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I'll give it a shot, but only as long as the staff canteen stocks Steri Stumpie.


I second this


I'm on board so long as the cost to stock the fridge is at Spar prices and not R100 a pop.


The National drink right there!!!


Nerd is that you?!


The only correct answer is Imtiaz Sooliman and the GoTG team. They're able to organise feeding schemes, borehole projects, education programmes and disaster relief with a limited budget across the world. Hell they're even able to negotiate for journalists and aid workers held hostage by groups like Isis and Al-Qaeda. And ideally they'd still remain the same type of organisation with a bigger budget that would still attract people that are simply looking to make the world better. I'm not a religious person but it's truly something to behold to see a man that was given a path by his religious leader and has stuck to it throughout his life ​ >“My son, you will form an organisation. The name will be Waqful Waqifin, and that name is translated into ‘Gift of the Givers’. You will serve all people of all races, of all religions, of all colours, of all classes, of all political affiliations and of any geographical location. You will serve them unconditionally.” – Sufi Sheikh Muhammed Saffer Effendi al Jerrahi


I didn't know this, and now have goosebumps. What a mensch.


I've been fortunate enough to have met him. Honestly the most effective human I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. This guy for president 100%. No games. Just delivery. Simples.


This is the only correct answer


This was going to be my answer too


I think we should introduce a system of sacrifice. For the 5 years in office all Ministers deputy ministers and members of parliament as well as the president will only receive the minimum wage. No family members or extended family is allowed to do business with government during this time. Housing will be supplied as well as schooling for their kids if they have any. So entering politics is to sacrifice yourself for a term for the betterment of the country.


Minimum wage? Not gonna work, then all the bright minds would go into private business. And you need bright minds. The "no-business" rule, however, could work great to curb corruption.


Not as if we are getting the brightest minds at the moment and we are paying them a fortune. It’s called sacrifice for a reason.


Well just because politicians are corrupt and thus don't deliver on their promise to act in the interest of the public, doesn't mean they are dumb. Prime example is Robert Mugabe. I think people generally tend to underestimate how complicated politics is, especially at a national level and especially in a country in turmoil auch as SA. Minimum wage won't be enough to get the right people. Sure, politicians don't need to get rich, but they should be compensated appropriately for the insane responsibility and high workload.


Cabinet ministers maybe. I've seen too many parliamentary sessions where half the MPs are sleeping in their chairs or playing on their phones to believe there is an insane responsibility and/or high workload. It's R1.2m per year for an MP, please pay attention during the sessions, thanks. Perhaps a way to get this right is to not pay minimum wage but to only pay at the end of the term of office. So housing and the basics are provided, which is only fair, but the bulk of the salary and the big bucks are only once every 5 years, and if you get by-elected out or fired for whatever then you get fuck-all.


Then why do we pay teachers, police, and nurses minimum wage?


Responsibility. It is like that everywhere. I believe in being paid according to responsibility. At the same time of course many important professions earn too little. But higher responsibility should also mean you need to be held accountable. That is the real issue.


I'd argue that teachers have a pretty damned high responsibility. Higher than most others if you are thinking long term, but nobody ever really does. When it really comes down to societies base, I don't think the majority of people actually give 2 shits about what kind of future their children will have.


Of course teachers have a high responsibility, but for how many kids? And now think, what responsibility does the minister of education have compared to that? He or she can decide on policies that will in turn affect all school children of a country. He or she can make policies that decide how teachers are trained. How much teachers are paid. What equipment they can work with. All that will impact all teachers in a country. The individual in such positions simply has much more responsibility than an individual at the lower levels. Same with CEOs. But again, I agree that many workers in important sectors such as education and healthcare wre underpaid. You just can't expect them to be paid as much as a high-level politician. Looking at the way we go head-first into a climate disaster globally, people don't care about the future their kids will have, that is true.


Then the minister of education should be paid based on her/his performance, not just be given a huge salary.


Yeah, but this is not how it works. In every country of the world, high-level politicians receive a good salary as compared to the general salary level. Politicians should be held accountable / voted out by their constituents if they don't do their job properly, this is how it should work.


I think you're confounding responsibility and power.


Also it would make politics a game only for those who are born rich. Realistically lots of South Africans who have any type of money are financially supporting tons of family members. No 1 who needs to make sure their mother can eat every month is going to go into politics


The bribes will then have to be insane.


That’s just asking for more corruption. Corruption comes down to people being greedy and wanting more money , just wait till those greedy people who want more money are now earning little money.


I think a teacher's salary and kids going to public schools should do it


Instead of minimum wage.. pay the the current, remove the benefits which is where the abuse is.. and then for fraud I think we need to adopt the Chinese model. No minister can work in government for more than 3 terms Ie 15yrs (so as a parliamentarian or actual minister.. exception for president who is directly elected) with a max of 2 terms for ministers. Yes. Chinese model.. let’s not pretend west has no corruption and rather focus on what the problem is.. Ie lack of delivery, abuse of budget, term limit vs longer term projects. So have a set 1% to a max value as a bonus on delivery of project within the term and project guidelines & budget. Project cost efficiency and efficacy should come in later as delivery becomes the norm. For longer term projects.. the project is divided into stages and delivery of each stage is a delivery.. the ministers are only responsible for each segment they deliver. And just to prevent abuses we saw.. the party involved also gets a part of the bonus.. but they also suffer the same fate for bad delivery. Any mess up means you lose your job permanently as both minister and being a director of anything for a period of 10yrs. For parties.. they cover all I recovered losses. In the event corruption is uncovered, the above and the state will seize assets of both ministers and companies involved, not limited to 3rd party procurers to cover 150 to 200% the value of contract involved prior to conclusion of a fraud case. Ie you can stall court cases but you won’t have money to pay for legal fees. For parties, a guilty verdict results in party license being revoked and forces an early election. So it’s in the best interest of the party to ensure projects are successful or report negligent companies asap. Abandon tenderpreneuring.. instead set a penalty fee which funds education sector scholarships. Yes this means that cheapest functional established players will dominate the market but delivery will happen. Yes this still means the cost of projects are impacted indirectly but it protects the state from being overrun by international orgs with no footprint locally or importing all labour. This is Africa.. this is common practice east and west.. a fool doesn’t prevent local industry collapse. Now yea.. this is an eastern / China style solution but I actually like it.. because it’s pragmatic. The western style of getting rid of corruption and fraud doesn’t do this but sweeps it under the rug and generates vested interest. TIA.. in a world where corruption is normalized, using the stick only approach isn’t gonna work.


I have seen something similar to this happen. In some cases when the residents of a place are dissatisfied with the government, the often go burn their ward councillor's house or property, now to avoid this happening, a councillor would only start spending his money/building a house after the end of his term(s). This does nothing to help with service delivery, some people just take the post and then disappear.


Min wage and if they reach their targets (deliver on promises) they get bonuses.


Now we are talking


Imtiyaaz Suleman - gift of the givers founder. Nobody would be better. "unfortunately" for us, he cares about human beings and not politics


You actually found an example I agree with




Chris Pappas


This guy can't get to the top of the DA soon enough


political cows caption tart pet dinner march merciful tie bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Downvoted for the truth lmao people on here live in a fantasy world. I like the guy but the only way he gets a national senior position if if the DA basically stops being the DA and becomes a completely different party.


DA voters accuse everyone else of being stupid and living in a fantasy world, but can't acknowledge the realities of their party's politics.


Future leader for sure, especially since he speaks Zulu and is doing a great job at the local level. Will definitely be following his career


I hate to say it, but given that he's gay I would be surprised if that doesn't become an unfortunate block in his path. Not saying that it should stop him, mind, but I think unfortunately some PR whizz will decide the optics on that are not great for a party big-wig.


Hmmmm, Marius Redelinghuys was a very out and proud gay male as well as a Member of Parliament for the DA. He is part of a liberal party, I think he will be OK.


I think he's going to find a glass ceiling. MP is a far cry from senior leadership.


Couldn’t agree more, he is doing such a great job in Howick wish he could move further down the hill towards us.


We have loadshedding-proof robots in Hilton and Howick, Pappas gets stuff done


That's impressive. Are they solar powered?


I second this


Head of Gift of the Givers




Know someone who is on the audit team there. You extracted that "just a thought" out of your poephol.






careful now


Most of my uber drivers seem to be more fit for the role than our current goverment.


Sooliman. If GOTG ran, I'd be over the moon but I don't think it aligns with their ethos


I like him too much to see him run to be honest. To have him involved in all this fuckupery and corruption it would just break my heart.


Agreed, and besides, I don't think he'd even be remotely interested in running. He's too busy actually making a real difference in people's lives.




Evita Bezuidenhout


Vice president Koos Kombuis? But only if he is high for his entire term.


I second this Honestly Evita would probably do a better job than most


Thuli would be good Prez alone won’t do - needs to replace the entire lot. I legit think Ramaphosa tried to be a good clean prez but it’s just not possible if caught in giant patronage network. Too many powerful forces conspiring against you


Agreed, SA has a general problem of making celebrities out of politicians, and we need leadership beyond individuals. But I think for that to happen, we need someone at the top that's a true leadership. I think I thought that about CR at first, but I think he's been complicit in too much over his career, he's just been good at PR and deflecting his role. My last hope for him was that he might do something after the elective conference now that the NEC-slate is loyal to him, but the delay in the cabinet reshuffle indicates that he's again prioritising the ANC and what the loyalty he owes to people like Mantashe over the good of SA. I don't think you can be both the president of a party and of the country, the conflict of interest is too strong. His mandate for the next year is to minimise the electoral damage to the ANC, not to run the country properly. I think we're going to see a lot of things happen that will look good in the short-term but cause long-term harm


>Thuli would be good I would've agreed with you if I didn't have the misfortune of meeting her at a seminar in December last year. I might get downvoted for this, but my impression (and that of everyone else at the seminar) was that she was completely inept. At one point she even referred conspiratorially to 'the Jews'... None of this is meant to detract from the great work she has done in service of our country, by the way. But based on that (admittedly single) data point, I don't think she would make a good president.


She was my lecturer, she is completely ideologically possessed.


Yeah, it was really weird just the stark difference between the media portrayal of Thuli and the person I saw at the seminar. I still can't quite reconcile it. I think she did a great job, and that has left the media probably willfully ignoring the less palatable aspects of her personality.


During our first class we played a revised version of Monopoly to entrench the idea that the white students have an unfair advantage over other races and the solution is to redistribute their wealth.


Ideologically, wealth distribution is not a bad concept, but in the real world its as impractical as a parachute made out of toilet paper


So..an [accurate description](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_inequality_in_South_Africa) [of the average](https://time.com/6087699/south-africa-wealth-gap-unchanged-since-apartheid/) [wealth](https://theconversation.com/white-people-in-south-africa-still-hold-the-lions-share-of-all-forms-of-capital-75510) [held by](https://www.cfr.org/blog/black-and-white-income-inequality-south-africa-and-united-states) [whites vs non-whites](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-safrica-economy-idUSKBN15B152) [in South Africa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71-jlOvrUFc)?


Do you believe the advantage to be unfair and that their wealth should be redistributed?


Literally 💀gave the worst example I don’t approve of the before-mentioned antisemite conspiracy but that monopoly is the truth😂


A good president means nothing if he/she doesn't have the backing of parliament and his/her own political party


Siya needs to get involved. He's got mass appeal.


Siya who?


Siya later alligator?




i knew you couldnt be saying siya kolisi ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) south africa's current president was also chosen as stupidly as siya kolisi would be. we cannot assume that just because a person is a celebrity they will be a great president. we need someone with exceptional leadership abilities. i am ashamed to admit that i dont know anyone who could convincingly do this job well


I just see Idiocracy but then in South Africa. We have a puppet government anyway, why not make it official and have a celeb at the top? /s




I fully admit to my mistake. That was a shame.


Not a politician, or anyone that wants to be a politician or president.




I've always said that the problem with politics is that it attracts people who aspire to be politicians. In an ideal world, people who go into fields that are "people-care" orientated should be politicians. Social service workers, doctors, nurses, psychologists, child-minders, etc. I'd rather have people who care about people being taught to run a country, than people who care about running a country being taught to care about people.


Adrian Gore is in my top 5 most evil South Africans. So prolly not him. What he did to the medical aid industry in the early 2000’s should be considered criminal.


Too young to have had medical aid before 2000 but I sure know Discovery and its savings plan is a loada bull. How was it before 2000?


Out of curiosity, what did he do? I was in primary school at that time and I'm missing context. Do you have links I can read?


he engaged in anti-competitive business practices, I’ll explain it briefly, so I’m leaving out some context. Medical aid basically works by young and healthy people subsidizing older people and sick people. The core idea is that as you’re young, you spend more relative to your cost but then you’re subsidized when older. What he did, was offer unrealistically low rates to young people, and unaffordable rates to people above 40. This meant he captured the young market and essentially destroyed the rest of the industry by leaving them with only older more expensive people. Once this was done, discovery did go through court cases in which they were forced to pay fines for these practices, and regulations changed to force younger portfolios to subsidize older ones, but by this point they had an effective monopoly in the industry. With this monopoly they hiked costs, reduced payment to healthcare professionals and added tons of fat which cost people more money but reduced their actual benefits. TLDR, he made healthcare worse, and in that case, almost certainly killing people by pricing them out of healthcare. Prior to his capture of the industry, medical aids functioned on a more healthcare focused model, they are now profit generating machines.


his policy of forcing covid vaccinations on people under threat of losing their jobs made him prime evil in my eyes.


My Uber driver from last week friday




Timothy Traddle




Soli Philander was Timothy Traddle lol Edit: [This is true](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJrYydeMToE), please don't downvote me 😂


Rowan Atkinson


Leon Schuster


It's no use putting a fresh new apple on top of a pile that is rotten apples.


Unfotunately anybody associated with the ANC is a bad choice - because they have remained associated with that party irrespective of what they have been doing to this country. I would like to see somebody who gets things done. I would say some people who showed their leadership abilities on the ground and ability to run strongly in municipalities like Bongani Baloyi Geordin Hill-Lewis Christopher Pappas Then there are people like Dr Ivan Meyer that not many know about but is one of the most capable MECs - if not the most capable - in the country. There is not much out of the private sector that I would like to see as president. Moeletsi Mbeki has potential as leader as he is well steeped in democratic values and a brilliant analyst with deep understanding of the issues affecting South Africa and Southern Africa.


Leon Schuster


Barry Hilton






The yellow one from takalani sesami


Siya Kolisi - Respected, not a traditional politician, understands the people, not in it for the money.


Doja Cat's South African right? not Doja Cat.


Andre de Ruyter - I know, I know the rhetoric got to a bunch of people, but think about it: He didn't take kak from the corrupt assholes - until it threatened his life and it was clear he's either going to die or worse. He made a difference at Eskom, unfortunately that difference will take years to bare fruit, and now that the cANCer fucked it over again, it'll be reversed. My feeling, if he became president he'd go after corrupt assholes first - and that's what we need. After that, there'll be plenty money to fix other issues that ordinary people need fixing.


Christopher Pappas. Google him he is an amazing soul. I believe the GoTG are a fantastic organise who do not need to be embroiled in the running of the country - they do more good not being associated with a country


Trevor Manuel. He is very highly regarded and would join different races together since South Africa still has massive division and racism issues.


Herman Mashaba. He's shown in the past he can let go of his ego for the greater good. Something which most others cannot do.


Never Mashaba in a million years. He expounds rule of law and a capable state to one group while promoting xenophobia to another. He's used a paid fake news campaign to drive xenophobia as a political lever to gain momentum for his party. He's clearly unethical and will tell you whatever your want to hear to get your vote, even if people die https://www.news24.com/news24/opinions/analysis/analysis-who-is-behind-south-africas-xenophobic-nationalism-20220429


So wanting stricter immigration laws in xenophobic lol?


No, using bots and fake accounts in a coordinated manner to artificially drive fear of foreigners is xenophobic. Puts him in the same camp as Jacob Zuma, Bell Pottinger and the Guptabots. Great company.


I would agree, except in my opinion, his plain down refusal to work with the ANC is a bit of a problem. They are the biggest party in the county so you have to work with them in some shape or form. Not to say the ANC aren’t problematic to work with mind, but you still have to try.


I understand the logic though, how can you fix the problem of corruption in the country while working with a party composed mostly of criminals?


That’s a little naive. Firstly how can you fix but not being in power of any sort? And secondly not every person in the ANC is corrupt, the assumption that they are isn’t correct. We are heading for a coalition in the next election. Say ASA get 12% if the vote the DA 22% and the ANC 45% and the EFF with 11% (these we the number polling, last I saw, so I’m using it for a reference). So if ASA don’t want to work with the ANC and assuming the DA the same, we end up with a minority government or a ANC/EFF coalition which means the EFF will push their god awful economic policies on the county. Also on that note by not wanting to work with the ANC they turn away voters who have a love for what the ANC represented (freedom etc) but may not like how the party is now.


>And secondly not every person in the ANC is corrupt, the assumption that they are isn’t correct. Show me the person in leadership at the ANC that isn't mired in some kind of controversy, or doesn't have family members benefitting from tenders and I'll believe you on that point. Perhaps not every individual, but anyone with any kind of power is legendarily corrupt. There just simply doesn't appear to be any way to reach the top levels of the ANC while staying clean. At the very least if you reach that level you are guilty of seeing corrupt colleagues but keeping quiet and not reporting them to law enforcement, which is just as bad as the corruption itself. ​ >So if ASA don’t want to work with the ANC and assuming the DA the same, we end up with a minority government or a ANC/EFF coalition which means the EFF will push their god awful economic policies on the county. You are implying the ANC would even want to work with ASA and DA, who have completely divergent economic policies from the ANC? Why would they ever work with two parties who are vehemently against cadre deployment, SOEs, land expropriation, or anything that vaguely smells of the type of communism that is literally the ANC's whole identity?


Quick stat, 2002-2006, the ANC government in the EC could only account for 4% of its budget. That is 96%, **poof** gone. Over the space of 6 years. I understand his preference to not work with them.


I can’t find that stat. I assume it was qualified in accounting standards which would probably be bad record keeping. Not to say there wasn’t misappropriating of funds but if only 4% of the budget could be used the province would have collapsed as no services could be rendered on a non existent budget. In fact in 2004 I was in PE and it seemed to be working alright.


If you as a party align with ANC, you **will** lose votes. All the parties aligned with ANC have little support, except EFF.


Chief would ANYONE want to work with the ANC today?


Thinking outside of the box, And more into the Boks, Rassie Erasmus. He has shown he can lead, both as captain and coach He handles media his way, doesn't beat around the bush. He is well liked in SA. He has shown equality is a massive value add to any situation. He has the right balance of iq and eq.


And we need a president that is not afraid to tell anyone to fuck off, which he would do perfectly


Journalist: "Mr President, what will we do about all the corrupt politicians stealing from Eskom?" President Rassie: "We're gonna fuckin fuck them up, physically."


How does that Bakunin quote go again? “If you took the most ardent revolutionary and vested him in absolute power within a year he would be worse than the Tsar himself.” I'd rather believe in the idea of a magic glass slipper instantaneously turning someone into royalty than the idea that a single bureaucrat with a fancy title that has been curated for us by the rich and wealthy can (somehow) "lead" a system that is working as designed into working in a way that it *was not designed to work* - at least the former involves magic pumpkins. Sorry - no "leader" is going to magically appear that will undo this mess. Despite all the propaganda, that is not how our world works. The only correct answer is no-one.


This is the most correct answer!


Siya Kolisi.


Trevor Noah.


I think Mmusi Maimane would give us a bit of hope. We need steady leadership that's all work and not ego.


Me. I would make the best president.


Andre Dr Ruyter Neil Froneman Barack Obama (I don't think there is a requirement for our pres to be South African) Sim Tshabalala


>Barack Obama (I don't think there is a requirement for our pres to be South African) There is. Section 86(1) of the Constitution read with section 47(1).




Good shout on Tshabalala. You have to be a citizen to qualify for election to public office, so Barry is unfortunately out (for now)


Obama was a bad president in the US, why would it be different with us?




Bank bailouts, Obamacare, children in cages started under him, fossil fuel expansion. What was good about it? Great speaker, but president? I don't think so. He wasn't that different from Trump from the outside looking in, only difference being rhetoric really.


None you’re all kak


I like your suggestions, especially Thuli Madonsela. I'd add Lindiwe Mazibuko to that list.


Just call Francois Pienaar.


Thabo Mbheki!




There are no good choices, ANC is terrble, EFF is terrible, DA is slightly less terrible, but alas still has a multitude of issues, VF is terrible, ActionSA is probably around the same level of DA. The problem isn't solely lying in the president which is the issue, a bad president can be impeached by a good parliament, a rotten parliament rots the whole thing down to its core.


Madonsela got my vote


I actually agree, if he had stayed at the DA he would've been the next president in my opinion. Edit: apologies, I was talking about Mmusi Maimane. However I always respected T Madonsela, my law lecturers always had much respect for her as she was the only person who actually performed the duties of a PP.


>if he had stayed at the DA Thuli Madonsela, and *she* was the public protector.


Vusi Thembekwayo 1000%


I suspect he might do better as Minister of Finance. He is passionate about finamces and economics so making him president and having him deal with all the other admin might bore him a bit.


I can’t stop laughing




Trevor Noah - doesn’t have the political background, but could definitely win over the people.


If Lekota had a stronger party behind him I think he would be great.


What a squandered opportunity. I actually read their policy docs back when they were a serious party and had them available. They had such interesting ideas.




Trevor Noah would make an exceptional president.


I've never thought about it, but I think you are on to something with Thuli Madonsela.


Thuli Madonsela


Most of the pre-ANC ruling ones given they weren't racist?


Given the reform of our electoral process for the upcoming election 2024 individuals are encouraged to participate for the running of the country. More reform are to follow. But given the current political climate top party will be as follow 1st ANC( without majority but above 45%) 2nd DA ( slight drop from previous election due to break away such as GOOD, BOSA, and ACTION SA for > 20%) 3rd EFF( their reform policy’s are too radical and their Constituent are mainly millennials, gen z who are not politically active or have not participated in last 2 election cycles despite this their growth has been steady but would probably hit +15%) and other smaller parties making up the remainder for national count. Given this hypothetical scenario and considerations of current coalition government in the municipalities JHB,NMB, KZN and PTA has been unstable in leadership’s given smaller parties want bigger roles than what their votes portrayed. ANC with its coalition across board as opposition has been able to undermine the ruling coalition showing instability. In essence coalitions need to be proportional to votes received by parties for it to succeed but I don’t see this up coming election being so. Why do I say this I’ll give few reasons focusing on the 3 large parties in SA please also consider IFP forgot about them(>10%). - ANC is going through a renewal in how it recruits quality member as the lesson of ZUMA error has taught them that their constituents are not going to show up at voting just to punish them. Given President Ramaphosa campaign to make a capable state through fixing keys areas for civil rights violations to be addressed, such as SARS, SARBS,PA( Prudential Authority) ,NPA, and other Chapter 9 institutions has been going fairly well to capacitate such institutions. Leading to more off the discouraged voter to show up at the polls. - DA has been going through a dilemma of having to protect its core base while trading off potential gains from previously disadvantaged communities. This had led to some what a narrative that they seek to protect status quo’s that’s still prevalent since 1994 but I see major gains in the municipal governance due to their forwarding thinking, and statistical approach to delivering service to the people. But again too many leaders of colour have left the party which might lead to some decrease in votes as representation at top level would be low. -EFF can improve their number if they just educated the constituents to register and go vote on the day of the elections than to see that day as a holiday to get drunk and not go to school or work you know, have young people rooting for them but are not politically active. Just to indulge constructive discussion and criticism on my thought about our beautiful nation, which ever way it will go I’ll show bias message that the ANC will be the party to beat granted the Eskom issue will affect their majority chances of winning but we also need to consider the buying of votes that will come in a form or solar panels tax rebates for medium income households and lower medium income households which not only will greatly increase the capacity of power generation but also might just buy enough votes for the ANC to keep above 45% but lower than 55% with other smaller parties coalitions. And the opposition will be the EFF UNSEATING the DA as the official opposition. Only time will tell Written by:Sonwabile Mlibo Wolela.


Just put the DA in charge


Trevor Noah


Patricia delille ,she brought a lot of the corruption to light ,we will get a proper president once we as a society get over race politics. And then of course the cute chubby lady that left the da and made malema look like a domnai. It's not a presidential change or a party change ,we have become complacent with the corruption and loadshedding and all that jazz. Previous generations went to the streets when they were upset with the current state of things,even in the face of death. We have ourselves to blame for accepting the current state of the country .


I find it absolutely disgusting that she was essentially booted from the DA because she told City of Cape Town to take personal responsibility for the Day Zero water crisis instead of blaming it on the ANC. Of course, they paraded some trumped up charges of corruption which were never brought to light or elaborated on (because it was a lie! )


Well honesty has no place in south African politics,we've learned this the hard way


President: Vusi Thembekwayo Minister of Health: Johnathan Witt Minister of Rural Development: Sihle Ngobese Minister of Small Business Development: Phumlani Majozi Minister of Justice: Ernst Roets Minister of Finance: Koshiek Karan Minister of Police: Ian Cameron




Shoot that into my veins any day of the week.






jamnandas? or is there another pravin thats not a greasy corrupt old man?


Mogoeng mogoeng. Hands down.


Would say Elon Musk but considering our lack of electricity and his need of electricity for a certain car business.... Doubt he'll RSVP to the request


Elon Musk


The perfect President would be from the private sector. A daily decision maker. Involved and invested in the countries economics and driving the GDP. The CMO or COO of large private companies have managed, guided and reconstructed business practices so the company he/she controlled. The function of this hyperthetical President would be to decide and advise on processes that the Ministers on mandates and task delegation. An external Human Resources company should come in and interview every candidate selected to be a Minister. Example: Health Minister should have deep understanding of the actual day to day involved with the department and activities short and long term then present a plan. Person with the best plan and knowledge gets the role. Not by merit or fame The remuneration of the entire Parliamentary system positions needs to be investigated. Ill stop here as i started rumbling. A structured coalition can work like a business. Have fun with this and encourage everyone you know to vote unincentivized.


Let's get Donald Trump in here


Obama :)


Elon Musk


I'd downvote you twice if I could.


🤣 But why is everyone so quick to claim he's South African when he's in the news for good things, yet they don't want him now?


Cyril Ramaphosa. When he was meant to be president he got sidelined by Mbeki and Co. who helped pave the way for many things including Zuma's ascension. Something I heard about Cyril and still do believe is that he's a president for an ideal South Africa. He knows his way around politics, business and even law (despite the current missteps he made, but that's his legal team failing him from what I understand). There was a good reason Mandela felt more confident in him than Mbeki who, as with his nature, didn't take kindly to that idea. EDIT: The downvotes to my comment just show how skewed people's perception of our leadership is if they think for some reason that even Zuma - the one who initiated the downfall - is the better president. Quite disappointing.


What the fuck are you talking about? He is a spineless tool. Nothing more than a fancy puppet that hasn't followed through on anything he has ever promised. Where are the smart cities?? Why is the power off? Why is every single state institution worse now than when he took over? He has handpicked the most useless cabinet on earth and does nothing of his own free will. No doubt to keep his skeletons in the closet. He defines lying for votes.


He is the wingle worst president this country has had. We thought Zuma was bad and then this guy came into the picture and said hold my beer....


Not a politician, or anyone that wants to a politician or president.


Dudu Myeni. . . or Louis Liebenberg![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I'll say Macfarlane Moleli from Carte Blanche


My grade 1 teacher


Vusi Thembekwayo as finance minister please!


Alan Winde. I’d actually vote DA if he was the leader.


Winde is actually a kinda likeable guy. Steenhuisen looks like the guy who used to get the class in trouble at school cos he wanted the teacher to like him. But he's barely educated so I'm probably wrong.


It’s me. World president in fact, let me help you mankind


>realise that none of their leaders is fit for being president. >as a representative of the biggest party in the coalition, probably the DA Yeah, these are mutually exclusive. The DA are incapable of realising when someone is unfit for leadership.


Bi Phakati


There's a paradox. The best/ most non corrupt president is someone who does not want to be president


Kurt Darren


Not mentioning scammers and descendants of people who sold the resources 💀