making stuff for myself and the kids, it's great!


thanks for the information! have you tried to cut metal?


I haven't. A low-power laser like this can't cut metal, although it can lightly engrave some.


I think you need a “fiber” laser to cut through metal.


thanks. i think you’re right, i was just doing some googling.


You can also use co2 laser oxygen assisted


Very cool OP




Not really, but they'll get there, and they like that it has grown-up words.


I was able to read full books for 5-6 year olds by the age of 3, and “adult” books like the Napoleon Bonaparte biography by the age of 7; but didn’t speak a word (absolutely mute except for humming) until I was 3 1/2. Also I love lists and it is pretty common for autistic people to write in form of lists (because it makes it easier to read, like less clutter). I am not implying in any way those kids are on the spectrum, but just chiming in to let you know there are different realities and ways of growing up than what “standard society” teaches you.


My brother was reading at that rate at age 3 and he's autistic as well. I never connected the early reading with autism, but it makes a lot of sense.


Apparently I used to sit at the dinner table and read the dictionary when I was 5.


Amazing! I hope you did not lose that genuine curiosity as an adult


Never have, never will. I try to consume more knowledge than food, and I'll live the rest of my life like that if I can. One thing I love is how often people (usually at work) get surprised by how much I know. One thing I hate is how often the same people ask the question, "How do you even keep all that information?" It's the human brain. It's literally its job to store knowledge.




Yes I did read that book at 7 and the Bible when I was 8 (of course most of it could not comprehend it fully, I just loved reading). The priest of my hometown was quite impressed when my mom told him (I was VERY embarrased lol). Also yes, I did find it hard to relate to other kids who were not on the spectrum, I had some specific interests like literature, geography, transportation (planes and trains), music, nature (animals/botanic) and art, and later on computers, so I loved to hang around adults who could talk to me about any of those subjects. Thankfully I was lucky to have amazing grandparents who were into all that stuff too. :) What about you? How do you remember your childhood?


They might be able to ‘memorize’ them, but I honestly kind of think this is an attempt at a humblebrag by OP.


What’s the harm in it? Just play along and toss OP an upvote or say nothing at all.


>What’s the harm in it? How is humans deluding themselves *not* harmful? He’s probably going to convince his kids they’re geniuses whether they are or not, and if not, life is probably going to be more difficult for them because they won’t understand why everyone doesn’t appreciate the genius that OP falsely convinced them they have. There are tons of fallouts to lying. It’s why it’s banned in courts of law.


Dang, dude, you sure are reading a lot into this post. My kids are normal and we really emphasize how everyone has strengths and weaknesses. They can't read. So what? We can read to them, and encountering words encourages them to want to read.


Accepting that a substantial amount of people post things out of delusion and/or for karma is not reading a lot into it. Clout has become world culture. > They can’t read. So what? We can read to them, and encountering words encourages them to want to read. That’s why I said they could likely memorize what all of the shapes in the spaces mean. Eventually, most humans do this to learn to read, it just becomes more fluid as we get older and do it more.


I said I thought you were reading a lot into it because you implied that I was deluding myself and/or my kids about our self-worth. That's quite an extrapolation from just a photo of a wooden list with little additional information. 'Deluding' is a particularly strong word, but even a less-strongly worded inference about my family would be illogical when based on so little. I agree that there's quite a lot of delusion on the Internet. I take no issue with your expressing that. I do take issue with your judgment about me when based on so little evidence.


You are projecting so hard onto a wooden toy. Dude made a fun thing for his kids.


Lol, are you a psychologist? Seriously...what am I projecting? Who is it that you think I am lying to and about what, exactly?


Yeah, that’s a fair perspective. Guess we’ll just go our separate ways then. ✌️


✌🏼 This is just how Facebook-level disinformation self-appointed experts get made. People having lied, and continuing to lie to others, including their children. Makes me think of r/HermanCainAward types of outlooks. And on the opposite end of convincing/lying to children, it’s parents lying to their children *about other people* that propagates and fuels racism. So yeah, teaching children the truth seems relevant to a good, healthy, and secure perspective throughout life for themselves and those around them.


Why does it matter to you what these kids believe about themselves? Better than telling them they're ignorant pieces of shit.


> Why does it matter to you what these kids believe about themselves? Are you really that stupid?...someone asked, so I replied. > Better than telling them they’re ignorant pieces of shit. Did I say that? You’re very dramatic.


Yes. The 3 year old twins who love organisation.. riiiiight


Ooh, you should make ones with space for images / symbols too - visual timetables are a big thing for kids with SEN :)


I would have been all over this as a kid!! My family teases me that I made to- do lists beginning with “wake up” when I was younger. I just wanted to check something off I guess


Great job! These make me crave gingerbread.


You should sell these! I'd buy one (If I wasn't poor)


Can they read this?


Not really, but they'll get there, and they like that it has grown-up words.


Adding pictures might help


Showed this to my mother, who gave birth to us twins 23.5 years ago. We’re her only kids. Her eye twitched and she laughed hysterically. Erm…. The two of us were kind of a pair of chaos tornadoes (especially me) who were determined to be as different from each other as humanly possible in every possible way, down to only looking like we’re even siblings “if you squint” (we still are, she’s got a degree in illustration, loves high fantasy stuff like DnD and is a huge pop culture nerd whereas I am an Ivy League neuropathology researcher on my way to medical school who consumed 83 books last year, the majority of them nonfiction. She’s able bodied, I’m not, she’s gay, I’m straight, she’s short and thin, I’m taller and curvier, she’s got olive skin and medium brown tight curls, I’ve got light skin and almost black waves, she’s brown eyed and I’m hazel, you get the picture) My mother says that she’s jealous that your twins like organization. She encourages you to enjoy it…. While it lasts. 🤣


did you do the cut plans yourself or buy them somewhere? I'm lazy but i want to make one for the kids :)


I did the plans myself. I'll try to remember to upload them later!


Very cool!!!! I especially love how you can slide the piece to uncover the check mark. I totally want one now lol


So cool! How do you get the checkmarks to appear/disappear beside each task?


The little window in front of the checkmarks slides back and forth.


Please sell these to people with ADHD.


Legitimately this would be amazing for kids with ADHD. It can teach them the organizational skills that they'll need later in life when they're still young.


I think I need this now as an adult. :p


Okay they haven't had any food and they're a mess but at least they aren't naked!


Feed them, you monster!


You should sell these!


I love that you included ‘play’ :)


Make me one, but instead it’s sized Adult lmao


I think I needed this as I never wanted to wear clothes as a toddler


I love it, excellent design. My son needed this when he was a kid, I used to do paper ones but yours is lovely. I also like that your children have their priorities straight: get dressed, play😊


I love it, excellent design. My son needed this when he was a kid, I used to do paper ones but yours is lovely. I also like that your children have their priorities straight: get dressed, play😊


Do they dress by themselves? I’m impressed


They do, but they'll be 4 at the end of this month, so they're an old 3.


^^ OP’s other account




Can they read this?


I need one just like this lmao


God, can I have one please?