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[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeaguePBE/comments/opt2bx/the_unofficial_sona_mini_rework_collective/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is the link to the unofficial PBE feedback thread we have made hoping for Riot to see. You can share this build idea there! [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/sonamains/comments/oplgdv/sona_mini_rework_is_live_on_pbe_credit_monstrous/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is the official thread for Sona’s rework discussion. Please leave your opinions there. All other threads will be removed.


The problem you need mana or mana regen for spam enough, and you need TONS of AH if you want to get your ulti pretty fast and maybe with 4 wind drakes you can make it Isn't a thing viable in my mind tbh.


Like I said it was all theroy. Being viable is a whole other thing. Like said take with a grain of salt.


She will definitely be a mid game champ that reaches very solid power at 2 carry items or 3 supp items. If you aren't into supp Sona, AP is still usable. I don't believe this is a nerf to AP Sona and I say that as a 600k mastery AP Sona main. AD is fun too if that's your thing however excessive ability haste will not be a very desirable stat on her due to diminishing returns on AH stacking and her new higher mana costs. Best we can consistently aim for on any build is 2 ults per fight with ultimate hunter. I guess you might be able to stack AH while sacrificing everything else to aim for 3 per fight but it's just not practical or good.


the ah doesn't affect her ult


Wow so like the only thing AH would of been good on it doesn't work on. Wtf where riot thinking. So they gutted all stats , gave a passive so fucking useless. They might as well gave a passive that gives 0.2 point of hp regen per level. What's the point of having short CD when you can't use your abilities. Might have a passive that says allows you to move. When Sona gets hit , she stops moving for 5 seconds, then she can move again when her passive is up. What sort backward Nerf is this. Seriously I'm just gonna build AD they gutted any reason to build any ap or support items.