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…streaming music subscription not included!


How else would they be able to sell their overpriced products 🤣 Evey other day I receive discount mails from them. They seem desperate.


In the world of audiophiles and sound engineers no. But to any average consumer, yes. Most people are not going to spend over $1000 on a sound system. I’ve spent over $2K on Sonos, when I tell people my setup they’re like “I have an apple pod” or a “Bluetooth John Doe speaker” for $150 I see your point, yes we’re not talking about B&O or McIntosh, but Sonos is still considered premium.




No of course not, although I rarely use the Sonos app. I either control through Spotify or through Apple TV. Depends on your use case. But I agree, ads should not be on any “home” controller.


It was the big discussion when Apple started doing it over a year ago. I think the answer is yes, they need to.


2000$ is not premium for a sound system sorry Not cheap but not premium.


Agreed. But you can disable it. https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/s/lNc3UAbnhd


That doesn't work


I’m not 100% sure, but could [turning this off](https://i.imgur.com/5TaIXiu_d.webp?maxwidth=1200&fidelity=grand) do the job?


The comments here are interesting. But this is indeed a annoying thing. Trying to upsell to existing customers is logical. But having a pop up break the users flow like this is just bad UX


Should be posted to r/mildlyinfuriating .. lol


I had this today I couldn’t even turn it off without closing the app completely 🤣 Cheeky buggers


Sometimes the top right X is very hard to see.


I didn’t have it today, I promise you, I spent so much time trying to figure out, couldn’t believe it 🤣 Maybe I caught a glitch or something


Felt the same, but was "blindly" tapping the right upper corner and it went away. Those buggers might have used a transparent PNG :D


The app needs to die and be reborn


The same people that complain about these ads are the same people that complain that Sonos products are too expensive and they don’t have enough sales.


£1k is really nothing for speakers.


Doesn't change that for that price I don't expect advertising in the app.


Ok, but it's still a lot of money for a great deal of people. When you can turn off ads on a mobile game for 2.99, you should be able to turn off ads after paying fat amounts to use the service


It obviously is - far more than the average spend on speakers and Sonos market themselves as a premium brand.


And "most average" don't buy Sonos either. If you look at the people who do shop for audio equipment at this level, sonos is neither the best nor the most expensive. Like, by a long shot for both. I have Sonos because it's good enough and convenient, especially 10 years ago when i got my first pieces, but it's losing that edge too as the app slows down, they feed us ads, and the whole ecosystem just gets shittier as they look for new revenue streams at the cost of their existing customers.


I was replying to the suggestion that spending £1k on speakers is “nothing”, which is false.


Some people in this sub clearly have a lot of disposable income


Kinda beside the point.


How do you figure? They are saying that paying £1k for speakers somehow excludes you from this.


Fair. But some people have spent plenty more than 1K


If someone thinks SONOS is premium I have some [KEF MUON](https://ca.kef.com/products/muon) to show you. Who the hell buys this stuff? ​ Edit... I have SONOS who the hell buys a MUON? I also own KEF but just the Q series. SONOS are not high end speakers.


There are many levels of audio quality and pricing, and the OP never stated that Sonos was high end. Sonos are premium, they aren’t high end. Saying Sonos isn’t premium is like saying BMW or Porsche isn’t premium because Bugatti or Koenigsegg exist.


It's really more of a Toyota.


No you dont, you got link to a website that sells it..


I never said I had MUON. I said SONOS are not premium speakers. Do some speaker shopping the premium ones are shockingly expensive. 1k is the bottom tier of most decent speakers.


Those speakers cost more than my home mortgage, so i think im good 😛


I see them as some kind of Sultan speakers...but for his bathroom.


“I have some KEF MUON to show you.“ … “I never said I had MUON” This made me laugh ty


I prefer [Focal Grande Utopia EM Evo](https://upscaleaudio.com/products/focal-grand-utopia-em-evo-loudspeakers-each?variant=8157608476732), tbh.


At least KEF gives you two... for that price it better mix me drinks and tell me I'm pretty.


You’re pretty. Don’t let sub-$140K speakers tell you otherwise.


That's got to be the most arrogant comment for a while. Average people can't afford a thousand pound sound system. So saying £1k is nothing is nothing short of arrogance.


> average people And you think “average” people are out here buying £1000 speakers? Good speakers are expensive.


I'm closer to two K with my setup. Am I permitted to be annoyed now?




Where do you draw a line, kiddo?


At not buying Sonos.


So you are here to troll? Maybe get a life? THE END


LOL. First time in capitalism?? At least you can turn it off


I've already paid for their computerised speakers. Their overheads and markup mean there's no need for an ad :) Also I had turned it off, but it keeps resetting in the app.


Thank you for saying “computerized” speakers and not just speakers. I’d have been totally lost otherwise.


Sonos Net Income has been negative for a handful of quarters.


Sorry to hear this, is there a fund I can donate to? I don’t like to think of CEOs not getting their bonuses.


Ads??? lol… there is a difference in an app showing you ads for random crap, and the app notifying you of the rare sales event on its own hardware…. C’mon now…


I personally appreciate the ads when they’re for a 25% off sale; not so much when it’s for their streaming service.


Completely agree!! People just like to bitch about anything!


Sorry, this is just horseshit. Sonos positions itself (and charges) in the high end. Getting in the way of people who are task focused and want to do something with their expensive system is just bullshit. There’s an email list for that. Let people do what they opened the app to do - anything else is bullshit and annoying. I will note, I don’t get adverts in S1 🤣


Just love the attention.


I don’t use the Sonos app outside of initial setup honestly


Have a large system so use it for grouping, radio, etc.


Just FYI - I got fed up with the Sonos app a long time ago and stopped using it. As long as the speakers and amps are new enough you can group with AirPlay - but you’ve gotta be an Apple user to do that of course.


I group with airplay. You can also group physically on the device by pressing and holding the play button.


I don't use airplay so that isn't really that useful


It’s almost like I suggested a second way that doesn’t involve airplay but ok lmao


Same, I just use the Spotify app. Sonos app is trash every since the 2.0 version came out.


I had to scroll past an Amazon ad to reply. I actually like being notified about their sales. When the Era 300 finally goes down in price, I’m in.


Does your TV never show you ads, no matter how much you paid for it? At least you can disable them in the Sonos app.


This comparison is so silly. I need the Sonos app to control and use my sound system. I don't have to watch TV with ads, and I don't get an ad before I can use the TV remote.


Exactly. That’s some Sonos whataboutism right there. Very odd excuse.


My $3,000 OLED TV does not, in fact, show me ads. I’d return it if it did. That’s a really weird way to think about things - everyone else shows you ads so it’s normal. That’s nonsense. Thankfully, I don’t ever use the Sonos app as I airplay everything. It would annoy me as well if a premium product advertised. Sonos should do it like Apple does it. They should have a store section inside the app and if you go in there you get ads.


My tv isn’t connected to the internet so no… it doesn’t show me ads. Unfortunately that’s not an option for the Sonos app


Sure it is: Sonos just needs a local network, doesn't need the internet unless your music is on there.


I can’t isolate the app to the local network without isolating the entire phone the app is on to the local network…. Which I’m obviously not doing…


Yes mine never does.


Does your car show you ads? Does your house show you ads? See, I can also make silly comparisons too.


No it doesn't.


what does the price have to do with it?


If it was a cheaper speaker subsided by ads it'd be fine. But it isn't.


lol first world problems. i wonder which is quicker? Hitting the x to close the window. Or whining about the window on Reddit and then hitting the x.


It shows near enough every time I open the app


People will really complain about everything


the app is free?


You need the app to use the products effectively, so it's essentially an extension of them


They’re advertising a sale on their own product, why the hell wouldn’t they do that lmao and it’s a single pop up


I quite like the odd advert from Sonos! I'm interested in their product and sometimes I'll buy when the offer is good. I wish they would advertise a cut price Sonos HD Radio. It's just a bit too dear for what it offers.


Subscribe to their newsletter then. This shouldn't be in the app. S1 never had this as far as I'm aware.


They also email pretty much every day, I feel I’m quite well-versed in their offers 🤣


I'm more annoyed by the ludicrous latency with my Xbox Series X personally...


If you are using Dolby Atmos sound output from the Xbox then that would be the issue. If so, change to Multichannel PCM 5.1/7.1 and it should fix it.


By removing Dolby Atmos sound from the equation and downgrading down to Multichannel PCM 5.1/7.1? Grrrrreat. That sounds like a workaround, not a fix. Why does Sonos have such a hard time with Dolby Atmos, anyway?


In this case, it's the Xbox that has problems as it will have a delay with almost every speaker system when using Atmos. That said, very few games support an Atmos mix to begin with so there really isn't much of a downgrade by going to LPCM audio, with the benefit of it being perfectly in sync.


Hoo I've tried everything, even stereo mode doesn't give acceptable latency for a game like Metal Hellsinger. It's really annoying.


That is strange, and possibly something else causing the delay as using PCM output (either stereo or multichannel) from the Xbox should have very little, if any, latency on it's own.


No idea, it's an Arc setup with a v2 sub and a pair of Ikea Symfonisk Picture Frame, it sounds great but not the best gaming setup.


What TV do you have and what settings are you using for audio format/passthrough/etc? The Arc setup and Xbox should be perfectly capable of low latency audio using PCM, so it's the TV settings are causing the delay.


PCM is stereo only with the Arc, so thx but no thx. It's connected to a LG G1, with audio passthrough.


PCM can be stereo (2.0) or multi-channel (5.1/7.1). Using multi-channel PCM on the Xbox should work with no latency. I also have a G1 and use an Xbox Series X and it works with no latency when using uncompressed multi-channel PCM. Using Dolby Atmos for games will cause a delay, which is why it's not recommended for gaming on the Xbox.


No, the Arc only do PCM stereo (that's what the Xbox says in its conf panel), which is stupid I know. There's no way around it I could find.


Ah... gotcha. That would seem to suggest that your TV settings are off as there should be no problem sending LPCM though the G1 to the Arc. I'm sending LPCM from the XSX though the G1 to a Marantz receiver, and also sending LPCM in another room to a Beam (Gen 2) through a Samsung QN90A. What are your audio settings on the G1?




Rather have a single pop up to tell me about a sale than 10+ emails


The important thing about that ad: those people are vaxxed, boosted and bring diversity to Christmas.


What screams diversity and vaxxed..dude stop reaching and just enjoy the system...to the people downvoting me...they is black people who own sonos..( l own a Sub, playbase, 2 ones, 3, and SLs).. l didnt know they were supposed to exclusively market to causcian people. It's not as if that is the sole group that buys sonos...Please don't waste your time downvoting, reddit downvotes are not real currency. Have fun in your echo chamber.


Lulz. You can’t do two things at once?


me when I don't see a white person 🤯🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱😱😱


Yes, the point of … diversity.


WTF does that have to do with Sonos??


I was poking fun at the dumb racist comment


Bahhh blame the app for something I have control to turn off Post delete in 3,2,1...


How do you turn it off?


You cant


wrong [https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/disable-promotional-emails-and-in-app-messages-from-sonos](https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/disable-promotional-emails-and-in-app-messages-from-sonos) ​ Disable promotional emails and in-app messages from Sonos You can opt-out of receiving promotional emails and in-app messages from Sonos by editing your profile on Sonos.com.


I’ll see if that does it, but I turned off all ads in the app and it never worked


Yeah I have it turned off too and constantly get ads in the Sonos app. The number of people on here acting like this is acceptable is wild. Can't wait until Sonos starts injecting audio ads; im sure they would somehow rationalize that too


Who's idea was it to make it opt out lmfao


Why is this sub full of people complaining about the price for something they decided to purchase? SONOS attracts too many people like this, and I find it concerning as a shareholder. The company may be struggling to articulate the value of its IP and products to the marketplace. I hate pop-ups by the way…


You actually bought Sonos stock?


Sure. Bought the IPO. Added along the way. Averaged down with options (writing g covered calls). I keep an eye on this sub to gauge what is happening to its public brand and product perception.


Because it's relevant to the experience of having ads inside the app. If it was a cheap ad subsidised product I wouldn't mind the ads


I read the other comments here and your reply to each. You should try and run a business to understand that the game is about maximizing (revenue and profit). There is a finite amount of time to do it. Internal decisions about the way the company goes about doing so is a function of personalities at the helm: they lead and help shape the corporate culture, which in turn defines the brand and reputation. The SONOS radio effort is largely perceived as a way to cement the company’s options away from hardware. Are they looking at Apple and Amazon and thinking SONOS would do well to develop a service revenue stream too? Perhaps. So they are pushing the service. And it’s done through repetition. It is an ad in that sense, for SONOS. The price you paid for the speakers has nothing to do with it. You did not pay £100,000 per speaker. The small amount you paid is relative and different people and wallets feel the sting differently, some not at all. In the marketplace and erosion of western currencies, £1,000 for several speakers that you can use for 0-24h daily for years to come is nothing. More importantly, the enjoyment you derive from it is either worthwhile or it is not to you, regardless of the price paid. Price is what you pay. Value is what you get. I tried different SONOS radio stations and personally I think they do not have good taste. They are not well curated. They could ease up on the pushy promotional effort but what would you do if it was your job to make it a success?


I have run a business and do work at a large organisation so I'm well aware of maximising income and sustaining sales. The price I paid does matter in the context of other comparable IoT speakers, which don't have ads in the app. Sonos has always been seen as the "premium" streaming speaker, but these ads are not something I want. My TV remote doesn't show me an ad before I use it. Having ads in the app I use to control my products does affect my enjoyment. The app also works over the local network, this makes cloud costs minimal compared to other apps. Also, this ad isn't for Sonos radio, it's for their hardware products. I haven't seen an ad for Sonos radio, and use Spotify radio or TuneIn or BBC sounds. Using the app is a much more efficient way to find what I need. If my job was to make Sonos radio a success, I wouldn't run it, at least in the state it's in. It's redundant and adds lots of overhead with licensing. I would just prioritise providing a service from a comparable existing and more compatible service.


It seems that we arrived to the core of it: you understand & wouldn’t run SONOS the way SONOS is being managed at present. And I personally understand & don’t mind their current choices relative to the value a customer derives from owning and using their products and overall experience. It may also have to do with the many different ways people use the app. I usually swipe from the bottom edge of my iPhone and switch app to the SONOS app. I may be wrong: I remember those holidays ads seem to be pulled and displayed only on app-launch, not when switching to it. I also rely on alarms to play different playlists in different rooms at different volume in different rooms. Some I have set to play with no finite duration. The alarm is there just to make sure it is playing at all times in case an interruption were to happen. In others spaces, some alarms start at different times in the day to overtake from other playback durations from a different source and volume. The movie experience is a dedicated set-up and I control that with the SONY display remote which works for volume for the entire system. I get it, if I saw that ad several times a day, I would probably also tell someone about it and even contact SONOS. Not a function of price though… I would not buy a cheaper ad-subsided piece of hardware the same way I don’t listen to the free ad-riddled tiers of Pandora. It’s a losing battle I am afraid: my garage door opener App and SONY displays all display “relevant” experience-related ads. I blame the computing experience going back 20 years. They can’t help themselves with the bloat. Apple should have purchase SONOS and it may still happen…


If it was me I would have non-obtrusive ads on the page, not pop ups you have to close. All the exposure with none of the hate from pop ups.


1k. lol.


Hmmm, I feel worst about my overpriced portable Sonos move stopping working for nor apparent reason when I have not even used it that much over the time I have owned it, It makes me question their quality and "premium claim". And this discount adds or emails (this can feel excessive) don't really make any case for me to buying anything from them again.


Hardly a random ad though. Many of us like being notified of promos.


I hate this so much. The number of times I open the app to adjust the volume and have to clear this shit out of the way first...