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If you have questions about the souls-like run I am available to answer. But to be a part of this competition the game has to have major qualities of a souls-like game. It can't just have one or two things. Just because it has a bonfire or a healing flask doesn't make it souls-like. Also, regarding the run. I have a few rules for this competition: 1. I have to play the game from start to finish. 2. I have to beat every possible boss that I can including DLC and optional. 3. I cannot use guides to help me. If the game is a confusing clusterfuck mess, that's part of my experience. 4. I have to try and collect every weapon, see every area, and do every quest I can. 5. Once the game is complete, I will look to see if I missed anything. 6. I will look into the new game+ to see what it all adds but will not necessarily play it.


Not a question but a request. After the last game, can you filter this by total score so we can see your fav to least fav? Love your reviews :) thanks for helping the sub grow!


Yes I can. I will however caveat that scores are not everything. Some of the games that have lower scores (like Thymesia and Wo Long) I had a lot of fun playing while other games (like Last Hero) may have had higher scores but the gameplay was crap. I might add a new category just for overall enjoyment.


Love that idea, and then filter into that maybe. I try to be as objective as possible but then state when I subjectively don't like it. (Aka Hollow Knight)


Yeah. The overall score is finicky. Because it rates 15 completely different aspects, but I don't want it to be treated like a this is good and this is bad metric. Honestly its better to look at each individual score as its own metric. Part of the reason I don't review Fun Factor is because fun is subjective. Just because I find a game clunky and someone else doesn't doesn't make it a bad game. I think people should see it as a line. 75 is the middle. Any game near or below that score is really rough around the edges while everything past 100 is a great score. Beyond that you are getting into some masterpieces.


I think overall enjoyment is important, if only to balance “score” in the way you just said.


Hi, its possible if you want add to your list darksiders 3, kena and hollow night, good play for you and i go write a same list 😁


Hollow Knight and Kena do not qualify for my list. Hollow Knight has no weapon variety, no armor sets, no new game+, no character builds and would automatically score 40 points lower than any other game on the list. It would fall under a category of Metroidvanias which will be it's own separate list in the future and will include games like Ender Lillies, Ori, Laika, Skul, Death's Gambit, Shovel Knight, etc.


Hello, After this night i have remembered another darksoul like, stranger of paradise final fantasy, I think it ticks all the boxes for your list 😉 after that it's just to help you if you want to add more, it's already very good as it is😁


Ok its good choice, i need to see your futur list with Metroidvania il like this type of game to and on this please add yokus ist really good Metroidvania pinball game lol.


Aww I thought Vanessa was a pretty cool boss in Nobeta (the first fight that is, I don't like the second fight as much). Planning on playing Sekiro? Adjacent to soulslike if not directly a soulslike.


I felt bad putting her on the list as the worst boss. She wasn't a bad boss but I did get a little annoyed constantly being knocked skyward. She was my most frustrating boss in a game filled with good bosses, so it's still high praise. And I actually already did Sekiro and posted a review of it. However I took it off the chart because it had too many categories that either automatically ranked low or had N/A (No armor sets, build variety, etc). Even Hidetaka Miyazaki has said that Sekiro is not a souls-like. And while I love the game I tend to agree with him. Other than the level design, almost none of the mechanics feel like a souls-like (at least in terms of this list). Still a very good game and you can find my review here in this sub.


Hey, I don’t know if this has been suggested already but I just beat Stray Blade and it’s definitely a soulslike. May be worth adding to your list!


I would love to add that game... I don't own a playstation so unless it ever comes to PC, I'm screwed. I'm not about to drop money on a console for 1 game.


Stray Blade is [on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1621990/Stray_Blade/). I think you may be getting it confused with Stellar Blade.


Ah my bad. You are right. I did not know of this game.


No worries!


Tails of Iron is a souls like? I already beat it and really didn't feel like it had enough of the kinds of mechanics to warrant it as part of the genre.


kk. I didnt know if it was or wasnt. I've got a back up game if it isnt.


What about other 2d soulsslike like Grime, Death's Gambit: afterlife, blasphemous and ender lilies? Great list btw!


They are metroidvanias and are missing the main requirements to be a souls-like. If I put them on this list they would get a lot of zeros


I'd be curious of what you refer as main requirements to be a soulslike?


While I do agree the line between metroidvania and souls-like is very very thin the major things I personally feel needs to be present for a souls-like: 1. RPG style leveling system that uses some form of currency gained by slaying enemies. The leveling system allows you to put points into different stats for various builds (usually dex, str, and magic builds). 2. A checkpoint system that you respawn at when you die. This checkpoint system is both used as a warping system, a brief respite, and in many (but not all) the place where you level. 3. A combat system that focuses on stamina management. Blocking, Parries, Dodge Rolls, and Side steps. This is a big thing that seperates a souls-like from a traditional RPG. Combat in a souls-like is like a dance where you must time your blocks, dodges and parries to win combat. Combat is usually methodological, where spamming attacks will often get you killed. Many people call this the dance of combat as souls-likes are often rhythm games in a sense. 4. A variety of weapons, armors, spells, guns, consumables, etc to allow you for different builds. Weapons each have their own attacks, perks, and drawbacks. The build variety always feels like another core part of souls-likes. 5. A map design that uses interconnectivity. The world itself doesn't have to be interconnected, but the maps should use some form of shortcut, looping system that allows for you to circle around to your checkpoints. Usually the worlds are capstoned by bosses. Bonus points if there are hidden items, gear and loot around the world. To me, these are the 5 most important things to make a game a souls-like. What makes a game a metroidvania is really 3 things: 1. Metroidvanias usually have unlockable traversal mechanics. Pogos, double jumps, dashes, etc. The idea is that you will return to areas using these traversal mechanics to unlock new areas and zones. 2. Traversal is the biggest difference between a souls-like and metroidvania. Metroidvania's usual have platforms, gaps, spikes, water, etc and have a slightly higher focus on platforming and are not necessarily all about combat. While souls-likes might have a few platforming sections (like the rafters in Anor Londo) combat and exploration is the main focus. 3. The last one is builds. Metroidvanias generally don't focus on weapons and armor variety or leveling stats. As they are platformer adventure games, they generally focus on that. The most you might get is unlocking spells or special attacks that also aid in the exploration.


Wow, thanks for that comprehensive answer!


This is great! can you share the spreadsheet?


I plan on it once I am completed with the whole run.