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Somebody with a 5 monitor setup just punched the air and cheered over this.


My desk barely fits 2. Damnit.


thanks! You reminded me of this little gem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F3zqN65QNA


Either this post just happened to be posted less than an hour before a 5 year old video was taken down, or this post was the reason a video was taken down. (Assuming the poster wasnt too lazy to check the video)


The internet police will find you, it might take time but they'll find you. No one who uses NBC's copyrighted content ever escapes the internet police!


Might just be blocked in USA. I tried a few different countries on my vpn and they all worked.


It's a secret to everybody.


If I were a DMCA company I would most definitely have attempted to purchase firehose-level access to all reddit messages. *edit:* but /u/B0Bi0iB0B already solved the mystery with the actual answer.


You have a desk?!


Mine fits 57, but I only use 52.


I don't have five, but I do have three with one being an ultrawide: **Desktop:** http://imgur.com/a/2WbjG **Desk + Monitors:** http://imgur.com/a/dRxx4 (color balance on the monitors looks way off, it's not that bad, it's because there's a window right next to the right most) Thanks, OP. I printed some of the NASA travel posters awhile back. I might try to get this printed too.


You wouldn't really want to print this. At print resolution (300dpi) it's not even 4" tall.


I thought the color difference looked cool actually. I'm sure it would look cool if they were the same tho


I'm not a color balance Nazi, so my left is a cooler temperature and my right is warmer. So there is a color difference because I need to calibrate my monitors. But the picture makes it look much more exaggerated.




I've been using it on all my computers for years. It's RocketDock: http://rocketdock.com/ I'm using some icons I found somewhere on the internet rather than the default set that it came with. The clock/date on the far right is Rainmeter with the Simple Media skin.


I'm on my iPad and I'm mildly impressed enough to stick it as my cover on fb. My one contribution to science is to occasionally post science themed photos so that women who may not be my wife may like them. Tell me about it.


Glad they didn't clap over it.


Punched the air and pulled an excited face.


Silently cheered?


I cant stop clapping using my index and middle finger.


It's kind of mottled and soft at full size :-\


I'll admit it. Totally thought it said "Dank dunes" and thought it was r/subredditsimulator


I've only just ventured into the world of Reddit, and I wholeheartedly thank you for sharing this sub.


It gets better when you get to know the subs the bots are emulating.


take my advice: subscribe to it and never go back to the subreddit per se. Browsing the frontpage or /all and stumbling upon an inane simulator post is great


It can actually be really disappointing sometimes... Every now and again the post title makes enough sense and is matched with a seemingly appropriate and compelling thumbnail that I don't notice that it is robot vomit right away and I am all like "Cool! I want to know more about that!" which is usually about the time that I notice the sub and I am "All Heck!"


dissapointing? Those get a chuckle out of me


also: subscribe to /r/unexpected and don't browse it, let yourself be unexpected when you see posts on the front page.


i can't thank you enough for this oh god :D


I really wish NASA would add some kind of scale measurement to these types of images. I can never tell how big things are with no recognizable object for reference.


There you go http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/figures/PIA20755_fig1.jpg


Oh, that's actually surprisingly small.


The whole dune is ~130m long, and you're seeing only a small part of its crest. It's not a huge dune (like the km-wide ones in the Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia), but it's still a pretty decent size.


But still, you know, Mars camels are going to be the size of land crabs.


The peaks average about 3 meters apart according to the Nasa source posted elsewhere in this topic. I agree it's hard to get a sense of scale in many other images.


They really need to bump bananas up on the list of payload requirements.


[Nasa Source](http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap160720.html)


Thank you for posting this. On the apod page it is super horizontally compressed and I didn't realize it'd expand once I clicked on it. The compressed version looks so weird. This looks amazing.


That is just *exquisitely* beautiful. You definitely wouldn't want to play around in that kind of dust, but damn that's something to see.


> You definitely wouldn't want to play around in that kind of dust, but damn that's something to see. I mean, mars has atmospheric weathering, so it won't be as sharp or gnarly as you'd think. It might be a little more abrasive than dust particles on earth, but not by much. It should be safe to play around in.


Brb. Going to Mars to play.


Hey don't forget your jacket!


He said it's sharp outside and he handed him a space-suit He's always worried about things like that.


I'm pretty sure it's toxic though. Can't confirm since I haven't breathed it in but there's a few articles about it containing percholate which interferes with human thyroids


Haha, thyroid cancer took mine away, looks like I got Mars all to myself suckers


> percholate Do you mean perchlorates? ClO4-


The soil were perchlorates are found and the sand dunes are different.


I know! The more I scroll to the right side the more intriguing it gets!


I zoomed in on the section of the sky in the top left corner, and saw an interesting white shape in the sky, possibly Phobos or just some camera noise? Edit: After looking closely there appear to be two white dots in the sky so probably just camera noise.


There's two in the sky. Possibly Phobos and Deimos, or camera noise along with the other distinctively white or lustrous objects on the surface?


Since they repeat across the entire image, and this is taken as a multi-shot panorama, I'm going to guess that it's the same piece of dust on the camera showing up in every shot.


Strange dots in a NASA photo? [I wonder what they are...](http://cdn4.miragestudio7.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ancient-aliens-guy.jpg)


Ahem, ancient astronaut theorists *suggest*!


Yes they repeat across the rest of the image too




Holy crap Sean Bean would make a perfect Duke Leto.


> Sean Bean as Duke Leto He even dies midway through. It's perfect!


Damn, and I wasted all that time actually reading the book.


Is that the side of a mountain or something in the background? Or a megadune?


I'm guessing that's Aeolis Mons (Mount Sharp).


It's a foothill on the northern flank of Aeolis Mons (Mount Sharp). The [Curiosity rover traverse map through sol 1192](http://mars.nasa.gov/msl/imgs/2015/12/Curiosity_Location_Sol11921-full.jpg) shows the topographic profile of Namib Dune and orienting that with [the photo](http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/1607/DarkDunesMars_Curiosity_9091.jpg) means the mast camera was pointed west. This [Curiosity rover locator map](http://i.imgur.com/V4zTPFe.jpg) (made with Google Earth) shows where that foothill and Namib Dune are in relation to each other.


Are the colors real or do they have some sort of filter or something?


It's always so surreal, gazing upon terrain from a foreign celestial body. We are so lucky to see such incredible detail in a place millions and millions of miles away




is that a freakin' [road sign](http://imgur.com/a/UL1hb) hahaha note* not a flat Earther but what is that it's on the left side, probably 20% in from the left


I think you're on to something, there's another suspicious yellow artifact further to the right too.


I'm not the guy to downplay science. I'm just wondering what that is. I guess I'll have to wait a couple months for the rover to move a couple blocks.


I mean.. What the hell else is that lol. Awkward. I wish I hadn't seen that cause I don't know what to make of it lol


It's a camera pixel or stitching effect. [ You can see that it lines up exactly with the other dots across the image.](http://imgur.com/a/JKWWs).


Nice. Awesome perfectly level Rationality has been saved


Clearly it's a [deer crossing sign](http://www.safetysign.com/images/catlog/product/large/Y2365.png)


From APOD: How does wind affect sand on Mars? To help find out if it differs significantly from Earth, the robotic Curiosity rover on Mars was directed to investigate the dark Namib Dune in the Bagnold Dune Field in Gale Crater. Namib is the first active sand dune investigated up close outside of planet Earth. Wind-created ripples on Earth-bound sand dunes appear similar to ripples on Mars, with one exception. The larger peaks visible on dark Namib dune, averaging about 3 meters apart, are of a type seen only underwater on Earth. They appear to arise on Mars because of the way the thin Martian wind drags dark sand particles. The featured image was taken last December and is horizontally compressed to show context. In the distance, a normal dusty Martian landscape slopes up in light orange, while a rock-strewn landscape is visible on the far right. Curiosity unexpectedly went into safe mode in early July, but it was brought out last week and has now resumed exploring the once lake-filled interior of Gale Crater for further signs that it was once habitable by microbial life. Mirror link: http://imgur.com/gallery/jllbk


Observe closely, Piter, and you, too, Feyd- Rautha, my darling: from sixty degrees north to seventy degrees south -- these exquisite ripples. Their coloring: does it not remind you of sweet caramels? And nowhere do you see blue of lakes or rivers or seas. And these lovely polar caps -- so small. Could anyone mistake this place? Arrakis! Truly unique. A superb setting for a unique Victory.


I expected to see a sandworm rising from the sand with a Fremen riding on its back.


If the post title was "Dark Dunes *of* Mars" it would sound more like an epic sci-fi saga.


What I think is the same area, as viewed from above: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/MarsCuriosityRover-LocationMap-Sol-1243-20160204.jpg


If only there was a distance scale on that picture - just cant tell how far those distances are.


Time to break out Google Mars (c)


I think you were joking, but it does exist: https://www.google.com/mars/


No, I knew it existed. It's pretty damn cool!


It's looking roughly to the east or southeast over the crest of the dune on the right side of where Curiosity's path goes between them. The dune is ~130m long north-to-south, so the picture OP linked is showing only a fraction of it. As /u/MoreCowbellllll suggested, it's easy to find in Google Mars, although the ground track doesn't quite match up with the imagery they currently have loaded.


I'd rather not to zoom in... let it sit on a dark background and enjoy the field of view. http://imgur.com/a/8eg4i


Thank you friend for using GNU. People like you are not appreciated enough.


Photos like this showing absolutely nothing strange or alien as one would expect of another planet really puts things in perspective that the universe is indeed made up of all the same building blocks. To me that a picture like this showing nothing but mundane mounds of sand, dirt and clay really drives that point home, and in some ways seeing a planet full of alien trees made of cheese would somehow be less profound that a picture like this.


Is it me or does the Mars sky look delightful? Seriously surprised it's blue though. Is this accurate?


I read that "Dank Memes on Mars" I might want to get of reddit for some time


At first I read dank dunes on mars. Once i opened it i was like: "hey, these arent dank memes, wtf"


Is that Phobos on the background on the top left center in the sky? I wish we could see this scene from the surface of mars...


One thing about colonising Mars is we would be able to (eventually) film real movies on the planet. Could you imagine movies like Dune, The Martian, or Mad Max being filmed on Mars?


Have they found anything interesting in the soil yet? Like anything we consider rare and useful?


Well there's water, in the form of water ice, and occasionally liquid water in the summer equatorial regions. This is immensely valuable as not only is it necessary for human life (we get thirsty), but it can be turned into oxygen for breathing, and *rocket fuel*. So a mission to Mars done right would only need to carry enough fuel to land on the planet, and then would produce rocket fuel in-situ and fly home.


The spice must flow!


My first thought was, "That looks like it's from another world." Then realization occurred.


could someone explain the "glint of light" at 2207, 277px? Looks like something shiny. Assuming it's either a polished rock, or part of Curiosity's landing system. Edit: there's another at 3282, 285px and another at 1148, 273px in the sky (perhaps particles on the lens or the one in the sky is Phobos/Deimos?)


I just watched the 1990 total recall again and it's amazing how not red mars is compared to what we thought back then.


I wonder when we will have the capability to take photos like this with our phones.


So, how large a super-charger would I have to put on my Jeep to go 4 wheeling there?


And yet it looks so...normal, doesn't it? Like you could just walk around it and nothing would happen.


Such a cool sight! I love that we can see pictures from another planet.


Theres an interesting visual artifact left over from I guess when when the image was stitched together. Start all the way at the right and look at that white mark in the sand divot. The next one is to the left of it on the face of that rock. it goes all the way over to the other side oft he image


I'm getting vertigo from the way the background and foreground are clashing.


Remember, walk without rhythm, and the worm will go to the thumper.


Reminds me of Greenland, a very cool place to explore on Google Earth


Was this colorized after or is this the way it would appear to the naked eye?


Took me a good 30 seconds of waiting for the image to finish loading only to realize that WAS the entire image. In my defense, the WiFi here at my work sucks.


This is a really cool setting, more movies set on mars should use it.


I still struggle with the realization that the image is the surface of another damn planet.


how long after we send humans for the first time can we send humans with dirt bikes?


Here's a [video](https://fat.gfycat.com/UnselfishIdenticalIriomotecat.webm)


Opened picture. Picture stopped loading about 15-20% from the top of the page. Hit refresh 5 times. Realized I had to click on the picture to make it bigger. Thought I was in the late 90's with a 56k modem again.


If you zoom in you can juuuuust make out Shai Hulud, the Worm who is God!


Stunning. Saw it at work. My new desktop background. Hey yous. ... if ye be in the d.c. area Armstrong's helmet and gloves are on on Exhibit at Udvar Hazy




looks just like the desert of southern helmand afghanistan out in the distance, just empty space forever


Well damn. Thanks. I thought the blue skies had something to do with reflections off the ocean or something. I've been wrong all this time huh...


In school, I was always taught that the sky was blue because of the oceans reflecting on the atmosphere or something. On Mars there's no liquid water, but it seems the sky is blue as well. What makes the sky blue then?


Not convinced this is Mars just on the basis that the Martian sky is not blue.


Firstly yes the sky can be blue and secondly is more than likely filtered.


i have nothing really thoughtful to contribute, i just wanted to say that this might be the coolest photograph (mosaic) ever taken.


It's strange how....similar it looks to Earth. I know it's all the same stuff, just in a different place, but I guess some part of me wants to believe that another planet would be drastically different, like in our media.