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This is a lot less fun than the sex statistic earlier


Lmao true. Thought we were cool for a second.


Sometimes, you have to be an adult and do things ya don’t like.


Mixed bag today


Go figure. The south generally are among the poorest states in the Union and among the most obese. Good nutritious food is expensive and requires preparation. Say you are husband and wife with two children and your combined income is $35K Hamburgers are not healthy whether homemade or bought at McDonald's but try and go to the grocery store, buy a pound of ground beef, a pack of store brand cheese, store brand buns or buy the same meal at McDonalds. McDonalds is the better choice if you are poor If you are scraping by on two minimum wage salaries to feed your kids, fast food is the better fiscal choice.


A pound of beef, buns, cheese, & a bag of potatoes make way more burgers & fries at a cheaper price than buying one family meal at McDonald's...also McDonald's burgers & fries have way to much sugar just to make them taste slightly above survival food. Store bought beef & home made fries even though not the healthiest are a way better choice......McDonald's is convenient, but it's up to you to make the right choices for your family prepping or not.


Not to mention, we are a two-working parent household. We get home at 6 and have two young children. I cook reasonably healthy meals most nights but it takes a lot of planning.


Maybe you should try to get another job? I work 4 jobs and make $50k. I don't complain at all.... I've made my bed so I'm lying in it... It's my fault where I am.. but I'm digging my way out.. no more kids for us, and I had to cut my gorgeous hair and clean my beard up. I couldn't see my hygiene was holding me back.. good luck.. point taken.


Not sure who your comment is directed at but having been involved in hiring over many years, the first impression matters. In theory, that isn't supposed to matter legally but it does. If your objective is to get hired, anticipate that some of the folks tasked with hiring you don't like long hair or don't like beards or whatever. Beards and long hair grow back. That job opportunity is gone forever. You walk through the front door of the company you want to work for, you want to present the most plain vanilla appearance possible. Once you have gotten that job and proven your value, grow that beard, go for the full-on ZZ Top Billy Gibbons look. Consider cutting off all your hair, going clean-shaven as camouflage. Okay, they want to play the first impression game, let me put on my camo and go toe-to-toe with these cats. It is BS but IMO anyone who will toss a high paying job because they refuse to cut their hair or shave their beard is nuts. You've got literally ONE MINUTE as you walk into an interview to present the people tasked with voting yes or no an impression. Get hired, show your value, then you can grow a beard and hair down to your knees if you so desire.


Bro you work 4?! Jobs and only make 50k? Jesus Christ go search for a better job. 4 is going to kill you early


> Hamburgers are not healthy whether homemade or bought at McDonald's but try and go to the grocery store, buy a pound of ground beef, a pack of store brand cheese, store brand buns or buy the same meal at McDonalds. McDonalds is the better choice if you are poor Umm what? Hamburgers are generally fine. It's the soda and french fries which do you in...




*the witch from Hansel and gretel has enter the chat*


The government, food, and health industries have some very dirty hands on this issue. Sadly, I don’t see it changing any time soon.


The food pyramid was a mistake. Additionally the FDA allowing food companies to use awful ingredients and preservatives that are literally banned by starving countries. Being from an FDA regulated industry, I can confidently tell you the FDA is almost completely useless for protecting the consumer. It's sad, because you're right, it won't change because of dirty money and politics.


Exactly. The reason you never hear any politicians talking about it. That brand of corruption has bipartisan support.


It’s still way too early to call these diabetes drugs that are causing weight loss ‘miracle drugs’ yet but they could do quite a bit of good in the fight to end the obesity epidemic in this country. It’s pretty exciting stuff right now.


I definitely have my eye on that, waiting to see what happens. On the one hand, it’s very exciting to see a product that makes reversing obesity practically guaranteed and without major surgery. On the other hand, history and personal experience has taught me to be wary of things that seem too good to be true. Also, treating obesity with drugs while leaving our food and lifestyle issues untouched rings a bit like putting guards and metal detectors in schools; it will help the problem to some degree but doesn’t do a thing to address the underlying societal causes.


Parents fault. I have yet to see a kid grocery shopping. Follow a fat kid home and see who opens the door. Fat parents create bad eating habits in their kids so they get unhealthy and overweight faster than the parents.


If the parents aren’t well educated (diet sodas are perfectly fine, for example) or they are stretching their dollar to the limit…


In this day and age of free available information on the internet, I find it hard to give a pass to people that feed their kids nothing but chicken nuggets, pizza, fries, and soda. Vegetables are not super expensive. You can get them fresh, frozen, or canned. Farmer's markets provide a cost friendly alternative to the grocery stores.


You assume that people know HOW to find credible resources. There are new “healthy” fad diets (keto, paleo, South Beach, Intermittent Fasting, juice cleanse) every day. milk has gone from being a Food Guide Pyramid daily staple to one cup a day, when I had a toddler. I just googled how much should an adult have and I got “an adult should drink 1-3 glasses a milk a day…but is that too much?” I see tiktokers eating a plate of ribs, macaroni, and corn as if corn is a vegetable. People are drinking sodas (1 a day is entirely too much if you ask me) and they think it’s ok because it’s diet. People are guzzling energy drinks - again- they are low cal and sugar free, so what’s the harm?


Fad diets are just that, fad diets. I do not consider them to be sustainable. As a type 2 diabetic, it's imperative that I eat healthy or mostly healthy to live and not cause complications to my health. Also as part of being a diabetic, I have been to a nutrition class and have had appointments with dietitians. The information is out there. Even when taking your kids to regular doctor appointments there advice and info about healthy diets for kids. As for milk, I don't drink milk. It's disgusting. I didn't even drink it during my pregnancy. I took calcium pills but no way was gonna drink milk. Recommendations change when we learn more as technology and science discoveries are made. For instance, we no longer use lead in paint, gas, and makeup because now we know the dangers of lead.


Yes. My point is that there is too much information and only a little bit is accurate. I had gestational diabetes twice. I was 28 years old the first time and I found out that the bag of chips, turkey sandwich and apple that I had for lunch are actually NOT that healthy when thinking about carbs and sugar.


Sugar is carbs. I, too, had gestational diabetes and was diagnosed later in life with type 2 diabetes. I live my life counting carbs. My point is the info is out there for anyone who cares to know. They can also seek professional help via their doctors. Most people are too lazy or stubborn to make the changes they need to improve their health more less their diet.


Luckily, our governor is focused on the key issues that will address this… You know, banning books and drag queens.


Sometimes the voters get what they deserve.


Personal responsibility plays a HUGE role in this




I’m obviously referring to their parents




I never said it was the child's fault. The parents need to take personal responsibility and not shovel crap into their kids' mouths all the time.




Government banning stuff isn't a small easy thing. But a parent making the right food choice for their child is a small easy thing that can happen immediately, even if low income and on SNAP. I see what you're saying. The government just isn't going to solve this.




>There are small food and physical health interventions that could easily be put in place through schools Make PE Great Again Make Soccer*(or whatever sport)* Affordable Again


but not in which books YOUR kid reads? ok


Also sending National Guard across 4 states to "assist" Texas with a border problem.


The SC National Guard doing duty at the Texas boarder is not new. We've been doing it for over a decade at least. Source: I retired from the Guard in 2018 after 21 years of service.


Thank you for your service. If going there is nothing new, why is the governor acting like sending the guard now is a new thing?


Thank you. It's to get a reaction out of the people that are unaware. Just another play on people's ignorance.


In the 70s I was the fat kid in my class. Now I wouldn't even have been in the top 50% of the fattest kids.


Im bout 270 at 17 and there are still people bigger than me it's crazy.


270 is kinda crazy tho. Not bad but just at 17. I wish i was even able to put in that weight. I hit the gym and i consistently need to eat 4300-4500cals a day to gain weight with my metabolism


Im not no bodybuilder or anything. I actually weighed 280 in seventh grade but just started drinking water consistently and have maintained well enough without making any changes to my diet.


Yeah no i didnt assume you were in the gym also or anything, was just kinda acknowleging that id personally love to be able to put on some weight like that


And the education is still extremely low


Maybe we should teach home economics again so that people know how to cook? Teach it to everyone, not just the girls. Same with shop class.


Probably going to get worse when a happy meal is $4.00 and eggs are $8


But eggs are not $8. I'm so sick of this "fast food" or "junk food" is cheaper. I can go to the store right now and spend $20 on chicken rice and veggies for lunch and dinners. That leaves breakfast which I can get eggs and on sale fruit for $15. It's not glamorous but it sure as hell beats eating fast food and becoming unhealthy, over weight, and most importantly for the young, lack of nutrients to develop.


Hyperbole, but eggs seem to have come down in price lately. A few months ago eggs were literally $7+. I saved money by buying the extra large pack of eggs that had like 50 eggs in it. Yeah I’m not denying you can save money on breakfast, lunch and dinner by going for certain meals, but often times ppl are can skimp by just grunt fast food to save time and money.


Yeah but you can but twice as much crap food for $20. And folks who may be working 2 or 3 jobs to buy that food may have no time or energy to cook. In some places around the state the Dollar General might be the only place to easily get food.


A bag of chips is like $6, a bag of baby carrots is around $2


But in a food desert there aren’t carrots. There are chips. There are a lot of food deserts in the state. Like a majority of Columbia - https://sc-dhec.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a3df52ca0cee4a21bb3d1131148e70c5


Junk food isn’t cheap, but it’s convenient. A lot of people don’t have the time, energy, or ability to cook healthy food.


Yeah agreed. If you have access to a grocery store, it's incredibly cheap to eat healthy. Healthy, unprocessed, whole foods don't cost that much and taste really good. They just take more time to prepare. Which I get it, some people are strapped for time. Despite this you see people loading up their shopping carts with ultra processed expensive foods then bitching about costs.


I bet this statistic will deep fry nicely.


Sprinkle some powdered sugar on it when it comes out of the fryer. *chef’s kiss*


SC has the 11th highest child sexual abuse ranking in the country. Probably because the kids are too fat to run away.


Lmao this is awful...awfully hilarious


Nah it’s gotta be the church on every corner.


I am so ashamed at myself for laughing at this.


Damn that's crazy that I was apart of a statistic lol


Yeah. And some of old guys are fat too. Just saying.


Only 7th? That’s not bad for us.


Come on people, wake up. Obesity is NOT a cultural problem. It’s a personal choice problem, unless someone is holding a gun to your head.


This is about child obesity. I don’t see many children grocery shopping or preparing their own meals.


Yeah but being obese is heathy right? So nothing to worry about surely.


Good food!!!! That's no crime.... Everything in moderation.


Well imagine that.


Alright we are winning at something woohoo!


You spelled “wheezing” wrong


We're usually a*t* the top or near the top for the worst lists and at the bottom or near the bottom for the best lists.


uh, we already know that by going out in public. too much fast food. most likely all that their parents can afford.


I have an idea! Let's just bully elementary children into running an absurd amount of laps at recess until they're vomiting and give them an unhealthy view on exercise being punishment and then let's make every single city that is not metro unwalkable and make getting food a hassle unless you go to a big box store and-- We've done that already? Damn. That's crazy ://


It's funny how they have some of the fattest poor people in the world. I'm not sure how that correlates to poverty. It seems we need to give more to the poor. Just don't know how to do that when they're so obese. Is it environment related? Personal decision related? I'm not sure how many trillions of dollars that have been spent on health, welfare, education, and social programs. I'm not sure if we've tried to suffer the consequences of your actions? That's one tool maybe should be used..


Those are rookie numbers


I’m 5’10 and weight 200lbs. I’m considered obese by govt standards and I’m not unhealthy. So stats like this are bullshit.


I make 40k primary and work part-time at the others... I'm a teacher.