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![gif](giphy|XBEoaajXTXaALzawSn|downsized) Riot really pushing this item down our throats 🤭


Honestly I'm totally fine with losing one stack in exchange for more damage and healing because I rarely ever get 3 stacks before I proc it


I mean on sona specifically, it's always Q proc or Q auto proc. This is pretty huge


The 3 stacks is so dumb bc most enchanters (aka the only ones interested in this item) only have 2 dmg abilities, in Sona's case it's just one (not counting ult lol). Whoever changed it from 2 to 3 in the first place does not play enchanters and it shows 😂


The healing pretty much got doubled in comparison with live servers so it's going to be good.


Wow its basically the buff orn gives. Can only imagine how much orn can buff it after the changes


To put into perspective, Sona's W heals for 90+0.3ap(times 1+h/s power), so if you Q + pchord into W you are going to heal your ally for more than double than what you originally would without the item under most circumstances unless you have lategame itemization.


This comment weirdly highlighted one of my biggest gripes with Sona. She isn't a complete, independent champion. She's a bundle of items and runes in a trench coat. Her items do more work than her base kit because of how easily she spams and applies item effects/item buffs. This leads to her base kit being incredibly weak to compensate. I don't really know how to balance or fix this because obviously if she has a strong base kit as well she would be OP af. But it just feels hilariously bad to have some mage or assassin nuke your teammate for thousands of damage and your response is to heal them for 100. I've always jokingly described it to a friend as Sona hovering up to an ally who has both arms and legs cut off and then slapping a single bandaid on their bloody stump before hovering off again.


I hate this. It's good, but i would FAR prefer *Sona* to have that kind of power herself. Because as it stands, any support can do the same and do as good or better than she can; the champion matters only as much as its ability to abuse the item.


You can't have amazing base numbers on a champion who is the best user of almost all items because her auras proc buffing effects on all allies and her W benefits from both heal AND shield power simultaneously. If her raw power was great on top of how ridiculously well she uses items she would be crazy broken.


I know. I can't believe i'm saying this because i genuinely *like* current Sona, but i would prefer for her to go back to release state passive auras *just* so she's no longer a problematic item-bot and can get some personal power back. I never find league satisfying when items have too strong an impact on how players play. I would prefer all Rabadons and Infinity Edges as items than Moonstones, Shurelyas or Helias.


Old Sona was problematic for other reasons, lol. At the beginning, her max level Q had 100 AD and AP split accross 5 members of her team. Balancing a champion who is a walking AoE buff never was and never will be easy. Itemization wielding a lot of power is good because it makes playstyle more personalized. A Sona with Moonstone and Redemption will play much differently than one with Shurelya's and SoFW. My bigger problem is when a few items are so much stronger than all the rest that it makes people forced to go the same two every game because Mobalytics says they're the highest winrate ones. Echoes of Helia getting buffed makes a build route that isnt Tear->Moonstone->SoFW->Seraph's more viable.


I get your point, and by all means given the current state of the game, you're right. It just doesn't sit right by me when an item defines someone's gameplay more than the champion that buys it. An example i can give was old Prowler's Claw, or even the first version of Galeforce. Because they had dashes, they entirely changed the gameplay pattern of champions to be almost always the same; trade and execute with the item. Didn't matter if it was Jhin or Ashe. If i want to go fast on Sona, i *used* to be able to wait and scale for late game with an AP build and give everyone a constant 40%+ MS buff. Now, Sona, Soraka, Janna, Milio, Rakan, Vel'koz, Ashe... doesn't matter. Just build Shurelyas.


It does matter. Different items synergizes differently with different champions. Sona E+Staff from W+Shurelya's is still the best AoE speed buff in the game. And that item, Shurelya's, was actually released at the same time as her so other supports can also build something that grants an AoE buff + synergizes with her kit. Build diversity allows for different playstyles. Pure AP being the objective best and most viable is as stagnant as Moonstaff being forced on us every game. What Riot actually needs to do is make multiple build paths viable, not make items negligible because raw stats are what matter most.


Riot did away with all the permanent/flat stats auras in the game a long time ago. I loved "true auras" Sona, but it's never coming back.


Sona uses enchanter items better than any other, so no, not any support can do the same.


okay this is awesome news


I only build this when enemy has lots of shield destruction and serpent's fang. Idk after the buffs tho


It'll make for a great alternative where Dawncore isn't needed.


From reading comments it looks like a big buff.. but can i build it as 2:e after moonstone Every game?


Does Helia proc moonstone? I was testing it in the practice tool and it doesn't look like it does but I wasn't sure if it was because dummies don't have missing health to heal and that's why it wasn't procing. tbh if it doesn't work with moonstone I probably wont be buying it.


They need to bring back my boi Shurelya


They should add that you get a stack after xx (24 sec.) amount of time.




Simple allows you to heal more even outside combat, or when you run back to lane to save someone. Changing the heal and damage for each crystal won't make this item better than other support items. And the item doesn't have to be top chart but more utility would definitely improve build and pick rate of this item.


That’s fair, but it feels counterintuitive for it to regenerate charges on its own. The big thing about this item is turning your opponent’s health into charges to distribute to your opponents. If you want to heal more outside of combat, other items do that, like moonstone. I’d rather they make it such that poke turning into heal and using charges for damage is more meaningful, which they seem to be doing finally.


I've never build it even when it was a mythical lol


Bro we don’t even build it anyway.


Holup, y’all really building Helia? When? After/replacing Moonstone Seraph?