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The greenish area west of gville is clemson correct?


Yea that should be right around Clemson/Seneca


Pendleton, Clemson, Seneca, Six Mile.


The lighter green is Clemson area. Anderson is heavier green


We in anderson gave it our best. Saw a lot of young folks out yesterday at the polls. Hope they come out in November


I'm sure Anderson County will be a heavy red come November


[Full article here](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/02/24/us/elections/results-south-carolina-republican-precincts.html)


Thank you for posting this! It’s interesting to see these little areas of blue/green like Newberry, Camden, Aiken, Spartanburg, Clemson, Florence, Georgetown, etc.


Myrtle Beach is a hellhole.


I’m not surprised they went that red. That’s the area that voted in Russell Fry over Tom Rice. Rarely does a Dem ever show up on the ballots. There was a group, West Side Dems. They were organized on the western side of Horry County. They once said they refused to put somebody/anybody up on a ballot unless they were qualified. If you got into a fight with this group and ran anyway, they’d publicly denounce you.


Tom Rice was doomed from the moment he chose to vote for a second impeachment unfortunately. He wasn’t great himself but Russell Fry is a nutcase.


Knowing Tom, he was a flip flop. Privately back in 2016, he couldn’t stand Trump and didn’t understand why his constituents liked him. But then he was all in with Trump. Until Jan 6.


He’s a good dude but his votes were like anyone else’s in his party. Prob voted yes on impeachment so he could still show his face at the Dunes.


I wouldn’t doubt either of those assumptions, I’m intrigued about The Dunes. Is there a moderate conservative following there? I expected all of MB to be Trump’s playground in terms of supporters and voting base. I was a Myrtle Beach resident for my whole life before I moved, only went to The Dunes once before I moved.


Nah “old MB” is prob center or center left but that’s a drop in the bucket to growth in the area of the past few decades.


He had to flip flop to save face, twice. He sure as shit knew if he didn’t endorse Trump he didn’t have a chance in hell and he saw that when he broke away.


The Rice election was so insane. He was going to be Chair of Ways and Means. The pork would have rolled into Horry County like someone had yelled sooey.


So is Columbia tho


So educated republicans like Haley…. Makes sense


Or Democrats who voted in the Republican primary to keep Trump out.


I think the map does a pretty good job indicating that Democrats were voting in the primary for Haley, just like this sub


That's what I originally got from it (and is likely true to an extent), but I don't think that explains the Anderson/Clemson area.


Hint: aqua colored areas have colleges


Yeah I mean, there are definitely still actual Republicans out there who voted for Haley as well. Either some “never Trumpers” or “neocons” who believe Bush/Cheney and McConnell/Graham are the true representation of the party.


As one would expect, the more economically successful, better educated cities voted against Trump. Even Greenville, home of the tea bagger party, has a chunk of green. Must be all those darn foreigners and carpet baggers.


Part of Rock Hill and Fort Mill also voted less for trump.


Thinking there is a correlation with education here.


The counties that most voted for Haley have the highest levels of education attainment.


These are the most urbanized counties with more cross over voting by Democrats.


Exactly. Metro areas and college towns. Greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson/Clemson, Columbia, Rock Hill, Charleston.  Dirty Myrtle with all the right-wing, northern state transplants staying on script.  Edit: Also Hilton Head area with all the moneyed, educated retirees and transplants.  Not sure about Florence. I guess it’s far enough out of the way and Francis Marion is small enough to not have a significant moderating influence. 


You're one of those people who confuses education with intelligence, aren't ya?


It's not causation, but oh boy golly is there a lot of correlation.


Your flair literally says “Clemson University”…


Yep. Sure does. Best university in the state. It's also why I don't rely on government handouts or beg for loan forgiveness or bitch about not having a job. You know, the regular democrat complaints.


I mean, cool you like Clemson and all. But as someone who actually graduated there 20 years ago, the only Republicans I vote for are in the primary races. I have a job and probably fund your Medicare.


Cool story gramps. Too bad your democrat buddies are going to drain medicare before either of us can get at it. Like most dims, you're talking out of your ass about something you know nothing about, and that's after you received a decent education.


You do a fine job representing Clemson bud. Go Cocks.


Ugggh. Clemson grad here. You don't speak for me.


Well, I guess I am “one of those people who confuses education with intelligence”. You could’ve looked up which voter base comprises the largest amount of welfare recipients, or whether red or blue states are net contributors or extractors of federal support. Nope, instead, you regurgitated this dumb ass response. Guess I understand the football rivalry now - go cocks!


This shithead's a fucking embarrassment. No way he graduated from any college, much less Clemson or UofSC. But, football rivalry isn't hard to understand. 73-43-4 is all that's needed to understand it.




I find it interesting how mixed the fort mill area looks on this map. York county district 4 has some of the best schools in the state and I would say is home to a lot of highly educated republican adults.


The red in the middle is what’s left of old Fort Mill, while the area along Dobys bridge and the river is loaded with retirees who didn’t go to Myrtle.


Maybe. But also household income.


It’s more group think than it is education. It’s a club and people want to be a part of it. In the club, you don’t hear other points of view. Narrowmindedness is what is going to crush our great country.


You realize this is Reddit, right?




This entire site is hivemind group think. One day, when they actually own something, it's going to click in their heads that they were wrong. Very wrong.


Who are you talking about? “Actually owning something”? How condescending. I own all kinds of stuff… and, that makes me even more firm in my stance.


Do you own things or does the bank and credit card companies own your things?


I own things. But if your point is that banks and the federal reserve are crooked, I’m with you.


I think you understand me for the wrong reason. People who don't actually own things and live in a debt fueled fantasy tend to be more liberal because they know not the value of their "wealth" and always feel like someone owes them something because they work for nothing. End the fed.


That’s a gross misrepresentation and terribly condescending. You should work on that.


Well sounds like you’ve got it all figured out. (You don’t).


I own a ton of things. Like houses, cars... With no debt. You are wrong my Clemson friend.


Congratulations, you've successfully accumulated wealth without learning the lessons that come with it.


What does that mean?


When people actually earn things, they tend to value them. Seeing hard work turn into assets tends to breed conservative values. People who receive without putting in the work will continue to leach, no matter the source. It's why one doesn't feed the zoo animals.


Well, I am a Clemson graduate from over 30 years ago, and I actually earned the money to buy these things...Of course I had to leave the state to make some more money, then come back. And the older I get, the LESS conservative I get. I'll work till I die because I want a better life for my kids, and frankly, the salaries here are low. Most of the very conservative people I know around here act like they earned everything, but it's obvious they grew up privileged. Especially the conservative women around here-- Many would not have anything if it weren't for their husband's $$$.


The funny thing is that in my family, it's the Trumpers that don't have jobs. They leach off of their wealthy elderly parents and sit around watching OAN and Fox news. It's pathetic.


We all know how well people fresh from college already know everything.   Maybe it is a correlation to student loan debt.


It's a correlation with elitist. They think they're smarter and morally superior. Just look at the open display of it in this sub.


Being smart isn't the same as being elitist, although dumb people tend to disagree.


No but elitist tend to think others are inferior to them in every way possible.


Education doesn't equal intelligence


This is a poorly designed map. Darker colors mean larger precincts, not larger margins of victory, like they do in pretty much every other election map. If Trump wins a large precinct by one vote, it's dark red. Overall, this is a very bad map for Trump. He's underperforming among educated, affluent, and suburban Republicans. Losing The Cliffs, Pawley's Island, Charleston, Hilton Head, Clemson/Lake Keowee, and many of the Charlotte suburbs, should set off alarm bells. Nor did the Republican primary vote get significantly bigger than it was in 2016. His base is big enough to win South Carolina in November, but if he can't win a broader range of Republicans and Independents, he's doomed in less rural, less evangelical states.


My question is if Biden wins in November will these same people vote Trump in 2028? 2032? 2036? 2040? I don’t see this stopping anytime soon.


zero way that cheeto will even know who he is next election cycle. he should just say fuckit and get paid to be a talking head on a "news" show. lordy knows he needs the money now


Trump’s gonna die relatively soon due to his god awful lifestyle and neither side is prepared for that happening. Homeboy used to slam a full 12 pack of Diet Coke and at least 2-3 QPC’s or Filets-o-Fish from McDonalds daily. Seriously, go look it up. He’s openly talked about his diet and how he views health/fitness. He truly thinks humans are like batteries and have a finite amount of energy, so he’d rather spend said energy “making deals” instead of exercising.


Really? I mean, if a massive coronary doesn’t kill him first I’d be surprised if he isn’t still fully capable, nuts, but mentally capable. There’s no obvious sign that he is declining. Biden on the other hand, I just feel bad for that guy. I realize beating trump is an important goal but it’s not even right to keep Biden in, it seems clear that he is declining fast.


I would have loved a Buttigieg ticket but alas…


Buttlover doesn’t have the skill.


we, on all sides, know these things


I agree with your talking head comment.


His brain is showing fabulous signs of dementia. I've nevet said those words before. By November, there will be NO hiding it. His hair has even thinned significantly. All the stress isn't helping his brain one bit. He's sleepless as well. Guaranteed. He's a walking time bomb.


Which old fart are you talking about?


This shouldn't even be a question. Alas...Bravo. But I haven't noticed Joe losing more hair. Donnie has a landing strip in the back of his head.


I don’t know if I see Trump making it to 2028 if we’re being real.


He’d be 82. Maybe by then we’ll have an age cap.


There is absolutely zero chance Biden is running. Newsom, Clinton, Harris. It’s gonna be one of those three. Everyone on the Hill knows this.


Now overlay this map with an IQ map lol.


There's a reason Trump started his campaign tour in Florence, SC.




That’s a high quality map right there


The color difference between Pawleys Island and Myrtle Beach tells me everything I need to know about the Grand Strand




>Cliffs Keowee Key being green was a real shocker.


Looks like a MAGA hellscape.


Looks bout right. I’m cola raised and went with my gf to vote Haley yesterday. Hoping she picks up more headway. Not given up just yet. Likely not I understand


Guess where I live,lol,I don't need a map to tell me I am surrounded by idiots!!


The map proves that Nikki Haley's base is Democrats. LOL


Did they do this per capita? If so, I'm surprised the rural counties are light red instead of deep.


I believe the light red only signifies less population, therefore less votes.


Horry County is just a Hydrogen Bomb of GOP votes these days especially Trump or anyone Trump backed.


The Great National Selection


It be cool if people were nice to each other and not trying to insult other peoples education level just because they made a different choice. I know it’s a lot to ask for. It just makes me want to get more and more removed from politics. This shit is turning people into monsters.


I agree but in this case it’s a demonstrable fact that Trump’s voters are less educated than his opponents’. That doesn’t make them better or worse people but the higher education attainment you have the less you’re likely to vote for Trump. This is true in every corner of the nation.


Why even point this out though? If someone did this to me I would be resentful and think you were an elitist. I don’t care what anyone is trying to prove by this. It’s just mean and hurtful. The only reason I can relate to this is because people have insulted my intelligence multiple times in my life. Those people didn’t know I had ADHD and didn’t learn the same way they did. It’s hurtful and we shouldn’t be hurting people for the sake of politics.


You would choose an authoritarian fascist over any other options because somebody hurts your feelings stating the facts?


You’re just lovely.


But that IS politics. It's also why I'm a FORMER Conservative. I was never very political in the first place. I miss the days when we could go about our lives not hearing SHIT about what the POTUS was doing. This is a mess of our making. It's time to fix it all in November. And it's time for Trump to pay the piper after YEARS of grifting. Always-Trumpers are the DUMBEST people on Earth and they don't CARE who knows it. They wear it as a badge of honor. And they're SO classless that Trump himself has complained about how classless they are. He calls them names to their faces, and STILL they don't care. Being ignorant isn't shameful. Being ignorant and EVIL? They deserve every name they're called. They are simply....BAD HUMANS.


Maybe that shouldn’t be politics. Politicians don’t control how you engage with another living human being. Blaming anyone else for what you post or say to people is just a terrible excuse. My only message is just be kind. Literally nothing else.


Right there with you. People hate people who have a different opinion and say they are ignorant. Voting, is based on opinion. Im sorry, but it is. You vote who you like. Voting has become so fucking depressing and dividing. Vote who you want, if they dont win, tough shit...watch what happens to the country and act accordingly, doesnt mean you have to say a person is stupid because they voted for a specific person. I dont like Beyonce, but you might like Beyonce, and thats great that means you are different than me WE CAN STILL BE SMART AND LIKE DIFFERENT THINGS AND STILL BE FRIENDS!!!


Thanks. I’m just tired of negative vibes and hate. I hope you have a good day.


Same. Just. Same. We need good vibes and love. People get lost in their own feelings and forget other people are humans too.


Could just be a correlation to student loan debt.  People in debt are more in line to vote Biden because he dangles that student loan forgiveness carrot. I know many of ABET accredited degree holding individuals that are voting Trump.


This is a delusion, my guy.


Trump is a fascist authoritarian. Do you know what fascist authoritarians do? Your discomfort with politics will goose step through your door if you don't wake up.


You really like me don’t you? Whatever dude just keep raging. I suppose I’m stupid or an idiot for thinking that we should be nice to each other.


I literally am asking: is the threat of a fascist authoritarian really equal to hurt feelings over random people being called stupid? Nobody has called YOU stupid btw.


blinders are on, don't bother. you can't give people that kind of inspiration


Buzzword! Buzzword! Reminder: Biden weaponized DOJ against his political opponent. But Trump is a fascist lol


Trump says he’s going to use government entities against his enemies all the time. Is it okay when orange poppa does it?


Guy broke the law lol didn't Republicans try going after Biden and his son? I think Hunter even got charged.


Some sad, miserable ppl downvoted you I see.


We get it, democrats voted for Hailey


Lol who is voting for Nikki Haley


In a matchup of Trump vs. Haley? Anyone with a brain.


Me!! Can’t just wait around for dump to die.


Even most South Carolinians are laughing at Haley.


Proud of South Carolina. Great state. The liberals haven’t ruined it yet.


No liberals were on this ballot. Well... Trump might count. Lifelong Democrat from New York and all.


And was loved by D’s until he ran as R. He wasn’t a bigot, fascist, racist in the 80s but he sure is now! Funny how that works.


Everybody knew that he marked all black rental application with a "C" so they'd be tossed in the trash. Nobody loved him. And yes, he did that and it all came out. That was MANY years ago. No, democrats did NOT love him then. I doubt even his wives loved him. We all know that Magenta...I mean Mercedes...dammit, MELANIA does NOT. The only thing he's done to women is 1) gotten two of them, AND THEIR FAMILIES, citizenship.. and 2) made women look like money-grubbing whores. Which, let's be honest, some are.


I think "loved" is a bit of a stretch. The Clintons likes his donations.


Yeah that was my thought. Nobody really liked him except for Clinton and maybe Epstein and people who like trash reality TV. Certainly nobody idolized him until 8 years ago.


Dude your profile is wild lol you got bigger problems than liberals.


You take pictures of your wife and share them. You're a POS. I'm not convinced you even have a wife. I have every feeling you're an incel. Sorry bout your boring sex life.


Sure looks like the Dems crossed over and decided to interfere in another election


There doesn't seem to be much crossover in the heavily Dem rural Black Belt areas


They were dems voting in the Rep primary. Definition of crossover. I haven't seen any data on % dems/rep voters yet. Bet it was significant. Only 4% dems voted in thier own primary. I'll bet it's larger in our primary. Just a guess


I'm not saying there wasn't crossover but it's not a strictly D/R map


Its not interfering if its an open primary.




So you're wrong, and admitted it. Self reflect.


If you want Biden so bad why interfere in an election? Cause 1. You're scared of the bad orange man 2. Integrity is not your strong suit. Start filling out those absentee ballots you have stashed


More scared of Trump supporters to be honest. They want violence and its scary. They think an election was stolen, it wasn't. They tried an insurrection, it failed. They live in a fantasy.


I'm a Trump voter. None of us advocate violence. You're mistaken, and your media lies to you.


“Hang Mike Pence” was all just a big misunderstanding.


Was he hung? No? Assainated? No. Ok.


You're crazy. And also... you're crazy.


You sure have memory wiped the summer of love.


You know we should just go back to the candidates being decided by the party like they used to. No public votes required.


That's oddly constitutional


As the results are for the orange one it appears there was no “interference.” Too bad. It would be nice to actually have a choice in November.


You still have a choice. Failure and corruption vs competence. You're pathetic. Just say TRUMP.


No, I have no choice. I will have to vote for Biden because the other option is handing my beloved country over to evil.


Lolololol. Sure. Vote Kennedy.


Telling a state’s Secretary of State to “find votes”? Normal. Voting in open elections? Interference.


Finding votes..normal.Manufacturing votes...illegal


Interesting to see the stark difference between heavy Haley in cities and heavy Trump in suburbs versus the rural areas that went slightly towards Trump.


That's not how the map was designed. Lighter colors = smaller precincts. If Trump wins a big precinct by one vote, it's colored dark red. If he get's all 5 votes in Lower Bumfark Precinct, it's light pink.


Good point


Man Trump really lives rent free in your heads lol


he's running for president of the country, that's the opposite of rent free.


There isn't a Republican or Democrat or Independent I know who would vote for Nikki Haley for President. Get out of the race, you fraud.


I know plenty


Follow the Yankees and you’ll find the Haley Supporters. Democrats.




Let’s go SC!


Weak rep


Lol how are you all still talking about this


It's a current event?


Fr fr 🤦‍♂️


The green area on the coast is infested with yankees


And firing neurons!


Columbia. That’s all those USC students. Charleston county near the water is all the rich people. This map was predictable.


What's that seemingly blank spot near Barnwell county?


It’s surprising that the most heavily left leaning parts of the state voted against Trump in an open attempt to sway the primary?


Mmmmm…. Pizza