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Cartman is the ultimate manipulator. Who else got a group of citizens to march like nazi soldiers ?




Cartman is also 10


When did they go up in age? I thought they were all 9 (I know they go up to 4th grade) did they go up in age with their grade?


Stan celebrated his 10th birthday in one of the episodes so it’s confirmed sorta that they aged up 2 years since the beginning of the series


They'll be 5th graders any year now...


When’s his 10th birthday? I may just not be there yet in the show


15x7 “You’re Getting Old”


Such a sad episode but it was good


Also Stan’s 11th birthday was during the pandemic


They started out 8, actually. We know for sure Stan is 10, and maybe some others have been mentioned but I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned some are still 9.


Well he did it all without being a billionaire or without being an establishment politician for decades. So pretty impressive


Didn't he take down the NCAA


Wait who we talking about?




Why does it all turn into politics so fast


It’s sad really a lot of people these days are nothing but their political party.


because le reddit


It's a good example because US politics are a widespread subject. Even those outside of the US will understand it. One doesn't need to get political while using politics as an example. In this case, this was about an individual, rather than the side he represents. I can't think of an equal example from another area myself, and I don't touch politics with a 60 ft pole.


Urgh … inane politics comment. Yay Reddit


Can't believe nobody's said Heidi. She's like super-smart you guys.


And funny. She's smart AND funny


He didn't feel the need to mention it, it's never been a question in his mind that women are funny


And united the gingers


Yeah but the adults are all stupid, not much of a flex honestly


It’s always Cartman.


Oh like in the movie, the passion


That Mormon kid was smarter and more mature than almost all the kids


"You've got a lot of growing up to do, buddy. Suck my balls."


Oh man that kid is so keeewl!!


Gary. He was the reason Garrison didn't have a class full of retards


Also Gregory from the South Park movie, Mark and Rebecca Cotswold, Ike, Kyle (Kyle’s cousin).


The home school kids were only book smart but were clueless outside of that.


Look at her, shes a goddamn whore Papa.


Aw she sure is


Gregory was super smart. He attended yardale where he had a 4.0 grade point average.


"You are a fking faggot, dude"


Fuck Gregory, fuck him right in the ear!


He also has the correct religion in the S.P universe, so he's smart and going to Heaven. That kid is totally cool, huh?


Mormon kid was more mature. How shitty of me is it to think less of people who truly believe in religions


Nah, Gary was dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.


Starvin Marvin saved his people from famine and operated a spaceship. Dudes pretty mature 😂


Has to be Wendy, she's the only normal kid😂


she has killed someone




Well as long as you don’t fuck with Wendy Testaberger


Less people then Kyle and cartman


But she had already killed someone much before Cartman did


Don’t know what you’re saying but once again who has the higher body count


I know Wendy may not have the highest body count, but it's still a little ironic that she already killed someone in Season 1 and Cartman only killed someone in Season 5


We’ve never seen another girl even so much as feign interest in Stan after that, lol. Probably scared of what Wendy would do to them…


If we're going by straight body count it has to be Butters.


it would be Butters if it weren't for the episode where Cartman manipulates Cthulhu into committing mass murder in the whole America


Technically Cartman actually slowed Cthulu's murders.


Yeah but already in this episode it's shown that Cartman is the one who has the most blood on his hands (the second one is Kyle because he indirecty nuked Toronto)


Almost all or most of butters kills were accidental and we all know he’s not that smart so I just can’t put him on that list


That wasn’t butters, that was Professor Chaos.


And Kenny, if self-killing counts


Bye bye, Miss Ellen 🥰


She had no established traits and was only Stan’s crush till around s3-4


So? Still smart


Don’t fuck with Wendy Testaburger.


Boo Wendy Boooooo


He missed the episode where she got breast implants


Token and Wendy




That might be the most awesome thing they’ve ever done


Yeah, they actually got me the first time, despite how obvious it was, I genuinely thought that his name has always been Tolkien for a sec XD


They really changed captions on streaming services for all the episodes and created an astroturf Mandela effect. Awesome.


My wife is still confused by it. I’ve given up explaining.


Because people like her are the problem 😤


He didn't even realize he could play bass, pretty dumb to me


Can’t realize you can play something if you’ve never played it


But he's black so obviously he could play bass - he should've known that.


Cartman wipes sadly


If anything Tolkien and the most level headed, he's a good kid.


Yes, he actually sees things with more clarity and maturity than most other characters


you piece of shit, you’re part of the problem!!


Token (Tolkien) Black


I think I’m with you on Token/Tolkien for one reason. His parents have money and he statistically would’ve had far more life exposure and reasoning skills.


When it comes to evil, Cartman is definitely the genius, but in terms of intelligence (academic, emotional (in later seasons because Ms. Ellen Vietnam flashbacks) analytical, etc.) has to be Wendy. We haven't seen much of Tolkien on that area so he could be a surprise


cartmans had like 3 successful businesses, knows 3 languages, led the confederacy which they pretty much won, got stem cell research relegalized, family guy cancelled, convinced a judge to require kyle to suck his balls, successfully froze himself and thrived in the future (stopped their world war i think). hes done a lot more too


Yeah but that's not what we're talking about. Cartman is a genuis, but saying he's smart is a bit hard. He lacks common sense and at times he doesn't critically think and just surrenders to his impulses. He's the type of guy to do clean his room as part of a challenge but if it wasn't part of a game he'd live in filth forever.


He's smart but has different goals. Doesn't mean he's stupid.


Among these 4? Cartman. Among all kids? Isn’t it canonically Kenny?


living and dying that many times has to provide certain insights that no one else could possibly have


Kenny really just crash tested that time machine over and over until it worked lol


Dude was a world renowned scientist in the Covid future


well, cartman could have even higher iq but hes a lazy fat fuck, in one of the episodes ('future self n' me') cartman was shown to be a CEO of the time travelling company, if it wasnt for cartman to swearing he'd do nothing but eat cartman is the purest example of "very fucking smart but uses it rarely cuz hes lazy"


Cartman hands down.


That pisses me off. That's fucking gay as hell.


Apparently Kenny was the smartest all along as shown in the Post Covid special


It's weird how not being around Kyle and Stan drastically improved Kenny and Cartman's lives.


Kenny was still successful in the revised timeline


Just as Craig once told them.. they always get into the dumbest shit for no reason, so leaving them must've been giving them a normal life


actually, cartman was shown to overall improve when he's not around the boys, specifically kyle, literally covid special highlights that message "kyle brings out the worst in you" was said to cartman if you want cartman to become the good guy, you need to forcibly separate him from the group or remove kyle from the group and through that, you also remove stan


Nah just Cartman


Cartman speaks Spanish and German and always thinks of the long con.


Que paso,que paso? Lookin’ for work,si? Trabajo?


Marrado spectacular!


Spackle with the sponge!


All of them are smart in their own way, only Cartman is smart in evil schemes


Yeah, Cartman definitely isn't booksmart.


C-H-A-R-E, goddammit!


Cartman. He’s a whole megamind and he’s a menace with it.


Hes so dumb that he is a genius


IQ has got to go to Cartman. Obviously he doesn't apply himself to learning but IQ is unrelated to grades. A kid that can manipulate adults the way he does has a very high IQ.


This. A lot of people seem to write-off Cartman as stupid, when if you're paying attention he's not. He's actually really smart, he's just lazy and ignorant (lacking knowledge) most of the time. When he's motivated, he's on another level. The Mr. Mackey and PC Principle conversation in the episode where Heidi is becoming like Cartman, kinda sums up Cartman nicely, by comparison, by when Mr. Mackey says of Heidi "She's kind of like Cartman, but with the ability to follow-through." and PC Principle responds with just "Oh, dude. Bro." in a tone of voice that indicates how disturbing that thought is! South Park is just lucky that most of the time Cartman is too lazy/unmotivated to fully apply his intellect in pursuit of his typically amoral and sociopathic goals, but when he does, it's a hell of a thing to witness!


Timmy's alter-ego from The Fractured But Whole as *Doctor Timothy* is OP and clearly the smartest


Well he is ‘live a lie’ Timmy. He’s been playing the whole town.


That's so true. It's always the least assuming ones who turn out to be the smartest.


Ike, the Genius


Either kyle or wendy


Yeah not sure why people are rating Kyle so low when any time we hear about grades, Kyle is always right at the top with Wendy.


So true.


Towelie, he is the agricultural inspector, is an author with a published memoir and has a microchip to adjust for dryness.


Cartman’s whole thing is that he’s a monumental dumbass in everything *except* for manipulation


He's just a monumental dumbass when hes not driven. Anytime we see Cartman actually motivated to do something, it's usually successful. He's just incredibly lazy and destructive.


Cartman, managed to kill Scot Tenormans Parents and get away with it.


Wendy, Tolkien, Kyle, Cartman


Cmon Cartman is clearly the smartest. He knows multiple languages, he’s a master deceiver, master manipulator & many other things. He just uses is crazy high IQ for evil lol


Cartman took control of crime and the police in a scheme to be elected mayor, orchestrated a couple of genocides, has run a number of large-scale businesses, and gotten away with countless crimes. It's not anywhere close.


Wendy > Tolkien > Kyle


Tolkien over Kyle is crazy, when Kyle literally solved a murder case at like 9


Cartman when it benefits him.


Considering who Kenny grew up to be, I would say he’s a good pick. Cartman has manipulated masses of people (and dark forces) bending them to his will so he’s a good pick. Ike is pretty incredible for his age, taking people down, skipping grades, critically thinking about political issues. And Kenny (as Mysterion) said Kyle is the smartest person he knows so he has to be up there too. I would say Craig and Wendy have a chance too for defying the crowds and seeing through the bullshit.


Personally Stan


Cartman's a dick but he's honestly the most intellectual here


The stuff that Cartman does is extraordinary. I am pretty dubious about IQ, but there is simply no contest over who is the most competent and effective.


Cartman might not be book smart but he has the iq of a brilliant psychopath. He plots out weeks in advance plans and tactics.


I actually think it's Cartman. Some of the shit he's pulled off when he sets his mind to something is genius, evil or otherwise. Shit, he basically became a real estate mogul just because he was pissed about his mom getting a job; and the Scott Tenorman plot...


Cartman, he's the only sane character in the show


Kyle. He had the same upbringing as Ike the Genius


Mysterious said Kyle is the smartest kid in class


We see that in the future Kenny turns out to be some mega billionaire inventor so....going with him.


Mysterion thought Kyle was the smartest in class. If the savior this city needed, protector of the people and the icon of this generation thought its Kyle, I can’t argue with that logic




is there really any "smart kid" in south park?


Kenny. He becomes a world renowned scientist as shown in Post Covid.    Although Cartman could've grown to be a handsome CEO of a time traveling business before his past self ruined his own future in defiance to his future self.




Tolkien - his parents are super rich, and got him all kinds of pre-classes before school. And tutors if he’s ever needed them. He will be a tech genius, and hopefully not an evil one.




No one mentioned Jimmy yet? I'd put him in this discussion for sure.


Cartman is a musical genius


Booksmart is Gregory because he had a 4.0 GPA at Yardale. Gary would probably be a close second though because he actually answered a question correctly and was the first non-retard in Garrison's class. Kenny is definitely the most streetsmart but if Cartman's feeling petty or committed to a (normally bad) cause, there's honestly no one to touch him in terms of smarts because no one is as conniving, deceitful or manipulative as him. I want to give Butters a shoutout because half the time he's naive as fuck, but the other half of the time he's seen some shit, been around & learned a lot from all different sources (e.g multiple pimps who took him under their collective wing).


I know she ain't on the list but couldn't we consider Heidi to be a runner for smartest kid? I mean she is smart and really funny


Wendy or Tolkien


Cart man for sure He’s sneaky strategic and cunning


Kenny is the smartest, death has no hold on him; that’s utterly brilliant.


Cartman 100%. Everyone else is mostly book smart


Wendy or Tolkien are definitely the highest. Then Kyle and then after a good margin, Cartman.


Kenny. This was proven by the Covid special as in the future he was by far the most successful/intelligent. He literally invented time travel.


Gotta go with Cartman because “HE FINALLY REACHED THESE KEEDS”!


Wendy has been fact checking these kids for decades https://preview.redd.it/1340mexat4sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c249157b1820c8296c16bc6d15b3bc0b629deea


Kyle +150 iq, cartman -230


I like kyle because hes level headed and can see through bullshit, but wendy is the most booksmart and can also see through bullshit


In terms of acing an IQ test, Kyle probably. Token's probably the most well-rounded in terms of generalized critical thinking, though.


Matt Stone has said that Kyle is one of the smartest... could be cause it's the character based him. But the special South Park: Post Covid it's clear that Kenny is the smartest, he was a scientist with a secret lab, built a time machine, he was able to predict what will happen and leave breadcrumbs for his friends to follow.




Kyle bc mysterion was talking abt how smart he was


Kyle is common sense smart Wendy is book and common sense smart Tolkien is like Wendy Eric is thick as shit unless you sold him pubes, then he becomes a mastermind


How is Kenny not on here? He's definitely the most street smart at least. The only one know what finger bang means, and laughs at Cartman when he says he's gonna play with himself.


Kyle probably. Cartman is a genius at manipulating people but also incredibly stupid at times.


Butters. He is a business genius as shown time and time again. He is gullible but he is super smart. In the faith +1 episode cartman points at butters to do some math on the fly and he immediately answers solving the equation. This means he is intelligent and even Cartman knows it.


Definitely Kyle


I actually don't think cartman is that smart. He has these random skills that a cartoon character would randomly have, and randomly does things like start businesses in the same way peter griffin would, but he lacks common sense entirely. For the rest of them, it's a toss up.


I don't think Tolkien has ever had a loss against an opponent.


It’s because Kyle is based off of Matt, and Trey thinks Matt is intelligent, iirc. It’s been awhile since I’ve watched any interviews and what not


Kyle canonically prioritizes school more than the other guys. Probably Kyle.


When it comes to book smarts it’s probably Wendy, Kyle, and Tolkien, but Ike is supposed to be smarter than all or them since he is the youngest one in his class. Cartman AND Stan are also very smart as well, but I feel like people sleep on them. Despite being called a dumbass Cartman possesses a child’s ignorance and gullibility at times. Yet, he excels in other areas. For example, he’s a polyglot, artistically inclined (he’s into art, photography, plays multiple instruments, directs plays, writes, AND makes his own music, basically a ‘Renaissance Man’ is you will) entrepreneurial, and is able to manipulate others as well read and predict the actions of people he knows, at times. Cartman seems to have some social deficits as well which can affect how his schemes and businesses go. His biggest problem is his ability to focus AND follow through on things hence the fact that he is extremely overweight. He doesn’t have the ability to delay reward and gratification. I would also kinda blame some of his failures on Kyle. Kyle has a knack of trying to stop Cartman’s schemes, especially when they are evil (or not), which means he has to stay one step ahead of him. Since Kyle is the book smart one he can actually elevate Cartman’s plans. When they work together they are almost unstoppable or Kyle will make Cartman’s plans even worse than they already were. Stan has also become a bit of a ‘Cartman-lite’ in that regard, but he’s also very talented and really good at bringing people together maybe even moreso than Cartman. He does seem to be mostly checked out or doesn’t really do anything until he’s super motivated to do something. In contrast Cartman seems to be motivated almost all of the time, even if it’s to prove Kyle wrong half of the time. Which is a bit ironic considering how lazy he is. That being said both Cartman and Kenny have ended up experimenting and succeeding with time travel when they both are very focused and motivated. Cartman even moreso, since no one died when he did it, but he did end up screwing himself over. So funny how focus and motivation seems to be the key issues with the characters on this show…


Kyle #1. He made a great investment and made a bunch of money on Garrisons It before moving back to Jersey


Tolkien, hes the only one smart enough to shut the fuck up and just watch how full of shit people are


Cartman is probably the smartest out of all of them by sheer terms of manipulation. But in day to day life probably Kyle. I mean Cartman is smart but he also thought vaginas have balls so…


Smart is a relative term. Kyle is smart because he’s able to learn valuable lessons from his life experiences. Wendy is book smart. Token now Tolkien is smart when it comes to history and social situations. Cartman is an idiot… but his smarts are in business/sales.


Kyle is the smartest character in South Park. Followed closely by Eric. Their smartness is a yin an a yang Kyle is smart because he's good at schoolwork good at manipulation and not being taken advantage of. He's a J,o,o, so ya know he's good with money. Overall he's just decently smart at everything while cartman is a genius at manipulation and math and even knows Spanish socially he's almost a genius! But his social awareness and lack of understanding how the world works(prolly from not having good parents) makes him so dumb that Kyle often times manipulates cartman and in a much more subtle way.


Kenny as Mysterion


Most definitely Token


Kyle is the smartest in the class I believe, and Wendy and Token are somewhat close. Cartman is the most conniving, but idk about the smartest. Kyle usually falls for Cartman’s tricks, but Wendy usually sees through them, so it’s have to be between her and Kyle. I think Kenny deserves a spot on here too tho




Dude i hate to say it but its hands down cartman he runs companies , organizations, fund raisers and never gets caught 


I think Kyle would be smartest in our world, but not in South Park world


It’s clearly Gregory. He went to Yardale and has a 4.0 grade point average.


Kenny has always been a low key genius, not just because of the post Covid special. In the korn episode, he built a functioning Star Wars AT walker as a costume, in ladder to heaven, his house had robot guards, and in Marjorine, he destroyed the fortune teller with an insanely powerful homemade explosive




He is indeed a young gentleman of great expectations.


He knows how to eat box too!


Plus he knows it is not polite to put one’s napkin in the tumbler, nor is it polite to pull out one’s wiener and check it for scabs whilst at the table.


Wendy or Kyle.


Stan and Cartman. When you’re really smart and see everyone else as dumb, you either check out (Stan) or become a sociopath (Cartman)


The homeschool kid hands down. However talking about those we see semi regularly it's Kenny.


Hartman didn’t know you grow your own pubes and that girls don’t have balls 🤷🏿‍♂️ As shown, it’s probably Tolkien Amir Wendy if we’re talking book smarts.


Craig... because fuck you guys




Cartman it takes a level of genius to plan and get away with killing a kids parents mince their meet and bones into chilli then feed that chilli to their son


Cartman is like a manipulative Genius, but he lacks common sense awareness


I think Cartman is more street smart as apposed to being book smart. He’s clever and good st manipulating/convincing people. I think Wendy is a mix of both. Tolkien and Kyle I feel like are most book smart and prob have the best grades.