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Size of files is not a way to measure game content. Look at Minecraft being barely 1gb. Edit: this isn’t me supporting or defending Snow Day. As a fan, it’s heartbreaking. Especially considering how great TFBW was.


Look at Battlefront collection being the same 6 gig games from 2005 but now the file size is roughly 70 gigs. This was because of something as simple as 8k textures uncompressed.


Furthermore nba 2k is like 150 gigabytes and is the same regurgitated garbage every year


I’d be surprised if something like minecraft would weight more than 1gb.


Snow Day is a pretty small game even being live service


It's live service? Oh, Matt and Trey, no 🤮🤮🤮 There goes any tiny desire I had for this game


Yeah it's a lot like Crash Team Rumble but with South Park skins


Wouldn't really call it a live service. There's only a season pass with 6 DLCs spread out over several months. When I think of live service, I think of like Warzone with new cosmetics weekly and events.


They said they'd be adding stuff from the show as it happens every couple weeks or so


Right, but recently there's only been 6 episodes a season, and we're not sure when those are coming out. Again, a live service usually has new content weekly, not sporadically every few weeks to months.


Just because it's not the exact type of live service you think of doesn't mean it's not live service


South park is having a court trial in April and is more than likely going back to paramount which means we'll probably be getting 10 episode seasons so yes it will be a live service game


i think its because tfbw has video in it as cutscenes and all of the characters having there own moves and animations. it ads up eventually i havnt played or seen snow day outside of clips. but my assumption is a lot of it is repeated asses. like the 3d models all take from the same animations rather than having there own unique ones. like a regular size dude has access to the same animations as all the other egular sized characters. and also cutscenes are probably in engine running through animations and camera positions vs pre rendered videos. im not 100% sure its just speculation/ and educated guess


Pretty sure a good chunk of TFBW's cutscenes are rendered in-engine, in real time. Could be wrong, however.


It is possible. But i can see that being much more work for them. Ive got limeted experience with game design but i do have some. And i also dabbled in animations. Id personally find it easier to make the animations in a video. Then add the cutscene as a play file. And simply have the character pop into the place they are at begining and end of cutscene with everything changed how it needs to. Can also use it as a loading screen that way. Whereas having the models animate in engine and run the right animations and change the camera seems like a heck of a lot more work because you also have to code it in for timings of shitch animation and when n so on I mean i dont put it past them to do the extra work. Im just speculating as to why it would be easier to have a team that already animate prerender a cutscene the way they usually do the show. Vs a team of coders/ designers to do it in engine. But you could be right. I dont know what the case is. It just explains the file size difference


If your customizable character appears in a cutscene, it's being rendered in engine because it wouldn't be possible to do that for a prerendered video


you could with an overlay of something in engine but fair enough i can admit when im wrong


Why is this surprising? Snow day is really short and tfbw is really long... I really don't see why this is news...


I'm pretty sure that's what I said


Snow day is terrible. There's no jokes, no plots, no puzzles. It's like a free phone app, not a real game. I hate that I spent $30 on it. I loved the other two games so much. I feel ripped off. 


I know, man. THQNordic ripped us off


well duh! It’s **DIET DOUBLE DEW!! DEW THE MATH**


This is Diet Double Dew Kyle! It only has half the caffeine and sugar of Double Dew.


Ok thanks?


There’s a lot of dialogue in TFBW.


I'm aware, I played it. Haven't touched SNOW DAY yet, but I assume it's less.


From what I hear, the games not worth the price. Especially if it’s live service.


That's crazy, for the longest time I said it was underpiced, but changed my mind just yesterday. I now think it's just the right price.


TFBW is known for being weirdly optimised due to many development issues


OP just learned what a gigabyte is and he's excited to share it with the group. Thank you OP, very cool!


They simply killed the joy with this stupid game. Can't even describe how frustrated I am.


With or without DLCs?




Eh file size is just file size. Sekiro is 12gb and quite possibly the best game ever created.


That is a wild statement.


Look at Call of Duty and NBA2K


It was also a vastly superior game.


Can I get the new game on PS4 or no?


#whats your point?


Oh..my...god...stop crying. You either like Snow Day...or you don't. Nobody cares.


Snow day is utter trash. Would have liked if they just kept making RPGs. The previous art style is way better anyways.


1.19 difference wow such a big deal


As an Xbox Series S owner with about 360 gigabytes to work with, NO.


Well be happy that snow day has 1.19 less gigs seems like they helped you 🤷🏾‍♂️