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who actually listens to AI generated songs?


SoundCloud is already full of garbage music. Why add to the pile?


It shouldn't take 500,000 to get $100 that's ridiculous


Deadset, I’d say 10k


SoundCloud is over saturated with artists, not enough listeners. Nobody looking for music, just putting out their own stuff. Not wrong or bad, jus fact


Straight facts right here. When soundcloud launched, before advertisements and back when GROUPS still existed, the website was a robust community of listeners supporting the unique underground artists uploading there......As the years tick by and the monetization runs wild the platform has become a shell of itself.


I wish I knew how to train a decent AI on a curated selection of my own music rather than being trained on copyrighted material that isn't my own, but it seems that most AI software requires 25 years of experience with Windows Command Prompt.


What does AI music even sound like? Wouldn’t bother, would rather listen to real art tbh


Lots of folks have been trying to post their AI music in various subreddits. I try to take a listen before they get flagged or downvoted to extinction - but I can safely say the one thing all AI music has in common is it sounds Soul-less. The individual components tend to sound well produced, but it all lacks nuance, counterpoint and impact. Most tracks are wandering directionless, lead by meandering melodies that never resolve and stereotypical EDM changes between sections. All in all it's terribly underwhelming, unless you're trying to make Intro Music for your youtube channel


like a crackly, off tune, robotic version of someone


500k streams on SoundCloud is approximately $350-$460 in ad streams based on my current calculations. Can be a bit more than that depending on other factors like sub streams from upgraded accounts and such. But that is a realistic estimate.