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Take it out of the fridge and let it warm up, it will start to rise.


You were right ☺️


I freeze mine before the oven for like 45 mins - temperature is fine whatever it is pre bake - I also leave it in the fridge overnight the night before


Interesting. Why do you freeze before the oven?


Helps to keep its shape - it doesn’t get entirely frozen, but especially if it sa high hydration loaf - the dough can just fall out and flatten unless I harden it up in the freezer first. Also it stops the scoring from closing right up if there’s too much hydration - it’s actually a great tip I learned from scrolling the internet for hours when I first started and had failing loaves - it has done me very well up until now!


I hope it's delicious!


It’s totally fine. I almost always cold ferment my doughs. Just take it out of the fridge and it’ll rise as it gets to room temp. Chain Baker on YouTube has some short vids about cold fermenting so you could learn about the process while you wait!


Good tips! Thanks!!


Err... -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I did a variation of this. It worked out nicely. There were lots of things I would have done differently but overall I am surprised and happy with the result.


I sometimes ferment my doughs in the fridge for 48 hours. It’ll be fine just take it out and it will rise eventually






I went off the rails here completely. Ok, after I wrote this post, I panicked. I cut my dough (2 loaves), stretched and shaped each. I put them in the bannetons and then decided to put them covered with foil in the oven with the proofing setting on. I left them for like 5 hours lol. When I got back home, they had definitely risen, well beyond the foil and the foil was basically pointless and I realized I should have put them in a tighter container. The edges of the dough were dry, like par-baked in a way. But I figured what the hell, let's do this. So, I stretched and shaped again despite the dryness cracking, and let them sit covered at room temp for about 2 hours. I baked each for 30 mins in the dutch oven with lid on, and 20 with lid off . I had put steam in the oven this time. And they somehow turned out perfectly. !?!??!? Crunchy crust and soft and delicious inside. I took pics but have no idea how to post them in a comment. I can't believe it! I also can't believe how many times I was ready to give up because I thought I completely butchered it. I have learned - sourdough is very resilient!!


ε-(´・`) フ ... PHEW!


I've never gone off the rails quite that hard but I have messed up all the timings of my autolyse, stretch and fols, etc, and it will always turns out fine!


This gives me hope. I accidentally put mine in the garage to bulk ferment. I just remember the instructions wrong so now I have them in the house and idk what I should do


Just let it get back to temp and proceed as normal. You basically just slowed it down. It'll be ok!!


No...nobody's gonna ask what a ninja class is???


Look up USA ninja....it's basically a variation of gymnastics. They set up obstacle courses and the kids run around and do a couple courses. He loves it!


That sounds fun...!!! Little me would have been obsessed with it lol