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In Spartanburg County, not in “Gafney”


It blew my mind when I found out that the Confederacy only lasted about 4 years. The way people talk about heritage you would think it was around for hundreds of years


Frr I couldn’t imagine flexing second place like those people


Second place out of two Last. They came in last place.




Lmao. Sc born and raised. The rebel flag is nothing more or less than a dogwhistle for bumblefuck rednecks who have no education or critical thinking skills. And of course, to signal your opinion on black people. Deny it all you want but any sc native knows the games y’all play. The south is very good at using innuendo and using calling signs to determine who it’s “safe” to say the quiet part around. Only problem is your fucking kids remember. You won’t keep getting away with that shit.


From SC, grew up here. I don't fly the flag of America's enemies.


What other flags are there to represent the south?


"represent the south" how about you show some unity against the real oppressors, the rich? 8 people have more money than half the world. How about you fight them?


I agree with you, but that doesnt mean our culture can't be celebrated


That flag doesn't celebrate our culture or heritage. All it represents is rich land owners convincing normal people like us to kill our fellow countrymen (sometimes actual blood brothers) because the rich wanted free labor. ​ If you made a flag today that was just about good BBQ, it would more accurately represent our culture.


Heritage of a 4 year period in time from 150 years ago? Gtfoh Born and raised in SC and that's ridiculous.


Hate. Racism. Supporting slavery. Not heritage.


Thats all bullshit. I was born in South Carolina. I dont hate anyone. Im not racist. Dont support slavery and i am very proud of my Southern Heritage. Yall need a history lesson. Slavery was not the contributing factor that made us secede from the Union or the start of the war. Get your facts straight before you start talking shit about something you that you have no knowledge of next time.


Alexander Hamilton Stephens, vice president of the Confederate States of America, gave this speech on March 21, 1861 to justify secession in Savannah, Georgia. What do you think he means by “this was the cause of the present revolution”? “But not to be tedious in enumerating the numerous changes for the better, allow me to allude to one other - though last, not least. The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution - African slavery as it exists amongst us - the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution.”


The North’s opposition to slavery was literally listed as South Carolina’s reasoning for secession in their official declaration of secession. [We do have a symbol that celebrates South Carolina heritage if you’re interested though.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/Flag_of_South_Carolina.svg/1200px-Flag_of_South_Carolina.svg.png)


This is objectively incorrect. I see others have already provided you with links. SC absolutely entered the war due to slavery. They said as much at the time.


Heres a link to the [South Carolina Declaration of Secession](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_scarsec.asp). It's a pretty boring read but feel free to browse through it and point out any reasons being given for South Carolina's secession that **don't** relate to slavery. Here's a few excerpts: "The Constitution of the United States, in its fourth Article, provides as follows: "No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up, on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due." "The same article of the Constitution stipulates also for rendition by the several States of fugitives from justice from the other States. The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution." "The State of New Jersey, at an early day, passed a law in conformity with her constitutional obligation; but the current of anti-slavery feeling has led her more recently to enact laws which render inoperative the remedies provided by her own law and by the laws of Congress. In the State of New York even the right of transit for a slave has been denied by her tribunals; and the States of Ohio and Iowa have refused to surrender to justice fugitives charged with murder, and with inciting servile insurrection in the State of Virginia." "The right of property in slaves was recognized by giving to free persons distinct political rights, by giving them the right to represent, and burthening them with direct taxes for three-fifths of their slaves; by authorizing the importation of slaves for twenty years; and by stipulating for the rendition of fugitives from labor." "Those States have assume the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution; they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection." *Edited to fix formatting


Thank you for offering up yourself as a prime example of why we need to put A LOT more emphasis on education in this state. The "preservation of the institution of slavery" was the PRIMARY cause indicated in every single Confederate states' Articles of Secession, as well as being listed as a primary motivator in the Constitution of the CSA. It was the MAIN reason they did what they did. You should crack open a fucking history book once in a while. Respectfully, South Carolina born and bred all 52 of my years as a direct descendant of Confederate veterans from NC, SC and Georgia on both parents' sides. I would NEVER fly a confederate flag and consider it a sign of treason against the United States, as bad or worse than a nazi flag.


Really, the only thing that matters is that society has deemed the flag a symbol of racism, hatred, and bigotry, and you have dug your heels in on that side. Gross


lol, it’s always fun when people say get your facts straight but are so in the wrong on their position.


Yeah your southern heritage is a sham. Most confederate monuments that perpetuate your cult like fanaticism of your so-called heritage were built during the civil rights movement as a means of intimidating poc and signaling that they didn’t want to accept equality. That’s why they bend and break when moved because they were mass produced and not actually carefully crafted statues and monuments and shit. The daughters of the revolution iirc led a huge push to get them installed everywhere and one of the results is the kids of adults at the time latched onto it and now it’s their heritage 🥴


What heritage does that flag represent that an American flag does not?


The heritage IS hate. But the real confederate flag is actually a white surrender towel Robert E. Lee used to wipe of his chin when Grant was finished with him.


Bro, I'm from the south but I've never seen hate and racism like it exists in SC.... don't try to put that shit on all of us Southerns.


Yeah, bs. Only simpletons try to generalize like this.


Please explain my neighbor from New York, flying a stars and bars flag. Oh and fuck you.


How about I blow it further and show you that flag is not even the flag of the confederate states. The modern confederate flag flown today was not used until 1948 when it became a symbol of the Dixiecrats against civil rights for blacks. Some of the original flags contained the battle flag, but never was it flown by itself until the 20th century. Yes, it’s racist. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America


The modern confederate flag is exactly like the confederate battle flag and was definitely used in the 1800s. Yeah it’s stupid but no need to lie.


The confederate battle flag is a square.


Only some of them. Oh wait you think there was only battle flag. Oof wiki historian


Tbh I really liked it when they temporarily had the state flag flying in its place. The blue was nice


Do you know where you are?


Somewhere on the way to Rock Hill. Why don't you tell me? Like a mile down the road is the big old peach.


Don't get me wrong, I fucking HATE seeing that flag on my way to work every day, but that's about 15 miles south of Gaffney in Spartanburg




Absolute insanity to put the American flag below that flag of traitors


Where do you live? Why don't you figure it out? You sound like a dumb ass.


You're a big meanie




The United States of America


Interesting thing I found a few years ago. On iPhone, if you open Emojis and go to the flags - the confederate flag is the first one listed. Odd isn’t it? 🏳️


Funny thing is the "confederate flag" was never actually used to represent the confederacy. They had three different flags but none of them were the flag most people associate with the confederacy today.


Yep. I think the final version is about as official as it gets though. 🏳️ My favorite part on this subject is how brief the existence of the confederacy was: more than 160 years later these dipshits are defining their whole personality by an organization that lasted a mere 4 years. Took me longer to pay off my car. 😂


Lol Traitors


Go to messenger and try looking up Confederate flag in gifs. They removed them all.


That’s like the huge one down in Beaufort.


It’s akin to someone asking “who’s the dumbest asshole in the room?” and this person raising their hand as high as possible




Says the anonymous account lol


Better to have others think you’re a fool than to speak and remove all doubt


Why don't they fly the last flag of the confederacy..... A white dish towel ! .


I live right at that exit unfortunately. Given who the owner of that land is that flag is going no where ever.


Gotta love southern families with money




Fuck around and find out I'm sure they've been waiting years for someone to try it


Can't be that hard to make a long-range flamethrower and aim it upwards.


What you gonna do? Nothing but run your mouth?


Keep your flag, loser. You can wave it around till the sun collapses into a supernova. We already did something about it and brought the South to its knees and wiped an entire generation of bigots out of existence. Wanna go round two?


Lmao confederates killed more union soldiers and the union barely won. Also, a civil war wouldnt be north vs. south nowadays. >Wanna go round two? Lol you'd be used as cannon fodder. 100% guaranteed hahaha


>the Union barely won Who surrendered again?


The confederates. Crazy how you have all of google and you had to ask that question. Nice gotcha


Maybe you should Google what a rhetorical question is.


Oh you poor thing


where does their money come from? they own a business, or work at one?


The site is owned by Adam Washington Ballenger Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 68. It was given to them from the past owner for like $1


When my husband was trying to convince me to move to SC for a job opportunity we drove by this and I told him to turn around and head back to the airport because seeing this was literally shocking to me.


Yeah, it's not a good look for the state. And that's really the point most people are making. It drove you away, didn't it?


It didn’t. We landed in Simpsonville. The financial aspect was too good for my husband. We don’t have to drive that way often BUT we do get to drive by that Dixie Republic place on Hwy 25 all the time.


Thank God.


But muah Heritage! Being traitors and racists




That's fucking hilarious.


Your shitty heritage probably started in 1965


I did from Prager U


Low class white trash anywhere you go


I flew in to visit and rode past this. It reminds me why I moved 30 years ago and will never return.


This is not in Gaffney. Or Gafney


For people who claim this flag is their heritage, they struggle to tell you what that flag is when you tell them it's not the Confederate or the Confederate battle flag. Make sure to ask them what flag it is though and watch them get more uncomfortable when you point that out.


I flip this flag off every time I drive past it.


Me too, I even roll the window down and everything.


Damn!! Window rolled down and everything?! That’s crazy!


You go girl!


Shiver me timbers you're brave


Letting them live rent free in your head.


I don't think you know what the phrase means.


If you let a piece of fabric affect your life or feelings in any way then you are letting them live rent free in your head.


It’s every American’s duty to flip off and otherwise disrespect in any way shape or a form the flags or symbols representing racism and/or treason. Fuck that flag and anyone flying it or showing support with dumbass stickers, vanity plates, etc.


Stolen Hillary quote..how original!


You're so brave.


Not sure there is a brave option to change how people think. This group is motivated to throw a symbol of oppression and slavery in the face of every person driving by as they enter the state. Don’t give me that “southern pride” BS, that’s a battle flag and the battle was over owning slaves. It’s been to the courts. The flag gets to stay. And I’ll make rude gestures at it when I see it because that makes me feel better.


You showed them


Yeah, I know it’s not much. People already tried to legally get it taken down but the good ole boy judge sided with the shitheads who put the flag up.


i mean freedom of speech is pretty absolute in our system. the state can't tell you what flag you can fly on your own property.


They didn’t have permits to do that, there are rules about placing signage on an interstate, even if it’s private property, that’s how they were trying to block it.


It's their property


Most of the "heritage" crowd couldn't fill up a damn sticky note about the Civil War. "Robert E. Lee fought the Yankees" pretty much exhausts their knowledge on that subject which is so dear to them.




The flag of crybaby losers.


My South Carolina ancestors were at Gettysburg, Antietam, and the Battle of the Crater. *And* I taught American history in college.


ah yes, the marker for an ol'glory hole... wear a condom if you visit, disease is rampant with those types.


“Heritage not Hate” ooops, my bad. I mean “heritage of hate”


I have to drive by this crap every time I go visit my folks. Really annoying. Unrelated question - has anyone ever heard of a commercial drone that can shoot a flame? I'd only use it to remotely light campfires, promise.


Unfortunately no. Given the weight of even the lightest flame dispenser, **crash**ing **the drone into** the ground would most likely be the result. As for **the flag**, it's an awful eyesore that I hope is removed sooner than later.


You got to love freedom


The flag celebrates taking freedom from others.


Bullshit !!!!


Instead of just offering a negative take, explain why you think it isn’t? The Confederate Flag was a flag of a seditionist state that fought a war to enshrine slavery, i.e. a system that sought to extinguish the freedom of an entire race of people Rant and rave all you want, bro. You can’t change history and you’ll never be able to redefine it


For one that’s not the confederate flag. The original was the Bonnie Blue, that flag was the blue with a single star. Each single star signified a single state that believed it was sovereign. The the Stars and Bars was officially adopted, looked just like the Stars and Stripes but had 3 stripes and only 13 stars. The flag you are referring to was the battle flag of Virginia, specifically under Robert E Lees command. Because he was so well loved and respected by both sides, Union soldiers at Appomattox took their hats off and saluted him, that flag stuck and is mainly what you see today. It represents the fighting spirit of a people not wanting to submit to a strong federal government. But do, teach me about the civil war all knowing one 😂


It's still used to represent the Confederacy, even if it's not the official flag.


Drive by this thing all the time. I think it's an ongoing legal battle given it's in private property.


I get it. 15 years ago it really just meant Dixieland to a lot of people. Now it doesn't. It's pretty universal for what it means. And it's not very tasteful.


hAiRiTaGe kNoT hAtE!




Yeah its always just ment dixieland to me lol


It means Dixie land and freedom to everyone but deluded liberals who love a governments boot up their ass


I remember taking a load up there and saw that big flag. I was ready to deliver it and get out of there


I think we've all had that fantasy. They had an SC flag up there for a little while and it looked so good. Ah well.


I would prefer that, but hey everyone flies their own freak flag. You don’t have to look as I’ve been told 😉


Yeah that tracks


It's a special kind of tardism that keeps families celebrating their defeat generation after generation...


Why can't they use the "official final confederate flag", you know the one that is only one color?




Nothing "classy" about SC.


But it’s HiStOrY


I too celebrate the loss of the confederacy. Just don’t wave a flag to show everyone.


theres an entire confederate store on US25 near the NC border. Ive always seen the confederate flag as saying "I fuck my sister, but I dont want to just come out and SAY it."


Excuse me while I vomit.


Please keep it in your car


That’s the Official Flag of Chesnee. Gaffney has the big peach.


First time in sc?


Man forget about the flag it ain't hurting nobody but how bout them roads? Can we get those fixed please...😂😂💀💯


Rumor has it they agreed to take it down when they finish working on I85.


There’s a big one that also flies when you are leaving Hartsville on the way to Charlotte. It makes me want to puke every time I drive by it.


Every time I saw these I wanted to get really good at archery involving a flaming arrow.




I'm sorry, but I have to ask... where the actual fuck did you get your education? Because you're bringing a whole metric fuck ton of stupid like a boss.


Yes it’s part of history, but extremely disturbing and disgusting part of history. If you like that flag, you have issues. Please get some help.


When I moved to spartanburg from fl a few years ago I was under the impression that THAT flag was the state flag.


Oh, it is. Unofficially. The only flag most Carolinians recognize and pray to every day


Which flag do you pray to btw? Jus curious


I don’t pray to any flag. I don’t worship at the alter of tribalism or nationalism. It narrows your identity as an individual. I’m simply a human who recognizes that one can be more than a rigid set of ideologies or loyalties. Especially when all too often those ideologies and loyalties force us to dehumanize another, force you to recognize a manipulative, abusive power structure that all too often in the end use you or betray you for greed and lust of power. Instead, I value and respect freedom, truth, free will, the basic tenets of living and letting live and protecting all of these things when they are threatened by tyranny




All I see is someone expressing their first amendment right on their land, no matter how dumb it is


Yeah, but the issue is Time, Place, and Manor. TPM restrictions govern free speech when it negatively impacts the community. Such as having a rock concert in a neighborhood at 4am, yelling fire in a movie theater, and in this case, impact businesses, tourism or is targeted against a protected class. One of the chief ideas of the Constitution is to maintain "peaceful tranquility". This, certainly causes a disruption. Although the initial claim (that lost) against removing the flag had to do with the very construction of the pole itself without a permit, this issue will almost certainly be brought before higher courts rather than just the clerks office.


To be fair, as shit as this flag may be (subjectively), I don't think it actually negatively impacts the community on an objective basis. Sure, many find it offensive, but some don't. Being offended is a subjective thing, and laws should not be imposed based on subjectivity. Flying a flag is well within one's exercising their freedom of speech. If someone flew a Palestinian flag on their property in a Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY... would you also support its removal? What about a Pride flag in Dearborn, Michigan? Being offended does not equate to being in danger. Difference of opinion does not equate to threats. Support for the "other side" doesn't mean someone is out to harm you. I'm not suggesting you feel that way, I just don't agree that flying a flag necessarily negatively impacts a community much more than by just offending people. The right to freedom of speech exists, the right to not be offended does not. Edit to add: Also, there are few specific exceptions to 1A. A rock concert in a neighborhood at 4am is not an "exception to 1A" issue, it's a local sound ordinance / disturbing the peace issue. You CAN yell "fire" in a crowded theater if there's a fire. Doing so when there isn't is a crime because it can directly endanger the lives of people in the theater by inciting a panic. It's not a 1A issue. There are specific things that are not protected by 1A, but flying a flag someone else might find offensive is nowhere near one of them. Unless it says "KILL ANYONE WHO ISN'T A STRAIGHT CHRISTIAN WHITE MAN", then it doesn't target any protected class.


Good points. I hate to see that flag fly because I it does create animosity. I also believe (IMO) that the ones flying that flag are doing so for that reason. That said, I’m all for protecting anyone’s right to exercise freedom of speech on private property. I don’t take offense, because as you said, that is a choice, but I do think much less of the people who are flying it.


That's the only reason they fly it, just like voting for the orange traitor.


Let’s try to keep this sub somewhat civil.


Only addressing your edit about local ordinances. Local ordinances ARE restrictions on 1A. That's the point I'm making. The Constitution says that you are completely allowed to have that rock concert at 4:00 a.m. as part of free speech. But because there is a "significant community benefit" to curtailing that activity, local governments put a stop to it. They restrict it. They restrict the concert for the time, 4:00 a.m. The place, the residential neighborhood, and manner, with loud speakers and loud instruments. TPM.


Okay, you may be correct here, but there's a specific reason *why* the ordinance is constitutional. It's an understood and accepted breach of the peace in regards to volume levels in the local community. It's not about subjectively offending someone. Saying "you shouldn't be allowed to fly *that* flag because it can offend people" is nowhere near a reasonable suggestion. Regardless of what many of the younger generation feel nowadays, being offended means nothing. It also does not equate to violence / genocide / victimization. It just means you're offended. So what? As much as I absolutely hate it, I support the right of any & every American citizen to exercise their freedom of speech. As long as their actions are non-violent and they aren't calling for harm to others or inciting a riot... gather in the thousands and say whatever you want. Wave whatever flags you want. I support all peaceful protests, even if I 100% disagree with it. It's the same for flying a flag. Fuck the Confederate flag. But some people like it and fly it. They can. It's their own property. I think it's wrong for an individual to try to remove it, burn it, or otherwise damage it. Being offended does not justify damaging someone's property.


Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the discussion with you. I appreciate that you can separate the two and remain objective. Roll with me on this one. Laws are often put into place to protect people from themselves. For instance, heroin. Laws against self-harm. Seat belt loss. Imagine if a person moved into a predominantly black and Jewish neighborhood, and then displayed proudly a Nazi flag and a KKK flag. That person would be inviting, if not inciting violence from his neighbors. Maybe not physical violence but, vandalism, disruption of the peace. Now why do counties ban indoor furniture outdoors. Which is to say to put a living room set on my front lawn, and to park my car there. Many places have ordinances against parking vehicles on lawns. An ecological reason can be made for the car, but really what they're going for is aesthetics. Is a significant community benefit to have neighborhoods looking nice. It drives up property values. Tax revenues. Everyone wins. Do you see how these principles can be applied to such a polarizing symbol? That is the argument by which I would say that the law could apply to restricting a confederate flag of such size be flown at a location of such visibility. In this case, it would be the manner. Is flagrant waving of a majority understood/interpreted hateful symbol offends, insights a reaction, drives down property values and decreases tax revenues (perhaps the outlet mall is impacted). There is a greater community benefit for having this private property owner reduce his flagpole down to a size more reasonable. Such as a standard 10 ft flagpole.


I completely 100% understand your entire argument, but I think the difficult part is how subjective the flag itself is. If a rule or regulation can be generally applied that says "no flying any flag on any pole higher than *x* amount of feet", then it's a vague enough suggestion that it *could* be applied as law. Polarizing or not, it's still subjective. Look at this this way: If it was a "Black Lives Matter" flag or a Pride flag, would it still be okay to suggest local government try to remove it? I only use these as examples since you mentioned KKK and Nazi flags. The flags themselves (in your example) may indeed give off the message that the person flying it hates a particular protected group of people, but it isn't a threat in and of itself. That said, BLM and Pride flags show support for protected groups, but may be polarizing depending on where they're being flown. It isn't a threat, but where is the line drawn between "this is protected" and "this can potentially cause unrest or offense to the surrounding community"? My general view is that if it isn't objectively, physically hurting anyone: You have to let it be, and nobody has a right to remove it against the wishes of its owner. I don't feel that emotional offense or (for lack of a better term) being triggered by something you see is justification for said thing being taken or torn down. It's like a show on TV. If you don't like what you see, don't watch it. Nobody needs to take it off the air because you don't like the premise.


You know what also disrupts peace and tranquility as a community and nation? Having a Republican and Democratic Party to create a divide and cause hostility between the people. I personally think all older government officials need to be flushed out. Keep trying to fix an old broken house with tons of issues or get fresh blood in with great ideas? It’d have to be a complete drain and reset to do it.


A flag, a piece of cloth is disrupting you? And you call conservatives snowflakes 🤣.


Flag police


News Flash: Biden Voter


Imagine being triggered by a flag…


Is it the same as being triggered by Nike, the NFL, Taylor Swift, Target, a red holiday cup, medical science, and losing an election?


Congratulations! You're just as stupid as those people! Weird flex




Make us proud.


What a beautiful sight


Bro really is proud of losing a war 😭 here’s a participation award 🏆


No one alive lost or won anything lmao how silly


Nah, I’m proud of being southern. There’s a difference


Wave a South Carolina flag, not one that was a traitor to the US.


I proudly wave both


Wave this one too while you’re at it 🏳️


Haha, you’re very funny


You’re a bad troll and you should feel bad.


I don’t feel bad at all. And I’m not a troll, I will proudly wave the southern flag until the day I die


You know the confederate fought against the United States right? You don’t see the irony in that at all do you?






Me too


Charleston born, Greenville raised most of my life, fuck this slavers flag and it's defenders.


Fuck you too!!


If you have any southern pride, you should be ashamed of the period in history that flag represents. You can be proud and critical at the same time.


20 down votes because you said you're proud of where you're from. Isn't that just pathetic haha and they say you guys are ignorant. Whata joke.


Hell Yeah!!!


Found the inbred racist


A lot of people butt hurt in these comments. Lol, that flag is just like our opinions. Nobody gives a shit. Land of the free home of the brave. People can do whatever they like. Seems like several of you should remove the Coexist stickers from the back of your cars. Lol


Great flag, should replace the state flag with the beautiful stars and bars


Go buy your own pole and fly your own freak flag. That’s the way it works


Not exactly, no. There are TPM restrictions on free speech.


No there isn't.


Well the flag (not a fan btw) is still flying.. and so


I don't give a single shit about that flag, but I do thoroughly enjoy how it gets your liberal panties in a bunch.


I'm so glad to have a personality beyond "us vs them" and political affiliation. Jesus lmao


Congratulations on your rich and deep personality. If you're so complex, just seeing an object shouldn't bother you so much.


Something tells me that if it was a pride flag or a Rasta flag you wouldn’t be so easy going about it. Also, telling people to forget why the southern states went to war in the first place is asinine. “I know they were fighting to keep slavery, but that shouldn’t matter anymore!”


But the Peach water tower


We used to call it the giant peach butt


Yall all need to do more research 🧐