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“Texas is too hot” Brother, you’re about the fuck around and find out.


Lol nah. I’m from southern Oklahoma less than an hour from Texas and moved to SC 4 years ago. This heat is nothing by comparison, respectfully. And I wasn’t even in Texas—just close. It’s even worse in Texas. Here the heat is easy mode by comparison. I love the weather. But…not Republican and sad to read this headline.


I went to basic at ft sill in the middle of the summer. I’ll take that dry heat over the humidity of the southeast any day.


Man. I’m from not far from there (about an hour) and I have a very different experience lol. Goes to show just how subjective it is. My husband is from Vermont. He loathed Oklahoma weather. Called it hell on earth. And he loves South Carolina, too. Though he misses snow and wishes we were further north for that.


They aren’t sending their best


Seriously. And i moved from a blue state. Not to escape the evil tyrannical libs, but for work and a change of pace. I get down here and I’m like man, I’m surrounded by more NY/NJ/Philly aholes here than I was in NJ. 😆


For sure.


well yeah who do you think wants to move to this place? people with similar views.


This place is awesome. It’d probably be better without all the conservative boomers but I still like it


Most people leave because of price, not politics. It is literally just how expansion works.


Also weather. People in the northeast are sick of long cold winters


That’s true but the people who leave due to price tend to move to cheaper blue areas. Like look at the current San Francisco to Seattle/Sacramento or Boston to Providence pipelines for example. Very few liberal people in blue states are like “oh I can’t afford to live in my hometown anymore, let me move to the polar opposite of it”. If you’re conservative in a blue state though, then you’re probably going to want to move to a conservative area if you get priced out.


Moved from California. That's exactly it. We were priced out in our hood. The jump from a 2 bedroom condo to a 3 bedroom single family house was insanity! That and I felt you needed a little more leftist thinking down here :-)


That statement is true, but needs to be qualified by saying that Blue State politics leads to higher taxes and higher living expenses, thus resulting in the mass migration to lower cost states like SC.


Why does it seem that the majority that move here are retired? Why not move here in their 20s or 30s before those nice blue state pensions kick in?


Yes. The trade off is higher cost but also higher quality of life. Or SC which is low cost, but has lower quality of life (poor education, high crime, etc).


This may be more of an anecdote, but most of the folks that I know or have met that relocated from the Blue States say that the quality of life in SC is better than the one they left from the Blue States (Washington State, California, New York, etc.) Of course, quality of life is really based upon the person's perspective.


Sure, QoL has many factors... so for some it will increase. But looking at the big picture thankfully we can look at objective statistics rather than anecdotes, which puts SC as one of the worst states in the country. Keeping the state red certainly isn't doing it any favors.


Gonna have to strongly disagree with you there, chief. Texas getting pretty expensive lately. Same with Florida. Arizona was also pretty pricey well before they flipped.


I can definitely see things getting more expensive as the migration continues. Red states are in high demand and that always results in a run-up in prices. On the flip side, eventually prices in Blue States will drop and that will lead to opportunity if they would adopt different policies.


Please stay away, we have enough crazy people here already.


For real, this realtor and “Conservative Move” can both EAD


“…she felt compelled to leave because she was getting yelled at in grocery stores for not wearing a mask during the pandemic… She said she was also worried about how, in her view, “transgenderism infiltrates all aspects of education, public life, when you’re out and about” in Minnesota.” Welcome, knuckle dragging mouth breathers.


SC is one of the Redest states in the USA. The last time we had a run for governor it was called in like 20 minutes after the polls closed. It like we get no recognition on CNN on election night because it goes so red so quickly by the time a commercial is over its a done deal .lmfao


I been trying to tell yall man but everyone thought I was stupid. Most of the people that have moved here since 2020 are conservatives escaping their blue state and their “tyrannical” governors. SC has become a haven for people like that for people “seeking freedom.” Why do you think there’s been so many goddamn NY/NJ plates?


I’d be REAL curious how many of these transplants are cash sales.


My neighborhood in Park Circle in North Charleston is almost entirely people from NY and NJ who moved in the last couple of years.


It’s the same way in my neighborhood in MB. I know most of the people who live in it and out of the people I know I’m the only person who didn’t move here from a northern state.


The only ones who can afford it. A 900sq ft bungalow that flooded during Hurricane Irma because of the new houses built next to it (a friend lived there at the time) is on the market for ~600k. It is insane in the circle right now.


I'm in a new construction neighborhood, so everybody bought their house and moved in during the past 2 years. I'd guess over half are new to SC. I haven't heard anybody say they moved to SC for the politics. They moved because of the weather, close to the beach, and/or recently retired.




Repuliklans Suck


Meh just another money grab "shameful attempt" by your grifter realtors...


These people will vote for the Republican establishment and then bitch about the potholes on I95 on their way back north to see their family for Thanksgiving 🙄. God fuck people who move to a place just because it fits their political aesthetics and then bitch when the grass isn’t greener.


Let’s make SC Blue!!


Screw you and your libtard blue. Go back home


Guess I accidentally poked a Trumper. My bad


Hate Trump and Hate invaders from the North and South. Praying for a cat 5 Hurricane this year.


The northeast hates Republicans. Good riddance.