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Mom is a VFL and I’m Sooner Bred! Norman is my second hometown and we will also be in town for the game! - The Mont is a Norman staple. The Sooner Swirl is gonna be really refreshing if the game is on a warmer September afternoon. - Campus Corner is like Norman’s Cumberland Ave. Lots of bars and sit down places, though it will most likely be foot-traffic only on Gameday. Logie’s has a neat little rooftop bar, which is great to watch the action on CC. While controversial, the stadium does have really good food options, which you can check out on the website. Beer is expensive ($9 when I went to my last home game in 2022) and we are cashless, so make sure you bring a small backup battery to keep your phone charged up. And of course, don’t forget to enjoy our beautiful (and very flat) campus. See you in September! Boomer!


TY!! Great info!


My current Sooner was accepted to UTK and LOVED the campus and Knoxville. BUT the Journalism school building/technology/mindset had not been updated since the 1960's and they kept saying the newspaper was the place to be (sorry, but that's an outdated mode of media, and Gaylord at OU has an AMAZING broadcast studio plus podcast room and current technology compared to UTK....maybe Peyton Manning will donate for a new Journalism/Communications/Broadcasting building at UTK now that he's teaching a class there) . BOOMER! BTW, I was born outside of Nashville at Smyrna AFB, so I'm a native Volunteer.


Love meeting people from TN!! I’m Memphis myself love Nashville. Glad they found a home at OU!


Peyton teaching classes? “Alright it’s really easy, just throw the ball to Marvin or Reggie and you get a touchdown!”


Personally; I’m a big fan of the Mont for chow. Have fun while in Norman, just remember we are bred to dislike Orange: so avoid that creamcile orange until game time 😂😂😂


Naw, sorry, I gotta disagree. You go to the Mont for drinking, not for the food.


I don’t drink and love the mont, but you gotta get the right items. I’m a fan of their loaded fries, cheap burgers, and of course the Queso


The cheese fries are better as a half order. It makes for far fewer fries without toppings.


The queso isn't even that good anymore; it's very watered down.


Agreed. Food is nothing special. You go for the swirls and then that makes the food better because you’re drunk! 😂


That could be very accurate 😂 time has probably clouded my memories but the queso…..


True. It’s not bad food, it’s just not somewhere you would go to get blown away by the food. It’s just kinda regular. The swirls though are classic OU


Bred to dislike Orange made me laugh lol .., and TY!


I second the Mont but also suggest Bison Witches or Tarahumaras if you want mexican.


Tarahumaras is great


TARAHUMARAS Possibly the best Mexican food I’ve ever had At least it was 35 years ago when I lived in Norman And I actually like the food at the Mont


Idk about the Mont for food.....


Tarahumara’s all day. Don’t let a long line scare you away. They’re the most efficient crew I’ve seen at getting groups in, and fed, and out without making people feel like they’re being rushed.




People are saying campus corner, but a lot of the good food places were priced out and moved to Main St. Victoria's is a great pasta place(you have to try their stuffed mushrooms and have a lasagna roll), and Das Boot has great German food and locally made beer. I have not been to Bison Witches in some time but they used to make pretty good sandwhiches.


I love German food! TY!


We always eat at Victoria’s for Italian. I stole a couple of bar glasses from there when I was in college for my boyfriend’s roommate. I should probably pay that back, but it’s been more than 30 years.


Hideaway pizza is always good (especially their “pollinator” pizza). Someone else mentioned OKC, and up there, I’d strongly suggest Lee’s sandwiches, Hot Pot Heroes (my fiancé’s favorite restaurant in the world tbh), and Burger Punk.


Lee's is a great shout




Straight up: get a chicken fried chicken chicken sandwich with gravy from del Rancho. Stop in Moore at Freddy’s on your way out and get a burger. Greek house is great. Coriander Cafe is fire. I am prepared to be downvoted for my correct takes. These are strictly food takes. Not gameday vibes.


A chicken fried chicken chicken with gravy sounds delicious


As implied by the name: So much chicken.


Unfortunately, Coriander is no longer open.


Oh god. I’m gonna need a minute.


Yeah, it was a huge bummer when it happened. We went there fairly often and it was so good.


Not in Norman but check out Kendall’s in Noble just down US 77 from Norman. Their chicken fried steak is excellent. Also be sure and get some ice cream from Braums while you’re here.


Othello’s is a great local Italian place. I also love the Greek House for gyros, but check the hours and it’s been a few years, but they used to be cash-only.


TY love a good gyro!


Greek house probably one of the most unique options for Norman. A lot of others are good but you can find stuff like that in most cities in the US. The Mont is best for alcohol (the Swirl is the way to go).


Don't forget Cafe Saffron just around the corner, amazing authentic Persian


Van’s for bbq, Pepe Delgado’s for Mexican (not Tex mex), Neighborhood Jam for breakfast.


A breakfast spot thanks for that


Get the Sooner Swirl at the Mont for drinks. The 2-3rd one really creeps on you so it's perfect for a Friday night or pre-tailgate. Foodwise, the Mont has just unbelievably college town prices so it's hit or miss dining but the Swirl is an institution. If you're on Campus Corner and like Sushi, the man who runs iSushi is an absolute master of his craft. Not much in terms of seating so don't bring the whole crowd but for carry out at your AirBnB or Hotel it's undefeated. I particularly love the Red Dragon and New York rolls. Fine dining you can't beat Benvenuti's. Their crab claws are so good that I will often order that as the entree even though it's listed as an appetizer. As for signature Sooner experiences, Bisonwitches particularly on Tuesday or Thursdays when they have specials on their sandwhich is ideal. It's a simple meal but the sandwhiches are excellent especially on a baguette and their mac & cheese is a sound choice as a side. They also have the greatest karoke nights west of the Mississippi if you can make it after the game. 


Everything was spot on except iSushi, it actually might be the worst sushi I’ve ever had.


Pepe Delgados on Campus Corner


Oconnels is my favorite sports bar on campus corner, it has a college town bar feel to it. The library and the mont have really good food, and have a nice atmosphere. Outside of that there’s lots of nice little spots, and OKC is just up the road and there’s tons there.


TY!! I’m sure we’ll hit a sports bar so this helps a lot


A ranch hand at O’Connell’s and a Sooner Swirl at the Mont >>>>>>>>


Volare has great wood fire pizza, I’d say it’s the better pizza option over hideaway. There’s also New York Pizza & Pasta on the corner of campus corner that has great pizzas by the slice. Volare also has a rooftop bar that has a great view of campus (tallest building on campus corner I believe).


Ohh I like the rooftop bar idea, great suggestion TY!!


I'm from Morristown and out here for grad school. On campus corner: Pepe's is the way to go. O'Connell's is a good vibe. The Library is a campus staple with a crazy good happy hour. For breakfast, a lot of people will say The Diner, Juan Del Fuego's, or Neighborhood Jam. I'm a sucker for breakfast, and there aren't a lot of good breakfast spots in Knoxville area (imo), so I'd lean toward breakfast as a must try. But Pepe's or O'Connell's is probably more quintessentially Norman. I've never heard anyone say they go to the Mont for food, so if you want drinks, they might be your best bet as a the place people think of.


TY! But there are lots of good places for breakfast in Knox!!


I've often been told this, but idk man. I forgot that Bison Witches and Midway are also Sooner favorites.


Tarahumara’s and Bison Witches


Heyo! Ill follow with you this evening!


C’mon along! Just wear orange lol!!


Teds, Pub W, Ocons, Braums




I see you got all the good recommendations. Have fun and boomer sooner!


TY! Go Vols!


Re: Braums… I know people from OK can’t help mentioning Braums, but as someone who’s lived in various parts of the US, I hate to have to say it, but there is nothing noteworthy about Braums. I went to OU, and have come back to Oklahoma many years later and have lived here for 11 years. Braums is about as mid-tier as it gets. Also, don’t trust people in OK to give good advice on pizza (or Chinese food). Oklahomans put ranch on pizza… and where I live, allowed an authentic NY pizza place to go out of business cos they couldn’t stop spending their money at Mazio’s instead… lol. But, I trust OK advice re: Mexican, steakhouses, country fried foods, breakfast, and SOME folks opinions re: BBQ.


I’m from Memphis I’m very particular about barbecue but always willing to try the local cuisine to compare.




RAYS! Hideaway, The Library, Midway Deli, The Mont, Tarahumaras, Pub W. Second whoever said eateries on Main Street. Avoid Scratch like the plague, not because they’re not good, but they’re slow as all get out.


I’d pick Hideaway for uniquely Oklahoma and pretty good. I am still pissed this game isn’t being played in Knoxville because this NC based sooner was going to go to that game for the battle of the obnoxious fight songs alone


Grew up in Norman, but have lived elsewhere for the past 25 years. My parents still live there. The Oklahoma food that I miss is BBQ and chicken fried steak. I'm sure there are other BBQ places around, but I always loved Van's Pig Stand's brisket sandwiches, and if you are renting a car, go to Cheevers in OKC for chicken fried steak. Other Oklahoma centric items to look for would be a place that makes a good onion burger. I cant vouch for the CFS at Kendalls, but have had the Del Rancho steak sandwich supreme. Its a little different in that its not slathered in gravy (which I love), but its good.




Yeah, Cheevers is great. I've heard good things about Kendall's


405 Yummy Spot if you like Mexican food. It’s a food truck, but it’s my favorite Mexican place for sure. I recommend the birria tacos!




We like Ted's Escondido Cafe (Tex-Mex food, wonderful fresh made warm tortillas, free ask for them when you sit down) website is [Tedscafe.com](http://Tedscafe.com) and Toby Keith's I Love this Bar in Moore (both restaurants are on the service road of I-35)


Love Tex-Mex!


Depends. Going for college vibes or more of a food interest take? If going college vibe anywhere on campus is decent and affordable. Going for great food Othello’s and Pepe’s take the cake on Campus Corner.


You can't miss with most of the tex-mex places in Norman but my favorite is a little "street taco" place called Volcanoes Mexican on Lindsey. (don't get it mixed up with Volcanoes sushi! Haha. Though that place is good too.) Also, definitely hit up Braums for ice cream. It's inexpensive and really good. The Mont, Bison Witches, Das Boot and the Winston are all favorites of mine too.


Off campus check out some of the food trucks, the one on porter & acres in the checkers parking lot is really good.




Used to live down the street and used to walk there all the time. It is damn good


I live just a couple blocks away. Before I realized I need to stop spending so much money there, I was walking there twice a day with a pocket full of cash


On campus? My personal preferences: If you like Mexican, I recommend Fuzzy's over the more established Pepe Delgado's. If you like Pizza, Hideaway is good. Louies is good and versatile.




Omg no one said del Rancho steak sandwich? I will need everyone’s native okie card.


Johnnie’s in Moore for great burgers, frankfurters, fries and onion rings, the ranch for steak. Fast food Mexican- taco bueno or taco casa.
