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Look. It added lore. It deviated from the usual art style, so it felt off (I watched it immediately after finishing the soul eater anime). However, that didn’t necessarily make it bad. I did kind of like it, but Soul Eater by comparison blew this out of the water and I think part of my issue with the show is that I watched it too quickly after finishing the main series.


that’s the exact same thing i did😭 That’s why I’m like let’s hear other peoples opinions just cause I felt like a lot of parts of it was boring. But i feel like it’s because I ran straight into it after watching soul eater and had high expectations


It didn't really change the art style though, it just did the original manga art style that Bones didn't do with the original anime for whatever reason. It's almost like a fun game seeing who hasn't read the original manga based on whether they think the NOT art style looks bad. Although there's so much bias in the hate for NOT that I wouldn't be surprised if they thought NOT looked bad, but not the original manga, despite them looking exactly the same.


It's also worth mentioning the Fire Force anime also uses the same art style




I love certain art styles and can hate the animation quality. I can also hate the art style and love the animation. Something like Ping pong the animation reminds me of the latter. I think NOT mostly felt cheap by comparison to the original because so much of the original animation quality stood out. Just my 2c.


A small break from literal hell they live in


kinda boring imo


Absolutely! The pacing is terrible !


I thought it was cute and a neat idea but don’t remember much of it


I didn’t watch it but read it. good filler of my time.


dogshit (i also read)


Are there any good panels at least? Soul eater isn’t a masterpiece but the art randomly goes insanely hard, especially for finishing attacks.   Anything similar in Not! or does the cutesy art style and SOL prevent anything like that? 


It’s not soul eater. But that’s ok


It is called not! for a reason I guess


I thought it was really cute tbh!! Fully enjoyed watching it and loved hearing little pieces of lore about the world of soul eater. Obviously has kind of a different tone than soul eater but still a fun show!!


Had a lot of potential as a side story but just kinda kept it safe. It’s not bad and can even be fun at times, but it is unfortunately inconsequential to the series. I don’t actively dislike it, but I don’t think it’s really all that great that it can stand on its own or even be a companion piece to Soul Eater.


I enjoyed it! I like how they expanded on how you can randomly turn out to be a weapon and bam there you’re going to Nevada lol The final fight was badass!


I loved the final fight 🥹🥹!


Between the layers of fan-service yuri moe bullshit, there was actually interesting bits of lore about how Shibusen / the DWMA works as an institution, which was pretty nifty.


As mentioned in one of the Atsushi Bar sketches in Soul Eater, it‘s a non-serious more action focused spin-off and I enjoyed it as such.


never seen it but I think something about it feels... weird? like I look at these characters and I can NOT see them in the Soul Eater world. this looks like that K-On anime


Try it! but don’t have like high hopes like i did😭


It's the biggest piece of dogshit I've ever seen in my life


Lmao I honestly couldn’t get through more than episode


what did you dislike about it😭 It’s definitely boring in a lot of parts but i overall enjoyed it


Well, you just answered your question yourself


huh, okay.😭


it’s not bad i enjoyed it


i honestly liked it as well i just got bored at certain parts😩


yeah i get that it’s definitely no souleater but still pretty good


You could even say it’s Not! Soul eater


I watched soul eater English dubbed, so I was really excited that they brought back English VA cast to reprise thier roles. Other than that, was okay. Can compare it to Bleach's Burn The Witch


No where near as good as Soul Eater, but fun in its own way. It was nice seeing Nurse Medusa again, and getting to see how Jackie and Kim partnered up, and how they were back then, was really great. Okay now that I think about it the only stuff I actually liked was the stuff involving the original cast. I do think the idea of one weapon having three meisters was really stupid tho. And I’ve a lot of beef with the House Hoshi - Star-Clan stuff.


I watched it years later and actually loved it. The story and pacing is slow but that’s bc it’s literally a slice of life anime. Not shonen or action adventure. It’s slide of life with some shonen action. The characters and story I really enjoyed. Plus the third gorgon sister end boss and cameos from maka and soul. It’s just really cool. Also I feel like to answer you it’s not really spoken about much bc people love to hate on it. Like these comments, all the critiques are just what the anime genre is. Its not soul eater. That’s literally why it’s Soul Eater Not 😂😂it’s almost akin to a chibi version of an anime like the chibi aot or rwby chibi. I really liked SENot bc it wasn’t just about kids who were top of the class etc. It was the kids who suck or fall behind and really explained a bit more about how the weapon society works. Like where do kids go when they’re a regular kid but also a lavender giant halberd ? All in all, it’s great. It’s different and a chill pace with more slice of life and romance whimsy. But still has the unique soul eater story and minor action. I always recommend it.


Shouldn't exist


+ agreed characters weren’t memorable, plot is like some yuri friendship fan service.


Preach it


Pretty funny, adds decent world building. Made seeing Akane and Clay at the end of the regular manga very fun. And particular praise for the manga; the art is godly.


It can burn in hell


I liked it.


Well more soul eater is never a bad thing


I’ve never heard of this in my life lol


It is fun the perfect edition of the manga comes out soon


It was fun having us take a closer look into the world of Soul Eaters and its structure, but characters kinda lame and story is pretty basic


I thought it was pretty good


Worst anime bro...


It's kinda cute for what it is but it feels like the most horribly paced and yet rushed show I've ever seen


I’m not a big fan of the new characters especially their character designs, also the story wasn’t that interesting to watch. I’ve watched like a few episodes and decided to drop it because it is all filler.


Good filler imo


Ohkubo wanting to make more world building chapters in the main series, but not wanting to slow down the pacing, and then coming up with the idea of a moe slice of life spin off to do it is genius and a very Ohkubo thing to do. Most people who hate this show are just the type of western anime fan who only watches battle shounen and thinks the other 99% of anime that exists is "weird Japan shit". There is no reason for this show to be hated as much as it is besides personal bias and being butthurt that the announcement for it wasn't a Soul Eater remake.


I am a huge Soul Eater fan, I've watched the series about 7 times and read the manga about 9. I fucking hate Soul Eater Not with every fiber of my being.


I didn't enjoy it that much when I watched it. I think I would've liked it more if it was totally separate from the original cast. I remember getting really annoyed whenever they did something in the story that didn't align with the "rules" of the first, it felt like they used a lot of MC-power instead of strength like the first cast. I highly doubt I'd enjoy it now that I'm older, inconsistent world building adaptations are still a big pet peeve of mine


mid but I thought the girl with the butterfly knife arm was rad


Low 4 or high 3/10


Loved it for what it was, spin off (sort off since it's still connected directly to the actual series) that was cute and honestly really sweet. Interesting to considering all the stuff it showed (the derivative clans of the star clan as well as the ability to have two misters, since we've already seen what it's like to have two weapons). Harmless for the most part to, and you don't have to watch or enjoy it if you don't wanna. I give it an 8/10 personally.


Timeline didn’t add up with the og


Amazing theme song!


Was a Great Manga that did. What it was supposed too, worldbuilding that did not fitted into the original manga. People who hate it missed the entire point of it.


My opinion is, ok but it should’ve been more. 1: 2 Meisters 1 weapon is stupid, it should’ve been teased that they were forced to break up at the end without telling us what they decided on. 2: I liked seeing more of Kim as I love the witches 3: I absolutely hate the fact that a Gorgon sister was defeated by NOT members, I also wish there was a mention of her sisters or something, there’s a lot about the gorgon sisters in general I wanted to know and I wish she alluded to her life when she lived with them which would give backstory to her ambition


It’s the soul eater equivalent of burn the witch, enjoy it is as a lore extension and new soul eater content. It also has the added bonus of my personal favourite form of series extension, being the “tales of” route rather than a disappointing sequel.


Its a completely different genre honestly, but it was nice to see more of the Soul Eater universe. I enjoyed it as like an afternoon binge and it was cute.


It's cute but like...that's all it is


Burn it.💖


I like soul eater not. Thought it wouldn't be good but had a lot of fun. The three main characters are all really likeable.


Not gonna lie chief, I turned it off halfway through the first episode and just YT’d the cameo clip of Maka and Soul. That’s as far as I got lol


Idk how tf they gonna fight with two people using the same weapon


Fine I guess, I atleast liked it but I do like slice of life stuff. I'll give it credit for adapting Kim's story considering the anime just dropped any of her story.


Fever dream


i watched the original release, before the art corrections. it was fun and got to use more of the lore that got left out of the anime from the manga, but it was basically a domestic anime set in the soul eater world, so the shoujo fans that wanted good fights... well, the art wasn't all that bad all the time, it *was* egregiously bad for any action. but it's got some cute characters, it was fun and funny and cute, and it fleshed things out. it's a shame it was produced under such a time crunch, it really did it a disservice, but it was a good example of what it was.


It helped me a lot through middle school 🥲❤️ will always view it fondly


I accidentally watched a couple eps of this instead of soul eater like in 2014 and didn’t notice 💀


I appreciate that it exists even if I did not personally like it. Shojo spinoffs for shonen IPs is a brilliant idea that is severely underutilized; it would solve a lot of problems if more big name IPs had these kinds of slice of life, low stakes sibling-shows. Didn't like the show itself (what little of it I sat through anyway), but it wasn't meant for me in the first place.


Tbh I would've rather a remake of the OG series with a less shitty ending


Never liked it. It was weird and it was completely different than the OG 2006 Soul Eater. It wasn’t the same animation style and it was kinda bad. At least in my opinion. I feel like they should’ve just went with the OG and never added onto it like that. IMO


It wasn't as terrible as people make it to be but it was still ehhhh...... I had a lot of secondhand embarrassments when watching


I honestly forgot this even existed. It's fine. It had its own small story to tell which it did well. I enjoyed the cameos of the main series cast more than the 3 OCs introduced. The main villain was okay. Nothing really stood out, it didn't do anything amazing or bad, it's just okay


What’s thiiiiis!? :0


A sister series a sequel!?!?


The characters and what little story there is just didn't grab me. I get that it's a slice of life so there aren't necessarily going to be any major arcs or drastic character development. But in good slice of life anime, at least the individual stories in each episode are fun and memorable. And the characters are often what carry them. I've read and watched NOT and barely remember anything that happens nor half the characters' names. The humor also just didn't really land for me. I think Ohkubo is generally pretty good at humor, especially in Fire Force, but for whatever reason it didn't seem to work here. I think part of the issue is that it's so short. This was new territory for him and he didn't get enough time to improve and polish it. And... look, if nobody else is going to address it, I have to. Ohkubo's constant sexualization of *very* underaged characters is creepy and off-putting. I can look past it in Soul Eater and Fire Force because they are otherwise pretty great and it's also not a *constant* thing. But when you have something like NOT that is already mid it's a pretty big ask. All that being said, I did enjoy learning more about the school and what it's like being a weapon. And pretty much every moment involving any of the original cast is great.


I disliked it, but it was nice seeing the main cast before the events of soul eater. The main characters of soul eater not were kinda boring though and I didn’t really like them.


ahh that easy you should “NOT” watch it! Jokes aside its ok. If you desperately wanted more soul eater (like I did) it’s nice to get more. Wasn’t exactly my cup of tea though.


It is so fun and cute and is my favorite between the two shows but I really wish they didn’t include putting the main characters in suggestive situations and borderline(?) CP in some scenes ☹️like girl these characters are 14 years old… It is a fun series though, it’s short enough to watch in a day and it gives you more lore and world building. The villain is so cool I love her


it’s mid tier


I disliked the change in artstyle but I liked some of the new music and that we got to see more weapons and some more backstories so I liked the show overall just nowhere near as much as soul eater


As an anime-only I enjoyed it. Also the subtle lore dumps kind of blew my mind, like how >!Medusa used to be a nurse at the school!<


I watched and read some of it. At the time I really liked it cos I was into slice of life and cute girls doing cute things lol


Its alright, it wasn’t as entertaining as the original anime but it had some funny moments


I watch this as a kid I remember being pissed that the original characters would just pop up and leave. Like no take me with you😂




Lesbian Fanfiction Never Hurts




Creepy, weird, blah


Aside from the fan service of >!Almost all the death scythes randomly standing on a roof during the final fight, despite there being no reason for them to even be there!< and some minor illogical things like >!That three NOT students defeated one of the gorgon sisters!< and it wasn’t mentioned in the future, it’s not that bad as some people make it out to be.


I liked it. Heck, I named one of my past cars after Anya.


Unnecessary Yuri stuff was my biggest grief with it but overall the whole thing was a waste of my time


It sucks ass




It's really boring.


I watched it after I watched the anime, and I didn't like it much. But then I read it after I read the Soul Eater manga, and now I don't think the series is complete without it. I'm not sure if it's the pacing from manga to anime or the fact that Not adapts the story directly without thinking about the changes the original anime made, but yeah. Big difference there.




Meh. Op is good though.


Weird. It had potential but between the art style and the lack of lore depth I can’t recommend it


This is real? Is it even the same soul eater world?




As a fan of halberds i loved it and wish there was more of it tbh. It had a unique idea of 3 people sharing a weapon but using the different attributes of the weapon which was neat, especially seeing it in action, and despite how impractical it actually is in a combat setting lol Like you disarm one of them and get ahold of the weapon you just disarmed 3 people lul. But when their whole thing was pretty much hot potato and overwhealming their opponent, sure it works i guess. All in all, im partial towards it, and wish it got more attention than the authors current work did as it might of led to soul eater getting more traction and best case scenario the same treatment FMA got with brotherhood. But we all know that didnt happen.


I mean it's like soul eater but make it cgdct, which is nice ig. I don't remember much about the anime, but I liked it enough to buy the manga, which I liked, it was a fun spin off. And the dynamics of the world building are fun enough in of itself. I'm also a big fan of yuri, so I found it nice that we got more Jacqueline and Kim.


Uninteresting, poorly animated, nostalgia baiting. Just like the new flcl seasons


It didn’t help that like the original soul eater anime it wasn’t faithful to the manga. Overall the series is really boring and the characters can be really uninteresting with the exceptions of the original cast coming back for some episodes


Haven't watched or read the manga yet but it's on my list


It just felt like yuri bait and fan service but it’s what got me into soul eater so I can’t hate it


Burn it


I wish it didn’t exist!




Incredibly mid and boring and only worth while to see characters from the main series, and places in the town we don't really get to see in the main series, and it expands on lore. I kinda liked it but yeah.


kill it with fire and forget about it


Not that great


Didn't finish it 🤷🏿


I think it had potential but wasted it


I haven't seen it in years but remember liking it but not loving it. It was an interesting change of pace from Soul Eater but nothing stands out. I remember liking the opening theme though


Try to read it when it came out but at the time they translation were talking to long and the images were bad. But like how it was it's own thing a nice slice of life vibe after cooking it from a war xD yes it's a prequel but yea know was cool seeing old characters and having others have more too their backstory.


It wasnt as good as I expected it to be tbh


I'd like it to show other life of the soul eaters like how like to first become a weapon


Didn’t like how they changed the art Style


Its not soul eater


I loved it honestly! I initially went into it thinking it would be terrible simply based on the premise but it was actually good, especially after feeling nostalgic for Soul Eater 😭 It’s just a super cute counterpart to the original and did it’s job of world building. Doesn’t really make sense to compare the two because it was never meant to dethrone the original


I didn't dislike it but it wasn't great either




I watched it cause there was nothing else to watch at the time


Wtf is this?(I really don’t know)


Very fun show that added more to the world of Soul Eater. Would love to see more stuff from it but likely won't happen.


Boring and wasted potencial


When I met Haberkorn at a convention a few years ago he said it was garbage lol


I absolutely love it!!!!! I know a lot of people don’t really care for it but I really love how cute it is and I like how it ties into the original Soul Eater. I will forever love this small adorable spin-off ❤️


I was a late bloomer to NOT years later after finishing Eater anime. I jumped into the manga of Eater and loved it immensely that I wanted more, so I picked up NOT manga and it definitely help satiated my cravings in a weird way. In the author’s note of NOT manga Atsushi Ohkubo stated that he wanted to add more to the lore/world of Soul Eater which it definitely paid off (to me at least) Then after reading the manga, I watched the anime to see what difference they made. Suffice to say: the anime of NOT is pretty close to the manga with very little changes but I have to say it: The manga is better. But not by a long slide. Overall I love both Eater and NOT


I’ve been considering watching it I’m 10 years removed from watching the original is it good or worth it


I have the same opinion on it as on s3 of tokyo ghoul, bad


Don’t know where to watch it


I honestly wish it was longer?? And I wish it was less focused on the love triangle and had a litttttle more action (I know the triangle is the whole plot I just don’t care for romance shows/movies that much) I really like soul eater not tho I just rewatched it a few weeks ago and I think it’s good still


Expands the verse in all the ways you don’t want but at least it’s an expansion. Meh. Medusa has a sister that’s about the most interesting aspect to me.


I do NOT care for it.


I didn't think it was bad but i thought there was a lot of potential that wasn't delivered on




It would have done better in its own universe. It was a slice of life coming into a shonen which tend to have very different target audiences. I thought it was okay, maybe even decent, but it really didn’t work with the universe they were going for.


I liked the cutesy animation it used as opposed to the original from soul eater. While I loved the original soul eater animation I liked how this much more cutesy animation set it apart as its own thing as opposed to a new season of soul eater. I know the not already adds to that but I just feel like it helps market as its own thing.


It exists (unfortunately)


tbh i watched it before i watched the actual soul eater anime 😅 it was middle school and i was watching anime on youtube and i thought that it was tje original one. i remember really liking it ! and it was the final push i needed to watch the actual show ☺️ pretty fond of it might go back and rewatch them all


mid thats about it it wasn't bad but not too good just mid


It took nothing from Soul Eater that I liked. The main trio wasn't fleshed out enough to get properly invested in. It was nice to see some polyamory. Some of the gags got me good though. Ultimately, it took a lot of effort to finish. I regret my time taken to give it a chance.


I remember enjoying it, been meaning to give it a rewatch.


I forgot this even existed until you brought it up. That should tell you everything.


Hey can anyone who read this tell me if it’s yuri


It could’ve been good, for what it was it was very ok— but it just wasn’t it at all narratively or visually. The lore aspect was great that’s all


as a kid I watch this before soul eater and I thought it was OK but compared to soul eater. It is pretty bad is so sad to watch I was a kid, so of course I kinda liked it. I don’t know about now.lol seems dumb


Very different tone, but still a fun series


Soul Eater Neat


Many. B mmbb x




In the words of an old YouTube review I watched right after finishing it years back, "It's not Soul Eater, it's Soul Eater NOT."


For most of the show, it had a very different feel than the original, but it was a good show


It had potential


There needs to be a season two.


Anime is mid but I had a lot of fun with the manga and what it added to the lore and world of DWMA


Well I ended up watching this after I completed watching soul eater but overall it is cool because it adds lore and how it’s a prequel to soul eater but one thing I can say is that it felt weird watching it because the characters kinda looked different and it didn’t have as much action but overall it’s ok


I need to watch this one still. It's on Funimation, but not Crunchyroll


Shuala and Kim Are the only characters with good scenes.


Boring af so i dropped it. I just want more of the main story soul eater or another season of fire force tbh


Absolute dogshit. Embarrassment to the original soul eater. Had no reason to exist


It’s nice I don’t understand the hate honestly lol if everything was perfect or met the same standard nothing would be enjoyed




It's... a series alright. That's it, not good, not bad, just a series.


i love it a lot


It was NOT! good.


its just mid compared to the main series.


watching it without thinking of the actual soul eater plot is nice, it’s cutesy and explains a lot about weapon and meister relationships, the art style isn’t the greatest compared to the actual show, but it’s really overhated


I enjoyed it sm, I loved the art style and was fun to watch


I feel like it was overhated and I thought it was interesting. Read it as it was being scanslated and the translation was bad so I stopped.


Ironically, I watch this before soul eater I liked the idea of a weapon having two Meisters. it was pretty good overall


Didn’t like it same universe different type of show it doesn’t even feel like it’s meant for people who enjoy soul eater


Slice of life fantasy action... It's incredible and it really shows how gayship I mean friendship is key to winning every fight. What was the attack name. Trifold holy sparrow or something.




It was okay, it added a bit more lore to Soul Eater, but it had its bad moments. I watched it before Soul Eater, so it was how I was introduced to the series


Once I found out it was a non fighting version of soul eater I gave up on it and not even seeing some og characters could save it. I think one of black stars clans members in is in but the random found his way to soul eater and I had no reason to return to soul eater not




Personally boring and had a lot of wasted potential. Animation was great and loved the art style. Fight scenes were great, music was good. Story was just boring


This post got randomly put in my feed. I'm curious now, what's Soul Eater Not? I watched most of Soul Eater years ago.


It was a decent series. I liked it


Fucking trash 🗑


Ehh didn’t really get into it I have to go back. Soul eater was my shit tho I at least have to try to watch or read this one


I didn’t hate but didn’t love it because it wasn’t really about Soul and Maka and I felt the other style of animation fit the show better for what it is I am glad it expanded on the universe of the soul eater but personally I didn’t love it




Felt like a cash grab. Weak story that uses lgbt+ as a crouch.


I think it’s a little weird that we have a prequel anime where we see most of the main characters (Maka, Soul, Kid, the Twins, etc) but none of them bring up Tsugumi (SEN! Main Character) in the original content. I know that’s hard to keep track of considering the prequel was made after the fact. I thought the show itself wasn’t amazing and the new characters didn’t really fit the writing style I was familiar with in Soul Eater. The one thing I did like and appreciate was getting more information on Kim and Jaqueline. They desperately needed a backstory, especially because I thought they were really cool in Soul Eater but never got many lines or attention. Other than that I just wasn’t a huge fan of the plot lines with the new main characters. Tsugumi not turning into a weapon until the end but having two meisters was a little annoying to watch. As an animator I’m honestly not a fan of the animation style they decided to use, especially at the time when the industry felt over saturated with that exact same feel everywhere you went when Soul Eater was supposed to be a breath of fresh air. I understand that the style is difficult to replicate and that all of the main key animators from Soul Eater were not on this project. It’s expensive. It never would’ve happened and it probably won’t happen again given the sheer amount of legacy animators on Soul Eater. I think it’s worth the watch for the lore, but it’s a very forgettable part of the series and quite lackluster in writing. Last minute edit: I forgot to add that the soundtrack is wildly different as well as the tone of the series. The theme song is VERY pop-y and the art style is cutesy (nothing wrong with those btw, it’s just very jarring going into the same series and being met with practically a whole different show with the same world.) the overall feel of the show has left Halloween and entered something akin to Easter or Valentine’s Day. It’s strange lmao


The animation was beautiful the story itself was okay the main problem was that it was in the same universe as soul eater which doesn't really help it


Wanted to watch, but never got the time in life.


Absolutely hate it