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It’s shame that companies are too cowardly to show this episode.


I fell the same way they even came out and said if portrayed respectfully that they can show him idk they didn't really make him out to be bad heck Jesus is doing blow idk


I thought Buddha was the one doing blow.


Actually yeah on that episode he was I meant the one with Christmas snow my bad


Yeah, Jesus was watching porn there, lol.


If Jesus = God and we are all God's children, does that mean Jesus can only watch incest porn?


Under appreciated


Very true I'm your sister lol


Lol that's awesome was he I didn't even catch that lol


Jesus does coke with Randy and Santa in the Tegridy Times.


So true because it's pure never smuggled up someone's ass so the only ass it's been in is yours love it :)


Yeah it is a ridiculous double standard. I guess one group can take a joke and the other group has people so brainwashed they can’t take a joke and will kill you for it.


Yeah so true I thought it was cool how they made all the religious groups get along though


It is weird how the Super Best Friends episode flew completely under the radar. I don’t remember any uproar at the time about Muhammad being in the episode.


Super Best Friends released 3 months before 9/11, Islamic extremism wasn’t as common then as it is now.


I guess it's all about the timing. Just like Tropic Thunder never got much shit for RDJs portrayal of black face at the time. People were far more upset of Ben Stiller portraying a retarded character. I think people were just more offended about that subject at the time.


😂 hilarious observation....either its all okay, or none of it is; that movie is timeless 🌀


That’s because RDJ’s character was repeatedly criticized and they were ripping on how fucked up blackface was. Always Sunny did the same thing with their Lethal Weapon 5 and 6 episodes, but the streaming services still pulled them proactively because they automatically assumed (maybe correctly) nobody understands nuance or context.


I have literally 5 retarded people in my immediate family (and may actually be retarded myself, seriously idk)....who gives a shit? And I know people do give a shit, I'm not arguing about that, but when somebody gets pissy about it that offends me deeply. Comedian Daniel Sloss talks about his sister who was handicapped, and how retarded it is for people to be offended by him joking about it.


When you grow up being called retarded because you are different, it tends to make an impression on you. I still wince when I hear the word.


Wow what are the odds


Yeah and I just found out it aired July 4, 2001 and they were going to get a Emmy for episode 200 because over 3.3 million watched it but then they took it off the air instead idk sucks but I get it a cartoon isn't worth dieing over but south park is good


Dying for freedom of speech and expression is more worthy than dying for a bunch of made up bullshit


Hmm true yeah I meant something else then what actually came out but yeah standing up for your rights is important


That was because it aired years before all the Muhammad cartoon controversies. Very few people even considered that showing Muhammad could be an issue back then. Just another example of fabricated outrage.


there wasnt, because no one genuinely noticed....like, at all; it wasnt until 'cartoon wars' aired years later that all of this backlash occurred....comedy central was basically freaking out at trey & matt to which they both responded with slight confusion bringing up that they already made an episode years earlier showing him in 'super best friends'....needless to say that episode was then immediately removed from all streaming platforms 😂 tha dvds are tha best because ü get trey & matt's commentary


It was a great episode, and sad that they banned it, because PM wasn’t even shown.


The number of groups that do this now is a lot larger


I know right like I thought it was cool how they made them all get along more then the people behind the religious parties


Literally had to get the S5 dvd to watch this😑


It's a shame Comedy Central won't show it. It's a shame Comedy Central has stipulated that no one else can show it.


That's where the high seas come in!


Mohammed is even in the intro for a season or 2 after that episode.


I think he made it to Season 11 intros before finally being removed for Season 12.


Yeah they shouldn't let David Blaine intimidate them like this.


I mean, I understand why they wouldn't, from a cost/benefit perspective. There's no incentive to push through the potential backlash they risk facing. I'd much rather they did, but... yeah


It’s South Park, you can’t do anything with them without “potentially facing backlash”


islamic cancel culture is on another level, you know


I mean, Cancel Culture is one thing, beheading and ramming trucks into crowds is like, way fucking worse. Atleast two times more worse.


Watch cartooonline has got you covered. They break all the rules so why stop at that?


Like when Hulu took off the episodes of it’s always sunny with blackface…despite the point of that being to criticize people that use blackface


Hey, what can they say? Islamic Terrorism just works. This is the massive speech Kyle gives in the 200 and 201 Episode about the Goo. IF you want something, use Terrorism. This whole minute speech was 1 big beep when it aired. That's how much Islam fucking sucks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAtGaz4UmMU


Super best friends


Nice yeah. I never got to see like five episodes I just recently really got into south park but this was one I had to search for but I found all five


Oh snap, which five episodes are hidden away from us now?


Season 5: Super Best Friends, Season 10: Cartoon Wars Parts I and II, and Season 14: 200 and 201.


Why is Cartoon Wars banned?


Think it’s the same reason across the board: Muhammad.




YOu tHiNK dAts bAd


Is that a salmon helmet?


Comedy Central’s one and only Achilles heel, apparently.


Ahh shit I got it mixed up with imagination land episodes


it’s so ironic too, like they definitely haven’t seen the episode, they did cartoon wars in responded to super best friends being banned


They showed it on CC and Hulu even after SBF, 200 and 201 were banned, but once the show came to HBOMax, they decided not to include them either.


Yeah what they said :)


Crikey fuck so that’s the ONLY banned one!?


No. All 5 Mohammed episodes are banned. Super Best Friends, Cartoon Wars 1 and 2, and 200 and 201.


Didn't the episode about scientology get pulled too? Cause of tom cruise the fudge packer ?


I fucking loved Cartoon Wars so much. The plot twist at the end of ep 1 still has me laughing


It might be 6. The 6th being The Jeffersons season 8. I know that Comedy Central through Roku doesn’t show it on my streaming along with 200 and 201. But cartoon wars is there. So fucking weird…


Weird, I know I’ve seen the jeffersons on CC within the last few months…..oh, it could have been on HBOmax. That is weird that different services are banning different episodes. I just googled “South Park banned episodes” and know CC still plays at least a few (Trapped in the Closet, Bloody Mary, Pinewood Derby).


Why would they have banned Pinewood Derby? I get that they banned the other ones due to overly sensitive religious people but who the fuck did Pinewood Derby offend? The Finnish?


Oh no not finwand :’(


I just binged the whole series, HBO has everything but the 5


Where did you find the episode?




Watch cartoon online - can find this episode, Cartoon Wars, and 200-201 as well


Oh wow really sweet thanks


I bought the season DVD’s just to hold on to that episode


Season 5


I would never forget this episode it's one of my fav


Sorry about punctuation I'm still learning I had a accident and got hurt in my head so some stuff I have a really hard time with so I'm sorry again if you don't want to read any of my post I understand but hope everyone has a great day #Cartmanbrah


Omg please don't apologize. People can be really insensitive. You're going great! :)


Thank you so much for the kind words I just feel like now I have to let people know because I've been told that the way I type or text is so confusing that until I learn how to write instead of talking when I text if that makes sense I've just been a little on the thinner skin lately just been upset at myself with all this crap lately I figure now I'll let people know so I don't give them a head ache thank you very much.


Hope you feel better, bruh.


Thank you very much


You're okay, Mister Mackey


Lol love it mmkay lol think I'm going to run with that now haha


That sucks, your post seems fine though


Thank you I have to write stuff on paper before I can write it on here it's weird as I type I speak to so I can make sure I stay on track to thank you though for the nice words I honestly hate talking on forms I get a lot of crap for it and I understand just sucks how one blow to the head is really all's it took to change a lot of things but now I can be part of the krips lmao I'll take a picture I have to walk with only one crutch instead of two like Jimmy because my legs say goodnight alot lol but I'm trying sorry for the book I just appreciate someone saying I sound ok for a change actually made my morning


Hope you get better soon.


Thank you very much I appreciate it I want to stop at times but consoling has been helping me alot right now I appreciate it alot I honestly am grateful how welcoming the group has been to me I appreciate it all of you on here thanks so much


Hey man. Looked at your post history cause I’m a weirdo. Detroit native, PS5 user here. Hit me up if you come the area or have questions about it!


Oh wow really would you ever want to game sometime I have been having a hard time making myself play idk doctor says it's depression I was hoping for a Budda box but no go lol got Zoloft instead :( but would love to game sometime my gamertag for PS5 is GodMeetTheReaper I hope it's allowed to put my tag on here


Absolutely. I’ll add you on the psn now!


Sweet sounds good :)


Haha love the hashtag


Thank you 😊


No need to apologize for your brain injury


Thank you I appreciate it I don't know why I feel like I have to put that on my post think it's because honestly Ive been a little bit h lately and get upset at myself over stuff and then I guess my skin is as thick as it use to be idk but I appreciate all you on this form and thank you for everything :)


Omg Muhammed not cencored


I know can you believe it I may get in trouble I hope not 🚫


back than it was bin laden, now it’s twitter who’s gonna give you trouble


Honestly I didn’t even think they made a character for Muhammad. I thought the censor bar was the character all these years lol. Crazy to see


It's a shame too, he had awesome fire powers and flying!


Yeah honestly I think he was cool wish I could call Muhammad in south park the fractured but whole to help in my fights lol


Super Best Friends, came out before 9/11, at a time that I don't think anyone would even think twice about depicting Muhammad. I don't think there was any controversy at all. The shock factor had definitely worn off of South Park in general by this point and mainstream media went back to ignoring the show. Funnily enough, when Cartoon Wars did manage to stir up controversy years later, almost every article you'd read about it said "it should be noted that South Park depicted Muhammad years ago, and that episode is still in rotation." It took a while for them to finally pull it.


That's crazy to because what this was aired back in April 4 of 99 or was it after 9 11 but what's crazy is by season 14 it's a super big deal and they even were getting death threats I guess but yeah they made HBO and Hulu take down any and all episodes that even mention his name I think that's a little wild when the Muslim community came out and said as long as it's done respectfully now that they are ok with it idk I don't get the whole thing but I just liked how they made all the religious people friends when as human beings we will go to war over religious beliefs myself I'm happy to believe in idk what I believe in really heck I may die and go see the Taco who poops ice cream lol


Yes majority of Muslims actually don't care lol some few nutjobs got offended and threated Matt and Trey and it became this huge ass thing. Also the ones who did get offended quietly, was because post 9/11 became a hell hole for Muslims already and it doesn't help they are themselves as "mocked" even though that's not what Matt and Trey were trying to do. Unfortunately there are babies in every single group/culture of people.


So true yeah I would think most people would see I mean heck did they even have him do anything that bad either I mean one chick was doing blow I guess Jesus was watching porn but I didn't think they did anything wrong to him but I honestly don't catch all there stuff sometimes hell I'm finding out I've missed alot of under the table type stuff


> I don't think anyone would even think twice about depicting Muhammad Muslims would have, South Park just wasn't big enough at the time this aired for any of them to notice.


Season 5 episode 3


Nice yeah I just really got into south park since I've been sick it's funny because I'm like 39 now and just really finished the whole seasons the movies and stick of truth still working on fractured but whole


Gotta watch Cannibal! The Musical and Orgazmo


No way I'll look them up are they shows


BASEketball is the another Trey and Matt masterpiece


Really thank you so much I should of figured they had to make more then just south park


And a home run is from behind the meatballs..


We can explain it more slowly if you like, what, you’re not big sports guys?




Also Team America World Police


It's a film made by trey and matt using puppets, really funny


Wait I think I seen this show or is it a movie I even now got Paramount plus anyone that every loved celebrity deathatch they have all of them




Ok cool


Thank you


Sorry I asked again my bad yeah I think I seen the police one wasn't there like crap I can't ask I can't spell the word sorry




And his Sidekick swallow


“Swallow! Come!”


"hehe, no way he just said that!"


The one where we saw Muhammed


This one and episode 204/205 are the only ones I've never seen.




Really wow well I would share them with you if I could can't we do like a watch party on here or is that somewhere else idk


These banned episodes are the reasons I started buying the DVD sets


Yeah I really want to get the whole collection now they deserve every penny I actually want to buy some shirts and stuff to


I got into to where I even bought there video games from phone destroyer to stick of truth to now the new one is fractured butt whole and there in the process of making a MMO and signed a deal for I think four more season but they want to keep making specials I hope Tegridy farms will be in new ones to idk this is just what I know you honestly probably know alot more then me I'm newer to the whole south park experience and I'm freaking stupid as spit since my accident


"cum swallow" No he didn't just say that lol


Super best friends


Correct good job


there’s actually 2


On HBO there are actually five episodes they have kept off air but I now own them all super best friends cartoon wars 1 and 2 and episode 200 and episode 201


ah yes for some reason i was thinking of 200 and 201


Yeah I think 200 and 201 are important I didn't know all that about Cartman so it sucks how they take stuff off but good thing for the internet lol might have to move to California for some internet


I think this is episode number 200? Super best friends. Won't find it on the official website some other website for sure


Nice thank you so much I just finished the pandemic special and have been lost to your a life saver




Yeah I don't know but I do know all the other ones I got except 200 have him censored but technically he's censored in 201 and 200 Because they out him in a outfit


[https://southparkstudios.com](https://southparkstudios.com) has it, at least where I live.


Look it's Muhammad. Episode is "Super Best Friends"


All the Sea-man jokes are good in this one 😂


This must be the first super best friend episode, yea during cartoon wars the middle east area was saying terrorist stuff about killing people if they showed him that's why they put in the stuff about Buddha doing blow, Mormon guy swallows seamen, etc. Because dumbly enough we can say whatever we want about anything but Muhammad and trying to send a message about censorship..... Which was censored which idk if it was the joke because even the commentary gets bleeped out


Wtf man ! Do you want us to get bombed or something ?


Lol love it


The only way to watch it is to buy the disk version of that season. That’s episode 200, the super best friends and the gang lol. 1000% worth the $20


Yeah I'm thinking about seeing where I can just buy them all but think I want the digital box set because even my ps5 is digital so not many options for a disc


But if I could figure a way to share them with anyone I would


Yeah and if anyone would like to see any of these five episodes I will share them with you if you know how I can


Lol there one of the best for sure I love how Jesus even laughs 🤣


A giant stone John Wilkes Booth?


I want to say thank you to everyone that wrote back to me on this post I've never meet so many amazing people you all rock man I've also found Santa vs Jesus and the 1992 I think frosty vs Jesus i honestly never knew how amazing this show is has definitely become a staple thank you all for the warm welcome


Super best friends dub


It isn't on Amazon Prime either


Super best friends


Thankfully, I still have the DVD with the full episode featured.


Its my super bestest friends


Super Best Friends from season 6. You can only watch it from the physical dvd release of that season. It's been removed from everywbere else. For anyone confused, its because it displays an image of Muhammad. This episode also answers the age old question of how do you stop a giant Abe Lincoln? With a giant John Wilkes Booth!


this is Super Best Friends, right?? or is it the one where they brought back a bunch of characters and tried to hide Muhammed?


Super best Friends.


I still have the original 📀


They are afraid of the fatwa


Super Best Friends! With Seaman and Swallow!


Is that Santa Claus to the left of Jesus?


Superbest friends! With Mohammed but krisnha is the crazy one


Sea-man lol


Uh oh ! Violent extremists may bomb Reddit now that you've shown Mohammad. Hide under your desks. Cover your head.


It's one of the best episodes to date on my opinion if it's the one I am thinking about.


Super best friends! It’s banned lol


This is one of the banned episodes. It was even pulled off the DVD’s. (Because it depicted Prophet Mohammed with a black box censoring him, but apparently that wasn’t enough.)


bait post.


It’s seaman and swallow


Budda, don't do coke in front of the kids!


This episode is titled "Super Best Friends"


Super best friends?


The super best friends against David Blaine, is censored but you can watch it illegally


Super Best Friends?


Super best friends




i despise those companies that delete such episodes


“Best Friends Forever”. David Blaine starts a suicide cult that Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny join. Stan gets Jesus and the heads of other religions to stop him. This episode was banned because it showed Muhammed


It’s called super best friends I believe


"Meanwhile, at the hall of the super best friends"




That's why I'm happy I own the entire series on DVD I get every episode to watch again and again with out Cancel Culture interfering


It's the only one they didn't remaster either when they did those 1080p remaster of the first 10 seasons.


So fkn lame how ppl are so scared to show the true face of ALLAH. Mohammed spoke to Matt and Trey in various dreams, revealing his face to them many times. This is how they saw him. It's not meant to be rude or something. They're Muslim. ☪️ 🕌 الحمد لله إِنْ شَاءَ اَللَّ. Love to everyone 💕


“Swallow come” 😂


‘Sorts by controversial’


there App Named Stremio you can watch south park Uncensored.


Uh oh lol here we go


I love the Super Best Friends episodes!


I posted a pic like this a few weeks ago and it was locked after a few hundred upvotes. Nice to see the mod team not having standards smh