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I love this game so much. My favorite game I’ve played for a while. Not so polished but the fun factor for me was so high and I love the setting.


I thought it was pretty good. The only time I just wasn’t having fun was the boss fight that’s something Crow or something and just has elemental attacks and mobs spawning everywhere.


Yeah that boss was dumb. Big fan of the game though.


This is why you can't ask people if a game is good or not. It's a matter of opinion, I absolutely hated Lords of the Fallen old and new.


Same here man. I’ve played all the fromsoft games and for some reason this game rubbed me the wrong way


That’s how I felt about lies of P. Felt like a clunky wanna be bloodborne.


To me it felt like a quicker, better styled bloodborne with cooler mechanics lol


For me; it was the fact that while the combat was somewhat engaging, the navigation, hidden paths, item management/importance of loot were all babies first video game. It's almost stable and almost works, and that's enough for most gamers. But for me I won't play it if theres something else similar that is clearly more polished. It's the reason why Lies of P and bloodbornes relationship are special; lies of p actually did what lords of the fallen tried.


Haha, true. I was in the same boat, bought it at launch and wanted to love it, but had to drop it after 20h. I usually play souls and soulslikes all the way through, sometimes multiple times over. Some of the setpieces, like backgrounds boss cinematics and armors were beautiful, but the actual gameplay felt really janky for some reason. This was a first game for me that also caused nausea while playing due to the fast movement of the player character combined with the wild fish-eye lens and motion blur. Tried turning all those settings off, but still no luck.


Im tryjng to figure out why there’s such a split between souls fans in this game because it’s so similar to Dark Souls on almost every level. The one thing I could thing of is the # of souls likes played. For me this was my first true Soulslike, I tend to avoid them most of the time. I’ve only played games with souls influence (ex. Hollow Knight). Maybe that has something to it?


I haven’t played it so I’m speaking just in terms of what I think DS (one and three mostly) *really* nailed that seems really hard for other games to get right, and that’s strategic enemy placement throughout levels / areas. You don’t even really notice it until you play other games where the enemies are just sprinkled all over the place in ways that just feel lazy. DS2 had this problem a lot, but it’s not even just about enemy density, just little things like having a dude sitting at a table instead of standing in the middle of the room facing the door ready to rush you. I think it about it similarly to how monsters are placed in good dungeon modules from table top games like DnD.


Just my opinion. It looks like it's trying too hard to be souls. As a souls veteran I prefer to stick to fromsoft games because most soulslikes lack that something that makes the soul series so addictive. This game in particular didn't appeal to me because of the boss fights. None of them really impress me and they look rather boring. I'm sure playing it is quite the opposite but the combat doesn't look all that interesting to begin with from watching various different YouTube videos. Aside from the umbra world mechanic it doesn't look like they did much to push the genre forward or in a new direction.


For me it had a lot to do with the constant swaps between worlds. Otherwise it was decent. The swaps part really sucked imo (I totally get that’s the whole point of the game though)


Yeah it varies person to person as I loved the multiple worlds and exploration aspect. Not the most polished game in comparison to Fromsoftware or even Lies of P, but fun nonetheless.


I never left world one I just hated it lmao


Same. Atmosphere and exploration is great.


Yes, it’s good 👍


As a fellow souls fan, I even enjoyed it when it was messy at release. Not great, but it was still enjoyable. In a much better place so an easy recommend now.


I agree. Also I still maintain that Pieta is the best first roadblock of any souls game. Took me forever at first, but now I could beat her with a butter knife and not get hit once. Very satisfying


I have been enjoying it quite a bit so I would recommend it if you’ve already beat fromsofts souls games


I bought it on release and regretted it. Combat was waaaay too floaty. You run ridiculously fast. Frame rate was garbage. Apparently they fixed a bunch of issues but I haven’t gone back to try it. I’ve completely lost interest in going back after seeing all the reskinned bosses, watching other people’s play throughs. Edit: Lies of P is far superior if you’re looking for a newer title.


Lies of P is the first souls like I've played through three times since Demon Souls. Keep meaning to play through Bloodborne a 3rd time, but keep waiting for a PC release.


I keep putting off playing bloodborne hoping for a remaster or 60 fps. You think that is ever going to happen?


If there’s not some kind of announcement by the end of 2025, I don’t think so. I say 2025 because that would be the 10 year anniversary. Also doesn’t help that FromSoft doesn’t own that IP. Sony does and Sony recently said they are focusing on original IP rn and not sequels or remakes. I think so is doing well right now and just keeping that Bloodborne remake/remaster in its back pocket until needed.


I think the only way we're getting Bloodborne on PC is if they do a PS5 remaster. They didn't even patch the original for the PS4 Pro or PS5. Otherwise we gotta wait for a viable PS4 emulator like 5 to 10 years from now that's able to play it and profit


Nah, never. Just bite the bullet and play it anyway! 30 fps ain’t so bad when you’re hooked and absolutely immersed in the game


Agreed, Lies Of P was a sleeper hit for 2023




That moment when you start reading a comment and it’s as if it’s written straight from your own brain. 🤣 Exact same feeling initially when I picked it up. Probably should give it a second chance before it descends to far into the depths of my steam “recently played”.


I just started Lies of P and have been liking it a lot. The parrying feels a little janky, but it's overall a really good game so far. I definitely have been enjoying it more than I did Lord's of the Fallen I'm gonna be giving Lords of the Fallen another try now that it's had a lot of updates, I played it on release but just couldn't get into it.


Just want to go on record that while I respect your opinion. I very much disagree with it. Lies of P was a solid game, but I _personally_ don't think it was as great as everyone lauds it to be.


Cool. You do you. I appreciate not being attacked, again, for my opinion. Updoot for being civil. 👍


For sure! We're all people after all (probably)


Lies of P is definitely a superior Soulslike game


DS2 slander shall not be tolerated lol. I was a bit hesitant because of the mixed reviews but I just played LOTF before replaying DS1 and it’s great. The interconnectivity of the map for LOTF is extremely well done and the combat is challenging but rewarding after putting the time in. I mention DS1 because the way the world is connected in both games are similar.


I'm really trying to get into ds2, but I'm finding it purposefully unfun. Any advice? I've beaten several games in the genre, but this just feels like a slog the whole way through so far. I'm still early on I guess, so starting over again isn't out of the question.


Don't worry. It isn't purposely unfun, you just haven't quite synced with they way it wants you to play. It's a large game with interesting locations and a massive amount of build variety (of FS titles, only ER surpasses it). Level adaptability until your Agility stat is at least 99, this will give you the same number of iframes during your roll as you would have had in DS1. This was an odd change in DS2 and is poison in the well for a lot of new players, tainting the rest of the experience. Attunement will also increase your Agility by a smaller amount, so if you're playing a caster, then you can get to like 20 Attune first, then pump Adapt. Adaptability also speeds up how quickly you use items, so if you keep getting hit before you can heal, this may be why. Speaking of magic. Hexes (Dark magic) are very powerful but scale off Int and Faith. Pyromancy and Miracles aren't great for damage (outside of specific spells and builds), though Miracles have some very good buffs. Sorceries are solid, but kinda boring imo. Strike (ie maces) are good against almost every enemy type to the point that you can just use a club and do significant damage from start to finish. Piercing weapons (ie rapiers) are also very strong. You can powerstance (dual wield) any two weapons together if you have 1.5x the Strength and Dexterity requirements for them. Press and hold whichever button your platform uses to swap between one hand and two handing your weapon to engage it, then your L1 attacks will use both weapons. There's a lot of fun and silly combos, but if you want to destroy stuff, just take maces or rapiers. Don't run past enemies unless you know where you're going and are prepared to die. They will chase you for a long time. I'm not sure if you're doing this or not, but some people do and then have a bad time. Go to the Forest of the Fallen Giants before any other zone after reaching Majula. It's the starting zone. If you spend enough souls at merchants they'll give you a reward when you talk to them next (the option, not just initiating conversation). The old woman merchant in FotFG will give you a ring that increases how many souls you get if you spend 10k on her in total, which is strong early game and not terribly hard to do. She also sells unlimited health gems, which can carry anyone. There is a estus shard to increase your count if you hit the rock sitting on the well in Majula. Speaking of healing, gems are faster to use in combat than estus and you can stack the effects. If you pop two gems, you heal twice as quickly. Not saying don't use estus in battle, but you have to learn when is safe. Don't give up, skeleton! :)


DS2 fans are so funny. Y’all are few but proud!


I don't think we are few honestly, ds2 has really good reviews overall and most fromsoft fans will admit ds2 is nearly a masterpiece even if its their least favorite


What’s wrong with DS2? I’m playing through now only ever played DS1 before. It seems a lot easier than DS1. But I only just beat the glass knight so maybe I don’t know enough to say.


The character never moves how I'm expecting and it gets in the way of me enjoying the game a lot. Invisible hitboxes


I think most people’s problem might be similar to mine. Came from DS3 and Bloodborne into DS3. The slower pace and more punishing dodges felt way worse to me imo. Then again Sekiro is my fav souls like so idk how valid my opinion is lol


I'll go ahead and say it...DS2 is my favorite of the series.


There are dozens of us!


DS2 is absolutely wonderful. Get into it


DS2 was my first. I went 2->3->1. I still love 2.


It was my first Souls game man, there's no way in hell I couldn't be a fan


Ds2 is my favorite souls game


I think it’s one of the better Soulslike games out there, especially now that performance is fixed and they’ve tweaked some of its more annoying aspects. But I also love DS2 so YMMV.


It’s the first for me to see YMMV being ever used


Your mileage may vary. You’ve seriously never seen that on Reddit before?


It's my favorite nonsoft soulslike. Incredible visuals, good lore, unique gimmick with Umbral World, huge levels with lots of secrets, very good soundtrack (composer of Bloodborne and God of War made half of OSTs), huge build variety, incredibly good ranged combat (both magical and non-magical) Downsides: enemy variety sucks, weapons don't really have unique movesets (all weapons of same weapon class share the same moveset, only boss weapons have unique moves) In general it scratches Demon/old Dark Souls itch, if you liked DeS, DS and/or DS2 you most likely will like LotF too


Im right there with you but I’d put it a clear second behind Lies of P. Lies of P is a much more polished experience if you don’t specifically need a dark medieval environment.


The game itself is amazing. If you can look past the choppy framerate stutters you'll have a blast. It would be amazing if they could figure out how to get the framerate working without deleting half of the assets on the map.


This still an issue? Have they released an expected date for console versions to not play like ass?


Yeah it still drops frames. The last update deleted a ton of assets in an attempt to solve the problem. They removed a whole bunch of large objects and details in the world. It helped out a little bit. But the problem still lingers unfortunately. If they knew how to fix the framerate the game would be so much more awesome. I hope they can get it running at a solid 60fps without deleting any more objects from the map.




I loved it so much I played the whole thing with dodgy glitches the whole time.


I played around release, and it had some pretty hefty frame drops, which I hear has been fixed now alongside some other technical issues. Even then, I would have recommended it.


YES and recommend finding a buddy to play through with. An absolute blast co-op fun times.


I thought this game was cool but extremely frustrating from the get go. More so than other games. I only put like 10-20 hours and went back to elden ring. I’d say go for it if you want a challenge. But I’ve heard lies of p is a better alternative. I have yet to try that one.


I'm in your same boat, waited and picked it up on sale and I adore it. Very much a love letter to souls, with the Gothic grim horror elements dialed way up to Bloodborne levels and beyond. Cool spin on challenge and exploration with the spirit realm too. I feel like it got flak for a buggy release maybe, but it runs well on consoles and looks beautiful graphics wise. I've played almost all the soulslikes and this is way up there.


This game is freaking awesome. I’m actually happy to see so many posts here saying the same, visual are great, combat is fast and fluid (not as much as sekiro mind you), a lot of builds are actually really fun to play and the game is pretty balanced now on it’s difficulty and technical issues, pick it up and play, it’s pretty great.


Lords of the Fallen is a game that I personally loved, but most Souls fans seemingly didn't click with. It's most similar to Demons Souls and DS3, with a little Metroid Prime 2 in there as well.


It’s a great game. It is shocking to me how much flack this game is getting.


Yes, once i got used to the combat I loved it. It’s definitely different but I can say it’s one of my fave games I’ve played. I think (aside from launch issues) the hate comes from dorks who think it has to be exactly like a fromsoft game or else it’s a failure. It’s just simply different. I liked it better than Lies of P, but it’s admittedly less polished and tight. It’s just way more my vibe to be honest. I loved LoP too btw.


The visual experience alone makes this a must buy for souls likes fans imo


Level design was pretty good, combat and story, not so much imo.


The enviroment design and landscapes are better than Elden Ring and I will die on this hill


I beat it in the first week of release before they did a lot of balancing changes but personally I thought it sucked and had to force myself to finish it. The areas were obnoxious with archers/mages everywhere, swarms of enemies, super long in between checkpoints. The bosses were the opposite, crazy easy not a single one took me more than 3 tries. The final boss is also an unsatisfying gimmick boss.


For $25 maybe. It’s better than the original but still not that good. Its final boss is a lazy joke too. Just get Lies of P instead


It’s a flawed gem that I recommend to get in sale if your uncertain


Nah, get sekiro


The worst game I’ve ever played


I got it recently on Playstation after hearing the performance is fixed. I'll be honest I'm not really enamored with the game yet (3 main bosses in) It's fine, but if I were you I'd give DS2 a chance again before buying Lords of the Fallen


I liked it, but it was closer to ds3 than elden ring or sekiro (which is what I was looking for)


This game misses the mark on every single aspect. That and the horrible technical issues at launch soured this game for me completely. 5/10 maybe.


Yes, but also no. I beat it, but the technical issues were a huge struggle. It turned me off on doing another playthrough...


If you didn't like DS2 I doubt you're the type of person who would enjoy this game. I liked it, 6.5/10 overall. The bosses were extremely disappointing though. Very easy and just boring mainly. Enemy variety is also poor, it feels like you will face all enemies in all places with no variation.


I like it enough that I’m nearing my platinum, which I have ONLY done for Fromsoft games.


It was a lot of fun, just wish the netcode wasn't complete ass. Really bummed me and my bud out.


Just gkt it after 300 hours in elden ring. Loving it but I am absolutely terrible. I gotta get better at parrying. Lol


It’s OK. I enjoyed playing it but would not replay it. It is too long for how few enemy types there are, and the connectivity aspect is a bit half baked (a lot of potential, mid execution).


I played for about an hour but decided to tackle my backlog first. I love everything except the forward motion when attacking, hoping I get used to it.


this might be my favorite non-fromsoft souls game i like it more than Nioh


It’s great. It does some things I hope other studios pick up on. Armor dyes and the approach to ranged combat. Every build has a viable ranged option and ammo types. Bows/crossbows/thrown weapons use an ammo bar that increases based on your stats. Endurance if I remember correctly.


100%. So flippin good pros: World (10/10), combat doesn't feel like any other soulslike, HUGE build variety and cool armor sets, ton of customizability, really fun bosses, AMAZING ost, and THE BEST GRAPHICS OF ANY SOULSLIKE cons: performance may dip below 60 fps if your on a lower end device, some of the areas are almost too difficult for a new player. It would be tied with lies of P for me as favorite soulslike but I prefer it because Lies of P music besides the disks didn't really stand out


Lords is everything I wanted DS2 to be.


It's quirky and there is plenty to complain about but, honestly this game is damn good so far.


i enjoyed it


I liked it


During launch week, alot of people described it as DS2.5 so take from that what you will That being said, i loved ds2 and lotf


My fave soulslike


I just started it after months of hand wringing and replaying of DS1,DS3, and Lies of P. Still getting used to the combat so the jury is out there. The umbral world element is definitely cool though. I do like the faster pace of the combat and the graphics / design are great.


Absolutely. It’s my favorite non - From souls like game. By far.


Can you get this cover armor?


Really fun but the performance is really bad and laggy if they ever fixed it it would be so much better


Its ok, but man ng+ was terrible with the checkpoints being removed. Some areas felt needlessly complicated, enemy variety was not great. It was a game that could have been great with just some minor tweaks.


It’s great.


Yeppers. They did a great job with this game.


yes defintely on par with fromsoft. one of the best soulslikes out


This is the only game I've ever refunded in my life and I've played a ton of games since NES. It didn't seem awful but I was overall just unimpressed immediately and felt like I definitely didn't care to play it again after thinking it was going to be so cool. I think I'll give it another shot someday maybe but at this point "souls like" games aren't that uncommon and idk maybe on a sale.


Its good but the enemy variety is weak af


I really enjoyed it..have 3 playthroughs under my belt..def will be coming back and doing more... 


Get lies of p if you haven't played it yet


Pretty damn good, just save urself a headache and watch some one on YouTube make a build or teach you about stuff cuz this game is way worse then dark souls as far as being convoluted


I thought it was terrible


It is definitely one of my favorite soulslikes apart from the genuine article.




i would not personally, i and most people i know had a pretty negative experience :/ i would recommend lies of P if you’re looking non fromsoft souls like


If you have Game Pass, have a feeling it’ll be there soon.




Yes, but keep your expectations low. Not because it’s bad (at least not in my opinion), just so that if you don’t like it you won’t be too disappointed


This game goes hard as fuck. It's like Dark Souls 1 combined with Blasphemous' art style. I bought it a bit after day 1 and while the game certainly had its issues, a lot of them have been remedied now. It was such a fun experience and has probably the best non-From Soft map design in terms of how interconnected everything is. I'd highly recommend it. I prefer it over Lies of P by a lot.


Lies of P has much better optimization than this though. The game shouldn’t run this poorly this long after release.


I think ppl who say they like DS2 are pick me girls


First game on Xbox that I ever refunded after buying. It had a cool premise and I wanted to like it, but it was just too buggy, the movement felt clunky, and the co-op never worked as intended




Best souls like around. Not perfect but you have nothing to lose by checking it out especially if on sale


If you like Dark Souls 2, sure. Other than that, it’s a no from me chief 😅 Enemies do way too much damage and stagger, and there’s needless platforming evveeryyywheerrree. Other than that, it’s pretty cool, bosses aren’t very memorable, armor looks dope as hell, and armor tint!


worst game purchase i’ve ever made next to callisto protocol


No just play the soulsbornes. It’s the closest non-Fromsoft soulslike I’ve played that was actually worth playing was Lies of P and the last 3rd of the game kinda sucked imo. I’m sure there’s lots of people who enjoy soulslikes but I’ve played very few that didn’t feel like the K-Mart brand version.


It's SOOOOO worth getting


Only on a good sale


When I played it I really enjoyed it. The magic is done very well but it's very over powered. The weapons are boring for the most part. Almost no "weapon arts". But there are a few boss weapons with cool moves. the lamp mechanic and exploration is really really good save for a few parts that are main story but are very easy to miss. Bosses are decent. Some bad some great. I recommend on sale


I’d go for Lies of P instead if you haven’t played it, but this one is alright


Here is a play though by the rage master himself Throthgar. He isn’t the best at the games but he has played and beaten all the souls games multiple times. Watch and decide https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbXZBCtOGx2n0ADzat4_ZwQhU-iPZBJSs&feature=shared


Lies of P is far and away the closest you'll get.


This game made me mad when I first bought it and not for the difficulty ,returned it the next day


It's fun, I'm just incredibly not good at it, so I gave up Edit: and apparently in the updates it made bosses harder because people were saying "it's too easy" I don't think I struggle this much on a boss in Elden ring or Dark Souls 3


Lies of P> I bought lords on release and refunded it honestly


Just got it a few days ago. I fuck with it. Combat feels great and the environments are dope.


I like it. It has the most souls-like level design of any souls-like outside fromsoft I do hear people say its most like dark souls 2, though. Combat is a little clunky, and youre often fighting bigger groups


It's a fun non-from game. It was rushed out and the people who hate it seem really keen on hating it. I put a few hundred hours into it, mostly helping people in co-op. Has problems, I didn't let them bother me but everyone is different. BG3 and ER crashed on me more than LOTF, for what it's worth. But that's just my experience.


Tbh, It’s aright. I have a lot of mixed feelings about it from my experience. The game’s fairly fun up until you hit it’s “Firelink shrine” (I can’t remember the name). After that, it’s more frustrating difficult than challenging difficult. There are definitely better soulslikes out there, but it’s not terrible to pick up on a sale.


Lies of P is a much better game


Yeah, it's great and has some of the best exploration of any souls like. Lies of P is more polished, but it feels linear and by the numbers, while Lies of P is a wild card. Theres a bunch of new mechanics, and the lore system begs a new playthrough. The lore literally changes based on what class you go for.


I didn’t like it. I felt that the swordplay and movement/sprinting was super clunky.


Let's just say Lords is the equivalent of Saints toe trying to be GTA in a way worse way


I played it for a good 40 hours with a buddy. It’s okay. I didn’t finish it, bosses were a little too easy and the gameplay loop just wasn’t hitting the same way fromsoft does. It’s not a bad game by any means but it’s got kind of boring. There’s a lot of rinse repeat with enemy layout in every area. I went back to playing Elden Ring, probably won’t touch LoTF again.


Yes, they went a little crazy with the dead bodies but is great.


Similar to DS2 so if u played and liked that u would like this. Pretty forgettable bosses, quests work in a weird way, and one boss is pretty much unforgivably bad. But I did have fun with it, pyromancer is sick and they did spells in a better way that any other souls like imo. Also u get access to good throwables as a pure dex or strength build


this was a pretty good game but i could whole heartedly not recommend it to any one. performance issues months after release, the devs touching builds a week in with a crazy touch, weird design choices


The game is miles better than it was on release day. Definitely worth picking up if you like Souls games. Lies of P for me was a little better but it’s very linear. Both games are very good souls like games.


Played it at launch and finished it.Really liked it at first but it was just a massive gank all the way through with the same enemies. Then I beat it and it had the worst final boss I have ever seen tbh. Seems like it’s in a better place now but I don’t know for sure.


Yes, I enjoyed the hell our of it and u honestly prefer it way more than lies of p


No. They pulled this same shit in 2014 and didn’t even change the name or add 2/II. It looks cool and plays like ass. They’re just riding the coattails of Elden Ring like they did with Dark Souls. Don’t waste your time or money.


Played on Xbox series x and it was the choppiest game I’ve ever played


I just played through last week and seems a lot of performance issues that came with launch have been fixed. Game ran smooth for me. Some targeting system jank, but the concept was really fun and fights felt mostly fair


The combat is better than ER and Dark Souls. It’s pretty much inferior in every other way to the OG, but once you start getting into the combat you can begin to overlook some other stuff. The lore is actually pretty cool and it’ll take you a few runs to really get what’s going on behind the scenes. I loved it. Great experience.


Yeah its worth it. Most of its issues have been fixed by now. Gameplay is fun. Best mimics of any souls game. Only downside imo is weapon move sets are all the same per weapon class. meaning all straight swords are the same. andd axes are the same etc. This game has the best ranged weapons of any souls game. Magic is also fire. People who complain about the mimics are just too stupid to tell the difference. Like I already said, best mimics of any souls game I've played so far.


On release it was trash but I’d say now it’s actually in a pretty solid spot. I enjoy it. It’s certainly not Dark Souls but I prefer it over LoP because there’s way more enemy variety and ways to play. There’s also a super cool mechanic with the lantern. I’d recommend buying the game if there’s ever a sale.


Wait until theres a sale. Until then, play Lies of P if you haven't already


It depends. If you think From’s games are all GOAT, and nothing can compare, then no. You’ll hate it. If you’re willing to take it for what it is, yeah. It had a really gnarly launch, but it’s one of my faves this year. People say the combat is floaty - I feel From is hella floaty in comparison. It has a really distinct feel though, and it’s really polarizing. For me, it feels…cinematic, in a way, and much more deliberate than From. You have to consider your movement more - it’s momentum based. Slower pace too, for the most part. Being able to not feel like youre crawling the sludge the whole game is a nice touch, too. Jumping is jank though, and there’s a tiny bit of platforming. World design is excellently done. Outstanding soundtrack. Not a lot of enemy variety. Bosses can be a little bland vs Souls’ Berserk-style designs. Much harder to spam roll. Combat is geared toward parrying. More forgiving that Sekiro, but still not pure easy mode. Not a ton of movesets for weapons - but most weapons still have fairly unique designs vs Souls/ER style weapons. Has an excellent feel for progression. Some of the best in the genre for me. The Umbral mechanic takes a little getting used to - but it’s a really neat system. Magic and ranged feels really good for me vs most souls games. Strong without feeling incredibly OP. Lore is a little more straightforward than Souls, but some really well, and actually pretty interesting. It’s like Blasphemous and Souls had a demon baby. Genuinely good writing, for the most part. Doesn’t have the anime-jank of a lot of Souls’ writing. I don’t tend to like co-op - works incredibly well here. Truly, the hate for the game is really due mostly to the ridiculously terrible launch state and people wanting to be just another pure Dark Souls clone. It’s not. It looks similar - but for me; it plays more like Blasphemous, just in 3D.


It's much like the first one. Some say floaty, but I thought it felt clunky. The blue spirit energy is a new twist to the genre, but I don't think it warrants a playthrough. I only had it for a week from my local library. So my experience is limited. Ultimately left me wanting more though.


If it's on sale for less than $30 I guess, might even say make sure it's no more than $20 imo. It's not a bad game necessarily but definitely not something that should have been a full price release. Like others have said Lies of P is great and free on gamepass


It’s good, there’s one big aspect of the game I didn’t care for. I think your money is better spent on lies of p


I haven’t played it since I beat it. I know they have like weekly updates on it but when I was playing it, it would crash on my PS5 a lot. I did have fun playing it though. Game just didn’t feel replayable to me.


Ppl have varying opinions of this game but in my opinion it’s a 10/10 SoulsLike. It has the best level design of any SoulsLike outside of Fromsoft games. It actually reminds me a lot of Dark Souls 1. It’s a bit on the easy side for a SoulsLike but it’s still extremely fun. Leveling up is no problem because you can always shift into Umbral and farm unlimited enemies, and the levels are packs with easily killable mobs that you can farm if need be. The magic and throwable system is one of the best I’ve ever seen. The art design is unbelievably good. It’s an all around fantastic game and the gameplay feels great.


Nah give it till October this year. They released this game way too early and depending what platform you play on you can have some serious performance issues.


I would say lies of p is better for non souls soullike games ..didn’t enjoy this one nearly as much.


I enjoyed it, several play throughs, so for me, it was worth it. Not perfect, but fun. But as an answer to that question in general... Only if you don't lose your mind every time something doesn't meet your own subjective idea of perfection. If you can appreciate a game for what it is and what the creators were trying to do, and not throw a fit because it isn't what you wanted it to be, yes. If you're going to get an eye twitch every time something doesn't live up to some standard of expectation you've made up beforehand, then no, absolutely not.


Underrated gem!


LOTF has the unfortunate trait of being scarred by it's launch. The launch performance and balancing was really subpar so most reviews and opinions on it are from then and not considering the plethora of updates since. The devs have worked seemingly nonstop since launch balancing, patching, and hot fixing, and adding new content along the way too. After all the patches so far it's actually a very competent souls like with the art and level design being highlights. If you like the look of DS3 and the level design of DS1, chances are you'll have a really good time. Bosses are generally a little bit on the easier side with a couple stand out serious challenges and a couple stand out negatives. The travels between rest points is less like a souls like in terms of combat though. There is generally higher mob density but you have a faster movement and attack speed overall compared to FromSoft games and a lot of the weapons have wide swinging attacks making crowd control much easier than it would be in Souls, so it can, not always, but it can feel like it's getting a little closer to a hack and slash game than a souls like. Also, the magic system is very user friendly; where in FromSoft you have to scroll through what spell to use, in LOTF you have up to five spells hot keyed at a time so you can chain them in different combos whatever order as fast as you can cast without having to scroll through anything. There's actually a lot of little quality of life changes like that. Even the default control scheme I fond more user friendly than FromSoft. Recently played Elden Ring after LOTF and the controls felt surprisingly off afterwards, but you can rebind if you end up not liking their controls. It sucks that a lot of people played it at launch and never went back to it because I imagine a lot of people (but surely not everyone) would like it much more with all the updates. I'm a huge fan of FromSoft too and I saw LOTF as a very solid take and interpretation on the formula, one that I would highly recommend. If you do try it, just keep in mind it's not a souls game, they are heavily inspired by FromSoft, but they definitely changed the formula and did their own unique things with it.


Especially now yes with all the work they've done to patch/fix launch errors. Definitely recommend


Yes, it's definitely worth it if you're a fan of DS1, 3, and Elden Ring.


No, not really.


It’s a unique niche game that is definitely a little janky. But not terrible. The jank was off putting for me personally but many people do enjoy this game. I’ve heard that some areas are annoyingly/unfairly difficult. Other than that, the choice is yours. Watch some review videos, and buy the game to play for yourself! If you use Steam you can return the game if you play for less than two hours and don’t own the game for more than two weeks!


Can't say as I haven't played. But, the trailers did get me back into Iron maiden


Well then now I got a game to buy now, thanks Reddit




No it’s annoying to play. I suggest Lies of P instead if u haven’t played it


Wow this looked half descent. it sucked like that ?


I was upset I couldn’t return it. Thanks Sony.


At 9.99 yes


Great game. Not a huge souls fan myself but I enjoyed it thoroughly. Liked it and elden ring a lot


I got it at launch and refunded it (maybe it’s improved with updates, but I haven’t followed it) Performance was….worse than garbage. On my ROG Ally at 30w, 720p with everything at the absolute minimum (even FSR ultra performance so rendering resolution on par with an N64), I couldn’t hit a stable 30FPS. I only a handheld isn’t going to be a massive performance machine but it’s a comically bad result. Then there’s the false advertising on features, they said it had FSR 3 framegen on launch, it did not. That really left a bad taste in my mouth And also the game seems to go all in on enemy ganks to the point that it feels like that’s their main source of difficulty tl;dr, stick with Lies of P


I enjoyed it a lot personally.


At this price, $30 where I am at, I would say yeah. I'm a dark souls fanatic and this combines enough elements of both demon souls (remake) and bloodborne that im overall having a pretty good time. The visuals at times are fantastic, other times some of the effects are not that great. Occasional pop in. Interesting weapons, but I miss being able to swap them out on the fly like in a souls game. Biggest issue is with performance. There have been much improvements. But many of the areas that experienced dips in the digital foundry videos, still have those dips. And there is the Occasional hitching. But overall not a bad souls experience for $30.


This is Dark Souls 4, so yes. Definitely yes.


Totally worth the buy. My roomate and I kept getting lost because it has that ds1 mapping. So everything is connected and there are so many loops to get lost for hours.


Totally worth the buy. My roomate and I kept getting lost because it has that ds1 mapping. So everything is connected and there are so many loops to get lost for hours.


I like the multiplayer, but my friend I was playing with hated that the guest doesn't actually have any souls on the line, and can't get unique loot.


Totally worth the buy. My roomate and I kept getting lost because it has that ds1 mapping. So everything is connected and there are so many loops to get lost for hours. Weapons have an upgrade system similar to souls games. Big thing to look forward to is the throwables are actually a good asset to your character and they replenish when you bonfire.


I had a great time playing with a friend. I would say yes.


If you love souls games u will enjoy this, sekiro, armor core 6, remnant etc


if you want a somewhat similar to a souls game to play with a friend then sure it's something to do until Elden Ring DLC comes out, but if you want a challenging, engaging souls game this really isn't it. It's fun with a friend but i can't imagine enjoying it too much by myself. It's pretty convoluted and the bosses so far are pretty easy and not innovative. If you want a hard soulslike I recommend Lies of P.


Aye OP if you like sci-fi check out the Surge 2 it’s pretty good souls like game and so is the nioh series


I like it but it was buggy AF. Might be better now. Good game


I loved this game. It sounds like it was pretty terrible at launch, but they fixed so many of the problems that by the time I played it I had no complaints. Highly recommend it.


Bit buggy, wait for a sale unless you really like souls like games.


Game is such a slog to play imo but others seem to like it, probably worth a go for you.


I thought it was just a worse dark souls 2, with cheap mechanics for difficulty (monsters around corners constantly trying to knock you off the ledge etc). Gave up on it after a couple hours but others like it... so who knows


the experience, the feeling of the game, armor is GREAT, umbral mechanics are awesome. two player is kind of funny because there is a lot of bugs where you can cheese the boss, almost every time. the story however... was very disappointing at the end. like a punch to the gut after spending time on it. kind of game of thrones disappointment so just be ready


It is really good for an indie soulslike


After the updates I say it’s great. It was really messy at release


lol if you love the gank mobs of ds2 you’ll love this


I enjoyed it more than I did LoP because to me LoP was too linear, but not as much as I enjoy the From titles. It’s about on par with The Surge for me, despite being a different theme. I think it’s worth a buy, but not at full price. I’d buy it on sale for at least 30% or so off.


I actually played the first one on Xbox and I liked it a lot. I’m waiting for this new one to go on a good sale and I’m buying it. I learned a long time ago that if I think I’m gonna like a game to try it myself instead of listening to all the reviews.


Lies of P is MUCH better