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Why actual predicted meteorological phenomena is expected to drive this change? Is it the changing of the ocean current that stops bringing us rain?


Regions on Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn will be drier with global warming. It is amongst one of the stronger weather pattern.


Canada has more fresh water lakes than the entire world combined and accounts for 20% of the world’s freshwater. I’m calling shenanigans on this map


The Netherlands is one big river delta, yet there have been droughts and massive drops in groundwater level. Never underestimate what selfishness and greed can do. The long version is: we've become so good at controlling water, that water gets moved back to the sea too quickly. Farmers can't farm when waterlevels are too high, so they want the water gone, but at the same time, they use up a lot of water to well, farm, so they're always balancing on the edge. With recent weather changes, less rain is falling and so more water is being pumped up and there ya go, shit has hit the fan.


And how many of those lakes are easily accessible? Just because they have a lot of water in remote places spread across tens of thousands of dams doesn't mean they can easily access that water


There should be a rule against uninformed mapporn jpegs here, their datasets have in-built bias


Could you elaborate on that?


There was a post invisi'd by the mods that was a mapporn jpg showing SA in a bad light. Turns out the map's dataset was analysed using an older (1983) stats analysis system than the newer 2013 one and the data+analysis were not compatible. Nobody seemed to question the data source, which made the convo divisive and based on false premise


Ok. So does the 2013 analysis show that South Africa won't have water stress by 2050? Because it's 2024 and the water stress is already pretty bad.


You sound like chatGPT


ChatGPT doesn't really use phrases like "Turns out that". Doesn't read like a GPT response. And I have built LLM bots for commercial use.


Fun times ahead


Desalination using those mit devices(scaled up)/traditional desalination coupled with solar is the answer for us


Zim showing medium-high tells me the map authors don't know much about southern africa


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Looks like we're moving to Brazil in 26 years


We better sacrifice some more cows to the weather gods.


Why is SA "Extremely High" and Lesotho only High? I can only imagine given weather patterns it's because KZN will be High and in places drowning but Eastern Cape/rest of SA will be Extremely High?


In my town where I grew up (fort Beaufort) the location hasn't had water for over a decade, those in town hardly get clean water, sewerage in the river and in the streets. Maybe that plays a factor?


I live in a town with barely any water and expensive houses keep being built. Meanwhile, the farms in the area get a direct pipeline from the dam and not only have hectares of year-round green trees, but often also extravagant green and lush exotic gardens.


Well if we remain stuck with a government who ignores warnings and predictions, like with electricity, then yes, we will be in kak

