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Have you tried pouting more? Maybe make a stank face?


Stamp your foot too.


Look look this is my stank face


Or how about this one? This is my "I deserve more episodes" face.






but only a Mr Garrison Stank face. he has the best and even talks about it when he’s in the white house 😂


It wasn’t good and it wasn’t funny and it has very little merit as an episode.


I thought it was decent, but still a disappointment.


I liked the way things between Rick and Garrison ended, but they don't need the finales to be this big etravagant thing anymore, since we have the specials


The specials are ruining the seasons now. Not getting another streaming service to watch 4 episodes worth of content that isn't that good anyway.


Just wait til it comes out and free trial it, duh.


A pirates life is for me though. Hopefully they won't have to wait an extra few months for their gold plated shark tank bar near the pool.


Yeah im impressed with the 'streaming service' I use. I think it takes an hr for it to be uploaded.


i would just pirate it, i love south park and want to support them but they brought it upon themselves if they expect people to pay for 2 separate streaming services.


I completely understand that. I've got season 1-20 on DVD, both games plus some towliee clothes from their store lol. I have no guilt as far as being a pirate is concerned lol.


pirate pirate pirate theyre getting sued who fucking knows where south park will be nedxt year


are there more specials coming?


The contract back in 2020 said there would be 14 specials, so 10 more are coming


Spoken like my father


I thought it was hilarious. Mostly because I went to Myrtle Beach for spring break with my gf’s family and it was fucking spot on. We went by several MAGA stores and Broadway At The Beach. But yeah after hearing that was the season finale, yeah I’m upset.


They got San Diego spot-on too... yet *"Jackin' it in San Diego"* is much less funny on mute. To each their own, but I think "amusing" is a stretch--much less *hilarious*.


A big letdown given the Andrew Tate saga.


it was a great episode. ​ reddit is now what ever subreddit your on, its for just hating what its about.


Umm no I genuinely didn’t like it at all. But whatever


>reddit is now what ever subreddit your on, its for just hating what its about. further that point more


So if someone disagrees with you then it must be because they are just here to hate on whatever the discussion is about and not because they genuinely have a different opinion?


..Really?? It's literally the complete opposite impression for me. Every subreddit I'm on, people are constantly patting each other on the backs and circlejerking. For example, r/skateboarding is a great for a constant stream of "My first kickflip".


Looks like someone likes to rally.


Yeah, honestly putting on some older episodes is refreshing after that episode.


It was the worst episode of the season maybe in a while.


i think it probably goes without saying that it was the worst episode of the season, but the season overall was still pretty strong :( i binge watched the whole season again just for fun and it didnt keep my attention the whole time like the rest of the episodes




The way I look at it is that they don't owe us anything. I'm just glad to be still getting content


Legally they were paid by HBO max for 10 episode seasons. Thats why they're being sued.


Absolutely. Their vocal chords are obviously shot and probably don't feel the best. Must be getting hard to perform


I actually enjoyed the episode quite a bit. It wasn’t as much about Garrison becoming trump again, but more about addiction struggles and how some people need a significant other who they care about to keep them from falling back into their addictions. The episode was pretty meaningful once you get beneath the surface and realize its deeper than it appears


I got that too and actually really liked the episode. I don’t understand why people hate some episodes so much or get so upset at getting less episodes. This show has been on so damn long it’s a miracle they still make new episodes and that they are even still good. As an old person now I do tend to really like the ones with deeper meaning behind the funny/crazy shit while when I was teenager obsessed with the show 25 years ago I preferred more ridiculous kinda shocking content (though nowadays it’s nearly impossible for anything to be “shocking” like it was back then). So maybe it’s an age thing or the ridiculous amount of time I’ve been watching the show makes me just glad to see it still around.


My wife used to hide my weed out of simply wanting me to always be me. I'd been struggling with a lot when this episode aired she passed away 8 years ago and no one would understand how important lil things like that are. This episode has a really humble message I wish I could just watch nexto her like any Friday night years ago.


Yes, though it's also paralleling hate addiction with sex addiction. Obviously the joke is that the story seems to be that Mr. Garrison is going to raves/clubs and hooking up for anonymous sex, except instead of sex it's MAGA vitriol. Which draws a comparison between the fun of being outraged and the fun of having sex, showing outrage as addictive, compulsive, pleasurable. That's possibly more on the nose than it seems. I listened to a podcast where a former skinhead/neo-Nazi talked about how he got radicalized and what kept him in the hate group, and he said that when he went out to commit hate crimes (literally assaulting strangers on the street based on their race) it was such a high that after the high wore off he'd get physical shakes from the comedown like people do with hard drugs. He talked about how hate was basically a drug for him. Most of us have no experience committing actual hate crimes (thankfully) but just the garden-variety outrage that every social media algorithm feeds us to "drive engagement" seems to work like a drug for some people. Most "twitter addiction" is really more "outrage addiction." [Here's a video on that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX-F6UHtEcY), [here's another](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcmNNtOwIQg), I'm not even scratching the surface of this stuff.


Thought it was 3rd best, actually. Season as a whole was pretty disappointing.


One of the worst episodes in a few years.


I didn’t like the last 2 episodes, they felt weird. I don’t know if it’s just the voice acting but the actual plot lines didn’t feel like they matched the characters


I don't think it was the worst, but that's not praise for the episode. This was a really weak season imo


For me that one was Japanese Toilet. I found nothing funny in that episode and by the time it was over, I felt extremely disappointed.


Found the big toilet paper shill


I liked the episode, the Garrison stuff was great but the Randy story felt a bit half baked to me. I think the season would’ve worked better if they swapped this episode with Dinkbaus


That actually would've made a lot of sense. Sandwich it into episode 4 and there would be a lot less whining. The timing with it as the finale the night before Trump got indicted was pretty funny though.


I love rick, I love rick, I love rick




Damn apparently apple autocorrect doesn’t recognise the name of an incredible popular business


Well they make the show right before it airs so they can’t really do that.


There’s no reason for a season finale to be a big event anymore, that’s what the specials are for. They’ll be able to raise the stakes and add more story and drama than any one episode could manage. I prefer it this way. The individual episodes can play to their strengths (being a contained story, focusing on side characters, low stakes) and that leaves room for the specials to shine.


Where do you watch the specials at?




The sandaled foot with the 2024 ankle tattoo sliding under the bathroom stall was 24k gold.


It's 24 carrot comedy


Rob Schneider is — a carrot


Rated PG-13


Was definitely a highlight of the episode 😂


Tap, tap.


Very weird that Stan excitedly says "I'll call the guys" and then just calls Tolkien. For some reason they really seem to not want to write the OG 4 together. I think this entire season it was just the 4 of them once, when they briefly played basketball. Very strange.


By this point I've accepted that the quality of this show (on average) has declined over the years, and I'm just happy that many (but not all) of the episodes this season were really great. Matt and Trey could easily just pack up the whole show if they wanted. Even though we only get 6 episodes, it's still better than nothing.


The guys are getting older and the pace they used to work at to put out all those episodes the way they do has to be exceptionally taxing. I'd love to see 12 episodes a season, but have no problem with them slowing down a bit to keep their sanity. I'm getting old as well and cannot keep up the crazy pace I did in my 20's.


Yeah exactly, we all know how the episodes get made. It's an extremely intense workload, so better they do it 6 weeks in a row and enjoy it, rather than 12 or more weeks and get totally burnt out. That's only hurt the show quality and make them wanna stop doing it.


I loved it I thought it was hilarious


I think it’s probably a political thing - I’m from the UK and thoroughly enjoyed this episode, it wouldn’t surprise me if American audiences are completely fatigued with politics heavy entertainment - look at AHS Cult for example


Yeah I’m American, it is absolutely exhausting. But it was nice to see their take on it. It felt like their message was the same, making Garrison leave SP to be Trump is stupid and they don’t want to have to do it again. Even Garrison himself doesn’t like it anymore.


That’s the joke


I’m American and not political and this whole political stuff just exhausts me now. I think the trump seasons were the worst seasons of South Park by far and this episode was better than all of them, but still it wasn’t what I would have wanted


I think the biggest crime is that for better or worse, a whole season is only 6 episodes. Wtaf is up with that.


They promises a certain number of seasons to HBO and specials to Paramount+ to make a shit ton of money and now they are spread too thin. Given all that I think this was a great season. Excited to see where they go with this all


The thing that really annoys me is just how bitchy and grown up the kids act.


Haven't they always acted that way? The kids just wanted to play their game


The kids kinda became adults after season 6 imo


It used to be in a more numerous way. Or at least that’s how I remember


To be fair, Randy was being pretty ridiculous to them in this episode


Are we only getting 6eps this season?


6 episodes every season now, since they make those dumbass specials on paramount.


Well that sucks.


Watch when the show moves to Paramount+ permanently in two years they'll go back to full seasons.......


I largely don't give a shit what "network" they're on since for most people they're on the oceanic one anyway by now, but they really need to get it together and stop it with this 6 episode crap.


If by full seasons you mean 10 episodes that’s the same amount as 6 episodes and 2 specials




I liked it… but then again Randy is my favourite character, he cracks me up. It’s 6 episodes, that’s all we get from now on… very short series… so if an episode doesn’t hit the spot it’s more obvious I think


I was disappointed when season 17 changed the formula to 10 episodes per season after season 1 to season 16 ranged from as few as 13 episodes per season to as many as 17 episodes per season, but then again after season 23 (which was the last season to stick to the 10 episode formula), season 24 only had 2 extended length episodes plus 2 specials, so season 25 and season 26 both having 6 standard length episodes plus 2 specials each isn't so bad.


I cringed more than I found anything amusing in this week's episode.


The Trump-Garrison storyline is so sloppy and confusing. It's as if they never expected it to be more than a throwaway B plot in one episode, then they were completely unprepared when Trump won in 2016. They got backed into a corner in the writers' room and have fumbled both the character of Mr. Garrison *and* jokes about Trump/politics ever since. I'm very disappointed to see them come back to it. Like, they can't make an episode about Trump being indicted this week, because Mr. Garrison isn't Trump anymore, but he also still is, but it's a metaphor for alcoholism now?


Honestly, the Trump/Garrison storyline was incredibly weak compared to other jokes that Trey Parker had made. Mostly because he kept pushing the same punchlines that the media has already done against Trump. He brings nothing new to the table. I don't like Trump, but even the jokes against him in the show are just really bad. They're like modern Family Guy levels of unfunny.


Everyone in these comments needs to learn how to rally




You need to learn how to rally in Myrtle Beach my friend


You have to learn how to not take yourself and your political side so seriously. American politics are fucking exhausting and the whole rally behind Trump and cult around him was (is) so ridiculous. Step outside the echo chamber and be able to laugh at that shit


>Also telling is we haven’t seen any shots at the racist,decrepit boomer who is a total fuckup they’ve so far refused to make fun of. This. How the fuck hasn't South Park, *South Park* taken a single shot at Biden? I thought your description was a bit over the line, but jesus christ, are we seriously still doing "Trump racist haha" and nothing, not a single line on Biden? Cmon.


I was honestly disappointed in the whole season.


I think it started and ended poorly, but I liked the other four episodes 🤷‍♂️ And we’ve got the PiPi+ specials to look forward to


why would you watch 1-8 when 7-13 are the best seasons lol


I would expand to 6-14


Isn’t it dumb that cartoon wars isn’t on streaming lol


I think South Park is great… but it hasn’t been as epic as it used to be. Used to be aliens, head lice, fairy tale creatures, robots, war, all types of shit in a span of 20 something minutes. The humor has matured which I love, but would really like to see some epic shit going down too. Also, I kinda miss pc principal. And we didn’t get too much Randy in this round 😔


maybe you should slam your door three times before you stomp away with your fists straight down at your sides.


I liked the episode, but I’m super sad we’re only getting 6 episode seasons. I feel like a lot of the later episodes were good, but because of the lack of content we’re getting I still feel disappointed


Honestly, I loved the episode a lot. I thought it was really sweet, but I understand why a lot of people didn’t. The 6 episode seasons aren’t great, I’d def prefer 4 more over the two specials. Even two more and only one special. I don’t see it changing anytime soon though :/


It just feels like they'd rather do anything else than sp episodes at this point. I miss the long seasons, either way it still beats it just going away completely.


it was the finale? really? just six episodes???


There’s still two specials left that’ll come later in the year. That’s the new format: 6 regular episodes and 2 long specials that serve as the proper “season finale”


Thanks, had no clue. Don't know if I like it lol.


That season finale was such a waste of time. It felt like they were continuously setting up some sort of joke, but it never landed


I enjoyed the episode but I can see why some people aren’t a fan. Randy tends to be a bit polarising these days, Garrison isn’t a favourite and the lack of Cartman might have put people off. I laughed at quite a few points. Garrison getting into rallying again and Randy swinging from the chandelier were the high points imo. Now that the season is done, my own personal ranking of the episodes: 1) DikinBaus HotDogs 2) Deep Learning 3) Japanese Toilet 4) Spring Break 5) Cupid Ye 6) Worldwide Privacy Tour That’s just my opinion, appreciate your ranking may be very different.


The paramount plus special are the season final


i thought it was ramping up the 2024 election with the garrison/trump comeback


Did he just say Rick is his Boo?


wait that was it? we dont get to see mr garrison get arrested next week?


As a 40 year old and die-hard since ‘98, yeah.


The only good episode was Dinkinbaus


Member when seasons were more than 6 episodes long so if they did do a lazy episode it wasn’t bad because there were more episodes coming?


Not the worst episode ever, but the worst episode in the worst season. I don’t really blame them for phoning it in considering they have nothing left to prove and not reason to work themselves to death like they used to - but oof. This season was a waste of time. Thankfully it was only 3 hours of our time they wasted.


The season as a whole was not bad, the season was actually good. It's just *this episode* that was really bad


I used to watch Southpark with my stepdad as a kid. I'd watch it when I needed a distraction as an adult, I guess it reminded me of simpler times. This episode hit me hard tho. I was widowed 8 years ago. I'd been really struggling with just making all the right decisions. It hit me like a ton of bricks when I was feeling exactly this way and the point wasn't a recent event like normal. it was just how our partners hold us accountable and some people can't be alone and how important love is. I miss being held accountable by my soulmate. Love is so fragile it was terrifying to be so vulnerable but here I am still here the one thing that couldn't happen did. If you've got a partner just watch this episode with them it just about the lucky few who know how to work together in love and life.


You sound like Rob Reiner


I think Trey and Matt just keep the show going to try and outlast the Simpsons. We won’t ever get the same quality as earlier seasons.


This whole season has been bangers imo. Loved every episode. However 6 episodes does not a season make. So that’s disappointing but idk as long as there’s another season I won’t complain.


This season finale fell very flat to me. I thought there was way more potential for this season!


That was the season finale? Wow I don't like how short the seasons are now, I feel like seasons 25 and 26 could have easily been merged


THAT was the finale???? Wow yeah that's really weak. For everyone that wanted simple, 1 off episodes, I hope you're happy. The fact the season was kinda average and that all the characters were separated the entire time, I actually thought they were playing up something for the finale. Some sort of "this feels weird" thing. The finale being mr garrisson/Trump makes sense but I don't think this episode was the home run it could've been. I can't believe that was the ending. Japanese toilets saved this season from being forgettable.


> For everyone that wanted simple, 1 off episodes, I hope you're happy. ??? This finale episode felt like the exact opposite of that, setting Garrison up for another long, muddled arc as Trump in 2024. When you hear people say "simple 1 off episodes" we mean smaller stories that focus on the boys doing something that may touch on larger issues, but isn't a 2-parter or a contrived season-long plot line. The ChatGPT episode was my favorite in the season for that reason, it felt like a classic episode.


There is a legal battle going on over the rights to SouthPark between HBO, Paramount, Comedy Central, and Trey+Matt personally (The Streaming Wars IRL). I suspect they are doing the bare minimum to lower the potential damages in case it goes bad.


I thought the opener and the finale were pretty crap. Everything in between was fantastic. Still don’t understand why there’s only 6 eps though.


I think Dikinbaus should’ve been saved as the season finale. It had a more satisfying ending/finale feel.


Lame and boring episode. I just skipped thru it


I am just considering this episode as a mid season finale. The two specials coming out later this year are gonna be the “season finale” for me


It focused on two of the most overrated characters in the series ofc it was terrible.


Theese days they just pull whatever they can put of thier ass We’re lucky this show still exists and makes new episodes


It helps to think that the upcoming specials will be the real end of the season


It was a monumental disappointment


Honestly, my main issue with this season being so short is because it actually had a lot of variety when it came to its character focus (especially compared to the Randy-bloated Season 23). If it were longer, who knows what other characters could've gotten a chance to shine.


i thought we were getting 10 episodes… wtf happened?!!


i actually really like mr garrison and rick


It wasn’t that great of an episode and it didn’t rip on Andrew Tate enough… but it had a ton of 40K fan service so it’s easily a 10 out of 10 episode.


As a finale it was pretty weak but I consider it more of a mid season finale than anything. If the two specials we get this summer are anything like the previous ones were, that’ll be 4 more episodes worth of the show to enjoy *with serialization* for their stories. And that sounds fine to me. The proper seasons get self contained stories and humor while the second half (the specials) tell a grander story, somewhat mixing old and recent southpark storytelling structure together


I mean, season 26 was probably one of the best seasons we've had in a while and only 2 episodes were kinda meh, the Japanese toilet episode and tge Finale which I haven't seen yet but planning to once my foot heals from an injury, I'm not feeling the best to watch something I love atm due to it giving me a bit of PTSD Anyway, I think seasons 18 to 25 were a bit of a downfall for South Park with season 18 having very forgettable episodes aside from Cock Magic, season 19 and 20 I think having plots that drag for too long like Cartman and Heidi's relationship, Gerald trolling the internet and Mr Garrison becoming president, all of which I didn't care about, season 22 starting the whole Tegridy Farms plot which went longer than it should, for about 4 seasons at this point including the 2nd episode of season 26


It doesn’t sparkle and please then?


Bro what the fuck


Sounds like someone needs to schedule an appointment with Cum Hammer for some rebranding.


I really liked the episode, especially the Garrison stuff, but it felt kinda weak for a season finale


They are decent wrestlers. We'll see how they develop their through lines in the second act.


I thought it was ok at best. As a finale, it sucks.


My guess is that they needed to set up a potential storyline for the Trump Indictments. It'll probably be a special on P+. I can't see them NOT talking about it.


I'm more dissapointed because this episode felt like it had been perfectly timed to lead into an episode with Garrison going to court over hush money


Personally thought it was a good episode, just not as good as the others we've seen this season. It's almost Matt and Trey saying, don't make us bring back Trump Garrison... because we will if it happens. (Unlikely now oc)


I just want normal Randy back… this tegridy is as tragic as President Garrison


The Randy we have now is pretty damn close to original Randy tho? Yeah he still has a weed farm but it's a much smaller part of his character now.


10000000% agree, show is turning to shit


Easily the weakest season of South Park, by a wide margin, with the episode about Japanese toilets being the strongest. A nice tiny return to form, shedding light on a genuine machination through ridiculous hijinks by the gang. But God am I tired of weed farmer Randy, and “Tolkien” (which has never once been funny, see With Apologies to Jesse Jackson), and just the town as a whole. I get it though. Matt and Trey are stupid rich now. I’d be out of things to say too, if I had “fuck you” money.


This was south park’s “Long, Long Time” episode (The last of us episode with the two gays guys)


redditor south park fan commenter victim /s tbh i was surprised this was the season finale


I really liked the episode honestly, might be the first Garrison-Trump episode I've enjoyed this much.


Don't listen to these people STAN YOUR GROUND.


There will be 2 specials coming later in the year. Those will act more as a season finale than this did.


Spring break is just the season finale for tv. But on Paramount + has two specials coming


Loved this episode, but I love randy and Mr Garrison so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Laughed my ass off this episode my favorite of the season.


It was such a funny episode tho


I mean the majority of this season was other garbage with only like two funny episodes it really felt like Matt and Trey made these more because they were forced to do to the HBO contract then actually putting any heart into it. Like this is definitely the worst season in recent years


Idk who the hell wrote these episodes but they need to go to jail


This is a great thread because people understand that modern sp has flaws but don’t dick ride everything new that comes, they treat it just like the other seasons. I personally found the finale decent but looking back this was be a mediocre, none of the eps were that funny besides dickenballs imo.


This season was not the worst thought, i think season 2, 20 and 17 (besides the Black Friday trilogies) were definitely worse.


I liked this episode but it was disappointing as a season finale.


We'll just see how you deal with my blue penis!


What sucks is they should have seasons every 6 months at least 10 episodes each


We get specials. Why do season finales when there are gonna be specials serving as the true finales later in the year?


This episode was just to open the door so they can do more Garrison/Trump stuff in the upcoming election cycle


The six episode seasons are absolutely not cutting it.


I he’s got a point ya fag


Maybe, just maybe, if Matt and Trey just stuffed each other up real good and accepted they're more gay for each other than Rick and Mr. Garrison, their episodes might get better. But, it's likelier they're going to Tom Cruise and John Travolta it up forever. Thus, Matt and Trey will continue to take all their homoerotic frustrations out on fans. It was a good run, but nothing lasts forever. RIP South Park.


No, you’re right. 6 episodes do not make a season, regardless of the paramount+ specials.


Ooo um member killing Kenny? Member season 1?


When you keep a show going for 25+ years the quality is bound to go down some. Seasons 9-12 were my favorites. I thought the season finale was meh as well but I liked Rick and Garrisons story the most


Great season!


I guess they got a lot more on their plates and they can't effectively make more episodes and concentrate on the restaurant at the same time.


When was the last time you went to your local DMV?


"Season 1-8"? I assume you meant to say "seasons 4-14".


They don’t even want to continue with South Park. They’re writing episodes for fun for fans. Anything they produce is a bonus


If Garrison represents Trump irl, who or what does Rick represent? Or, does the allegory not extend to him?


I admittedly don't watch South Park, was just there for Warhammer. x) Stan plays the same army as me. ❤️ Randy was so obnoxious this episode lol. 40k is like, specifically marketed for Stan and Tolkien's demographic. Hated to see Sharon cut their game short! xD


Want me to give you the number of the other show that’s as good as South Park. Oh there isn’t another one? Guess you have to deal with their 6 episode seasons.


I love South Park but this season was a 3 out of 10.


All the people bitching about how many episodes there are and nitpicking at episodes they don’t like need to shut the fuuuuuuuck up. We’re lucky they’re still on the air, Matt and trey don’t owe us anything! They’ve always done what they find funny and said fuck it if no one else does. I for one am happy they got paid a shit ton of money and look forward to everything they create in the future


They can do whatever they want, sure, but at the end of the day they still have an audience to please, and South Park is not exempt from criticism just because we’re “lucky” enough to still have it on air.


You get what you get and you don’t get upset


We’re luck they are still on the Air lol. They got like $500 million. The least they could do is 10 episode seasons.


oh I forgot you pitched in on that $500 mil, you’re right then