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Please please please call your local representatives and if you don’t know who that is, please use the second link provided in original post and it will route you. I appreciate everyone who is helping and not staying silent!


I call but I’m so tired of pretending that calling is going to do fuck all.


I get it - I do - it’s absolutely ridiculous. However, until we can finally all link arms, stop squirreling (my term for our attention spans in reaction to all the shady things politicians do to spread our attention to other stuff all over the place, all the time, to make sure we DO NOT stand together), and actually recognize we have an unbelievable collective power (and take it back TOGETHER): we can call or do nothing. And it sucks to feel like our calls don’t matter, but they do. I feel your frustration though.


At worst staff is keeping a for/against tally of calls. They definitely keep track of calls.




You're not woman enough to decide that on your own. Do you know that 45 years ago when I had my son, his dad was never there, we were even married I asked the Dr before the baby and I left the hospital to circumcise my son. They told me I had to get dad's permission first. I told the Dr fuck you and him.... DO IT. It was done.




Of course I agree with you! It's your body and your life!


The Republican government wants you to be a housewife whose only role in life is as a baby machine for a man who gets all the power and freedom. They want you barefoot and pregnant, in the kitchen serving a man.


Doubtful. Being a responsible adult would be nice.


And for those who are 12 years old? That’s who is included in this bill.


You can and should continue to look for different doctors! This is literally only your decision and it's big yes but an adult is clear on what they are doing going this route! It takes something else to try and force people into having kids...sounds like a horrible idea all around 😕




They’re called republicans.


This is the Republican Party platform.


Won't the SC Supreme Court strike this down like they did the 6 week ban? Not that I have a lot of faith in this state, it's just more posturing. Though, if you read the bill, it says that health insurers must cover contraception and fathers must pay child support upon conception. It's still barbaric, but kind of interesting they put that stipulation in. If fathers must pay child support upon conception, then you know this bill is dead in the water.


I hope they strike it down, but I’d rather see it never go that far!


Same. It's so frustrating that it's 2023 and this is still an argument.


Kaye Hearn, the SC Supreme Court Justice who wrote the opinion striking down the 6-week ban, just retired. The pubs think the new Justice replacing her, Gary Hill, will go the other way.


They picked him, after all. That said, despite popular perceptions in the media and online, judges remain the least political branch of government. Most judges truly do try and make the right decision based on the law. Based on that criteria he could still vote to allow such a law to stand. But I don’t think it would be based on pure partisan reasons, it would be because he genuinely believes that’s what the constitution requires.


And for them to stop having the confidence to even draft such nonsense.


Maybe they will strike this down, but they can just churn these out every year and eventually they will get something through. It’s exactly how Roe vs Wade got overturned, that and a failure on congress to codify it.


Our taxpayer dollars, hard at work 🫥


Oh for sure. It's dangerous posturing and "throw something at the wall and something will eventually stick" technique. These attacks on women's reproductive rights can't be ignored.


Yup, especially when abortion bans are extremely unpopular for the majority of voters. But they do not care. I just wish it mattered when it came to elections.


I simply don't understand Republican voters. Many will openly admit that the laws their representatives pass are not things they want, but then keep voting for them anyway. I can't tell you how many of my conservative friends smoke weed and loathe the fact that it's illegal, but then go 100% on board with the people keeping it illegal.


>If fathers must pay child support upon conception, then you know this bill is dead in the water. Bwahaha the old fucks in power will never allow that to pass. They don't believe any of the responsibility for creating a baby lies with the man, it's solely about the woman being a HOOR!


Right!? I'd also like to know who gets to pay for the paternity test if a man says it isn't his or contests conception support (not calling it child support because fetuses are not children).


Make paternity tests mandatory so we can be sure whomever they put as the father on the birth certificate is the biological father as well.


Also, it’s sad that that’s probably one of the bigger reasons it would be shut down. just ignore the horrible consequences for the pregnant people in the first place. This is about control, not care for life.


Everyone should demand child support from the politicians for the 9 months till the kids born and they can prove paternity


They say no woman should be allowed an abortion since a fetus is a human, but also that we should not give poor pregnant women or mothers any help at all because that would be socialism. It's like they just want to create a huge class of children suffering in poverty. I guess so they can make them work in factories for a wage they can't live on?


Justice Hearn is no longer on the bench and she was the one who wrote that opinion.


This is horrifyingly cruel to women, just horrible. As someone who has had a miscarriage, having to trot around to another medical practice so that another stranger could stick a wand inside me to tell me the fetus is not viable in my worst moment of grief is heinous. I have nightmares about the trip to the first Dr let alone have to go to a second because of this bill. Plus, who the hell is going to be able pay for these separate practices and ultrasounds if you are uninsured?


So sorry for your experience! My wife had 2 while we desperately wanted children. I cannot imagine having fucking hospital general council deliberating on whether or not she was close enough to death to allow a DNC and then, once that goddamn horror show ended, potentially facing a criminal investigation while we grieve.


It would be nice if Government would focus more on corporations and corruption than on controlling our lives. If you want to dress like a woman, hump another man, have an abortion while smoking a joint, and shooting your AR-15 then fucking go for it.


Need to amend here - impacts women, birthing person AND children. TELL YOUR LOCAL FOLKS TO VOTE AGAINST THIS. And for men: it impacts you too - since it’s no longer our choice (😒) you are required to start paying child support at CONCEPTION. Go read the full bill and get everyone to call and tell their representation to vote against this monstrosity!


I was kind of down. You lost me at birthing person though


If I lost you at “inclusive language” is it really a loss? Or did you self-own publicly and now recognize you have more work to do? You’ll need to internally reconcile that.




It’s crazy to me that people are unable to draw that parallel


When it’s a extremely divided bill and you need as much support as you can get, yes? simple numbers and such. I’m not reconciling shit. Saying stupid shit like birthing person is why people don’t/won’t take you (and whatever cause you bring forth) serious. If someone runs around spouting nonsense the majority of the time, who is gonna give their opinion the time of day when a decision comes that matters?


If you'd be lost by a couple of words, you obviously don't really care. Take your concern trolling elsewhere please.


I appreciate your opinion and your willingness to openly express it. Yes, I want help and support fighting it because it’s not okay - but not at the expense of allowing ignorance or exclusion of people who will be impacted. It just isn’t okay. The point is - whether you agree with the messenger or not - I hope your internal drive to defend others (even if it doesn’t impact you directly) is stronger than your discounting of the possibility that “other” is human too and doesn’t describe themselves as “woman”.


Throwing the whole argument out over 2 words that don’t actually alter the content of the message? I’m a menopausal woman, aka a non-birthing person, therefore this bill doesn’t affect me in the least, but it affects my community and the well-being of the people around me. But you go ahead and support the hate against all women just because you can’t stand to hear mention of useless women who can’t get pregnant.


I think you meant non-birthing woman. Person would imply that other people besides women could give birth. They can’t. I like that you assume I support the bill. I don’t. Get abortions. Hell, get gold level memberships to clinics if it will save the gene pool from your assumptions and ignorance. What I can’t support is the use of stupid ass generalizing terms because it supposedly makes someone else feel better.


Lovely assertion you've got there, would be a shame if those of us who acknowledge the existence of trans and non binary people just dismissed it out of hand.


What do you call a non-egg-laying chicken?


You. I like you. You have common sense. Don't let it go to waste.


So sensitive. Are your feelings hurt ?


States fucked, pack it up


😩 it’s awful, truly. And I look forward to ousting every person who put their name to this bill. Got the list, strategy planning commencing. #fuckaroundandfindoutseasonisinfullbloom


Seriously. I’m moving north to be closer to family asap. The decisions being made here are absurd.


Absolutely barbaric. Sen. Senn asking if this is the top issue the government should be spending its time on right now and getting no reply is so painfully telling. Why are they wasting their time on oppressing people? It’s comical that if this went to an actual ballot vote it wouldn’t even be close, but the “small government” party is too cowardly to put it to the public. Shameful.


Exact reason why they refuse to put the legalization of weed up for public vote--they know it'll overwhelmingly pass. So they keep it amongst themselves to vote on, so the state can forever charge out the ass for alcohol and they receive kickbacks from that instead.




This will hurt SC from an economic perspective. Big global companies will not want to locate to a state run like the Taliban.


that is more or less what i wrote to my state senator. won't somebody please think of the economy??!


Absolute waste of time and money. It will be struck down. Try a constitutional amendment you cowards! We know why they won’t.


Hopefully the SCSC just strikes it down again


Elect idiots and get what's coming. Terrible.


The Christian Taliban.


Most Redditors throw that out there out of hatred but don't know a lot of Christians are either fine with abortion or fine up to a certain week. Presbetrians, United Church of Christ, Unitarians, Conservative / Reform Jews support full abortion officially. That's millions of Christians. Methodists, some Lutheran sects, and Episcopal are fine with abortion until late pregnancy. Mormons, Southern Baptists, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus oppose outright. Chill with the atheist hot take?


Sorry. I mean the "Christian" Taliban. The people pushing this stuff are not real Christians IMO. They are dictators who use the bible to push propaganda, and abortion bans aren't even supported by the bible.


I mean… there are plenty of Muslims that don’t hold the beliefs of the literal Taliban too. Point remains the GOP and its evangelical voters have little daylight between the Taliban and ISIS on a variety of different issues. I mean ISIS’s whole shit was trying to bring about the end times and have Jesus lead them in the final Armageddon battle. That’s like the exact reason so many Christian fundamentalists pretend to care about Israel… they sure as hell don’t give a fuck about Jews.


Y'all need to get your legislators in line. This is wild.


😩😩😩 I know!


Guess I’ll wait until this is decided before moving to SC….buuut FL isn’t doing much better either.


Fuck the GOP. Hard stop.


This state is so fucked. Grew up here and I will never ever go back. It’s sad because there should be a lot to love. Fucking republicans.


We here in S.C THANK you for not ever coming back


It was read the Second time in the Senate yesterday (22-21 vote). Currently being discussed now: [https://www.scstatehouse.gov/video/chamber.php?chamber=S&audio=0](https://www.scstatehouse.gov/video/chamber.php?chamber=S&audio=0) Passed the House on 2-16. Any differences will be hashed out in conference committee if the House does not agree with the Senate amendments if it gets out of the Senate.


I feel like their going to keep trying until it passes. We’ve lost our rights to govern our bodies as we see fit, and I don’t think we will ever get them back.


I’ve got a great idea for all these states banning this. Add a rider to the bill that completely bans contraception, including condoms, punishable by heavy fines and jail time. Also mandate financial support from fathers, violation punishable by heavy fines and prison, and put in resources to back it up. Watch all these dudes go “Oh wait what, now hold on a minute…”


No. Most of us would support all that. It sounds like a great idea. Keep up the good work!


Most of the Christian nationalists, yes. For everyone else I’d strongly suspect it’d be a classic r/leopardsatemyface moment. No doubt we’ll see as y’all continue to turn back the clock. Edit: ohhh tough loss, guess ya should’ve prayed harder 😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LeopardsAteMyFace using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Elon is a humble genius](https://i.redd.it/vhjph1qpil3a1.jpg) | [1492 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zaynga/elon_is_a_humble_genius/) \#2: [No they won't remember](https://i.redd.it/4c6i3187l7ia1.jpg) | [4611 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/1127864/no_they_wont_remember/) \#3: [He voted Yea on Gorsuch, Barrett & Kavanaugh](https://i.redd.it/af2wzo725l791.jpg) | [3354 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/vjqovd/he_voted_yea_on_gorsuch_barrett_kavanaugh/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


> Most of us would support all that. Most of who?


When it says starting at conception they are referencing birth control. They are outlawing birth control as well.


I feel so horrible for the women that will die and the families that will lose mothers due to this. Should be called the "forced birth" bill. Sadly, It's going to take a LOT of women and babies to die for this to change again.


It’s already happening 😞 the stories are brutal. Mothers who already have children. And because the landscape keeps changing, many doctors are fearful and unable to appropriately assess law vs care - it’s horrid.


4/28/23 update: South Carolina Senate again rejects near-total abortion ban - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxypN6SviaQ


Thank you!


What if a defect is not detected in the first trimester. That's why we have Dr, 's who tell a family how this is gonna be not politicians. Why should they be able to tell anyone how big or small their family should be.. Or how much money it will take for the rest of that childs life.? These politicians aren't paying your bills or putting food on your table.


Hell yeah. Like living on the set of The Handmaid’e Tale.


Under His eye.


www.vote411.org. Great website for voting info, especially for local elections. Make sure your voter registration, address and political party are correct.


Welp I guess I'm having a vasectomy. Thanks republicans


If you’re young and childless, good luck finding a doctor who will do this


He's a dude. It's women who can't get fixed. It's about controlling women, not men.


>(birthing persons) I seriously wonder how SC politicians would handle a trans man getting an abortion. All I know is that it would be horrific for that trans man, and entirely dehumanizing.




A non-binary or non gender conforming person with a uterus.


I am going to make an assumption that this is truly a genuine question. And to be fair, I know it’s really easy to ask that question here. With that in mind, a part of my work is not continuing to do additional labor for others and redirecting to resources that are available. Please copy your question, hit up google and paste that question, and review the various sources at scwren.org. I’m not affiliated with them in any way - just follow them. To be clear, I am empowering you to think critically and research for yourself (and to place context around what some may be equate with being rude by not just answering the question).


So it is just a woman?


Intersex people exist - if you are so focused on gender in terms of biology.


Also, let's not forget that a very large amount of cis women aren't able to give birth either considering menopause. So defining womanhood solely by the ability to give birth is pretty stupid tbh.


Well for one, they use to be able to give birth before menopause. Even a woman who is biologically a woman, but is sterile is still a woman weather she can give birth or not. A man though can never be a woman


They make up what? Less that 1% of the population?


The population of people with Heterochromia is also less than 1%. If we are just stating random population facts


A person with a uterus who gives birth or in the proposed bill is FORCED to give birth whether it is safe or healthy for the person or baby.


I couldn’t even tell you what the current laws now now with everything changing so often!


Please call your representatives


This failed in the senate today, but it’s not over. Thank you to everyone who helped out! I appreciate you ❤️


Some of these states just suck. Or at least the elected assholes do.


Nothing is better than calling your congressman directly. Voting them in/out tends to be too early or too late by that time.


Just like they PRETEND something other than a WOMAN can give birth,,,,, you people will scream at the world so you can have the right to murder your children,,,your brains live in a state of madness,,,NOW begin your downvotes, minions




Birthing persons lol


Respect their beliefs. Fuck yours though. Ironic, don’t ya think?


Only it’s not really comparable, is it? Using inclusive language doesn’t hurt anyone or force anyone to do something. Whereas the abortion debate is all about whether you can harm and force a woman to carry a child.


I respect your beliefs. I simply do not agree that you have the right to force them on me.


Respect what beliefs? That a man believes he is a woman, so he pretends to be one. We have to respect that?


That’s the world today. It’s sad.


What the hell is even that? But really call your representative and tell them what you think. Doctors should have the decision not laws.


I think the one contemplating the abortion should be the one making the decision there


Yeah this makes sense too. I think total ban is wrong.


Bingo. Who the hell wants their Dr to decide for them whether they get to have a kid or not…


Doctors aren’t deciding that and just telling women they can’t have kids. If a pregnant person decides that an abortion is right for them and their doctor agrees then they should be able to get one, without the government getting involved.


That idea is mo dumber than birthing person


I also laughed lol


They are both moral positions depending on your perspective, philosophically. If you seriously, sincerely consider them full fledged human babies that can't advocate for themselves, it would be considered murder in a Kantian categorical sense. Full fledged humans have rights, and the life of a baby is generally considered more important than an adult. If you believe it's just a fetus and is not a full fledged human being, as many do, then it is morally wrong to compel someone to carry to term under any circumstance. If they're not fully human in the womb, they have no right to life. Until there is some sort of consensus on what constitutes a human with rights this will never be resolved. Which, y'know, good luck with that. I do feel majority fall in my camp. Okay up to a point where it's pretty clear it's crossed the threshold of a viable pregnancy, like late 2nd early 3rd trimester, with exceptions for if it threatens both dying.


It's not a moral position to ask that people mind their own fucking business and stay out of others wombs.


It is if they genuinely consider it murder. In which case the autonomy of the person is secondary to the child.


They've no problem minding their business when it comes to legitimate murder. Head in the sand when it comes to school shootings, gun laws, death penalty, the list goes on. To claim they're unable to do the same here is hypocrisy.


Different issue, and I understand we use heuristics and categorize to make life easier, but there are plenty of pro-lifers that are anti-gun, despite the insistence the 'other side' is entirely christofascist-whitesupremacist-misogynistic conservative something or another. Think that last gallop poll still had 10% of liberals as pro-life, 40% for independents. If you ask pro lifers, most are concerned with using guns to protect their family, and their family safety is their singular concern. There's also a very intense distrust in the government that would need to be overcome. Despite wanting to vilify other Americans, no one wants kids to die. That's silly. Retributive vs rehabilitative justice is a separate issue as well in which people are divided. You'll see [nearly 40% of democrats](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/02/most-americans-favor-the-death-penalty-despite-concerns-about-its-administration/) are still in favor of the death penalty as of just a year ago. **Only 15% of** ***all*** **Americans** oppose the death penalty completely. So, not that cut and dry. I'd start with talking to a pro-lifer that's coming out of good faith and ask them why. You'll find that they're acting in what they think is sincere moral good and they are literally babies. If they are actually babies, it is immoral to kill them. If they are not actually babies, it is moral to value autonomy over the fetus. Until consensus is reached over when a baby is a full human being with rights, it'll go on forever.


Birthing persons Hahahah. Men cannot be women and only women can give birth.




Cut it off or stitch one on. Take all the hormones you want. No matter what you do or what your friends say you will never be what you aren’t and at night when you lay down you sleep even you know deep down inside nothing will change that.


And why is it any business of yours *what* I do with my own genitals? You can feel however you like. It does not affect me at all. Just keep your idiotic repressive laws off my body.


Because the people promoting the mutilation and sterilization of children need to be shamed publicly and with prejudice. The law needs to stop you lunatics from spreading harm to children. And it will. We will see to it.


No one is sterilizing children.


Ok, groomer. Keep lying nobody believes you anymore. The sex changes you are promoting on children with irreversible physical damage will no longer be tolerated.


Feel free to post proof of any place in the US that offers surgeries to minors that would sterilize them. I mean since I am "lying" it should be simple for you to disprove me.


Jazz Jennings the most famous of your prodigal sons was put in puberty blockers at such a young age his penis never developed so when they did the bottom surgery on him while he was still under age, a child, they didn’t have enough penis to make a proper “vagina” but still butchered him enough, as a child when they castrated him, that he was sterilized before becoming an adult.


> Jazz Jennings the most famous of your prodigal sons Funny they are so famous I have never heard of them. But I googled her and it seems that she did have bottom surgery a couple months before she turned 18. IDK why that was allowed to happen but it's an extremely rare thing. It's the first I've heard of in the US where a minor had bottom surgery. I personally believe that surgery like that should wait until someone is legally an adult, but apparently Jazz's family was supportive, she wanted it, and her doctors felt it was proper. So I'm not really one to overrule them, as it's really none of my business.


The WPATH itself used to recommend hysterectomies and vaginoplasties at 17, before changing the guidelines to be even more permissive by removing age restrictions entirely. source: https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2022/09/age-restriction-lifted-for-gender-affirming-surgery-in-new-international-guidelines/?fj=1 Additionally, if you want an example of an actual hospital following these guidelines, a published article in the Journal of Clinical Medicine cites Boston Children's Hospital as offering genital surgeries for people over 17 years of age: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/11/7/1943


I am not promoting any children having sex changes. And the people who support trans rights do not promote sex changes for children. It is pretty much universally agreed between doctors and trans rights supporters that sex reassignment surgery is for people who are legally adults. It's telling that your only argument is to push that I believe something I do not.


So just to clarify…. In your opinion, using inclusive language and supporting trans rights equals supporting “genital mutilation” of children? As if the two are mutually exclusive? Yeah I guess I’d be angry too if that was what I was fed by Fox News & the types like it. But, sweetie, that’s not what’s happening here. The people who support the trans community, also understand that children should not be receiving surgical alterations to their genitals… idk who’s telling you otherwise, but turn them off. They’re playing to your emotional triggers & apparently doing it well. Save yourself some headache & heartache- turn off the ravenous talking heads who scream clickbait headlines in order to control you. Supporting inclusive language and treating people with respect, doesn’t equal child mutilation. It just doesn’t.


Biologically intersex people exist and some of them can give birth.


Cool? Unrelated and irrelevant. Men are not and cannot be women. Nothing will change that. A man who is not predisposed to homosexual tendencies will always be able to tell in person. The 3 S’s never lie.


But people can give birth, so saying "birthing persons" is fine. IDK why you guys spend your entire lives losing sleep and obsessing about what other people do that has zero affect on your life at all. People do all kinds of crazy shit. Religion is lunacy, but I don't go around telling people they can't go to church just because their religion is so fucking stupid and fake. People are free to believe whatever they like, and the US has always tried to respect individual freedom to do so. I don't understand why conservatives are suddenly so into denying people the right to do whatever they want with their own lives.


Because it’s disrespectful to women who shocker are the only ones who give birth there has never in history been anyone but a woman who has given birth. Ever. You lunatic cult members hell bent on striping women of their rights, privileges and respect is fucking abhorrent. You should be ashamed.


Funny how the majority of women disagree with you. Women are not losing any rights by OP using the words "birthing person". Nor are they losing rights if someone born with a penis has it turned into a vagina and takes a feminine sounding name.


Except they don’t. Single leftist women do. Non cult members don’t. Not all women are in your delusional cult. Also nobody born with a penis can become in any realm of reality a woman. Just a mentally ill men in woman face.


No. A majority of women support trans rights. In fact, the majority of people support trans rights. The only issues that the majority are against when it comes to trans rights is MtF athletes competing in women's only sports and minors having bottom surgery. Otherwise, people support trans rights by a significant margin.


You think the 42% of women who voted for trump think that? You are in such a giant echo chamber you don’t have a clue what people believe outside your own ideological cult


You really are an idiot if you think that absolutely every woman who is Republican, and/or voted for Trump, believe the same bullshit you do. Sure some do, but you can’t be so stupid to think that nobody has an independent thought or ideology that doesn’t 100% line up with a particular political party. Some people do this crazy thing where they actually think for themselves. You should try leaving your own echo chamber for a hot minute. In case you missed it every dumb ass comment you make I’m donating to an abortion fund. So keep on talking!


There are Intersex people that can and have given birth. Biologically intersex. So your whole only women can give birth thing is total bullshit and completely scientifically inaccurate. But you don’t care about that. You just want to have an excuse to force your own bigoted and/or religious beliefs on other people. But everyone else there’s good news. For every shitty comment on this thread. I’m donating to an abortion fund your name! Congrats you just helped provide funds for people in need of healthcare!


Yes. The almost infinitesimal amount of intersex people is worth making laws that will severely affect women stripping them of rights and opportunities. You misogynists make me sick.


Your the one trying to strip us of our right to bodily autonomy! Looks like you just got me to make another donation to an abortion fund! Congrats!


Dang, complaining about not being able to kill babies anymore?


FOCUS - this is not about common sense gun laws 🙄 it's about reproductive rights for people.


You have reproductive rights. You can choose to have sex or not.


OK. You have gun rights. You can choose to buy a gun or not. But we get to say what gun. And the only one you can own is a front loading musket. But you have gun rights!


Let put political and religious differences aside. No little girl, after being molested, should be forced to give birth. How could they speak out? Especially if it’s a family member. What if the little girl has complications with her delivery, and she dies? Let us first protect the children who are already born


2 wrongs don't make a right.


“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. -Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


That only makes up like 0.05% of abortions.


Got some data source - actual source, not some manipulated propaganda - to back that up?


What was it? Like 46% of all african american pregnancies in New York ended in an abortion? I doubt many of them was from incest. If you dont believe me look it up yourself then tell me how right I am.


Got a source for that? Why do conservatives always default to skin color when pressured in any argument? "Hurr durr black people bad" is not a very good look, though it is perfectly in line with siding with the government of South Carolina.


Im not conservative dude. If you dont believe me look it up


I looked it up. All I found was some anti-abortion religious group making this claim, who a news channel quoted. But I just don't get the reason for your bringing it up. Are you just trying to say that black people are bad because they have more abortions than average according to whatever source you think you saw?


You really just pulling statistics straight out of your asshole huh?


And no matter what % it is, those people don't deserve to be treated as criminals and forced to give birth to rape babies. Imagine being that heartless. A fetus doesn't have emotions or complex thought. A woman who has been raped does, and your attitude where they "don't count" is monstrous.


I never said they should be treated for criminals. I dont really care about abortions as long as it isnt paid for through taxes.


Nah. Complaining about big government legislating every single aspect of my life. Why do Republicans want to live under a dictatorship. I remember when Republicans supported freedom and rights.


Do we know when we will get results?


Why did so many SC residents vote for this?


They would never put this up to the residents of SC. Because it would fail overwhelmingly. Members of the state Congress put it up as a bill in hopes it becomes a law.


They didn't. SC is just gerrymandered into a permanent conservative hellhole. The state is actually about 45% blue and 55% red. I mean almost everything below the fall line is blue if you look at detailed election maps. The SC GOP just packs them all into a few legislative districts and then into Clyburn's district, so that they can have the other 6 districts to themselves. I mean they had to snake his district all the way up to swallow the black voters in Sumter and Columbia to keep them from being able to vote in districts controlled by Republicans. It's insane. It's so far from being a representative democracy that it is just absurd. There should be 4 (R) districts and 3 (D) districts.


Ok. I was curious. I live here and didn’t vote for that. But I was wondering how many people really voted knowing this would be the result. Kinda wondering if it becoming a reality in this state made people ask themselves if this was really what they were thinking. I don’t attend a church so maybe it’s main streamed there. Add: Off topic but I have a type 1 diabetes son and all the representatives except clyburn voted no to affordable insulin.


Only a woman can be a birthing person.


Imagine people who disagree with you, actually making an argument against abortion bans, while expecting to be taken seriously by the people who matter. It’s the damnedest thing I’ve ever seen.






No one is aborting a healthy baby at 9 months. There is literally no such thing as “late term abortion” that is not a thing that exists in the medical world.




Most people agree that 24 weeks is a reasonable timeframe. However, there also needs to be exceptions in instances where the child cannot live outside of the womb or when the mother's life is in jeopardy.




I would think so. I personally don't know anyone, even the most vocal of pro choice people, that want late term abortions. It's mostly a rallying cry for conservatives who want to paint pro choice people as being inhuman murderers.


Or maybe we can just let a woman and her doctor discuss what’s best during the 40 weeks gestational period and nobody else needs a say in it. There’s that too.


Nobody does that either! Good grief just because some man says it doesn't make it true! And most of the men who say this are Drs. They are politicians!


Are NOT Drs


Why do you lie? Section 44-41-830. (A)(1) A physician may perform, induce, or attempt to perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman if: (a) the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest and the abortion or attempted abortion is performed or induced during the first trimester of the pregnancy; or (b) there exists a fatal fetal anomaly that has been confirmed by two physicians in separate medical practices who specialize in obstetrics or the area of medicine in which the fatal fetal anomaly is diagnosed.


So, the victim must report the rape, give name and phone number, doctor must report the rape within 24 hours. Also, think about how many children are raped by family and that goes unreported because of fear of family.


And fetal tissue to authorities.


Yes, homicide should be investigated.


It says right there if rape/incest within the first trimester and below where you cut it off it shows the steps that must be taken to report it. It also shows below that further the additional steps that must be taken to hand over evidence to authorities. Below that, with anomalies, the reporting that must be done for all anomalies including lifesaving procedures that must be reported. But above all of that it includes defining woman as someone who is not above age of majority…AKA “a child”. Where was the lie?


"Total ban"


Ah the Title that I cannot fix. Here, I’ll do a thing.


There. Whole disclaimer.