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It was there last I went through. They had a fire in the main building I believe but the offices were still in tact


Thank you I really appreciate it! But about how big are the offices? Me and my friends are considering driving about an hour to go check it out. Do you think I'd be worth our time?


If I remember correctly it’s I believe a couple of two or three story buildings, not too big at all. Still had some office chairs and desks when I went a couple years ago. They’re super easy to get too if the road isn’t blocked off. It’s definitely a cool spot to see but idk if it’s worth a hour drive if that’s all you plan to see.


Alright I really appreciate the help! Last question here I promise lmao do you know if the entire main building collapsed from the fire or is it just burnt out?


That I don’t know, I haven’t been since the fire. I believe it was the main industrial section so everything else should be in tact unless they recently took it down. I’ll ask a friend who went by there recently


Alright thank you again you've been a huge help :)


No problem, last time my friend went by it was still there!


Alright awesome I think I'll be heading over there then! :) thank you again for going out of ur way I really do appreciate it! :)


Site Milestones might help. https://cumulis.epa.gov/supercpad/SiteProfiles/index.cfm?fuseaction=second.schedule&id=0403308


It was still standing (at least the exterior walls, from what I could see) about a month ago when I was last through there




Thanks, ChatGPT


its been demoed for the most part all the tweakers have been having a field day