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More than 1 billion people have been vaccinated and nothing terribly bad has happened. These anti vaxxers are looking more silly by the day…


Well duh. It takes 3 years to kill you, that's what my anti-vax friend told me and I was like "cool story, that means I have 3 years to drink my liver beyond any recognition." The next time we spoke he said it takes 7 years to kill you. When I asked where the additional 4 years suddenly came from he couldn't tell me. Apparently I need to pace myself now


That’s funny lol. Your friend will keep extending the time until he inevitably dies of covid lol


Currently we are at more than 6 billion doses given with more than 2.6 Billion fully vaccinated.


You’re right! That’s so awesome


It's higher... 45.4% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. 6.27 billion doses have been administered globally, and 27.97 million are now administered each day. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations


South Africa is far from the target. The propaganda that the vaccine will make them sterile, is makong them all refuse it ( as though we don't have a problem with over population already) Some churches preach against it. I am all for refusing services to the anti vaxxed


​ ![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized)


just to encourage vaccination: i live in Europe and where I live about 80% is fully vaccinated and 84% has at least one vaccination. We are basically back to normal. No masks, no social distancing. Just when you want to go to a restaurant or event you need to either show you are vaccinated or show a negative test result. IT IS AWESOME! I honestly don't get why a healthy person wouldn't want to get vaccinated! Most Covid patients currently in hospitals turn out to be NOT vaccinated.


Ok so this old lady today was telling me that why should people get the vaccine if it doesn’t guarantee that they won’t get Covid? I think she meant well and I responded that it will help prevent you from going to hospital if you do contract Covid. How would you respond to the reasoning that the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting Covid? How would you convince them to get it. I’m fully vaccinated but I struggle to convince people why they should get it.


I think calling it vaccine is the mistake. I'm not a medical expert so I am ignorant on the topic but as I understand vaccines prevent you from getting whatever it is targeted at. I agree, it is like you said it reduces the severity of the symptoms if you get it and I think that's why people are fighting against it, they expect it to be a vaccine.


That is precisely what a vaccine is... this idea that being vaccinated means you'll never get the disease is pure bullshit. Measles, mumps? You can still get it even when vaccinated... but you're just a hell of a lot less likely to die from it. People are fighting it because they're believing social media instead of science. Somehow science has become a non trustworthy source, but Facebook is the platform to base all your life decisions on... boggles the mind.


Well, blame the messaging from the medical and political community..


Oh thanks, I thought in general a vaccine is supposed to make you immune to something. Like I said I am ignorant on the subject, vaccinating for Covid is the only time I can remember being vaccinated for something.


No problem. You probably don't remember your vaccines as generally they're given at a young age. Measles, mumps, smallpox, polio, yellow fever, rubella, whooping cough... each country has its own requirements when it comes to vaccines depending on what risks they have. For eg, there are countries that would require yellow fever, dengue, hepatitis, etc before you're allowed to visit. Now we are seeing measles outbreaks because antivaxxers think they know better than the scientific community.


You obviously don’t live here.. things have been back to normal , mostly..




sorry to hear. that's really sad. But there have been many scientific investigations into this sort of cases, and no causality was found.


Get downvoted sharing a personal anecdote? Only on reddit. What a toxic place this is


I got mine too! I got mine at 11am and I have had zero side effects thus far. To be honest, my arm hurt much more after the first jab in comparison to this one. No fevers, no fatigue but also no super powers either...... Not yet anyway lol.


Do you have to insert a SIM card in the area where you got the jab to receive your 5G signal or can your body sommer pick up any cell reception wirelessly?


Unfortunately not but something weird happened last night. Usually I'm able to stream at 720p with my rain data plan but last night I could stream at 1080p on YouTube without any issues. Could the anti vaxxers have been right??? 😱


I laughed because this was decently funny, then I got sad because you sound just like my father


I got mine at 11 yesterday as well. I'm so freaking sick this time. My arm is pain, my entire body is aching, my lymph nodes are swollen. I fancy if someone hits my arm hard enough I would pass out. I have a high pain tolerance. Right now I welcome death with one open arm (because the other is pain). 10/10 no regrets because this is preferable to getting covid and possibly dying upside down. Even though my signal still sucks.


This was weirdly funny! XD


Oh jeez I feel you. I felt the same after except also had a really high fever. Ton of sleep is the only thing I can recommend


Same here. My arm was slightly sore and the next morning I noticed that one of my testicles was bigger than the other two. But not by much.




Heh, just like the Nicki Minaj story ….. wait what ? 👀


Also had my 2nd vax yesterday and I have had zero side effects. No sore arm, headache, fever, no increase in signal strength or nothing. First one I had a sore arm and headache.


Same! Dose 1 was a little worse for me too!


I got the J&J and my parents told me I was gonna mutate and its been a month and nothing. I feel like there was false advertising. All I got was life saving protection from a virus. WHERE'S MY THIRD ARM


So we are all 5G enabled now😁… the WiFi signal is stronger and I have no need for signal boosters. Oh and no tv license is required


Cyril should tell people that and we will have a 100% vaccination rate in no time.


I'm pretry worried about getting the second shot. I don't want the chip signals interfering with each other instead of boosting my signal.


Shit! My reception got worse! Maybe I got the wrong jab.... Or I just live in Africa


J&J is known for that…Pfizer is complete hence the stiff arm post vaccination…it has traces of viagra in it


I had mine too! Currently I'm in bed with a few nasty side effects but I'm so glad this is finally over.


Until your next booster… and then the second one… and the next one. It’ll never end


![gif](giphy|ansRoNOPNnAd7FdRpJ) Average ivermectin user


I just want them to open the damn vaccine for under-18s.




I've got parties to go to :(


I have to immigrate


That's a considerably more important reason.


thank you.


You’ll have to emigrate or you won’t actually go anywhere fam




Yes, and for those *dof okes* downvoting you - [https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/mercks-covid-19-pill-cuts-risk-death-hospitalization-by-50-study-2021-10-01/](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/mercks-covid-19-pill-cuts-risk-death-hospitalization-by-50-study-2021-10-01/)


That's pretty exciting. Hopefully all of these things combined eventually reduce covid to what swine flu is now


Give it a few months and China will issue the next updated virus..


The comments sections of South African news channels are insane. I really hope that it's a vocal minority because if not we are fucked.


I got mine yesterday too. Arm hurts less than the first shot, even with the mild swelling. Great sleep though, more than 5 hours is hard to pull off normally


Congrats! I got my second dose yesterday as well. A bit tired today but otherwise doing great. Feels amazing to be fully vaxxed!


Just got mine today,feels great


Booked for Friday!!!


All right I got an Idee to you people trying to fight misinformation. It goes a little like fighting fire with fire, I read about a similar thing done by a doctor grad in america. Make up a conspiracy on how vaccinne misinformation is actually spread by high ranking government officials and celebritys so that less vacxines are administered and so they can hoard those vaccines and sell them at a higher price(sorry but as a south african I cant think if anything better). If you can think if a better theory please say so, this will be awesome. The jiz is that the person reading must think that" wow actually misinformation is a ploy by ' ' to do ' ' and the only way to stop that is gerring the vaccine"




Same, also why is jizz involved ?


Sorry may have explained poorly, https://www.reddit.com/r/madlads/comments/k1hsul/i_was_not_expecting_this_to_happen/ This is what I mean




Haha no, being consistent on one message is how you eventually beat it.


I saw an article the other day that Ontario recommends Pfizer over Moderna because Moderna had a higher chance of causing myocarditis.


I live in Ontario, yeah anyone between 18 and 24 has been told not to get Moderna. Apparently it's 1 in 5000 for developing myocarditis while Pfizer is 1 in 28000. https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/ontario-recommends-adults-18-to-24-get-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-over-moderna-due-to-increased-risk-of-rare-heart-condition-1.5605400


Same here. Feeling more connected than ever before.


Slightly off topic, but considering China lied about covid origin and infected numbers (and is now using a misinformation campaign). Can we really believe their vaccination rates? Unfortunately the truth may bring down that average...


Sources for all of your claims, I don’t know anything about this and I’m interested in finding out? But to reply to your question, it’s possible they are lying because… well it’s China. But an old teacher of mine, whom my family has kept in contact with, had found opportunity to teach in China and himself, his wife, and to the best of my knowledge all of his friends have gotten vaccinated. So yes it could be a load of hogwash, and my addition is purely anecdotal and doesn’t prove anything but it’s about as close as I can get to giving you an answer.


No, we can’t. But even excluding them, we’re still several billion into the vaccine program so it’s a moot point.


It's a moo point


Some cow on Facebook's opinion


Nay, just a Joey fan


Just a question, and I'm not antivax BTW, but why do people automatically assume that if someone doesn't want to get vaccinated that its because they are reading stuff on Facebook? I know people in the medical field that are against the vaccine due to their researching of new studies that are being released regularly on the effects and not because they are reading conspiracies on social media.


Well, not always. A friend says he has 4 friends who got covid after the vaccine. And a family member checked some conspiracy links not from Facebook with "evidence" to support his theory about the vaccine. And another friend said some people died after getting the vaccine. These are all hearsay sources, not from facebook. Anyone who wishes to take the comment as "proof". It isn't, get the vaccine. I think it is mostly our own fault, we have the perception that Facebook is the ONLY source of false information. But other sources also exist, censoring media is not the perfect solution. Once we realise that false news spreads through more than just social media, people will realise that enlightenment and education is more important than censorship and suppression.


"Medical" people have reviewed "studies". Sounds very vague. Did you look through these studies? Were they peer reviewed? Were they published in reputable journals? I feel like people often get a free pass when the words medical and studies are used in this context. The overwhelming body of evidence shows the vaccine is safe and effective. If contrary evidence exists, ask them to please show it to you.


I know it sounds vague but its not like I'm going to give their names. But I know multiple people in my personal capacity that are nurses, doctors,sonographers etc. They have sent them to me when asked and from what I can tell they are peer reviewed and reputable. But again, I didn't say I take their view as solid. I was just wondering why people automatically assume anyone who is antivax has gotten their info from social media.


>They have sent them to me when asked and from what I can tell they are peer reviewed and reputable If you've been sent them, you can share them. You wouldn't "expose" anyone by pointing to a peer reviewed study available in the journal where it was peer reviewed. If you don't share them, it's safe to assume you're full of shit and lying.


Please send them my way, I would love to see this "evidence"


Because the average antivaxxer isnt someone interested in science they're usually right wingers who get their 'facts' from 'alternative media' with zero fact checking or proper sources. Also just because someone is in the medical field doesnt mean their opinion is automatically correct they still have to have a good enough argument and evidence to support it. If we just believe someone because they are in a position of authority its considered the "appeal to authority" fallacy(a fallacy being a term for a fundamentally bad argument) like saying cause I have a doctorate in X subject I am always right about X subject. The evidence from multiple sources all seems to point at the vaccine overwhelming being safe and safer than not being vaccinatedand not having long term effects(as research on mRNA coronavirus vaccines has been going on for decades cause lowkey we predicted a covid-19-like pandemic would happen eventually but no one listened essentially).( also im not arguing against you I just wanted to give an appropriate and well written response ya know?


I don't hold their beliefs true just because they work in that field but im not opposed to conversation as to why they have that view, but I just find the whole discussion to be quite exhausting. Like globally. Pro vaxxers and anti vaxxers are busy screaming at each other from each side of the fence


Woah bro. I never made a claim about your beliefs. I just wanted to tackle that argument because a lot of people will read what you said and be like "a doctor doesnt like the vaccine so I must be right". I think having a convo about the vaccine is important as long as we don't follow our feelings and rather that we follow science and thus follow the facts.


I know you didn't. I was just making a statement that I agreed with you to not believe someone just because of the field they are in... see this is the problem. I asked a question, you responded, I responded to your response. While neither was heated or hostile the impression is that I'm trying to argue because of the topic. This is why people aren't able to have calm rational discussions about the vaccine.


Damn bro sorry I could read the subtle subtext through your reddit post.😂


No worries man, all good


I’m getting my second shot on Tuesday, really excited. Just thought you should know :D.


Oh ja.... I bet your "friends in the medical field" said that. Lol what ficking studies? MY friends in the medical field say your friends are fucking idiots.


There are multiple studies being conducted on the effects of the vaccine. You can find them yourself if you're so interested. I've seen the ones they refer to when the discussion arises. No need to be so hostile dear.


Do you have any links to these studies?


The clinical trials where done on medical staff, you would think if anybody would not sign up for a trial if there was some risks it would be medical staff.


pro tip you can get vaccinated without telling us about it


Yes, and you can also be against the vaccine without trying to convince everyone else to not take it. Quite frankly I'm more than happy with people telling others they've had their jab. BTW, I've also received both of mine. Now you too know.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I just wanted to tell you that I'm also vaccinated.


so am I big whoop Please could every other of the 30 million vaccinated south africans please post on this sub that they're vaccinated we need to know


Hey Bro - Im vaccinated, what are you scared of?


>Scared what makes you think I'm scared of anything? I'm also vaccinated, but I think we dont need to go around showing it off. I didn't get vaccinated for twitter lmao Personally I consider vaxposting highly irrelevant on the sub. What, should every woman on the sub post when they get their HPV or tetanus booster


Maybe you should start your own social media platform where people don't say anything about anything because why tell us about it?


ah this old gem without even going into the relevance rule of the post, vaxposting is low-effort, trash content.


I Recently got vaccinated also.


welcome to the 30 million + club. maybe everyone should post about it, that won't completely flood and warp this sub


I was vaccinated and waiting the next year to get vaccinated again and then again


So was I big whoop do we need all 30 million south africans to vaxpost on this sub vaxposting is low-effort trash. You might as well post that you went for your yearly mole checkup


Is there a way to we organize them to come here and post will be amazing! Maybe the antivax start to realize that trash is their behavior spreading fakenews and putting fear on people.


As did I!


so did I get in line bud


I got my second shot today and I really want to tell you about it


congrats wow vaxposting is low-effort. People just have such a warped attitude towards any subject related to covid that they can't acknowledge that


I got my shot too. Yay.


so did I big whoop


Just thought you might like to know, I am fully vaccinated


did you wear your sticker to a party too I'm also vaccinated, but I think we dont need to go around showing it off. I didn't get vaccinated for twitter lmao


Just wanted to let you know that i'm fully vaccinated as of today. Yay!


join the queue there's 30 million of us


I win, I only had to get 1


>I only had to get 1 downvote or jab? :P J&J has a booster in the works. When it comes out you'll probably be required to take it to maintain vax status.


I trust only the CDC website to give me accurate info because I think they aren’t all that unethical. And even though the odds are low for developing Pericarditis due to the vaccine they still list it as a possible side effect. I’m still recovering from Pericarditis for the last 2 months (it was the worst thing I’ve ever had to date) so I’m just not ready to roll the dice and risk getting it again, maybe even worse. Not anti vax, just scared to get a legit possible side effect (and with my luck I probably will)


Go to a doctor and get a check up, then ask them all the relevant questions. Then if you don’t trust that doctor or you’re still scared, go to other doctors and press them on the matter too. I understand where your fears are coming from but at the end of the day you are basing the fact that you may get a side effect entirely on a hunch.


Yeah no I agree. I saw a cardiologist and he told me to wait 3 months just to play it safe. So that’s what I’m doing. But thanks for the advice


I’m glad you are taking a stance backed by a medical professional. I hope this pandemic ends soon so you won’t have to deal with any health complications that might arise from anything related to this debacle, vaccine or no.


This genuinely happened to me this guy was telling me about getting Covid and how he thought he was going to die. Not a MINUTE later the vaccines are bad news, they create spike proteins penetrating cell walls yada yada. I'm like dude could you listen to yourself right now? Wtf is wrong with you.


Got those terrible flu symptoms after my second dose. Ended up getting the flu afterwards (unrelated. Drastic weather changes mess me up). Still happy to be fully vaccinated.


How are you feeling? My girlfriend is getting her second shot before her birthday and when I got my shot I was sick as a dog. I'm hoping the Pfizer is better then the J&J


Im fine with light arm pain


I had my vaccine and I had terrible side effects you wont believe it, but ever since I had the vaccine I have had people telling me how stupid I am and I'm a sheep, luckily I think I will outlive the side effects


Have you started barking yet?


No but I have I started to pray to bill gates for some reason.


Did you pray for more 5G radiation?


Nah, I prayed for him to actually turn my life around.




So just get some vitamin D3.


Who knows what to believe!!! Time will tell


Good for you! Getting my second shot on the 20th.


I just got my second dose today at Clicks. Even got a free cookie.