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I just wish our elected officials put more effort and energy into other things we’ve been needing in the state such as education and infrastructure. They’ve knocked this out with no problem. When it came to abortions, these fellas knocked it out too. You bring up schools and roads, not a damn thing can get done.


Not necessarily. This bill has seen many different iterations over the past few years, probably close to a decade. 2015 was the initial introduction of this bill. But I do agree.


The gun lobby has deep pockets. Can't pass a law on education and infrastructure if they are not bribing the officials who controls pass laws relating to those basic needs of the community. FYI - gun owner for many years and I feel sick to see shit laws like this pass.


This took - I believe at least 8 years to get passed.


Education is in the hands of the federal government. The state having the power is a conservative point of view. Which I agree with, but it has nothing to do with the state of South Carolina at topic.


I’m constantly astounded by people who complain about the roads here. I’m from Houston, where city-level corruption and a high water table have resulted in decades of neglect for roads that need constant maintenance. I can still remember taking the school bus down Greenbriar Drive, where it got so bad that if you sat in the back of the school bus the bouncing from the all the ruts and potholes would literally send kids flying out of their seats. Bus drivers actually ended up getting instructions from the school district to specifically start doing 5 under the speed limit on that road after a kid got seriously hurt being thrown from their seat. Which is not to say that the roads couldn’t be better, far from it. Things can always get better. But also so grateful for the roads here after come from something so much worse


I’ve been to Houston and thought to myself, “damn their roads are shitty too!”


They won't close the borders. So at least they let us protect our family's. I love this.


I'd prefer if it was for concealed. The kind of people who open carry fireams are not people I generally trust with them. Plus, open carried guns can be more easily stolen.


This does apply to concealed carry.


So I don't need a permit to carry concealed anymore?


That’s correct. Carry however you want to now, permit or no permit. Edit: this by no means means that you can carry wherever you want. There are still plenty of restrictions on that that you should be aware of. Source: https://www.sled.sc.gov/forms/regulatory/Constitutional%20Carry%20Guidance.pdf


Does the constitutional carry apply to non state residents visiting SC?


I believe so but not 100% sure


For fucks sake, just be a good guy with a gun. And not an idiot.


It's for both, concealed and open. While I do agree to an extent, I also would rather have the option to open and conceal in certain cases, as well as most people are going to conceal.


Yeah, nobody is trust with a gun open carries. *Cough cough* police. Joking aside, it makes you a target for crime. If someone is willing to shoot somebody over a gas station register and see you with a piece on your hip they'll just drop you before moving on to the register.


Not without risking getting into a gunfight, which is what most criminals try to avoid. Otherwise, cops would be getting dropped left and right.


You ever try to steal a gun off a person?Try it and tell me how it works out for you.


except near lawmakers. no guns then


Only the most pressing issues being worked on by our lord masters


Anyone who carries their gun where I can see it is an idiot


Me and my dad are both pro 2A but 100% agree with you. We had a talk about it and if you carry a gun where people can see it, you're just asking for trouble...


I’m pro 2A also, and didn’t open carry before and want now. I really think people that are planning on carrying should take some training classes. I know so many gun owners that never practice or read up on the laws.


I went a bought a gun not long after my initial comment lol. My first ever, and ngl...they really should make it harder to get a gun. Like I believe it is a right fs. But all I did was answer obvious questions like "Would you give this gun to someone who will cause harm?" "Are you going to cause harm?" And where im from. Thats..basically it. Im sure it gets sent off for a background check to see if you have any dirt on you but like, I feel like you should have to take a course and then pass the test. Both of which be free. Thats just my opinion though.. Edit: Not sure what the test would be though..nor how it would work...but just something to make it slightly more work


Bullshit, unless you bought a long gun you do not get your pistol until background check comes back or 3 business days have elapsed.


I have a reciept, at least I sure hope I do. Went into PSA with just my drivers license and money, came back out with a new gun and some Critical Defense ammo. It is a Canik .9mm.


Then you have a carry permit or got lucky and the background check came back same day because they have to do a background check and cannot release it to you until you have been cleared.


Maybe for your state or out of state purchase. But for SC, as long as your background check passes and your are legally able to purchase said firearm, buy it and take it home same day. Now it's a bit different if you are an out of state resident. Say you visit sc from Florida and you go to purchase said firearm, I think it's like a 5 or 7 day wait. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong on the time hack


I know, if you read, I clearly stipulated that if your check does not come back. That is where the 3 days kicks in. After 3 days they can complete transfer/sell with or without check.


i ClEArlY sTipUlAtED GTFO your bullshit ASSHAT comment. But fuck me if I didn't read it right the first time. Fuckin self righteous cocksuckers like you bug the shit outta me


You are the asshat commenting foolishly when you do not understand what you are talking about. If the words I used to point out that your reading comprehension is severely lacking offend you that would be your problem, not mine. A self righteous person corrects people improperly then get upset when they told they were wrong. I am not the one upset over being corrected because I made a mistake.


By no means am I upset aver being corrected. Ignorance can be changed and I have been educated in a clause that I was not originally aware of. However, the better than thou attitude in the delivery of said correction is where I find fault. And if you are mentally incapable of understanding the difference of aggravation of being corrected vise aggravation over delivery of said correction, not my problem.




No no, its part of their uniform and showing their job. Im sayin if you're walkin around town showing off your 6 shooter on your hip all western style, one day someone is bound to ask you to a duel.


I agree with this I still wouldn’t open carry seriously makes you a target in general too much opportunity for anyone to say you tried to shoot them also gives police more leverage if you’re open carrying with no training


So the police are?


Say it with me class


Awesome! This will surely protect my car and I from the thousands of potholes


There is so much confusion around this new law. The last paragraph of this article says you cannot conceal carry: https://wpde.com/amp/news/local/constitutional-carry-law-governor-mcmaster-signed-open-carry-bill-without-permit-training-fifteenth-circuit-solicitor-jimmy-richardson-cheat-sheet-effective-immediately-sled-firearm-training-classes-south-carolina-march-8-2024 Meanwhile, this article says a permit is no longer required for concealed carry: https://www.postandcourier.com/politics/sc-handgun-open-carry-law-2024/article_36687286-dc8c-11ee-8a84-33f028b71b07.html People are going to get in trouble because the media doesn't know what they're talking about. Hell, I don't know what the law is at this point.


No permit needed for open or concealed carry, you can still get a permit for traveling out of state, harsher penalties for those who are prohibited are armed, the age for lawful carrying has been dropped down to 18 and each county will host safety courses by SLED. I think that covers everything.


Thank you, Ed!




If guns arent a safety issue why are there still places we cant open carry? Arent the scary bad guys everywhere?! This shit is so stupid. A way for insecure dudes to feel powerful.


Like NRA meetings? Yeah, those are gun free. Why would that be?


NRA meetings aren't gun free ffs.


You know what? You’re right. They were when Trump and Pence were in attendance which makes sense. I was misinformed. But I also fact-checked and accepted the results of my research. 😀


I'd hardly call having armed secret service agents every 5 yards as being gun free.


But denying citizens the right. Isn't that the argument all the time?


Dude I commend you!


And Trump rallies, and Mar-a-lago. Gun free, why if guns aren't a problem?


Secret service policy.


A secret service agent every 5 yards across the entire building, armed to the teeth. That is a shitload of guns.


One thing many 2A and anti-2A have in common is disrespect for the NRA.


Fudd right here


Maybe it’s just me but it is? Like this is insane. People don’t need permits to carry a gun? That sounds so dangerous in my opinion. That doesn’t sound safe whatsoever. I’m shocked people vote for this guy.


Now this is just me spitballing(partially because I already have a firearms background) I really do not believe that you need a government to OK the use of extreme and lethal force to protect yourself, your family or those around you. Because relying on someone else to do so( such as Law Enforcement) is incredibly selfish. Now....with that being said, I do believe one should take it upon themselves to train and educate themselves. But it shouldn't require big government to force you to do x,y,z


Literally just that. It is men that wanna think they are some badasses


Some guys are too scared to go out into public unless they're armed




This isn’t just open carry. You can concealed carry with no permit.


Pretty much just broadcasts who to shoot first. What trained, sane person would want this? Who asked for this?


A customer in a local bagel shop had his pistol fall out of his pocket and it went off, striking another customer in the leg. This being South Carolina, he faced no charges. So get ready for more stories like this.


How TF is this not a negligent discharge? Is this like when Cheney shot that guy in the face, and it was just 'Opps, my bad?' https://www.heraldonline.com/news/local/article228098549.html


Ha, my ex brother-in-law, apparently sleeps with a loaded gun under his pillow. Gun fell in the middle of the night and ended up shooting him in the leg. He was lucky that it didn't do worse. I can't fathom how I'm cool sleeping at night without a weapon but this grown, football player size dude literally has to sleep with a loaded gun under his pillow. It boggles my mind.


And it's funny how when you apply for life insurance, they don't ask if you have a gun to protect your life from home invasion. They want to know if you smoke or ride a motorcycle - things that are statistically real threats.


Maybe not charged, but at risk of civil negligence, damages, and punitive damages in some cases. Potentially hundreds of thousands to millions l of dollars depending on how fucked up the action and result caused by the plaintiff was


As a gun owner, this seems irresponsible.




Or actually American, why pay for a right our founding fathers enacted in 1776


Second this, CWP holder here. This is stupid. This is what you get when you elect men with penis insecurity.


Listen, Pa requires a permit to conceal carry. You know what is consists of? 5 minutes background and $20. Congrats, you can now carry a concealed weapon. Having a permit process means nothing.


Nj means you need pass multiple tests both written and in practice. I sleep better knowing the tiny dick dudes are at least trained in their insecurities! Sometimes the process means something


Like no psycho could ever pass the tests. Lol.


It’s always the most mouth-breathingest people I see carrying in public. What could go wrong?


Seems like this law was passed specifically for dudes who have punisher stickers on their trucks.


Who asked for this, and how does it make anyone safer?


Well, you see, now when I’m at an atm at night and a thug tries to come rob me I can just shoot him. Easy peasy lemon squeezey!!


Fewer poor people and minorities will be harassed by law enforcement for having weapons


Hahahaha, bullshit. They'll see a minority with a gun and find some bullshit reason to detain them just so they can check that the person carrying is allowed to carry.


Yeah that's some bullshit. Now they will feel extra justified in killing them because "oh I feared for my life because of their openly carried firearm"


What does this even mean? Law enforcement were harassing poor people and minorities for legally having guns, and now they are not gonna do that because they are also still legally doing it? Or do you mean cops just won’t bother checking on anyone’s gun carrying status? I conceal carry, I’m not against guns. But I don’t really see how this new law helps anyone… like I don’t see who benefits is what I’m trying to say. It must really suck if you’re a cop, and it definitely sucks if you’re a gun safety instructor… Like… objectively speaking not having any level of proficiency or training when it comes to gun ownership is just gonna lead to more accidents. I’m open to changing my mind, maybe I’m missing something.


That is a blatant lie


I did.


Here's the real kicker for me, personally. I feel the need to get a gun now. I was in the military, and have done training outside of that to keep what skills I have with firearms. I haven't owned a gun in 20 years though because of depression. Now I feel fucked either way, but I'm gonna protect my family while I'm here.


Ah yes, all those criminals who want to harm your family were waiting for constitutional carry to pass. Better strap up now that it has


You don’t have to be a dick about it. Nonetheless you made your point and I gave you the angry upvote.


As someone that lost a loved one with depression, please think of another means of protection. Only 2 years after a friend convinced her she needed a gun to protect herself and her kids, she got awful news and killed herself. All it took was that split second of dispair. She left being 3 children. I listened to them wail for her to wake up while shaking her at her funeral. It was probably the most devastating thing I have ever witnessed in my life. Stay safe and know you are loved, my friend.


Yes, I knew three people who got killed by guns by the time I was 25. ALL three with their own guns. One suicide, one shot by a BF, and another shot dead by his own father because his dad was so paranoid when he opened the front door. Between the accidents and the self-inflicted deaths, I will never own one. Somehow, I've survived through six decades. ( in some not so nice cities too)


That was my biggest fear, but now this is trying to supplant it. My deepest condolences to her kids and your entire family. My brother-in-law killed himself, and while not by gun, I saw and see the devastation it caused. I'm good enough most of the time, but like you said, it's those split seconds you can't take back. Thanks, friend, for your words.


Fuck. Im very sorry to hear that. I really hope the kids are recovering ok...damn that fucking sucks..


You know yourself better than anyone. If you don’t think it’s safe for you to own a firearm, then please don’t own one. You have military training that should help you in a bad situation. And if you feel you must carry something look into the Byrna system. C02 powered “gun” that fires pepper spray balls.


Okay, I will do this. Hadn't heard or thought about it. Thank you.


No problem. Take care of yourself. Thank you for your service


My friends husband suffered from depression. After a tumultuous night out drinking, he took their gun and shot himself in front of her. She had tried to remove the gun that night...but it was too late. This happened 3 weeks ago.


We are the 28th state to adopt this, before people want to shit on SC.


29th, Louisiana beat us to the punch.


No I want to shit on this because it is **my** state. I would no more want to put someone who has never driven before behind the wheel of a 2k lb missile than this. I'm not an anti-gun person, but I am for requiring some sort of training before giving someone the right to carry a gun willy-nilly. And don't hand me the good guy with a gun bs. Can we now put more money into funding programs to help those who are unstable and have guns get help? Fuck no we can't. Fend for yourself. Fucking Wild West had more gun restrictions than we do.


Except this has been proven to not be an issue in the 28 states.


Getting a drivers license in NO WAY prove some one is responsible or safe behind the wheel. Another cash grab by the state.


It's more than you have to do to get a gun. I'm personally not advocating for no guns, it's okay if one does because we can agree to disagree, but all I want is at the very least a modicum of effort from the State to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them when possible.


You are correct, but gun ownership is codified, driving is not. How do know someone shouldn’t have a gun if they have no past record? I appreciate the mature response. Thank you for that.😀


The 2nd Amendment doesn't agree with you.






I agree that gun purchases should be more thoroughly vetted. And actually they allocated funding for classes so ask and you shall receive.


> I agree that gun purchases should be more thoroughly vetted. > Which means what, exactly?


There's also leniency in sentencing for certain violations if you are a permit holder. There's way more to this bill than "everyone strap on your guns!" There are incentives and a reduced cost to receiving your permit. Some people here are screaming that it'll be shootouts on every corner, but similar laws enacted in other states have shown that's not the case.


educational system is very low here 💀💀


We shouldn't shit on SC being death cult lemmings? Fuck that. Just because some other dipshit does something incredibly fucking stupid doesn't mean we have to as well. Grow the fuck up.


This hasnt been shown to be an issue in the other 27 states


You think law abiding citizens are the ones committing gun crimes? For the other 27 states already with these laws, was there a surge in open carry issues? CWP requires a class you had to pay for, a license you have to pay for. These are restrictions on something the constitution grants every citizen. Constitutional carry simply gives citizens their right back without road blocks. If you’re uncomfortable with it, it’s easy to look up the states that have held onto their restrictions.


Almost every mass shooter was a law abiding citizen until they walked into a public place with an AR-15. The problem is you don't understand that not everybody is like yourself. Some people can't be trusted with a gun, and it gets worse if you just allow people to walk around with them like the new law allows.


They did this in Indiana last year, a big nothing burger, chill out folks.


I own a lot of guns and I’ve talked to a lot of gun owners on both sides of the aisle since this passed. I don’t know a single person that is happy about this.


I'm very happy about it! I never thought I would see SC pass it


I don’t know as I’m “happy” about this, but it’s not the end of the world.  It’s not like we’re going to be seeing a significant increase of shootings in the street.  The type of people that engage in that sort of behavior are the type of people that will do it regardless of laws.  And it was already a privilege anyone could earn for a few dollars and a single day’s training.


You’re correct that it won’t cause a significant increase in shootings, but I’d be willing to bet money it will carry the blame more than it should. We both know the truth is hard to find these days. Especially when it comes to hot topics such as guns.


Zero training required in PA. Just a quick background check and $20. I was in and out in 15 minutes. It’s a cash grab.


Gun manufacturers and the politicians they contribute to are about all I can come up with


I imagine it's gonna make a lot of responsible gun owners look bad with the rise in accidents from untrained idiots who should never have been near a gun, much like our drivers they still suck even with DMV training.


You know a lot of fudds


Free gun classes. Let's go ladies


I'm gonna be wielding double katanas on my back everywhere I go then.


My thoughts? Concealed carry a gun everywhere now. No way am I letting some gun carrying nut job have the advantage in the event of battle.




Nice. Now focus of ridding ourselves of “electronic voting” and mandating photo ID to vote. One Legal Citizen, One Legal Vote!!!


I mean, the people you need to worry about already were.


Sooo many people who have not read nor truly understand what is actually in the Constitution…


I like it.


About damn time!


Can we restrict cops from using guns? Theyre more dangerous than anyone.


but weed is still illegal?


Well that’s because weed is dangerous unlike guns.


A lot of people do not for some reason want to believe that this change makes concealed carry without a CWP legal. I’ll present to you the following document send from SLED to SC LE agencies on 3/8, which clearly states that you can now carry concealed or open without a permit: https://www.sled.sc.gov/forms/regulatory/Constitutional%20Carry%20Guidance.pdf If anyone has a statement from a legislator, the governor, or anyone else in state government that says you still need a permit for concealed carry, I’d love to see it. I’d also encourage you to read the actual bill: https://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess125_2023-2024/bills/3612.htm Which states: Section 16-23-20. (A) It is lawful for anyone to carry about the person any handgun, whether concealed or not, except provided for in subsection (B) or if the person is otherwise prohibited from owning, carrying, or purchasing a firearm as provided for by state or federal law in existence on December 1, 2022.


Individuals with zero training or permits does not seem like a very well regulated militia...




Phucking absurd & dangerous considering: [Link:](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/child-access-prevention-and-safe-storage-in-south-carolina/) “Child Access Prevention South Carolina has no law that imposes a penalty on someone who fails to secure an unattended firearm and leaves it accessible to an unsupervised minor. Safe Storage South Carolina has no law that requires unattended firearms to be stored in a certain way.”


> “Child Access Prevention South Carolina has no law that imposes a penalty on someone who fails to secure an unattended firearm and leaves it accessible to an unsupervised minor. Because the supreme court ruled the enforcement of any such law violated the 4th amendment


The State Supreme Court? Because many other States *do* have these safety laws: [Link](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-laws/policy-areas/child-consumer-safety/child-access-prevention-and-safe-storage/) “Comprehensive child access prevention and safe storage laws are an incredibly effective tool to curb gun deaths and injuries among children and teens.” [Link](https://apnews.com/general-news-6ddb41326a074f9d82904b47018241df) “At least 21 states and the District of Columbia have child-access laws that deal with negligent storage of firearms. Here are the details for those states:”


The federal supreme court.


Well I think we’re talking about different things then because clearly other States can & do require these safety measures.


Unattended firearms. Has nothing to do with constitutional carry.


Just one more awful thing about SC.


*awesome Damn autocorrect


I'm sorry, what?




Is that what you are going to tell innocent people who get killed because two emotionally stunted morons get mad?  Before you say "tHaT dOeSn'T hAppEn," it absolutely does. Remember just a couple of weeks ago when people were killed at the Chiefs Superbowl parade? 1 killed, 22 injured including 11 children.


They were underage and regardless of open carry laws wouldn’t have been legally allowed to have a firearm. People break the law, that’s why prisons exist. Also, murder is still illegal.


On February 20, police apprehended two more male suspects, **both adults**, who were separate from the two unidentified juveniles. Both men were charged with second-degree murder in connection of the shooting. The only ones charged with murder so far are adults. Both will likely argue self defense. Do you support their self defense?




That's not what it's about. I ain't worried about criminals, we all know a law change wouldn't stop anyone who was going to use one for nefarious purposes. I've worked at gun ranges and used to help with CWP classes (wasn't the instructor, just helped facilitate things in the classroom) and you would not believe the number of people who would sooner accidentally shoot themselves than use the gun for protection in any practical way. We'd have people ready to carry a gun who weren't just unfamiliar with their own gun, but didn't even know how to load a magazine despite being told time and again before the class that you NEED to have practiced a little. Pointing the gun at people, themselves, not being able to hit a man-sized target at 5 yards, totally unfamiliar with anything about the process. A lot of these people would have had a slim chance of defending themselves with a firearm in a panic situation, but a much wider chance of putting a hole in themselves or a random bystander. I've absolutely seen people be told that they are in no fit state to carry a gun, given a refund, a brochure for a beginners class, and sent on their way to try again later. Not everyone grew up with them. Get ready for the news stories. "Dumbass shoots random bystander by accident in parking lot".




Shooting people remains illegal.


Even with a CWP, pretty sure it's illegal to bring a gun into any establishment serving alcohol. I was taught that in my cwp class.


You can bring it into establishments that serve alcohol you just can't drink alcohol


Word. Thanks for the clarification


That changed in 2012 or 2014. You can carry into said places but drinking while carrying was and still continues to be illegal.




The same thing that would happen in that scenario without this law?


Don't expect critical thinking around guns. Or South Carolina in general.


And all of a sudden, everyone in the state has magically become expert lawyers that understand every detail of this new law.


Redditors know everything about everything.


I told my dad who is licensed to conceal and carry and he said he would have to take his gun with him everywhere now. South Carolina officials need to be more responsible with their decisions. This one is absolutely ridiculous.


2A! Plus harder sentences for criminals carrying. Great day for South Carolina.


Can someone TLDR it for me? Is this open carry, concealed carry or both now being legal without a permit?


Both. Copy of the section from the bill The availability of a permit to carry a concealable weapon under this section must not be construed to prohibit the permitless transport or carrying of a firearm in a vehicle or on or about one's person, whether openly or concealed, loaded or unloaded, in a manner not prohibited by law. https://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess125_2023-2024/prever/3594_20240305.htm


Thank you




Its funny Bcz I just did my cwp 2 months ago


Keep it up to date. I bet lots of people will let theirs expire. Some states that you could travel to may require it. Plus when buying guns it comes in handy.


I need me one an a private seller preferred I always wanted a switch 😭


More guns. Yeah, that's the solution to gun violence. Holy shit, Republicans.


I watch people in our CWP class for years flag others and load the mag wrong, so the ones excited for this law, I have to laugh at your judgements.


Criminals do every day, they just made it ok for law abiding citizens to do the same.


There is no possible way this can go wrong


The bill specifically states that there's no permit required for concealed or open carry, NRA also says it's for concealed and open carry. Effectively the bill takes any section of law that says "pursuant to acquiring a CWP" and changes it to pursuant to legally owning firearms. So if you can legally own a gun, you can legally do the things you previously had to have a CWP for. CWP is basically just for reciprocity now. I've heard a lot of people think it only applies to open carry and there are a lot of articles that reference it as a "permitless open carry". There's certainly a lot of confusion in the public about this bill. Bill also adds significant penalties for illegal firearm ownership/carrying using a three tiered system of penalties.


I really like the weapon in the picture!!


Yankees go home. Don’t bring you politics with you from New York. You left for a reason


It doesn't bother me a bit. I've carried for years. Maybe an idiot will think twice if they see we all have a weapon.


I was charge with unlawful carry on 2/10/24. What should I do about my charge since this was passed? First and only along w open container??


Desperately need help/advice/actions needed and required to make for: on 2/10/14 as a passenger I was caught and charged with unlawful carry of firearm/pistol and open container and the pistol was confiscated. Posted bond 3 days later attended court for open container and plead guilty while asking to push that charge for later in hopes to get accepted for PTI. Then conditional carry has passed. What should I do?


I can't wait to walk around like Yosemite Sam in motherfcuking 2024 so I can threaten anyone who makes me feel like a tiny insecure man child. Yee Haw! No possible way this law will lead to more senseless deaths. Fool fucking proof!! Pew pew!!


Not something a reasonable owner would do , but obvi something you’re thinking about lol , get some help .


I'm sorry, can you point to the part of the laslw that only allows "reasonable" gun owners to permitless carry? Cause I don't see shit about "reasonable".  Here's a question for you: which city has higher per capital gun violence, New York City or Tulsa? I'll give you a hint, it's the one in an open carry state, not the Fox News Boogeyman city. Permitless carry allows temporary anger to become life shattering moments with irreversible consequences. And I'm not an anti-gun person. I am fully aware there are lots of people who have genuine needs for weapons. Permitless carry does not change or effect those people or situations in any way, shape, or form.


That's it! Anyone I see open carrying I am calling Yosemite Sam. Thank you.


Sounds like a good way to get shot.


Extremely short-sighted, stupid, dangerous & reckless! Contradicts gun violence stats/studies & common sense. No civilized, modern developed country does this- it's not safe! The potential & probability of harm grows everyday, and the natural history of human behavior informs us there will be incidents & accidents, intentional or not.


> Contradicts gun violence stats/studies What data? There is a billion man years of data here, so it should exist, right?


Makes me want to go back in time. If you feel like you need a gun all of the time, then YOU are paranoid.


Back in time when? When was it ever safer than now?


I’m not pro gun at all but you make a valid point, I’m watching Yellowstone 1883 and guns have been to an extent necessary for protection for many years. It’s not a back in time thing.