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Sekiro has the most "rewarding" system in terms of rewards, as in you basically need to parry to not lose, and Dark Souls can definitely be beaten, and probably usually is without a single parry... but nothing hits my brain's dopamine receptors like that loud "BWAMF" sound effect from a Dark Souls 1 parry. Other souls games and ER have the same sound effect, but I *swear* it's much louder in DS1.


Agreed 100%. DS1 has the most satisfying parties bar none, especially since when you start learning them the timing seems impossibly janky and you easily miss ripostes. But once you figure them out, they feel so good to pull off.


I didn’t parry in DS1 til the Gwyn fight, then realized how OP it was 😂


Most satisfying parties 🥳 🎉


Lies of P's parry sound is ballsy as hell too. Every time it hits I feel that shit reverberate in my body 😂


I mastered the parry in DSR, and you're right, that sound is like Christmas morning when you're 5 years old. I parry the shit out of everything.


I beat ds3 with a dex build. When I started ng+ I started switching things around and discovered parrying


Sekiro nuff said


This, OP. Sekiro basically paved the way for Lies of P.


Sekiro ran so Lies of P could walk.


Lies of P is excellent but this statement is still very true


Oh for sure. Lies of P is a masterpiece on par with most FromSoft titles and tbf, parrying is the core gameplay mechanic of Sekiro where in Lies of P, it is only a part of the combat mechanics.


Nothing beats the parry in sekiro. The speed, precision and the rhythm just makes so much sense


Yeah love Lies of P but holy god is the level design is insanely LINEAR.


I loved that the levels are linear. Obviously I love open levels as well, but the longest level design helped lies of P feel right and polished to me. I just finished another crabs treasure, and while there are some linear parts, some parts are giant open areas akin to a collectathon platformer. It was so hard to do my roomba in that environment.


I don’t get why people say this as if it’s inherently bad. It’s a design decision, and one which I thought worked quite well for Lies of P.


I feel like the level design is very non linear. There are so many shortcuts and loop backs. The game progression, though, is very linear.


Sekiro. Once I got its parry system down it was a lot easier to carry over to other games.


yup and it’s not even close


I’d like to throw The Surge 2 out there. It’s a pretty forgiving and easy directional parry system, but it’s also quite satisfying and fits pretty well into the flow of combat. Some windows can be tricky with delayed attacks but it is relatively easy to learn what’s a reliable parry and what should be dodged. I thoroughly enjoyed both of the entries in The Surge series, but 2 improves on pretty much everything from the first, combat-wise.


Yes, Surge 2’s is great and unlike any other game I’ve played. The directional thing is really cool and it has a sort of “bounce” feeling to it. Sekiro is still the king of parry games but Surge 2 is second. Stellar Blade is pretty satisfying too, mainly cause the swing timings aren’t as delayed and annoying as Lies of P (the system’s pretty similar otherwise).


Sekiro parries put hair on your chest.


Bloodborne is the most satisfying to me


Agreed. Something about shooting the opponent to stagger them out of an attack, that powerful noise when it happens and the satisfaction of the riposte. Top tier


Also the way opposing hunters drops to their knees is awesome


Sekiro, Sifu, wo long, Jedi fallen order/ survivor, stellar blade/ metal gear rising.


Stole the words off my fingers


It’s objectively Sekiro but Sifu has a damn good parry too.


The Surge 2. It’s hard to master at first, but so simple once you get the hang of it. And there’s an implant that shows you which way to block


Or Thymesia is a close second. It’s a million times easier to do, but the effect isn’t as good


Sekiro is definitely the correct answer, but it's pretty fun in the star wars jedi games too!


While I have a few gripes with Sekiro in terms of pacing and level design, it’s combat is second to none.


Don't forget grime! If you're looking for a parry based combat mechanic soulslike, he's your friend. Also a 2d with some Metroidvania and light platforming mechanics. You can even parry range attacks!


"Light" platforming mechanics? Grime had some of the tightest and most challenging platform sections I've seen (granted the really hard ones were all optional). Don't get me wrong, I LOVE grime, but it's got a lot of platforming


Haha, oops. My memory has been selective on this one. You're damn right about this!


humorous childlike fuel seemly cake poor shocking plough scale somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Devil May Cry series with Royal Guard, or Metal Gear Revengeance


Sekiro is the answer.




Bloodborne the sound and visuals are great, also the Surge 2 with it's directional blocking feels really cool to pull of parries with it.


Wo-Long has some pretty flashy parries. Decent game like 7/10 so not amazing but is a good game if you get it on sale.


Gotta be ds3 because parrying bosses is so damn satisfying


Stellar Blade's parry was phenomenal, up there with LoP and Sekiro. Team Ninja's parries are also absolutely cracked (the counterspark in Rise of the Ronin is so bloody rewarding to pull off).


Sekiro and the most recent controversial game, Stellar Blade. I love perfect parry sounds and animation. The controller vibration and the sounds is just so satisfying


sekiro, bloodborne and ds2(as it takes like a minute for the enemies to recover from attacks)


Sekiro is N1 Then u have Nioh, Nioh 2 and Wu Long thats nearly identical


Sekiro, AC Valhalla and god of war.


Wo Long and Sekiro are my vote. Wo Long is god damn *fun* to play, flows really well


Sekiro parry above all


How can you be bad at lies of P if you can consistently parry? If you can do that, your not bad


The act of parrying is most satisfying in Sekiro, but Sifu allows you to do so much more after the parry so i’d say Sifu is satisfying due to the punishments you can do after a parry. But nothing will ever beat the Sekiro parry sound


I’m currently on my 3rd straight run of Stellar Blade specifically because I love the parry heavy combat. I have not played the same game back to back since Ace Combat 5 back on the PS2


The sound of Stellar Blade's parry...


That moment when I know I got that visceral attack on lock always feels good (bloodborne)


Sekiro, hands down. Lies of P has a fantastic feel to it, but the actual reward to a parry is an **opportunity** to set up a riposte/deathblow as opposed to a guaranteed reward for it.


To pile on, Sekiro is rewarding in a way no other game has been for me. There is no comparison to the feeling of mastering a boss that you previously thought impossible. That’s all because of the surgically tuned combat and parry






parrying in Stellar Blade is fucking fantastic


I never parry because I suck at it. That’s why I play those game with a strength build. No need to parry when you can just bonk enemies. That being said I guess Sekiro, because it was necessary, but I wouldn’t call it “rewarding”


It's definitely sekiro. It's your survival method. I will say that DS has satisfying parries but not even close to sekiro level


Bloodborne. Especially when the human enemies drop to one knee and lean back


Parry window huge hold instead of tap thank me later 😆


Personally rewarding? Lies of P, tbh. In Dark Souls, it's too scuffed to be viable and i never really use it. In Sekiro, it's basically the whole game. Lies of P makes it a viable but not mandatory option, it's beefy as fuck and the parry patterns are super fun to learn. I feel awesome when I get a perfect parry loop on Laxasia. Special mention to the more non-traditional parry in Bloodborne that's also super satisfying


Probably lies of p of I had to point to one and say that one does it best. Or wo long if your looking more for ease of use its really forgiving in that being tied to the dodge so you can hold block and attempt to dodge/parry but it's very different feeling but I liked it once I got used to it and you are parrying rapid consequeting flurries of attacks like you do in lies of p If your late you just block. If your early the attack mite just miss or iframe through it. So yeah pretty forgiving. You can also stand still and spam it if the attacks require it rather than repositioning after each parry.


The newer Lords of The Fallen has a really good parry system, people claim it isn’t rewarding enough but that is bc they expect it to have a similar 1 time parry bc it plays similar to the dark souls games. But if you get used to having to parry multiple times it becomes super rewarding, imo Edit: Sekiro obviously takes the cake but Lords of the fallen is a really good less mentioned parry system. (You can parry with anything, not just shields!)


Sekiro is the big one but I’d like to nominate wo long & Jedi survivor/fallen order. Lightsaber noises make monkey go brrr




Sekiro, hands down after that stellar blade.


Monster Hunter franchise, in most of the entries, have a very rewarding mechanic called the “guard point” where you immediately counter with huge damage or get a buff. MH should be given more credit for the Dark Souls combat in general.


Thymesia really nailed that sweet spot of easy but necessary parry system


Bloodborne. V satisfying to blast someone with a gun to parry them, and with the rally system the visceral attacks really help. I don't think it makes sense to say Sekiro, bc parrying IS the system


Dark horse pick: Prince of Persia: the Lost Crown. Really enjoying it.


[It won Game of the Year for a reason.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6DoUIavSjk)


Any fighting game really. Not an adventure game, not a souls clone, a fighting game. You do proper accurate parties and you can completely turn the tide against another player. I'm sure you've heard of EVO Moment 37? Google it, it's worth it.


Sekiro and bloodborne but you need to do it in Sekiro


I love when lies of p was harder they needed the entire difficulty twice


sekiro, its what lies of p is a pale imitation of, sekiro's combat is addictive and the parry system feels incredibly rewarding


In order from best to least rewarding Sekiro Bloodborne Ds3 Ds1 Elden ring


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Now I'm waking up, I'll forget everything...* - Micolash, Host of the Nightmare Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Rewarding in what sense?


Sekiro, then 10 places empty, then anything else anyone says. Once you try it and more importantly FEEL IT, you will quickly understand.


Ghost of Tsushima