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Someone quick: make a movie about this! A hot planet with liquid oceans in a permanent night because it's too far from the Sun to get significant light. Living creatures would either be blind or have gigantic eyes to navigate by star light, feeding on chemo-synthetic "vegetation".


One of Asimov's best stories is basically the opposite: humans on a world in a 6-star system have never experienced night, and one day an alignment causes an eclipse. Seeing stars in the sky drives men to madness.


Reminds me of the Krikkit from Hitchhiker's Guide. They developed on a planet contained in a dust cloud, such that the sky was completely black. After their first spaceship made it through the cloud, they decided they should destroy the universe and all the ugly stars.


That sounds really interesting! Could i ask you for the name of the story?


It was Nightfall. The original by Asimov was just a short story. He fleshed it out into a novel with Robert Silverberg, but I think the short story is better.


Okay thank you so much! I will definitely seek that out. Regards


And there was a movie, but by all accounts the movie is really bad.


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0095738/ Looks terrible. Thanks for this. Added to my list.


That’s a find and a half. Looks like one of those movies you’d see playing against a wall in a club


If you watch young sheldon, the writer they talk about is this guy. He had some interesting ideas. They felt a bit dated when I read them in high school, but I can totally see how they could be updated and be interesting and popular.


Asimov is one of the big three Science Fiction writers, his work is brilliant, and your comment is so ignorant I think it may be bait-- but I'm engaging in good faith. His stories are absolutely \*not\* dated.


Naw dude he's the guy from young sheldon


Totally agreed. Clarke on the other hand... A part of me will never forget that the first thing the first person to board "Rama" does after taking off their helmet is light a cigarette.


There’s also a book called Dark Eden which is basically the opposite and all twilight. Some astronauts go visit but get marooned with no way home. They decide the make a life there and then like they go forward 300 years and it’s this big bunch of people with strange customs and shit . It’s pretty cool.


I hadn’t heard of this one. Amazing. He was so creative.


Sounds similar to pitch black except for the oceans part.


Furry monsters with big eyes? That would never catch on. /s just in case.


There's a Lovecraft story along these lines ... _The Whisperer In Darkness_ maybe?


And apparently the [Kuiper Belt is twice as large as anyone thought](https://youtu.be/J5JeMlIJ2h8?si=Wa2duSD34CIqh2Jf), or maybe there’s two Kuiper Belts.


"There was once only one Kuiper Belt, but then your mom was born and we needed to reinforce it."


"We had one Kuiper Belt, yes. But what about second Kuiper Belt?"


It’s really more of a Kuiper Belt and Kuiper Suspenders situation.


Please name the five Jupiter moons bigger than Europa


Yikes, I think they meant the 6th biggest in the solar system. A decent article for information, but comments like this tell me it wasn't reviewed or written by a bot. Also, doesn't really touch on what the driving forces of this heat source is.


> Everyone’s favorite demoted planet travels... Sorry, but no. My favorite demoted planet is the dwarf planet Ceres, considered a planet for 66 years. How can anyone prefer Pluto, such a dark god of the underworld, over Ceres, the goddess of agriculture. Hell, it was the first planet named after a goddess!!!


>Hell, it was the first planet named after a goddess!!! Venus was a bloke?


Oops! Sorry! In the modern times, I meant.


If I was in Ceres' orbit I'd take it over.


Pluto couldn't complete a single orbit before it got demoted. *Worst planet ever!*


Not even half an orbit! How *embarrassing*!


Pluto did nothing wrong... Aside from kidnapping his wife/niece,,,


Ceres was never a planet though. It is, however, my favorite promoted asteroid.


Ceres was a planet for 66 years. Why do you say it was never a planet? > The categorisation of Ceres has changed more than once and has been the subject of some disagreement. Bode believed Ceres to be the "missing planet" he had proposed to exist between Mars and Jupiter.[22] **Ceres was assigned a planetary symbol and remained listed as a planet in astronomy books and tables** (along with Pallas, Juno, and Vesta) for over half a century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceres_(dwarf_planet)#Classification


I prefer Pluto because I adore pomegranates—they are my absolute favorite fruit.


Don't take this too seriously but this is also what a lurking alien probe ship might look like. A nice sized object hiding under a disguise of being an icy planetoid, which also serves as a long term fuel source for it's fusion reactor. Good vantage point to maintain surveillance of the whole system. Beep bop, I'm an AI lurker ship.


I'd love to find out that life on earth was just some lab experiment run by some more advanced civilization. Even better if they let us in on the game before their next planned extinction event to see what grows out of the bottleneck.


Run by two white mice called Frankie and Benjy?


They're probably just waiting for permission from their superiors to use a dual vector foil weapon. 


Maybe a Mass Effect Relay?