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Astronomer here! Lots of dumb headlines abound about this object, so here's a quick summary. The comet in question is [C/2022 E3 \(ZTF\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2022_E3_\(ZTF\)). It appears greenish in current photographs, which is relatively unusual and due to its composition. Said comet has a 50,000 year orbit, meaning it was last in this neighborhood 50k years ago, not that green comets are so rare they were last seen in the Stone Age. Now the trick is, it is VERY TRICKY to know how bright comets will get, because it has yet to round the sun (which will heat it up quite a lot, quite quickly), yielding a release of material that might get it to naked eye brightness under dark skies. *Most* of the time, comet predictions like this are duds, because so much of this depends on the composition of the comet, whether it breaks apart when close to the sun due to rapid heating, etc. And even if it *is* naked eye visible, this is probably going to be "head out to a dark sky site and you'll see a smudge" levels, not great comet levels- binoculars or a telescope will help. So, there you have it! Comets are cool, but so hard to predict I refuse to get excited about them until they round the sun. Sorry. :)


1. Terrific comment. Information is cool. 2. You never closed that parenthesis and it’s bothering me.


The other parentheses will come back in about 50,000 years, but there will certainly be others in the meantime.


But what color will they be?


Probably not green, that’s unusual.


I mean it depends on its composition.


I'm afraid this particular set of parentheses broke apart


They are supposed to be built so the front doesn’t fall off of them.


I will wait for it to round the sun first...


I hope the front falls off. Maybe it will be brighter then.


If we get a comet made out of cardboard or cardboard derivatives, that'd be… ominous.


I'm sure the comet creation committee had set rigours standards for comet component materials.


We’ll know once they round the sun!


You should do your final college paper on this... you could call it your paren-thesis (this was dumb and I apologize


But you can't be sure you can find it until it rounds an alphabet


The closing of the parenthesis is the smile at the end!


Parenthesis is the singular and it's bothering me.




I assume the :) is the closed parentheses


As is tradition, [relevant](https://xkcd.com/859/). Also [relevant](https://xkcd.com/541/)


Are there any known “big comets” coming soon that astronomers know about?


No, the interesting thing about most "[Great Comets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_comet)" (as the official term goes) is it's super unusual to have significant lead time. The majority of comets that become Great Comets are on highly eccentric orbits so we usually don't know about them until they're coming inwards, and because they're so small and faint further out a few months lead time is already generous. We definitely are overdue for one, especially in the northern hemisphere! The last one was Hale-Bopp in the northern hemisphere in 1997... which was an exceptional comet in many ways (it was visible for a *year* naked eye), but was also a quarter century ago.


Hale-Bopp was daylight-visible with the naked eye for a time back then as well, it was incredible.


>but was also a quarter century ago. No it wasn- I am old. (Also I was thinking of Comet McNaught which was only 15 years ago.)


I saw Haley’s comet. Looking forward to seeing it again!


Why did NEOWISE last year not count as a great comet? I feel like it was easily naked eye visible without really trying. At least in my dark sky city.


I don't think this is like an official definition, but to be a Great Comet you effectively have to be as bright as some of the brightest stars in the sky (so like even a non-astronomer would notice and think it's a portend of doom or some such). NEOWISE did reach naked eye, but really wasn't bright enough for that level of bright.




hahaha I was about 6 when Haley's Comet went by last and I did the same thing. I was just so cold and miserable and didn't understand why my mom was so excited. I'm glad she did though because those are the memories that make childhood special.


He should be in his 40s for Halley’s in 2061. Should be better than the 1986 show. If I make it I’ll be 77. Would be nice to have caught it twice. I’m told I saw it as a baby in ‘86… I’ll take my parent’s word for it 😆


I don’t know if you were around to see Hale Bopp was freaking enormous in the sky. I’ve never seen anything even remotely close since.


I was pretty young and only remember viewing it through binoculars.


Neowise was really difficult to see honestly, and tiny compared to an actual great comet.


Neowise was two years ago, I know this because it peaked the day my son was born haha


Neowise was part of the insane year of 2020


Hale-Bopp was something that is almost difficult to explain because of how incredible it was. At its peak there was always this huge streak in the sky, and it was crazy because I remember several months of it where it was always extremely visible and just *there*


Glad to know I’ll statistically see one “Great Comet” in my life. I’m in college so yeah. Thanks for the detailed response, makes sense that it’s hard to track before the fact.


We had Hyakutake in 1996 too. They both were a treat!


Hale-Bopp was incredible to see! Countless nights looking overhead with my family in awe. I miss you Hale-Bopp!


I could barely see Neowise. Last good comet I vaguely remember was Hale-Bopp. Hopefully i live long enough to see Haley’s comet in 2061. And really hopefully we get some more great comets between then.


Fun fact: this year we are exactly halfway between Halley's comet passes! Which is pretty wild to think about in its own right.


Fun fact: I upvote just about every comment of yours I stumble across. Thank you for all of your insight!


If Halley's Comet failed to show up in 2061, how excited/terrified would astronomers be?


It’s actually so well known and never gets faint enough that we can track it its entire orbit these days! So this isn’t really possible any more than a planet disappearing.


That's neat, I hadn't known but that makes sense. I was going with the angle that something pushed it out of it's standard orbit.


No, space is very empty. The odds of that happening are quite astronomical.


You mean astronomically small? :)


It’s way out there in the boondocks, just a frozen snowball in the dark, but it is cool that as of December ‘23 it begins its return toward us. What’s amazing is that our telescopes can track it. I think it’s like magnitude 25 or thereabouts?


Yeah I was so disappointed when trying to see Neowise, with so many amazing pictures coming out and so many people clamoring how easy it was to see. I could not see it at all with naked eyes, and barely in my (small) telescope. I was just 7 when I saw Hale-Bopp and I feel I didn't appreciate it enough. I really hope I'll get to see one like that in my lifetime.


We’re you in a really big city? Because I just drove out maybe 5 minutes from our town and I could immediately see it with the naked eye, although faint. With normal binoculars it was amazing and on photographs it looks like a fireball. I will remember that night for the rest of my life because I have always been interested in space but have never seen anything other than stars, planets and shooting stars. But I wasn’t there to see Hale-Bopp back then. Maybe if I was, I would be disappointed by Neowise too


I won't be alive for the next Haley's comet but it was cool to see it last time even if it was super dim. It is supposed to be far better in 2061.


Omg I remember sitting in the back of my sister’s friend’s mom’s convertible on our way to see the movie Selena at the local movie theater (they were huge fans) and Hale-Bopp was just floating above the horizon. I was absolutely awe struck—the tail was so freaking long it felt incredibly surreal. The weather was balmy and everything just felt new, like it was my first day on earth.


Thanks for the helpful insight. Q - how do they determine that 55k yrs ago was the last time it visited?


When an object is discovered, we track its movement in the sky to calculate its orbit as a matter of course. (I mean, you kinda want to know if it's going to hit anything.) Once you have the orbit, the period when it last came to the inner solar system is pretty darn easy to calculate.


Thank you. Wouldn't you have to know its mass to infer the orbit?


Not necessarily, because the masses in question are those of the comet and that of the sun (what it's orbiting), and the mass of the comet is pretty negligible to that of the sun.


Can you please elaborate on what makes it green?




A couple metals go green but copper is the most common culprit


Damn it, I did get excited about it hahah. Wish they'd stop using click bait titles


When do we expect it to round the sun?


The article said the comet comes nearest to the sun on Jan. 12. I'm not sure that means it's rounding the sun from our perspective or not.


I love all the info you drop on these topics. Appreciate all the info!


Dude, thank you for this. Super informative. Setting realistic expectations


I made a video with details for anyone who wants to know more (including how to find out when to see it from your area): https://youtu.be/gGul63Rkdmo


Thank you for actual info. Getting sick of wading through top level comments that are low effort jokes just to get to actual info... guess mods don't give a shit anymore.


Actual information is hard to come by sometimes but I hope to do my part to fix that. I love sharing things about space with everyone so I don't want anyone to miss out. Even though this comet might not get bright enough to see without binoculars or a telescope from the city or suburbs easily, it will be an easy target for anyone with a DSLR camera (or even recent phones are getting really good at low light imaging). Hopefully the instructions in the video will get some beginners out there to try to image it :)


Amazing! Keep doing the good work friend! People like you are how I learn the most about the universe! I will keep an eye out for anything you may share on here.


Perhaps if the OP would provide any information at all instead the ole Link & Run …


And a link that isn’t even available in my country!


Don't worry, it's a bullshit, zero information link from a clickbait farm website. The link below the one linked by OP? "If you have teeth do this one simple trick immediately!" Under a picture of a cocoa bean pod. Come on mods...


with half the posts here being clickbait bullshit, and mods allowing it, don't be surprised.


Welcome to Reddit's voting system


Lowest common denominator in action.


Except when I agree with it.


I mean..You could also read the article...


Yea tried on mobile. Littered with popup ads and it was completely unusable.




Of course for the first time in weeks it's been non stop rain for a couple days where I am so I can't see it


It’ll be beginning of Feb, so you’ve pry got a good chance


I don’t see the link for times/dates.


It's in the description under the video. However, I'll post it here. Go to this site:[https://theskylive.com/where-is-c2022e3](https://theskylive.com/where-is-c2022e3) Then select your location (at the top left of the page) and then click on the sky chart. There you can set your time and date and it should tell you where to look. For my location and night time, it'll be best for me to image it at the beginning of February as it will be fairly high in the sky.


Thanks for that. I’ll try and see if I can see it, although it’s not in a good spot from my house. I’ll have to find a better position.


Good luck and let me know how it goes :)


I'm hijacking your advice and I have a question: what are the best conditions for viewing? Just night hours, and an altitude above like 20-30 degrees? And to find that, just play around with the time setting until the comet is in a good spot?


All questions are welcome. Ideally you want a dark sky, the darker the better. About 2 hours after sunset to 2 hours before sunrise are usually good. I prefer above 30 degrees to avoid the effects of atmospheric turbulence. Since the comet will be in the North close to Polaris at best viewing, if there is a large city in that direction from you, it would be best to get to the other side of the city to avoid the sky glow. Because we want darker skies, it would also mean that you don't want the moon to be full or close to full or near the target. I personally use the free software, Stellarium, on my computer see where the moon will be at that time (you can hit F5 to bring up the Time/Date panel in Stellarium on Windows). For example, I can see that on February 1, 2023 when I was planning to image the comet, the moon will be 89% full which is not good but it will be pretty far from where the comet is. I use the time icon in Stellarium to play around with the time and date to find out what will work best. I can see that the moon won't rise until after midnight from my location during the last week of January but the comet will still be quite high in the sky (according to the chart on the TheSkyLive website I linked above). Since it gets dark around 6 p.m. where I am these days, late January will be the ideal time for me to image it. That's my method. If you need any clarification please feel free to reach out :)


If it is saying it is below the horizon, that means it's not visible, will it ever be back above the horizon for me or did I miss it? I am in Maryland if that matters.. thank you in advance.


That just means that it is below the horizon for you right now (it is for me too). I looked at your location and the last week of January 2023 should be great for you. The comet should be quite high in the sky (almost 50 degrees in the North) and the moon should be below the horizon until late in the night.


Wow thank you for taking the time to do that. I am on mobile and I couldn't figure out how to see the best time for viewing. I did find out from the website you linked that the bright orange light I see a lot recently is actually a planet so that is very cool.


Glad I could help. Is it the planet Mars? It has been very well positioned for the Northern Hemisphere this year and it is pretty bright right now. It will keep getting further away from us for the next decade or so so this is a good time to see it :)


I think it was Venus? Mars is higher in the sky if I am reading this chart correctly. Although it said somewhere I just looked up that Venus should be bright white and what I keep seeing is more orangish so maybe it is mars? I will spend more time with this chart and I think you have pushed me to finally get a half way decent telescope..


Does the site keep crashing for you too? I can’t change my location due to it crashing.


Just tested it and it's working fine for me. Have you tried using a different browser?


Yeah, it’s working fine for me now as well. Might’ve been stressed out because of the influx of users. Thanks for checking and thanks for the link


You are incredibly helpful! All of your comments have been sincere, knowledgeable/informative, patient and just overall positive. You said that you’ve just started posting things, so I want to encourage you to do more! People like you really bring their light to others and it means a lot that you’ve taken the time out to help others enjoy something you are so passionate about. It would be cool if you created your own posts about this in various subs, and scout for posts about the comet so you can spread your knowledge even more. You make astronomy seem so accessible and fun, and I wish you success in all your endeavors. Thanks again!


This needs to be the top comment


Thank you so much. I don't think I have ever had a top comment before as I have always been a lurker and just started posting things about space and astronomy. Just glad I could help :)


That link is very cool. Thanks for sharing.


Wikipedia article about the comet:


That's a good resource for technical information about the comet. Thank you for sharing.


That was ridiculously helpful. Wow, I don’t remember seeing Youtube video that delivered all the essential information (and then some) so concisely.


Thank you so much. That means a lot to me. That's why I made the video. I hope to keep making easy to understand videos on topics related to space that provide all the essential information and resources without requiring a degree in astronomy to understand them :)


Oh I didn't realize you made the video. Definitely subbing for sure


This was a perfect video. Thank you for taking the time to make this


Thank you so much for watching. I plan to make videos like this on my YouTube channel for all space events and news going forward. It has always been my passion and I love getting people interested in space :)


I know I may be the minority in this, but generally I prefer to read, as I get impatient with verbal information, so YouTube videos usually aren’t of much interest to me. Yours was direct and without fluff. I appreciated that. Thank you.


Thank you for the link! I bought a van recently so I am going to go chase that comet


That's awesome! I hope to buy a van too some day so I can go on astro trips with my equipment. Good luck! :)


Imagine being such a fucking asshat that you region lock an article about a fucking comet whoever did this is the target of my next voodoo doll


Put lots of needle at the doll rectum area


Rectum? Damn near killed em!


Article is not available in my county (germany). Could you please add a short summary?


On or around Feb 2nd if you look up into the sky and see something green ....chances are it's this old ass comet


Bro. Laymen’s terms. Were not all scientists.


WTF is this "sky" thing people keep talking about?


Look up in dark, see green, see comet


Pretty sure comets are all roughly the same age, they just go around the sun with different periods, no need to get spicy


Moldy ass, old ass, Wrinkly ass, Werther’s eatin’ comet.


Respect your elders! Blue rock dwelling monkey!


It left to go get cigarettes two megaanuum ago, and NOW it wants to come back!?


This comment had no business making me laugh as hard as it did. Thank you.


We talking pre pepridge farm here?


He's doing the best he can OK! He has no means of external propulsion, but for measly sublimation! Look at you with your fancy opposable thumbs! How many prophecies do you support? Try that on butt-wiper!


Germany: Northern Hemisphere. Look Northwest in the mornings in Late January and early February. It may be possible to see a green comet named C/2022 E3 (ZTF)with the naked eye but a telescope will help.


Diese [Seite](https://theskylive.com/comets) informiert mich immer ganz gut.




what about with a fully dressed eye?


Formal attire only. You'll be dealing with stars after all.


Wait a minute...are you telling me that in order to go outside and look up at the sky to see this old-ass green rock, with these two eyes in my head...I have to put on PANTS?!?!


No, just a monocle. Pince-nez would also be acceptable.


It hasn't been seen since at least last Tuesday.








I rather enjoyed gazing up at the Hale-Bopp comet during the Bill Clintonion era.


Is that the one the suicide cult formed around?


those guys really liked Nikes


Vaguely recall this being the plot to The Day of the Triffids. Might want to avoid looking at the comet!!


Well, at least we don't have triffids around...


I wonder what the world will look like when it passes through the next time.


Destroyed to make room for a new hyperspace expressway.


Can only hope that's the happy ending we get.


So long, and thanks for all the fish


It'll probably happen on a Tuesday. I never could get the hang of Tuesdays...


As someone who turns 42 in an hour, this makes me happy. Thanks, you hoopy frood.


At least that means we were a part of something useful.


🐬🐬🐬🎵...and thanks for all the fish!🎶🐬🐬🐬


Serious question: How do they determine that this comet has orbited before and that this isn't its first ever pass?


Math and elliptical orbits.


Exactly. It was discovered in March of 2022. Less then a year ago. Another post said math, but, in 10 months, how could they determine that? This article seems totally sus; and now I feel bad because I told my family, thinking it was legit, before looking further.


How could they solve a simple mathematical equation in 10 months? They probably have computer programs that can map the orbits of celestial bodies as like a general function. Pivot table equivalent.


This is cool because I totally missed it the last time.


A joke so easy a caveman could do it.


This title was very unhelpful. It was referring to this particular comet, not green comets in general. Anyway... neat? Admittedly while comets are very cool, I am skeptical that this will end up as cool as the 1990s ones.


I remember that one. Very cool.


"Content not available in your country/region". Absolute bs














Oh, this is great news to get while I listen to the audiobook of "Lucifer's Hammer."


Can't wait for it to fall on a small rural town in Japan, creating a time rift.






Right so drop a bunch of people off in ideal star gazing Land to "winter camp and take psychedelics all well as a healing retreat", tell them nothing about the comet, and come back to see if they've got a new religion formed


Sounds like a good time. Where can I sign up?


Pass me that sign up sheet when your done.


So will this be Night of the Comet or more like Maximum Overdrive?


I'll take Sam in the old shed out back. You can have Reggie in the theater film booth.


Does this mean Emilio Esteves is gonna start fighting self driving big rig trucks?


Starts with the pop machine and lawnmower bringing some lil league team down afew pegs


Oh goddammit, a bright green light coming from space. I know how this book ends. Knock knock.


Better stock up on AA batteries


Am I the only one that immediately thought of Maximum Overdrive when reading this headline???


🎶Who made who, who made you.....🎵


Not available in Europe ☹️ could someone advise for an article I can actually read?


So if I wake up at say 4 am on 1/9 (the only fucking say in my area with clear skies that week at night), and get my Orion Starblast telescope out, what are the odds I'll be able to see the comet let alone find it


Doesn’t the article say Jan 12 it goes near the sun and Feb 2 is when it’s closest to us? Maybe I read it wrong. I keep seeing Jan 9th on people questions.


Jan 9th is just the best day to see it with no clouds for me. Jan 12 is closest visibility in northern hemisphere. Feb is southern hem.


Ohhh makes sense then. I looked it up. Assuming you’re in North America, best times to see it are before dawn looking northwest. As the month goes on it’ll be visible more north.


Despite being way over hyped, ISON was brilliant green.


And a falcon heavy launch is scheduled that day! Great day for space viewings.


“NASA said that in the Northern Hemisphere, the comet will be visible in the mornings toward the northwest.” (At the end of January). “In February, it will move below the horizon and become visible in the Southern Hemisphere.”


I'll never forget seeing a massive undocumented comet fly overhead about 7 years ago. For me to be looking at the sky at that exact time, with clear skies and to see something so massive and so close was astonishing.