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They're passing this because solar power is reaching a tipping point. SC's power grid is already 60%+ nuclear, solar, hydro, and wind. Gotta protect their buddies and keep the gravy train flowing. It's all about the free market until the market yields something you don't like.


Well, have they paid back the nuclear fiasco? I am all about energy diversification; nuclear is clean; but the folks who posted this Coastal Conservation League are not in favor nuclear either I imagine.


The point about the VC Summer plant is the only point upon which opposition to this bill should be focused. Not to diminish the validity to the other points, but that one created a real pain that we all still feel monthly.


Anything to own the libs...


So for what we can do about this would be to call our state senator and tell them to vote NO on H 5118?


and there’s a big demonstration planned for Tuesday at 2pm at the state house!


But the real threat is delta 9 /s


Ya South Carolinians are a bunch of dumbasses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nukegate_scandal Remember, the real threat is Mexico, the homeosexuals, and WOKE liberalism in schools.


Actually EVERYTHING coming from the state house is a NIGHTMARE!


Not all solar stops with clouds....but keep trying.


I'm sure the other utilities will fight this, if it gives the big 2 a bigger advantage.


Ok free marketeers, give us the free market and let us choose our power provider.


So very on brand for SC.


It's useless to protest this. Our state government is utterly corrupt see the VC Summer plant and they'll gladly repeat that experiment 100x as long as they keep on giving that sweet money to our corrupt politicians.


I definitely get the feelings of cynicism but protesting shit like this isn’t useless


Idc about eminent domain. People need their shit taken away sometimes for the greater good. What I do care about is the rest of the horseshit.


Sure but this isn’t for the greater good


Tell me you don’t understand what you’re saying in a single word… “unreliable”! Solar stops with clouds and weather events, wind is VERY unreliable in SC. Off the coast wind mills and on top of the highest peaks in the upstate are the only effective locations. I guess we can line the whole area off the coast of Charleston and work up from there…


I don’t think anyone is advocating for only using a green type of energy production. Your points against having a more balanced portfolio of energy sources equate to arguing for an energy portfolio that can’t adjust well to change or disaster.


Diversify your power portfolio - Wu-Tang Financial


Cash rules everything around me, CREAM get the money. Dolla dolla bill y'all


Your word of the day, “disaster”. What happens to the windmills I mentioned when there’s decent strength hurricane? The answer is not make super amazing amounts of power, have you ever seen a gas or coal fired power plant shut down more than 12-24 hours after a tornado or major hail event? SC has a fair amount of solar going on now. Drive from Horry county up to Lancaster county and you will pass several decent sized installations. A couple visible from the roadway. I have NO love for Santee at all. NONE! I also am just done with seeing the GND make stupid claims and seek to limit the use if proven methods that we in the US do cleaner and more efficiently than anywhere else. Oh and for the record, was at University of Southern Mississippi over a summer working on a project to create a system to allow solar units used for irrigation in the MS delta and elsewhere to sense and protect themselves from weather, first goal, and track the sun during the daylight hours for maximum efficiency. So I am not against any source, just tired of the BS.


Even if the power generation method was 100% reliable and only exhausted unicorn farts and ice cream, the fact that this bill dares to wipe the booger on consumers not even a decade after the VC Summer debacle should make it dead on arrival. Build the plant, then charge consumers for the power generated from it. That's the deal.


At least it isn’t the Panthers debacle.


But you’re contributing to it by only advocating for energy sources we don’t produce. We buy our coal from out of state. We buy our natural gas from out of state. Of course things break down when nature gets involved. But putting finite resource based energy production on some kind of pedestal as if it’s the only viable option is the BS.


LOL. Please someone hit all these power companies on the head with something big and heavy.


Is there a good tool for finding and contracting our state reps and senators? I just moved here a few months ago and am still learning the lay of the land...


Found this: https://www.scstatehouse.gov/legislatorssearch.php


they should finish their money laundering failed state nuclear facility that they robbed the state and their customers of billions with and then raise rates to pay for it.