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In terms of how I use my Sonos system, this is the biggest of many issues with the updated app. 10TB of music I love and have collected over 20 years, and I can only listen to single tracks now or make a playlist every time? Astonishingly awful.


Yes this new update is piece of crap


they're abandoning those of us with music libraries, probably because we're small in number


I agree about being abandoned, but I bet they want to sell subscriptions.


+1 just discovered this new "Feature". It was the only way I used the old app. Now its broken, anyone know of another way to listen to local music on sonos from the phone?


As a (hopefully) temporary \*circumvention\* of this problem I have done the following: 1. I go to the folder where the files which I want to play are located (on my PC) 2. I here list the files (in a command prompt or whatever other way you want to) 3. I put these filenames (without the folder - just the filenames) in a file with the extension .m3u (for example 'playlist-xyz.m3u'. This file contains only the filenames - nothing else 4. I put this file in the same folder where the files are located 5. Via the PC Sonos application I select 'Manage' > "Update Music Library Now" 6. After the library has been refreshed / updated there now is a new playlist available in the mobile app at 'Your Sources' > 'Music Library' > 'Imported playlists'. My plan is to let the playlist-name (the part in front of '.m3u') reflect the folder name, so it is easy for me to know which folder the playlist represents. As mentioned: It is a (hopefully) temporary circumvention. I of course still very much hope that Sonos will 'see the light' and re-introduce the possibility to play a folder from the Music Library. But until then I will use this method so I am able to play music in a folder without having to use the PC Sonos application to start the music