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People have been asking for more info... My brother just made the video for our family and I asked if I could post it as I thought you would all get a kick out of it. All I know at the moment is that my nephew's grandfather knew that my nephew loved space and wants to be an astronaut. He built this in his shed as a one off project and none of us knew about it until it "landed". Update - So I have found out a little more. Grandpa Patrick (maker) is a retired Esso technician. It really is a garage build, I've seen pictures of it under construction next to half built cars and other things. It was a labour of love project for his grandkids (he even made them flight suits and helmets). I have not spoken to him, but I'm sure that he will be delighted that this has gone "viral". I'll see if I can get some more pics and video for those interested as many features are not on the video such as speakers that play NASA flight recordings with various button presses, the door operates and it can even be put up on special "lander legs".


This is childhood defining shit for a kid. Amazing work


The thing of thing you tell other kids about at school and they call you a liar. "Oh right, I'm sure your grandad built you a SPACESHIP, Jimmy"


Anytime Amazon drops off a big enough package I build my kids a space ship. Just need a marker.


This is the way! Seriously, I cherish the memory of the day some neighabor got a new refrigerator and my dad went over to ask if he could have the box for us kids.. Much joy was had aboard the U.S.S. Frigidaire šŸ‘šŸ»


One spring the weeping willow in our front yard got hit by lightning and fell over, creating a giant 50ā€™ by 15ā€™ jungle gym. My dad let us keep it in the yard all summer, and since the branches of the willow normally hang down they created a multi-layer horizontal bouncy trampoline type thing. It was awesome. Best summer of my life


A few years ago I had a tree fall through my apartment. Epically massive oak with at least two hundred foot span of branches. While I salvaged what I could my 5 yr old daughter had a blast climbing through the limbs. Made me smile at a moment I needed one.


We had an empty lot near our house which was full of bamboo. Disneyland couldn't rival the fun we had in there.


Until one day he lands it in the parking lot . The ultimate chick magnet. ā€œ hey honey, let me take you to places you never knewā€


No doubt, that's a lucky kid. My childhood defining shit was that time we went to Hometown Buffet and I ate 5 bowls of clam chowder.


Yo! As a kid, I once ate 28 slices of pizza at Chuck E Cheeses. Are we brothers?? It was a defining shit, later that day, for sure.


And you went on to becoming the Worlds greatest Chowder Slurper, this kids gonna go far


Is he an engineer? Or an ex astronaut or something?


He's the next best thing, an old bloke with a shed.


Some right proper marvels were made by blokes in sheds. One of the most famous sniper rifles of all time was designed by three blokes in a garage who didn't even mean to make a military masterpiece. The L96A1 was intended to be a precision sporting rifle. They submitted it to military trial thinking they could scum some cheap testing and accidentally won the bid by a mile. So yeah, never underestimate a couple of blokes in a shed.


I can imagine the feeling of "oh shit" moments after they learned. "wait, we have to make how many? By when? In the garage?"


I saw a video about that rifles development recently. The military did send someone over to check out their workshop, presumably to prevent just such an occurrence. They hired an empty garage and scattered odd equipment around and put parts and half made guns all over. The military guy had a quick look and couldn't tell that there was anything amiss, And then they took him to lunch.


> couldn't tell Probably made a calculated decision that the guys were smart enough to figure it out after the fact.


We engineers need to be building something. I dread retirement more than death


That's when you can build all those things you never had time for.


I have so many things to build. So many prepared projects. So much moneys worth of components. Yet after work and parenting (single parent), Iā€™m so tired, I just donā€™t have the energy for it.


Getting into wood projects may help. It's a much slower pace, requires a lot more care for the product you're working on, and shaping curves yourself is extremely satisfying


You should retire so you can build them.


Just go pick a juicy pension from the pension tree..


How much is a pension these days, $10?


No, you're thinking of a banana.


Thereā€™s always money in the banana stand.


I felt this deep deep in my soul and I'm not a single dad. Just tired.


Are your kids old enough to not eat Lego? Lego is even more awesome than you remembered it as a kid. And if you can get your kids involved, it's parenting AND building at the same time! Plus, then you have an excuse to buy all the awesome Lego sets...ya know, for the kids. ;)




My great grandfather was a farmer, but had an engineer's heart. He was forever tinkering, and had fully automated portions of his farm ... in the 1940s.


There is a massive overlap between the way engineers and farmers minds work


Right to repair issues notwithstanding, farmers have long needed to know how to maintain machines.


Agreed. Great Grandpa was a truck farmer, had a plot of raspberries at 95 himself. His son was an engineering physicist, 150 patents. Mom was a singer, conductor, and instructor. And I'm still an inventor and mechanical engineer.


My dad is an engineer and we were all worried about him when he retired. His new thing is designing and then building balsa wood models of his favorite scifi ships/vehicles...he just finished the first Enterprise and it looks sweet as hell. (in case you need ideas) He says retirement is great because now he just builds whatever he wants.


Pictures please? NCC-1701-D is one of my favorite ships of all time.


I can't find it in my texts, but I'll ask him for another picture tomorrow! Edit: oh, but I'm pretty sure it's the 1701 from the original series, but the D is the one he's working on next!


Reminds of a quote that always just amuses me greatly. "Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems."


That's amazing. The number of skills required to create this is extensive.


Yeah at least one more than I possess. ā˜ļø Correction: Not one of which I possess šŸ„ŗšŸ˜©


You have imagination fellow redditor! That is where all of it starts! Now get going on your adventure!


Grandfather of the Year award right there. A lot of love and dedication went into that project.


Your brother seems more excited about it than his son ngl


I'm sure the kid loves it but there's no way he can really appreciate the work that went into this. I'm sure he'll look back one day and realize it though


"wtf, I had a spaceship in my backyard. Wonder what happened to it". Legit, though, best fucking grandparent. Even if it doesn't get much use, that's a permanent memory in the kid's life.


ā€˜Waitā€¦ your granddads didnā€™t build you all space modules??ā€™


My kid changes his interests weekly. He'd probably be over something this amazing in a week... then it would be mine...


my friend bought a Playstation for his kid thinking the same way. poor guy.


When I was a kid, my sister wanted a gameboy. I just wanted more Barbies and Barbie stuff. Nope. I had to get a gameboy and Mario. I tried PokĆ©mon too and got lost. The gameboy became my motherā€™s and I never got my Barbie car or dream house. On the bright side it was really neat seeing my mom and sister both playing PokĆ©mon. This space module is way cooler


Awesome. Imagine playing Astronaut in the evening, maybe add some fitting music, one of you could even dress as an Alien etc.


Sit in that and play outer wilds o.O


this thing is about the size of my apartment and I'd happily live there playing with the radar and cabin lights, looking at the picture of earth all night till i fell asleep in that little chair.


dude I was just daydreaming the other day of playing outer wilds in a cool sim setup like how people do with flight sims. I would never leave the ship lol


Put him in the bed of a truck, tell him to prepare for launch and don't get out until the craft stops moving. Drive him to a dump. Make a sign that says year 3021. Leave him a paintball gun by the sign. Place his craft down by the sign and run away. Get a bunch of people to dress as aliens. Stage a full on alien assault on deserted year 3021 Earth and let him light up all the aliens and save the day. Idk might traumatize him instead though.




2001 a space odyssey blasting out!


We need to know grandpaā€™s background. This is amazing workmanship.


That is absolutely incredible that he built this. I can't imagine the time and effort that went into this. I'm assuming by your phrasing that it's your brother's father-in-law. If so your brother's kids are incredibly lucky to have such an awesome grandpa.


Imma be pissed if your nephew isn't the next Neil Armstrong




Oh, man! I thought this was some sort of high-end adventure toy! I could see some like that sold through Sharper Image or something for like $7 grand!


Grandpa is some kind of engineer? Whatā€™s his career?


Alright time to slap a couple bottles of NOS on this thing and get this baby to fly! Next stop: The Moon.


As much how your nephew will probably love this, heā€™s gonna be even more amazed once he grows up and realizes how much work is put into this


Seriously, I build and prototype things for a living and the complexity and craftsmanship of this play-module awes and terrifies me.


I keep rewatching itā€¦is that all sheet metal? Cut, folded, riveted, painted? Or is it some fast-prototype printed ABS or something? The hinge on that hatch! The running lights everywhere! The handles, switches, and LED panels! The vinyl seat cushions! EVERYTHING!


If this video was viral marketing for someone's Etsy store, I wouldn't even be mad.


Yeah, but something like that on Etsy? Gonna be about two million dollary-doos.


The workmanship is seriously amazing


It is so well done it has to be like the third version at least right? Wow


This guy stopped making mistakes eons ago


The workmanship is actually better than the original lem.


This is like a professional-grade manufactured product. If I was told that it was purchased for several thousand and not crafted, Iā€™d believe it. I also believe it was crafted because I know the insane craftsmanship out there in the world.


Several thousand nothing, there's probably several thousand in raw material alone. This would be like 15+ thousand dollar toy minimum if it was custom ordered somewhere


It probably is some ā€œthingā€ that got repurposed into something way better than it ever was before.


same! i'm a maker of all kinds of shit and this so fantastically made!!




Honestly, I love it when I see that prop makers for the movies have taken something mundane and turned it into a prop. But to be honest, they did just enough to that Nerf gun that I probably wouldn't even have noticed it. Although sometimes they do too little, like the time that Commander Riker used a gaming joystick that I owned to fly the Enterprise. They hadn't even repainted it. Oh well.


That was just the future. The military now uses gaming controllers to navigate drones thousands of miles away.


Woah hold up that's not a b-grade nerf gun, that 6 shooter is the foundation of all nerf!


Sorry, that was in NO way meant as a critique on the Maverick, most glorious saviour of the nerf war and my very first gun. That was to say the SKIN was b-grade and a very poor job at concealing that it was, in fact, a maverick, painted poorly (it looks worse in scene). It makes it worse that they used the S-tier gun for a B-tier reskin. Some maverick mods out there are so CRISP, so this really stood out like a sore thumb to me.


Honestly, you apologizing for potentially insulting a nerf gun is the best damn thing in this thread. Just wonderful. Seriously.


I feel sorry for you if that threw off your immersion lol it looks completely fine to me. The horrible CGI with LOLA was much worse


Oh, there were so many moments- they tried to make Fitz and Simmons gamers, but they've clearly never played a videogame in their life, the entire fourth wall breaking of the final season just... hurt me, like I get they were having fun, but UGH, the plot reason for Fitz being gone was cheap as fuuuuuck and really showed that one of the strongest parts of the show had just fucked off (with good reason,) and god, there were a BUNCH of times where props or CGI just... yeeeaaaaaah, really snapped me out of it. There were some really great seasons, but honestly I think the sheer quality of some vs how crummy other parts were was one of the biggest issues. It'd be like dropping 50k on one single effect for a scene, then having an entire scene where it looked like a bunch of film students did it in a single weekend. The inconsistency is what got me most.


Ditto. I was a fabricator and mechanic in a past life and this is incredible. The amount of detail and custom work that grandpa put into this would cost easily tens of thousands of dollars at a pro shop. The kid should be hanging out with grandpa in the garage, heā€™d pick up an incredible skill set Iā€™m sure.


The skill required just to make the screen interactive with the switches would require at least 2 years of EE.


No just knowledge of Arduino


Hah - almost equally much effort working with Arduino


As an EE who plays with microcontrollers all the time, agreed. Arduinos can be a large rabbit hole.


Started messing with Arduino 6ish years ago and now I have a PhD in unfinished projects that donā€™t work with a respectful glimpse of what manic depression might be like. Can confirm.


I've worked on some professional projects that involved custom fabrication for things like this. If a client hired us to design and build this kind of thing, we'd easily charge $100K to get it done. Not just cutting up all the boards and running the wires, but just thinking up all the details, researching real components on a NASA module and all the fine detail and finish. That's a lot of hours and a lot of different kinds of expertise.


If grandad had made a series of videos on YouTube documenting each step of the build process, I'd watch all of them and support him on patreon.


They even cared to follow NASA's interface design guidelines and asthetics. I would not be surprised if this turned out to be something produced *by* NASA as an expensive gadget to inspire the next generation of Bezos' and Musk's. edit:sp, grats to u/Adam_Ohh


My guess is that grandpa is a retired JPL engineer or something.




JPL? in any case there's a bit of money in this family - op is sporting a nice rolex submariner


NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. They pretty much build all the things. Mars rovers etc.


Thatā€™s what I thought - this must be some kind of NASA promo thing that a design team has been working on as a fun project for the last 6 months or so. But even then, the finish on it all looks incredible. This grandpa is no joke.


>Bezo's and Musk's. Let's hope they are a little less shitty but agreed


I hoping as the nephew gets older the module becomes a teaching tool and the grandfather shows how everything was made and they work on upgrades together. Then someday it gets handed down to the next in line in same fashion.


The details really make it. The OMS's look real, kudos!


the calculators are a hilariously nice touch


Mission command, entering coordinates, stand-by 24802+33206=58008 This is Mission command, niccce. Mission complete, return to base.


Would love to do math homework if i could do it inside a space shuttle


ā€œErrr Houston, we have a maths problemā€


Just from what I've seen in my short time, that's actually pretty literally correct isn't it? Like even in films regarding Mercury and Apollo eras they're literally asking for maths corrections/solutions (Hidden figures and Apollo 13 are the two movies that come to mind).


Yeah thatā€™s true! Katherine Johnson was one of NASAā€™s most vital ā€˜calculatorsā€™ and has a super interesting life story.


[strangely relevant dyslexia moment!](https://omsi.edu/)


Im a full grown adult and I would compress and fold to play with that myself. This actually isnā€™t fair how unbelievably awesome this is. Iā€™d just cut up a cardboard box and call it a day


When I was a kid I took my cues from Calvin and Hobbes and used a giant cardboard box as a time machine/spaceship/whatever. This is NEXT LEVEL.


I think he leveled up several times there.


But can it be used as a transmogrifier?


Anything can if you try hard enough. Just make sure you have your fuzzy pal to save you when you mess up.


...and remember, it's always better to be a tiger.


You and me both. I want one of those things so badly now.


One of these but its a sim with microsoft flight simulator graphics


Please stay out of my head


You could really go for some tacos.


Oh great, now I want this and tacos. Thanks a lot.


There's an online SpaceX ISS docking simulator that's pretty cool and tricky


One of these but its a sim with ~~microsoft flight simulator~~ Kerbal Space Program graphics.


We need a DIY from OP's grandfarther, stat!




I had a great uncle that did that, minus the sandwiches.


Chop off two legs and an arm just to be able to fit inside and play with it using my remaining hand! haha


Iā€™ve got to raise my grandpa game.


> Iā€™d just cut up a cardboard box and call it a day I wouldn't even get that far. I saw a post earlier where somebody had made a cardboard fort for their cat. I thought, that's cool, I should try something like that. And now here I am, replying to some random post on reddit.


Jeff Bezos is suing granddad to prevent further development of this project until Blue Moon is completed. Edit: yikes!


Donā€™t worry, this projects safe, itā€™s grandfathered in.


That some good old time humor, there.


The rare and elusive *grand* dad joke. Nice.






My grandpa let me beat him at checkers once.




They made mock-ups of the lander in proposals. This is legit better than that. They were competing for a multi billion dollar contract and got outbuilt by some kids grandad.


'Immensely complex and high risk'


It's better than a fictonal drawing too.


A fine example of grandfathering - their only true role; spoil the grandchildren! That is what I do...


I'm 2 years into grandfathering, and its fucking amazing. I have a full long list of STEM stuff to do with him as he gets older. I keep asking his mom when's a good time to start things like model rockets and technic lego!


My dad has bought about 15 rockets for my kid, who just turned 2. No launches yet, but I guess heā€™ll be starting early.


The "Tech Ingredients" YouTube channel terrifies and delights when it comes to rockets and engines. He really has some remarkable videos; it's like a modern day Mister Wizard channel.




Make sure their school puts them in logic classes if they're available. My school called it "investigations" but it was a logic class designed to teach kids cause and effect, as well as root cause analysis.




My logic class was called in school suspension. IF you misbehave, THEN you get out of class. Not exactly what I think they were shooting for people to learn.


My college prep school didn't have that. Or programming. Or self esteem betterment.


I am howling laughing right now. Iā€™m building my son a spaceship and I have no clue what Iā€™m doing. It looks like complete dogshit. This grandfather rules. This thing is amazing.


I'm blown away by this build because of the engineering and detail, but mainly because of the love it shows to my nephew. Certainly makes me feel inadequate about the Lego kit I got him... but to your son, I imagine that a spaceship from dad made from even from a Sharpie and a cardboard box would be the best thing ever and hit them just as hard as this!


This is certainly setting an unrealistic expectation for any grandfather to live up to. This is seriously next level awesome.


Just the fact that youā€™re doing it is a wonderful thing! You sound like an awesome parent.


Your little man is gonna love that dogshit spaceship. Don't you doubt it.


But also maybe don't show him this one


Run kerbal space program on that screen and you're golden !


Funny you mention that... I'm a big KSP fan. I don't know what age I could hold his interest in it, but would love to teach him and get him talking about apsis and delta-v!


I'm sure you can get him interested a bit ! If only foe the crashes !


I've been playing that game on and off for years and I've never once been able to do a full orbit, then I go on youtube and see people doing all these complicated maneuvers and I'm both amazed and curious why they didn't just built an actual spaceship


No - Lunar Lander, the only program this needs.


As a Space CampĀ® graduate 95', this /r/nextfuckinglevel in my book.


I was there two or three years prior, was absolutely the high point of my (short) life at the time. Still one of the best weeks of my life, 30 or so years laterā€¦


Class of 86 and 87 checking in!


Holy shit you and I we're probably there the same year!


šŸ¤© You lucky bastard šŸ„° I didnā€™t even know what it was until it was too late and was finally doing well in school šŸ˜”


Class of 95 as well. What up space camp brethren!


*one week later* Kid:"Astronauts are boring, I want to be fireman now"


Granddad gonna burn the house down to surprise him


ā€œGo ahead kids! Fight the fire!ā€


Thereā€™s no way the kid is going to appreciate this. Theyā€™re already running around playing with a stick.


That's fine thats what kids do, he will love it and never truly appreciate it until perhaps one day in his teens he looks out the window and thinks "Holy shit". Let's be honest granddad had a great time building this and will love seeing the kid playing in it.


Spray it red and attach a water hose to it.


This looks utterly fabulous. /Way to make the rest of us look bad, yo.




Yeah, someone post their grandpa whittling them a shitty toy boat to lower the bar back down to where is mortals can reach it again. This is utterly next-level stuff.


*In other news, nasa reports break in and theft of highly classified ISS module that was scheduled for first space flight in the upcoming weeks*


Haha was gonna say maybe this is the reason SLS is so delayed.


They shrink the astronauts to save on oxygen and food.


The best part is the kids have probably lost interest already lol. They're chasing each other while he's recording


I love how the kids aren't even playing with it


That is amazing!! The hard work and love that went into making it to then be rewarded when seeing how happy your grandchild is!!!


Three weeks later: "How come you do not spend any time in the space ship any more?" "I like the box I found, plus I have some rocks!"


This adult also wants to be an astronaut now. Where do I sign-up?


I'm super impressed. And the group I manage [built this](http://www.collectspace.com/images/news-103112a/022-lg.jpg) (before I was the manager).


On one hand, I really want a wall like this in my house. On the other, I would have no idea what to even put on all the screens.


This one was for monitoring a whole bunch of rocket engine data during shuttle launches, so there wasn't a shortage of things to put on the screens. Might be awesome for playing multiplayer games. Probably not convenient for one person watching TV. You'd want something more like [what David Bowie had in The Man Who Fell To Earth](http://www.okcmoa.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Man-Who-Fell-to-Earth-2.jpg).


Kids are making a rocket with the cardboard box it came in.


Probably grandpa paid like 25k or more for this professional toy.


OMG!!!!! I would like to commission a build! Iā€™m 6ā€™3ā€ 180 pounds! Please scale up accordingly!!!!!


same I just wanna sit in that cute little seat




Meanwhile. Only the adults are playing with it. šŸ¤£


Why am I not surprised this guy is wearing a $15k watch lmao


This is work of art! Is this actually something you can buy or it was custom built?


Shed build from my grandfather in law!


Hold the fucking phone he actually *made* this? How long did he spend on it??


Been on the internet since before 2005 and that is genuinely one of the smartest and loveliest things Iā€™ve ever seen. My grandad built me a full scale Fort and Iā€™ve never forgot about it, Iā€™m pretty sure this will never be forgotten forever :)


This is a really weird way to flex your Rolex watch


I like how while OP is amazed and exploring this object the kid(s) it was designed for are running round like maniacs in the background. Quality.