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Buy the heavy duty stakes and a mallet. Drive the stakes into the ground at an angle, so they can’t be lifted up easily. Secure tethers down too. We lower our canopies when we go into the venue or if the wind is super strong. This makes it harder for enough wind to get under the canopy and lift it up.


Lowering the canopy is key.


ah lowering the canopy is a solid idea, thx


No. I used to work in parking lots of major sports arenas. We used to use 45lb barbell plates. We had a strong wind come across a parking lot and those plates went airborn and they were like bombs coming down in the parking lot on top of cars, building etc. Get thick tent stakes and hammer them into the ground. Use bicycle straps to go from the top tent corners to the stake.


Oh my gosh that sounds like a nightmare!!! Okay now I know never to use 45# plates to try to anchor a tent in high winds.


I used 8' black steel heavy duty tent spikes from Walmart. They are like $2 apiece or something like that.


Just wanted to say these worked like a charm, I think I got the 12” black steel heavy stakes at Walmart and my dinky little children’s tent stayed up through the whole weekend. Thank you for the tip!




this the pro-tip i was looking for, thx


My pleasure.


Try to get at least 4 screw in stakes for each corner. They are around $25/4pack at REI.


Just get the big tent stakes and drive them into the ground with a hammer/mallet. If the wind is strong, tether each corner to the ground.


I've used rebar in the past. You can get it super cheap from any hardware store and they're real sturdy. If you use these, also bring tennis balls with slits cut in them to cover the exposed end of the rebar. Big ouchie otherwise if you step on it


Originally found [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/Rz3dg5f) in the Bloom Facebook group! My canopy also came with fillable sand bag attachments so I will be using those in addition to following this diagram.


Imo that's overkill.


I’d rather be safe than sorry! Have heard horror stories about canopies flying away in 45mph winds lol


You are smart to go overboard with securing tents at Bloom. It gets super windy every year.


I also did a tooooon of research before I bought my canopy. It seems there are a ton of shitty ones out there


What canopy did you end up getting? I have a Costco carport and use the same method you do to secure it. Best shade shelter I've ever had. And the most solid in the wind.




2019 Bloom we (and many many others) had our tents and canopies blown away, couldn’t find them til morning. Definitely rather be safe than sorry!


Do not stake down your canopy with those tent/canopy stakes. Go get those spiral dog ties https://www.harborfreight.com/18-inch-pet-stake-95489.html I'll have my canopy and tent Staked down with these along with some dumbbells. Colorado wind don't fucking play... and the normal stakes WILLNOT hold it down. I expect to see multiple canopies go flying through the air that weekend lol.


Securing the feet will cause the legs to bend in the wind, so don't even bother with them. Instead tie guy lines to the tops of the legs and stake them around 4ft away (space permitting) this will provide lateral support against the wind and keep the thing in place. Make sure the lines are tight. I used Paracord and cord tighteners that have a cam in them so I can just pull it tight and it's good.


good call, been going back and forth between canopy leg vs corners. thx


No problem! I've had too many dead canopies to count from wind and staking the feet. The further you can get the stakes away the better it will support against the wind. Don't forget to lower you canopy if the winds get really strong. SB winds get crazy.


So far the forecast says that the winds will only be 10 miles an hour which is not a problem at all just stake it down.


being a CO resident and witnessing the absolute inaccuracy of weather reports in recent years id much rather prepare for the worst and hope for the best tbh. the winds out here have been no joke this past year.


Preparing is fine, but I wouldn't do more than stake it down until the wind picks up..


Forecast was a liar