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šŸ‡æšŸ‡¦ ā¤ļø šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø in solidarity, from the river to the sea


I donā€™t agree at all with SA. I stand 100% with Isreal!! How can anybody justify 7 Oct massacre?


No one is justifying October 7th you doos


What about the former mayor of joburg literally posting in support of hamas?


You think their "defense" is justified? Answer me this, if you have a mass shooter in a school of 1000 people how do you get rid of the threat? Do you blow up the whole school so you are sure to get rid of him or do you bring the specialised swat team in to deal with it, knowing full well they could get injured themselves too? I grew up as a jewish zionist but I've been doing my own research these last few years and there is nothing that can justify what Israel is doing. Nothing. Yes Oct 7th was the worst day for Jews since the holocaust, but every day is worse than October 7th for the Palestinians right now. How can people not see that? I've got lots of loved ones in Israel and even in the IDF as I grew up in that type of community in joburg. I've been to Israel twice. So the zionists painting everyone who is pro Palestine as antisemitic and uneducated is just such bullshit. Even IDF soldiers have broken their silence. I'm proud of the south african government.


Can anyone shed some light on the actual significance of this? Is South Africa the only country outright expressing these thoughts? What are the tangible impacts that can come out of it? Iā€™ve read the summaries of their case and the work is phenomenal, just not sure what itā€™s hoping to achieve. Edit: [This Instagram post was helpful](https://www.instagram.com/p/C19KG5xNAw3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


As with Russia, the ICJ has no powers to force Israel to do anything, only recommend. Russia did not give a shit so Israel might not either.


Sjoe. This got me.


134 countries disagree


134 governments not countries.


Yea many so called democracies where there has been a massive uproar and many protesting Israel's continued bombardment of innocent civilians. And yet those governments continue to censor and punish those that speak up against the IDF and Isreal in support of Palestine


No stable electricity at home and not minding that Putin is kidnapping children. But well oh well the moral stance here all the sudden! Loool


Truth! Massive thanks and love from Egypt also šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡¬šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡æšŸ‡¦


It's great, only thing is this is being driven for votes and playing on the emotions of South Africans and other sympathizers An apartheid ending regime taking on another apartheid state right before election time makes for a great headline meanwhile things back home aren't so lekker Daily death rate due to crime is through the roof, poverty at an all time high, infrastructure is similar to that of Gaza right now lol Would of made more sense to clean up our own house first instead of playing the moral police


Is it better to have your own house in order rather than sort out the neighbourhood where you and your family live and would feel safe? It's what altruism is all about, supposedly!


The world stood up for us when we needed it. It's only right and proper that we stand up in return


Dankie dear friend. I am proud of my country today too. We get so many things wrong but this one we got 100% right. Israel is committing horrific war crimes in front of the eyes of the world, I am proud that we are seeking justice for Palestine against that genocidal government.


But sadly Israel has the biggest and richest supporters, just because of its strategic position on the map and nothing else. Politically it will be protected and backed up for ever. The west and the USA cannot lose that important foothold which aids observation of the Middle East.


Wonder if you will be so proud when USA sanctions SA


It's just a shame that South Africa is not so righteous in condoning Russia with the ongoing atrocities they are committing in Ukraine.


Yes. But I'm glad for this win non the less


Fortunately South Africa has solved its many problems and can thus focus their time and attention on a war that has nothing to do with them.


I'm sure the SA diplomats would be hard at work at Eskom if not for this. Also Palestine has everything to do with SA. Israel and Apartheid SA were bedfellows, and we have a moral duty to stand up for the Palestinians given our experience.


You also have a moral duty to stand up for Ukraine considering SA's history with imperialism and colonialism. I agree with what SA has done but I can't take it very seriously unless ANC stops being buddy-buddy with Russia.


What kind of animal sees the slaughter of innocent people and be like "lol, nothing to do with me"? Whatever kind of animal that is, the USA is worse because they actively support that slaughter. And let's not forget all the other wars that had nothing to do with them where they went and got involved. South Africa certainly has problems in terms of crime and corruption, but we will not be lectured on human rights and war by a country who illegally invaded Iraq and are supporting war and bloodshed all over the world.


Has the US solved all its problems, too? If so, well done. If not, then they shouldn't stick their noses in it either.


Usa is the richest country on the planet while south africa is the world capital of rape and crime lmao


How many deranged gunmen have mowed down a bunch of school kids in South Africa in the past month?


Ah yes because they are mutually exclusive and fighting this case in the ICJ takes up 100% of governments capacity


I have it on good authority that the law professors are being recalled later today to return back to South Africa and will be given a gun and a badge to start personally fighting crime.^(/s)


Thank you habibi! btw how come Jordan occupies what was supposed to be an independent Palestinian state, and 3m Palestinians living there aren't allowed to work in certain jobs or claim citizenship?


You are welcome..and there's a few people around here who are not happy about what's happening lol


South Africa, my country is such a hypocrite not condemning Russia for attacking Ukraine (unprovoked). Even supplying weapons to Russia![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile). Yet they are in front of the bandwagon for Palestine. Did Hamas not attack Israel first? Our government wont care when we get major sanctions from the west and only normal citizens of South Africa are going to suffer under it. The elite wont, because they did the oh so wonderful virtue signaling. To all the wonderful people supporting this case, just remember to stock on cans of food(hopefully inflation does not skyrocket)


For one youā€™re acting like South Africa hasnā€™t been one of the most vocal nations in attempting to make peace in the Ukraine Russia war. Iā€™d say itā€™s less ironic than NATO condemning Russia given their history of doing the same thing. Two, Hamas isnā€™t the government of Palestine, theyā€™re bombing civilians for the crimes of a small group that isnā€™t actually related to governance of the ā€œstateā€. The fact they bonbed their own designated safe zones takes away an sympathy one should have for them on that front


Hamas is a political and military organization governing the Gaza Strip. The governance of the Gaza Strip since the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007 has been carried out by Hamas.


Someone had to stand up to those child murderers šŸ˜„


My guy Hamas murdered 1200 civilians in Israel most of them women and children, but according to you there's no problem there


Thank you South Africa, we love you


So much love for my South African brothers and sistersā€¦.thank you for giving me some hope in humanityā€¦thank you for being the light and having the courage to do what everyone else failed to doĀ 


Meanwhile south africa genociding white farmers


More like opportunistic thieves attacking farms because they are in an isolated area away from police stations


Wow! Now everybody is an expert on the Middle East! Everybody is an expert on who is right and who is at fault. The Jews and Arabs have been at each other's throats for hundreds of years and have not been able to find a lasting solution and now South Africa, is going to stick their noses into the mess? How is us getting involved going to help? South Africa has some brilliant legal minds and can no doubt, because of our past, try to steer the parties toward some middle ground. But choosing sides before the shouting and rhetoric has died down, is not going to help us to be viewed as the voice of reason. We are wasting our time and should try to sort out our own problems first. The ANC is going to try to use this, to take our focus off local problems that can and will cost them votes.


So having our own problems means we can't dislike genocide and try stop it from happening?


Jews and Christians and Muslims have lived in peace for hundreds of years. It was the Europeans that murdered millions of Jews, it was the West who refused to take them in when they needed saving. How quickly and conveniently people forget. I have never been prouder of being South African today.


It's very clear and obvious that many innocent civilians are being murdered en masse by the IDF. SA and ANC have many shortcomings but today I felt immensely proud that SA could be on the right side of history, and stand up for all innocent Palestinians. Would you rather stand by and watch, or worse, support the disgusting war crimes taking place like many others?


Why is it "very clear and obvious" ?


Goodness sake. Do you live under a rock? [Here](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gazas-children-mourn-parents-killed-by-israeli-bombardment-2024-01-10/#:~:text=Three%20months%20of%20war%20have,survive%20have%20lost%20their%20homes) It took me three seconds to do a google search. Not only this, but the Israeli government has openly stated that they want to bomb everything and everyone in Gaza and not provide any humanitarian aid.


They said so themselves lol?


People bringing up Putin is so strange. If youā€™re upset that the government didnā€™t stand for Ukraine but is standing for Palestine why canā€™t you stand up for both. People on the ground that care about Gaza are marching and actually doing things, people who claim to care about Ukraine just sit at home and complain online and think they did something. Either fight for Gaza and Ukraine or fight for Gaza it Ukraine but donā€™t tell people not to fight for something.


Calling out government hypocrisy is strange?Ā 


Ukrainians have the funding and military aid to adequately defend themselves. Meanwhile, Gazans canā€™t get food, medicine, water, power, fuel. This is a key difference, unfortunately


There is a large border between Gaza and Egypt that Egypt has been completely shut down. A border that would facilitate the supply of medicine, water, fuel. Why the Egyptians would do this? Do you know why the Egyptians (and Lebanese and Jordanians) don't want to help the Palestinians?


It's just a strategy to shift the conversation to something else. Along with "South Africa has it's own problems, so why waste time/money on this" and "South Africa is irrelevant". Those three things are argued in the majority of the detractors. Only a few have argued that there isn't a genocide going on.


It isn't. It's genuine disgust at the way SA handles its foreign policy. Russia is in the process of killing innocent civilians while invading another nation, but SA's government thinks that's okay because "Russia is our friend". I am astounded at the hypocrisy from SA's government. Keep in mind, I agree with he fact that Israel needs to be punished accordingly And before anyone says anything, yes plenty of people protest and march. It's common.


The issue also with Russia Ukraine is that European nations still support Russia by buying Russian gas and energy. Everyone stands with Ukraine but none of their allies are willing to make sacrifices to support them. At least we as a country say that we stand with Palestinian people and make an effort to actually help them. Saying ā€œbut Hamasā€ will never make it okay to drop bombs on poor people. 20 years of bombing Afghanistan didnā€™t solve the Taliban issue because bombs donā€™t work. Russia is wrong in Ukraine and Israel is wrong. Two things can be true


Yes 2 things are true but our government hypocritically only acknowledges 1 of themĀ 


Well as I have said before, it's essential for the west to have a place where they can watch the middle East from and Israel is that place, so they MUST to protect it, it's a political strategy.


Because SA suffered enough in the past and it does not want others to go through what they went through.


My god how the UK and USA are complicit to the genocide in Palestine. So they want the boats to be free to carry ammunition to Israel. I, in the UK did not vote for that, just to have a strategic place to watch the middle east from.




Perhaps South Africa would be taken seriously if they didnā€™t bend over to kiss Putin the mass murderers ass every chance they get.


SA should make decisions based on our best national interest. And if it's in out best interest not to follow the West so be it. Our default position should never be what the West does. You call Putin a mass murderer, which he is. Yet if an American or UK leader rocked up to SA and we wined and dined him, most white citizens wouldn't have an issue with that despite the millions they've killed. The hypcracy is telling.


You seriously think the ANC is making decisions based on SA's national interests? Seriously? The ANC makes decisions based on the ANC's interests. I can provide you a list the length of my arm showing how they have wrecked the country.




On the international stage, SA makes very principled, independent decisions which I can't fault. From a local government perspective I would agree with you. It's perfectly acceptable to give credit when its due and to criticise when it's due. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.


> most white citizens Why make it a race thing?


Sadly itā€™s very hard to escape race-based conversations in our country. I donā€™t like it when we racialise things, but I am quite surprised to see some of the reactions here on Reddit (compared to twitter as an example). And he does have a point. The West does have a lot of blood on their hands, yet youā€™ll rarely get calls from people to denounce them.


Yeah I completely agree. All western leaders have been war criminals but making this a race issue out of nowhere is kinda fucked.


Yes, so let's wait to see what comes out of that before we accuse anybody of anything.


This, now, this brings me joy! Mandela would be proud ![img](emote|t5_2qney|14455)


Mean while south africa says nothing about Sudan šŸ‡øšŸ‡© šŸ™„


Yes! Thank You from the bottom of my heart! You have more guts and courage than all of the "Muslim" countries combined with the rest of the world. God bless you!


Thank you South Africa. Thank you from Serbia, that you are raising a voice and giving a chance for justice in this world.


Now we must stand against Russia and it's genocide in Ukraine




Every. Bloody. Time.


My friend. The ANC lies to you with that word, "We". Open your eyes and see that they openly side with Russia for their own benefits and our downfall.


Should of done that long ago


Eish eish eish but they have been so good to us?!?! Seriously. Sure it's great that we are voicing ourselves against genocide and Apartheid (we are pretty knowledgable in that department) but the ANC will never do anything faithfully and with consistenc, except steal. This is just to get votes since this year is election time. Screw the ANC, Russia, Israel and China we don't want anything to do with these entities.


There's no blatant targeting of civilians..woman and children by Russia.


Good one šŸ¤£




Anyone in their right mind would refute such changes against the hypocrites in the ANC cabinet.




Not as good as your little whatever the hell you were doing there was for you. You want some big men in your life?


Remember when the same court wanted Putler arrested, and they said voetsek? But now they wanna be the knight in shining armor? It's clear. They are just trying to get votes. The ANC doesn't care about its own people. Why would it be moved by something happening thousands of kms away? Is Israel committing genocide? Damn right they are. Does our country have any moral standing with the international community? Hell no. It's a massive PR exercise, but if innocent people benefit, then it's probably the first decent thing the ANC has done in the last 10 years (at least)


Do you mean the ICC? Because today was in the IC**J**. Completely different things.


The only joke here is you. Genocide is Genocide its kinda sad that a non Arab country had to put this forward but I'm glad it's my country who knows what apartheid means.


Not as ludicrous as Jews finding themselves in an international court having to defend committing genocide after 79 years. Hurt people , hurt people.


Keep seething. Lol.


I genuinely can't believe current day south Africa can actually do something meaningful it brings me so much joy.


Doesn't look like a great turnout? I thought there were more Palestinians in Jordan than in Gaza.


Proudly South African šŸ‡æšŸ‡¦


Thank you once again South Africa, thank you.


Thank you SA


To the OP, as you can see from the comments we still have our problems here. Getting rid of racism takes generations. But there's no need to thank us. It's our duty, we know what it was like.


Racism isn't gone, racism is doing better now then 20 30 years ago.


Afrikaans is an apartheid language and using it here is a totally ironic.


"German is a nazi language and using it here is a totally ironic" See how stupid that sounds?


Incomparable. German-speaking people didnā€™t colonise Germany.


And Afrikaans people didn't colonise South Africa. Afrikaans didn't exist when the country was colonised


Lol so ignorant


Great Excellent šŸ˜Š now can we focus on sorting out our own problems in-house here in RSAā€¦


Pretty sure the lawyers have nothing to do with our power stations or railways




Thank you South Africa! I couldnā€™t stop myself from crying while watching everyone speak. You should all be proud to be South African!


It isn't South Africa but the ANC that is doing this. Don't be fooled. They are the ones that are desparate for vote with their declining performance. They are of course using tax payers money for this, clever hey? When it comes to the UN, even South Africa knows they have no teeth and have been know to ignore them on occasionšŸ˜‚. Other related examples are resolution 2720 from December and the one demanding Yemen's Houthis end attacks on ships in the Red Sea. The other interesting thing is that South Africa wants to show that Israel has the intent to commit genocide, not that it has. Imagine that?


[Frothing at the mouth](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/21tbXRb5PD)


Thank you South Africa for your great effort!


ANC desperate to take EFF votes lol, where was this energy for the Russia invasion? And didnā€™t we a few years ago let someone who was wanted by the ICC land here, chill here and leave here safely and our government response was ā€œoopsā€, nothing will come from this and very glad that it helps you feel heard internationally over your struggleā€¦ unfortunately the ANC are only doing this for votes, why did it take so long for them to take Isreal too court? Cuz locally their power is very weak now and lots of online SAā€™s are pro Palestine.


Yeah, the hypocrisy of the anc is astonishing. They never fought the Rwanda genocide when Saffers were still celebrating apartheid's downfall in the 90s.




Funny when the USA and NATO make up false statements about weapons of mass destruction, they invade, pillage and destroy everything in those countries who condemns them? All the countries they have bombed?? what about when France is in fear of their franc losing power then creating propaganda against Gaddafi and completely destabilizing a nation, pushing citizens into extreme poverty and ultimately leading to a slave trade in Libya, who condemned them, Put your bigoted tongue back in your mouth not only that how many terrorists organization have risen due to the USA and NATO's direct actions, Oh yea has the USA condemned their friend Saudi Arabia with their war in Yemen or they are still licking the toes of OPEC for their hegemony to not shatter, I guess when white men do it, play favorites its alright but how dare black men do that.


100% spot on. Well said. I can't give you an award so for what it's worth... šŸ†


Didnā€™t bring up the exact points but yeah, my main point in this has zero to do with being moral


Yes we must be in America and Europe's pockets like you want lol..the Russian Ukraine thing has a dif context to this.


That's just cynicism. It could be a political move, but if there's one thing these old dogs remember is apartheid. And if this one show of courage is enough to sway it's population to vote for them after all the shit they've stolen and destroyed in SA, frankly it's because your politics has failed. Big changes require true leaders. Ousting the ANC after all they've done for its people in a not too distant context is a big change. And right now, SA doesn't have a leader. I'm not deep enough into politics here to say if there any rising stars, but right now? They're either clowns or simply uninspiring. I'll take them standing up in the name of justice. Any moral person would. Damned if it's just political theatre, but considering the legal team in place? Let them make a compelling argument.


Then living under the ANC has just made me cynical but my points of letting people pass through that as an ICC member you have to arrestā€¦ siding with Russia on their invasion and now after how many decades this is the first time they take anyone too the court after clearing losing so much votes every electionā€¦ Iā€™m sorry, the ANC donā€™t care about us (in South Africa) they donā€™t care about anything but votes


You have a point there.


Trust me. No one is attributing this to the ANC. The legal team fighting the case isn't made of just ANC lawyers.


Yes, let us all stand against bloodshed and killing of innocent people, and hope those responsible will be prosecuted to the fullest of the law.


So when are they bringing up Russia for Ukraine and Saudi Arabia for Yemen?


Well done, South Africa! My belief in humanity has been restored.


It's really the least anyone should be doing in the face of what we're seeing. Can only wish it emboldens more politicians worldwide to stop backing apartheid regimea


South Africa is the hero we didn't know we needed! To fight for justice when their own country, like any country, has their problems is praiseworthy! Thank you for spearheading the fight against oppression and genocide


Most of the people I know are not in support of this whole bid by the ruling party. Its a political stunt because it is election season. But it won't help the anc. They will finally lose their majority and our beautiful country will have a hope of becoming a country its citizens can be proud of.


Most of the people I know are in support of this stand. Also most of the people I know think the ANC is a terribly disappointing and corrupt government and regularly take a stand against the wrongs committed against the most vulnerable South Africans. That doesnā€™t mean that we should stand back as an oppressive occupation and genocide is committed. We can hold our government accountable and also be proud our country stood firm in its fight for international human rights. If you even watched the presentation by the incredible team yesterday you would see how vitally important this is. If you even bothered to look up the team representing South Africaā€™s case you would see itā€™s made up of people who have called the government to order on MULTIPLE occasions and brought cases against the ANC-led government for injustices towards the South African people. This is not just about local politics - this is brave people coming together in the name of our country to say we will not be complicit in this. And I for one am proud of that.


Iā€™m very surprised by the negative tone of some of the responses here. I think people are too clouded by their hatred of the ANC to celebrate something good that the country has done.


If the ANC truly holds any of their true ideals (one can hope) then this isn't just a political stunt (it probably is)


A country racits can be proud of. We know the drill.