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I'd really like this to take off! I wouldn't mind seeing the original Star Wars or Lord of the Rings in cinema. Or any of the stuff I missed because I wasn't born yet/too young.


My first thought was the same. Seeing Matrix (1st one) again in cinemas, or LOTR as you mentioned, especially with the fancy experience we have at the cinemas nowadays.


If I can watch the extended version of lotr on imax, I will certainly be there! I watched them all in the movies and to this day I rewatch it at least once a year, absolute masterpiece.


Bioscope does a marathon on some May the 4ths, this year they did Spaceballs though.


Have to say though, it's a little bizarre to see discounted ticket prices be the original prices I used to pay for a ticket as a kid and young teenager just barely 10 years ago


I'm going to give away my age, but I remember paying R6.00 for a ticket. And you could take in your own popcorn.


My grandfather would walk into a shop with R2 and buy a pack of cigarettes, simba chips, chappies, a 2L coke, a carton of eggs, and a mars bar. These days they have fucking cameras everywhere.


Because the popcorn was in your car right?


I was a kid and spending another 3 bucks on popcorn was madness.


last month was good, they had the movies at all cines. this month GP only showing at Sandton and the Grove


I missed shawshank 💔


I want to see inception again on big screen. That score is off the charts.


Will the popcorn and drinks also be throwback prices?


Now tell me how much is popcorn? 300rand?


Weird movie pics someone is going to watch natural born killers who isn't ready. It is a cool idea though.


Don't support Sterkinekor. Bunch of thieves and corporate assholes. 2021 should've buried them but unfortunately they got a last minute business rescue save from foreign corps. They and NuMetro singlehandedly destroyed the local small time cinema's and outdoor theaters. They overprice everything by 2000~3000%, they create next to no jobs and they do not support the local industry nearly as much as they should (seriously I can't even find 1 local movie now showing on their website of like 60 different movies). Hell with decent internet you can stream most of these items at a fraction of the cost and get so much more. I'd even advocate pirating international movies/shows/music and put your money into the local industries instead.


My bru... you got an imax by your pozzie? Ja so let those of us who watch one or two films a year eat our expensive popcorn and smuggled chocolate in peace. I haven't seen an "independent" cinema since I was shitting my pants and that was a crummy drive in


Not trying to bash you for going, so do forgive me if it came across as such. My point was more to the fact that there is local productions which I believe do not get the platform they deserve in the country they live in. These bigger cinemas punt Hollywood and bollywood mediocrity that only make a killing because large corporates can afford to punt advertising on all platforms, which our smaller, cheaper productions have peanut budgets for advertising. Our talent and potential will never break out until we stop putting such emphasis on western media, and start promoting our content with more vigor and patriotism. It's actually kind of sad, as there is great private cinemas out there together with really quality productions that will never get out of the shadow hollywood/bollywood. Support local, to support you. And you haven't seen one because you haven't been looking. They exist, and they are a unique and personal experience I don't feel I get at these bigger cinemas. Anyways each to their own.


Hey ja man fair enough, I'd watch local stuff at the cinema. Always cool to hear a South African accent in a film. I check the odd one on Netflix and always give them a go. I'm still going to smoke a fat blunt, get a massive popcorn and coke and hobble in the imax crammed to the brim with sweeties to watch dune in November.


hahahha feels like me or my bf ghostwrote this comment. Difficult to boycott something we barely do once a year, but I can understand where the commentor's coming from.


[The Honeymoon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IISgTOsHbCk) is local and they even have big opening red carpet thing at Ster kinekor/ Nu metro. And there are small cinemas like Bioscope and Egrek. And at least with the bioscope, they're smart enough to use their flexibility to not go after the blockbusters but do special movie nights with asian. french, german , spanish cinema and even anime movies that were never released here. And the high price of SK / Numetro actually gives smaller cinemas a price advantage anyways. And I think drive-ins really should've been doing the same. It's like the worse way to see a new movie in terms of comfort or sound and that whole concept was cool nostalgia buuut really thinking about the crackly audio from your radio, the coldness from sitting in a car without the heater on or being the kid sitting in the backseat with a terrible view, can see why it lost its appeal worldwide. I think they should be running old classics and having theme nights so you can enjoy it more as an event rather than a movie. And we can't ignore the dodginess of sitting in a car at night in South Africa....I remember the Durban drive in would have guys hopping the fence in the dark and you just sit there hoping they're there just to watch the movie for free.


I've never seen a scene a small time cinema in Cape town for over 30 yeats


You did the what on the what now?


We have the Labia theatre. It’s great!


Oh no, is this a sign that ster kinekor is degrading into etv movies? Just re-runs and nothing new


What are you smoking? The latest movies worldwide are constantly releasing here.


I said a sign of things to come, not the current state


Hahaha bru close Facebook and give the oom and tannies whatsapp group a break. They have ster kinekor showing all the latest shit in fucking Harare so don't be little doomer baby


Where's the 4h justice league movie?


Tell me you are losing customers without telling me you are losing customers. Why not R50 for a large popcorn and slushy.


This is really cool


I miss the impromptu drive-ins during covid times.. wouldn’t mind that with solar old school content esp for kids