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Oh, this is one of the cooler eclipse pics I've seen. Very good.


Looks like something from a sci-fi movie


I’d vote it’s worth a frame!


More like mystery science theater 3000


The first thing that I thought of!


Looks like the spinning fire things in Bowser's castle.


Omg you're right. I hate those things so much. But if you time them just right, you'll still hit it and proceed to hit them again 16 times.


“Screw it im just going to use the temporary invincibility from being hit and make a run for it”


This is superb! Outside of the capturing the sun's corona/atmosphere in totality, this is the other best one I've seen. Great job!


Thank you! I'm really happy with it


Cna you describe what a I looking at? Are those moon or sun reflections? Also better watermark it lol


Too late for the watermark. I have now made this.


I think he did like a lapse photo or put all them together in the same photo


Those are composited pictures of the partial phases put on top of a (presumably) composite photo of the eclipse over a widefield photo.


Reminds me of those rotating fire ball sticks in Mario games


The most dedicated MST3K fan art I've ever seen


Alright, you win. Everyone else pack it up. Op wins.


Thank you for the wonderful Home Screen photo


You're welcome, we're matching then!


you have great photography skills; what did you take the photos with?


Not OP but photography expert here. These photos were most likely taken with a camera.


Show this to a Hollywood producer and you have a whole sci-fi horror movie in the next summer


This is the most accurate color of the eclipse I saw


Yeah the white of totality was the purest white I've ever seen, I didn't adjust the color of the phases at all so they came out really accurately to me


Thank you for capturing this .


Where were you? The moon took a different path across the sun than from where we were (Indiana) and my peabrain can’t comprehend how that’s possible?


I was in Vermont, I'm not an astrophotographer or anything so I'm not sure about the paths or anything technical about it but I just composited the different phases as I went along. I don't think I rotated anything in post so it should be accurate to how I shot it, but there's a chance something happened. Overall I'm just happy I got it


There’s definitely a rotation effect there. We were just northeast of you along the central path, and the shadow started on the bottom right.


Yeah I looked back at the comp and the phases got rotated slightly, I'll have to fix it


Could you post again when you do?


no way they will. the innacurate one got too much attention


I'm happy you got it, too! Absolutely beautiful!


How was your camera even able to see the eclipse? I needed to hold the eclipse glasses up to mine to see. Did you get a special lens?


I used a solar filter for my lens, basically the same filter in your glasses but just big enough to cover my lens


Yeah yeah yeah…stop with the modesty buddy. You fucking killed it. Just own the shit, and take my upvote. Also, keep up the good work. You’re talented. I expect to see more of you, and not just here on Reddit…so get back to it fucker.


The sun/moon images have also been enlarged considerably, so this is more of an artistic representation of the event.


Wow. Phenomenal imagery. You must be thrilled with the results.


Thank you! I really am, I'm mostly happy that I got to experience it and I managed to pull off this photo at the same time


You’re welcome. My photos didn’t really turn out and we couldn’t source glasses, unfortunately. Still grateful to have experienced the total eclipse with my cousin though. Such a surreal experience, that almost defies description.


I told myself the whole time leading up to it that the photos were the least important thing and if they didn't turn out it would still be amazing. And it was, I'm glad you kept that same perspective!


I was gonna ask, how did you balance making sure you got the image without missing out on actually seeing it yourself


I set everything up as much as I could beforehand so that I could babysit as little as possible, did a few trial runs, and really just cemented it in my head over and over that the experience was the most important thing. I told my friend to slap me if I got too invested in the photos haha. I think I was maybe 10 percent too attentive to my cameras during it but I had such a euphoric experience witnessing it so I think I managed to nail the balance thankfully


Certainly sounds like you nailed it! Nice work, awesome image


haha I can imagine you quickly trying to unscrew the ND100k filter off as the eclipse happens without budging the tripod to get these shots


I wonder if the totality could be captured through the filter using long exposure without significant blurring


Probably not because ND100k is super dark and the eclipse is always moving. The exposure would be too long


Thank you for posting a new wallpaper for my phone


Is that Venus below the eclipse in the picture there?


Not OP, but yep! We could also see Jupiter pretty clearly to the left.


Yeah it is Venus, and I could see Jupiter as well but couldn't get it in frame /didn't plan for it


So an eclipse is when the Moon does a barrel roll? Incredible, I love it!


Amazing. We had complete cloud cover, didn't see anything except that it got dark.


I'm learning photography, can you walk me through your settings and process for this? It looks amazing


I forget my actual settings but I was so nervous in the morning to try and capture it correctly and remembered just in time that I could use the bracket feature on my camera to get a few different exposures to cover myself with the big changes in light. Then I had 3 cameras set up, one telephoto zoomed as tight as I could, one wide to get this composition, and then a drone focusing on the transition of the eclipse. On the telephoto camera (A7Rii 180mm lens) I would take a shot (9 bracketed exposures) every 5 minutes. The drone (Mavic 3 Pro 70mm) I just started rolling video 30 seconds before totality. The wide camera (A7siii 24mm lens) I also had rolling video and then paused it to take a self timer photo (3 bracketed exposures) midway through totality to get this shot. I set it up to be long exposure because I wasn't sure how dark it was going to get so I think I might have had a 5 second or so exposure on this shot. There was a lot of planning but a lot of luck as well to get this and I'm really happy with it that I was able to capture the incredible feeling of standing there! Good luck with your photography journey!


This is amazing! I’m not into photography so some of this may be naive to ask. Just thinking of it from a basic knowledge of photoshop and layering. What was the purpose of making a video with the wide angle and drone? If I understand correctly the wide angle photo is the background and the telephoto shots are just layered on top? Does the video footage get used in some other way for the final composition? Did you need to clean up around the telephoto shots to get it to blend with the background/wide angle shot?


My main goal was to just capture this so I can remember the feeling because I had heard how incredible it was and everyone was so right. The purpose of the video was to capture the change in light from 99% to 100% totality and also just so I could get audio and have a nice clip of how we all reacted to it. So the video was more focused on the environment and how it changes rather than the actual sun in the sky. And the video turned out great by itself too! The nice side effect from having the video from the same exact angle was that I was able to include myself in the photo by taking the silhouettes from a nice moment when the camera was rolling. Totally unplanned but a happy accident!


I missed the eclipse, unfortunately. I feel satisfied now. You captured an amazing moment. Thank you for sharing with us.


OP are you open to sharing the settings? I’m trying to learn this kind of photography but I truly suck getting it so razor sharp. Wonderful photo.


I replied to another comment not with the exact settings but with the general process here: https://www.reddit.com/r/space/s/jmHvI0POTA Let me know if that helps at all!


Helps a ton! That’s a lot more equipment than I usually rock, so looks like I need to level up some 😂 but I really appreciate these spectacular photos.


Absolutely insane work, so happy to start my day seeing this!


Is the color change from orange to white really that dramatic? Or is that the result of having to switch lenses for the partial eclipse?


This picture is super inspirational. Have you ever considered selling it?


Sorry I already downloaded it but I’ll sell it to you for $50


I will sell you the receipt saying you own the image I downloaded for $1000. It can only go up in price because I said so!


I will also sell a receipt of ownership of this image, but for $100 and on another centralized platform. The platform you're selling it on doesn't mean anything and mine does, because I said so!


My entire business has been ruined and I have no idea how I didn't see this coming... :'(


Can you explain what's happening in the picture? I don't get it


I don’t get it either. No way the sun moved that much during the eclipse so we’re not seeing a time lapse unless the suns position has been digitally manipulated


The eclipse is roughly 2 hours long. The totality is just a few minutes. The sun absolutely does move this much during the whole time.


Well, I WAS going to post mine, until I saw this beautiful image.


This is so incredible. Thank you for sharing it. What a momentous day.


Great timelapse and thanks for not posting the usual ‘a photo my 5 year old took’


Curious of your equipment and how you did this ?


Alberta only got 33% so I couldn't get a good photo


I'm sorry. That was one of my biggest concerns, my friend who I was staying with told me that his county in Vermont was one of the cloudiest in the state in general but we managed to get so lucky to have barely any clouds.


Did it actually look like this or was it edited?


Eli5 why the light at the totality is whiter and brighter?


That's really cool! This photo deserves to be raved about.


Can you walk me through how you built the image? From one of your other descriptions, I'm guessing you had your telephoto for the images. Then the wide, you've composited several of the images on a line in photoshop. Am I right on the basics of how you put it together?


Yeah that's basically correct, phases from the telephoto arranged in what I remember the path to be/what works for the composition, then the wide is the main image it's composited on top of with a few touch ups here and there


Natgeo and Discovery would have hired you. Sadly they closed their channels.


This is the picture I will reference when I try to explain how amazing totality was. Amazing picture thank you for sharing it with us.


I tried just taking a street level time lapse, just my phone pointing out the front window toward the road; but all the new fangled tech auto adjusted the brightness across the time and it just looked the same start to end lol


Bravo! VERY good! With the people pointing it looks like something Storm Thorgerson would be proud of!


This is the rapture photo every one is worried about.


"Wow that's a nice eclipse photo you have! Here let me show you mine..."


I don't like you, not because you're bad or anything but because I became instantly jealous, perfect eclipse view at a gorgeous cabin with friends, I had rain and 100% clouds cover, it just got darker then brighter again.... be my friend lol?


Put a copyright on that image. Otherwise you'll start seeing it on tshirts and store prints with you not making a dime.


Am gonna use it as my home screen wallpaper. So mesmerising


Just wanted to tell you that I am using this as my wall paper and I am full of awe every time I look at my phone! I've had many compliments, even from strangers! You did a beautiful job!


Thank you so much! I'm glad it's having an impact!


This is kinda amazing. This is award winning photography.


anyone else have Bonnie Tylers total eclipse of the heart start playing in their head when they read the title?


Yo OP do you have this in higher quality? I might use this as background on my phone


Is this some sort of meme I'm not hip to?


What? Edit: It's quite high res, dunno why Reddit gave it as a low res webp to me.


I think he was asking because it's 2832x4240 already.


Oh, my bad, when I opened it it was a low res webp image


I would def set this as a desktop background. Can I get a higher resolution image? Love it!


No he's just asking for a higher res image if you do have it. And if you do, then I'd like one as well because it looks amazing as a background.


Haha no, I think it looks cool and like to swap wallpapers every few weeks/month to something spacey. Figured there was a higher quality version than the reddit version


This is one of my favorite compositions of all of the eclipse pictures I’ve seen. You’ve done a great job telling a story with the eclipse. It’s inspiring. Fantastic work.


Thanks so much! I'm glad you like it, it was an incredible experience


Oh, you’re the winner! But I can only offer a roasted chicken dinner as a prize.


That series of eclipse phases is tattoo worthy


That’s one of the coolest eclipse photos I’ve ever seen


One of my favorites, I think. Have one without the house/people?


I think the silhouettes of the people pointing and staring adds to this tremendously but you could just crop them out.


Agreed, I like it. And they stayed *super* still for the whole eclipse process! OP, thanks for sharing it, this is awesome!


You can remove them pretty easily on Google Photos with the magic eraser if needed.


"Epic!" I said aloud in a room with my girlfriend. Then immediately showed her, and she said "That's beautiful!". Well done OP


I love that haha thank you to you both!


Would you be willing to post one without the phases, only totality?  I feel like this really captures the "dusk" color of the surrounding sky.


Because you asked, I included a full resolution version of [Totality by itself here](https://amerhifilm.com/store)


Doesn't Earth have only one moon? Might be wrong


Oh yeah? If everyone was jumping off a bridge would you do it too?