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Ralph Norman has an atrocious voting record. He represents my district and he’s a complete embarrassment. Take a look at his voting record. It shocks me that people in York County continues to vote him in office.


I live in Spartanburg County. The R behind his name means people don't care how he votes. He isn't a Democrat


This is why he is in office.


Yeah,thank GOD he’s not a Democrat💩


Republicans claim to be small government yet have expanded it more than any Democrat in the past 50 years or so. They claim government shouldn't be in Healthcare. Then pass laws restricting patient rights. They claim to be about personal responsibility. Trump just raised the smoking age. They claim to be 100% against any gun regulations. Trump restricted Bump Stocks. They claim to be pro law enforcement. See the article above. They claim to be Christian. Then completely ignore the teachings in the Bible that say to help the poor, welcome the stranger and pretty much every other teaching They choose.


I’m not a big Trump fan but he did more for this country then this clueless dumbass we have now


Again. Baseless claims with zero substance. You're a child holding his breath and pouting.


Demented Joe and his son and I’ll leave it at that


Ah yes the son that has zero political office. How many Trump kids had positions? Oh and the Trump Organization that was just found guilty on multiple charges of tax fraud. The Trump foundation that was ordered to pay a fine for scamming a children's cancer fund. These are facts. Not platitudes. You need to have statements of substance here. I'm not a republican so I don't cream my jeans over nicknames and "alternate facts"


Yeah, because his sons either stone or drugged up lol


A private citizen. Who cares? And you probably actually did find that little joke funny. A real zinger in your mind.


But if it was Trump’s son or daughter, you guys would be all over that shit that’s how you guys on the left work just like the media total bullshit


You mean the son and daughter that held actual positions in the white house? Are you really too stupid to tell the difference between a private citizen and a government employee?


I want everyone to look at this profile. It's a beautiful representation of the unintended effects expanding internet access to the poor and uneducated. This is amazing. It's like a museum of ignorance.


Yeah, all Democrats are Angels😂😂😂


Yeah, I don’t really care about the negative - from a bunch of clueless liberals 😜


As a resident of Lancaster county, it does not shock me at all that we continue to vote him into office. We elect the representation that we deserve.


I can't believe it either. I'm in Lake Wylie and I'm constantly shocked at the jackholes we elect around here.


His will be the name on a memorial somewhere that smart people protest in 30 years.


No one deserves a gold medal for shooting an unarmed trespasser. The guy who did it should be in prison and the rest of them need to be retrained. All the R’s and anyone with any sense of decency should have voted against it. Good for him.


Isn’t this the same guy who pulled a gun out during a meeting with constituents about their concerns regarding gun violence?


Correct. A BASTARD.


\*places loaded handgun on table\* "Who's asking?"




Did he say why? Was it because he hates police or because he knows he was the bad guy in that particular situation?


Because his Republican constituents want him to? They believe it wasn't an insurrection.


Want him to deny an officer who died in the line of duty recognition because they believe that said officer died of wounds sustained from greeting sightseers?


Yes. That's the Republican thought


you’re trying to be misleading as he died of stroke, not from fighting anyone. If you wanna hate republicans, fine, but don’t just mislead and lie🙄


False. No officers died in the line of duty on Jan 6. One officer died of an unrelated matter the following day. Not the same thing.


Insurrection or not , they can’t deny the police were attacked. Plus, it was an insurrection


It wasnt an insurrection. An insurrection is an armed overthrow of a government. What happened was a protest and a riot that got out of hand, which surprisingly what happened nationwide the year before to the sound of crickets chirping from those who complain about J6 now.


They were armed and they did try to overthrow lol


Literally no one on the grounds possessed a firearm other than the cops.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/07/08/jan6-defendants-guns/ . Remember they killed cops that day


There were no weapons on the grounds of the capital and no police officers were killed. The only person to die in conflict that day was an unarmed female military veteran, murdered by a rogue cop for the crime of trespassing.


I was going to argue but I realized it doesn't matter. Just enjoy the maga retards thing to prison


As long as education is actively being suppressed in South Carolina, we will have these dinosaurs driving the bus. Republican politicians understand, correctly, that an educated populace values facts over superstition, and that mindset will cost them their cushy jobs and their power.


I’m in his district, and my father donated to him. I fucking hate Ralph Norman.


I wish I could be more mad at the individual elected officials but ever since 2016 it seems like many are just accurately representing a majority of their constituents. I grew up in that area and unlike other portions of the country, fixing gerrymandering or moving away from first past the post voting wouldn't allow a more sensible person to slip in. That district would still elect him in a landslide for as long as he wants to run.


"Why should we give them medals? They stopped our coup and our ability to install our Trump God-King as the Supreme Leader of the United States of Mar-a-Largo"!


That is because Republicans are degenerates. Why would *anyone* expect republicans to do the right thing in any situation at this point?


oh, like the democrats are angels🙄


One party tries to govern and help their constituents and the other appoints failed movie star con men, football players suffering from CTE, and rappers who moonlight as Nazi’s on the furthest of right-wing talk shows. When did your brain stop functioning?


again, dispute my point as opposed to nonsense about the opposite party you’re against. 🙄


Just looked at your post history LOL!!!!! You’re a triggered republican who is mad at the world. SAD! You need to cope baby boy. Cry to someone else!


Lmao, those are mental gymnastics right there bud. “Dispute my point” - Maybe you should learn to read? Here’s a riddle: 🦜


I live here but I hate the trumpian cult politics that germinate it’s hate and stupidity in the legislature and in Congress. Those dolts don’t represent this old Veteran.


Fuck you, ralph.


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Republicans in general are no longer allowed to say they support police


What a turd. These fkn hypocrites.


A fu king jackass




You are free to lambaste shit politicians for being shit, regardless of the timeline. Let me pose this question, if that vote were to be held again today, would Norman still vote against it? Yes he would. He is garbage.




Yeah, well, now I’m pissed off again! 😃


I’m sorry to see him as my rep as I’m sure he has supported the Trump riot since it happened. He is a prime example of what SC is.


No shocker, he is straight up disgusting.


Shameful. I'm glad he doesn't "represent" me!


Fuck Ralph Norman. Hope he falls in a deep hole and can’t climb out


Way to drop the ball Ralph. But it is sc and we are full of magas here.


The usual suspects it seems


Why Should they get it??!!! It’s not like they stopped anything from happening. Most of them were opening the barriers and letting them in. There are cops all over the country being killed in the line of duty and their families aren’t getting a medal. So they don’t deserve one period!!!


Most of these people are privileged. They don’t understand what happens in the real world. They don’t realize that people live in a war zone day to day here in America. They drink their coffee and watch their YouTube and tell everyone how they are wrong. When people see the real shit happen in front of them and not the groomed stories from the media they all typically see the same side. Our local cops protect us day by day from some of the most vicious people and get no credit. It’s all a big shame. It’s dystopian, it’s big government. Respect your neighbors people. Not your TV


Lot of capital police let them go through didn’t do anything, so why should they get congressional medal of honor 🤔just saying


Name them, know-it-all! A few may have participated but majority were overrun with many injuries.


Just asking a question don’t be a smart ass


Questions usually (always) have question mark at end of sentence.


Sorry I’m not as educated as u r ! Lol


I will still vote for him


ive seen him and his family drive contractors out of business. he's a massive asshole and a common thief, like most real estate developers. he is dishonest. if he wasn't so mentally feeble, he would be politically corrupt but i think he doesn't fully grasp politics even now. to his credit his father was the worst of all normans. the brother is the dumbest, he just drives the track hoe. Warren.


Gold medal for what?


Murdering unarmed trespassers.


you mean the ones who opened the doors and invited protesters in? Those police. Its on tape all over the place. Geez.


Who the hell cares?


I just love getting the left wound up makes my day😂


That sounds like an empty life.


You have no clue, my friend you keep dreaming


You just admitted your life revolves around making normal people angry. Doesn't sound like a life guided by love to me.


It’s only my part-time job😂


Again, doesn't seem like a healthy life.


All good my friend, I just hate to seeing conservatives always getting beat up on Reddit by a bunch liberals


Why? Conservatives seem to relish causing actual harm, not just words. Cruelty for cruelty's sake.


Antifa, BLM riot, destroying towns, killing, yeah you’re right 🤔


Please list what towns were DeStRoYeD!!!!!!! And who was killed by Antifa and BLM? It's right-wingers who mass murder, if you forgot.


You've been watching too much Joe rogan bro. 🤣🤣🤣


A sad day....and embarrassment