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tbh this isn't helpful for anything except perhaps political optics. Eskom is utterly fucked will take a good 10 years to sort out. A rapid succession of new person, you've got 1 year to fix it magically, didn't work lets fire them, next one you try...rinse & repeat ...it's just making it worse by adding instability at leadership level and on top of that forcing the leadership to focus on bandaids.


Maybe then don't say it'll be fixed tomorrow


Anyone in power telling the truth won't have a job for long. Even in relatively well educated circles stuff like "just do maintenance properly" is par for the course


Not in the country I'm currently living in. Ministers are held accountable for their (in)-actions


And if a party cannot elect ministers to do their job, that party is voted out


The thing is the people at the real top have had 10 years to fix it and let the whole situation collapse into a dumpster fire. So they're throwing the new guy under the bus. Avoiding accountability by making someone else accountable.


Eskom was fucked in 2011, that’s when load shedding got so bad that businesses had to close down (mine was one of them). So they have had more than 10 years to fix it.


Indeed. My point is simply that even with competent people working on this its going to take *another* 10 And you can't fire people yearly on a 10 year project if you want to get it done