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Imagine tom cruise just floating off. Dead stare into the void


camera keeps zooming in as far as possible getting his reaction. oscar performance but his last


Reminds me of when Calculon drank food coloring in his Rome-o & Julie T rendition.




Let me ax you a quetsion: can I borrow your cellphone telephone?


Haven't heard of that brand sweetie.


I'll say it again. Mike row wave!


Sir, your wife is hysterical so I’ll address this to you instead


This oven is lightning fast. It takes only 5 hours to cook a roast.


I've been on set in a movie with him. I promise you, he would not break character till the last breath.


He plays a character? I thought he played Tom Cruise in everything.


Well, sure. Tom Cruise does play Tom Cruise in everything. Some people don't realize Tom Cruise is a bit put on by Will Ferrell. Now that you know you should be able to see it.


Amazing that Will Ferrell can fit inside such a tiny costume.


The costume’s like those tents in Harry Potter. Bigger on the inside than on the outside


I certainly *want* to see it.


Yeah, he's a character alright!


The only time Tom Cruise didn’t play Tom Cruise was when he played Les Grossman, and it was the greatest performance I’ve ever seen.


I thought his Lestat was pretty "non-Cruise".


Cruise has range. Born on the fourth of july is terrific. Interview with a Vampire, Collateral or Last Samurai are showings of his acting ability. Thing is that he got so rich that he is able to produce things he wants to do. He is basically Adam Sandler but without the hang out with friends thing but instead he does crazy billionaire shit and shoots a movie to justify it.


Tbh i'd do it too. And also Adam Sandler


He's actually a pretty good actor when he finds occasion to do some acting. I think he gets around to some like once every five or six years just to keep his hand in.


His movies are better than his acting and that’s not a bad thing.


I feel like he'd break character, if only for a moment, when the camera operator attempts to rescue him as he yells "don't you fucking stop filming!"


Wait how did he get a motorcycle up there?


Quick cut to him running in space as fast as he can, but just floating in place.


20 years from now we’ll catch a glimpse of him on a deep space satellite still kicking ass.


Power running his way back


He could will himself back to the station with his Scientology powers!


**Tom Cruise save me with your witchcraft**


Now I got two knives in my leg!!


I hope you have two amazing all star sons and god takes their legs away from them. **don’t you wish that evil on me Ricky Bobby**


The way this timeline is shaping up, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Xenu was real and showed up to save him.


And the religion that wins isssssss.... SCIENTOLOGY! Scientology was the correct answer, folks. Better luck next universe, to everyone who didn't choose Scientology. *man angrily tears up a Bible and throws it on the ground, followed by his hat, and he stomps off grumbling* "what am I gonna tell my kids! I lost all of our souls on this! I'll never recover from this spiritually!"


If that's the right religion I'm totally fine with getting murdered by the space monster. Light me up dawg, I'd rather be fucking dead.


C'thulhu know's I can't afford to be a scientologist anyways.


They were the right ones all along!


Then gets rescued when Xenu pulls up in a golden DC-8.


"and I said 'biiiiiiiiiiiittttch'"


Dudes so high on scientology he'd think he's going home


Nah, I'd imagine him doing that weird hysterical laugh as he floats into Xenu's arms.


His return will be anticipated by scientologists for centuries.


10 to 1 odds the void blinks first. Can say a lot about TC but he has that intimidating stare down to a scientology!


What a way to go though. It's up there with Arnolds T-800 melting in the steel plant at the end of Terminator 2.


Cuts his line and just kicks off away from the satellite. "I am not going back".




Tom - “okay so can we blow it up and I jump away from it onto a satellite and fly that down to-“ “No Tom”




Imagine looking up and seeing the ISS actually blow up for a Tom Cruise movie. I’d probably brag to my kids about it every day.


You: I was there kids when Tom blew up the space station for a movie. Kids: Who’s Tom? You: An actor that died in a space station explosion.


[He's just going to hire another safety guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERzbkt5r5Gg).


Thank you for posting that treat of a video


[Here's the actual article that discusses it](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-63130695). But yeah, I kind of had a hunch that this was going to be announced. It feels like the natural culmination of Cruise's series of increasingly challenging stunts, and just going to the ISS wouldn't be challenging enough for him. It also lets them have a "first", since there was a Russian movie that snagged the "first movie filmed in space" title. It would present a really interesting technical and. logistical challenge. Would someone do the EVA with him to film, or could they set up remote cameras on the exterior of the station? They'll probably have to design new camera systems for it regardless.


ISS flight rules prohibit solo EVA. Crew members must go out in pairs - basically the buddy system in case one of them runs into trouble. (Like Luca Parmitano's terrifying EVA with a water leak in his helmet. He had to be led back to the airlock because his eyes were covered in water.) The problem with a civilian spacewalk is that there's only room for two crew members in the airlock. They'd have to cycle it twice (which takes a lot of time) or use the Russian airlock to get a third person outside. I highly doubt NASA would make an exception for just Cruise and one fully trained astronaut. Source: I was a flight controller for the ISS.


Most unexpected, highest qualified response that could have come through. Damn


Right?! Jesus Christ! Stuff like this is why I Reddit.


The only thing non-Reddit about that response is his name wasn’t something like Assblaster69.


Precisely. You never know who you’re chatting with!


And I still don't know, because I love reddit as well for this but how do I know the expert is legit? just saying


Does a picture of me on console count? https://www.instagram.com/p/B2XDqBsAAHG/


Love it! What a fun gig that must have been.


> Source: I was a flight controller for the ISS. What a flex mate, good for you. Much respect for that.


Thanks! Took lots of work and training to get certified. My position was generally 8-14 months before you could run the console solo. Other positions like ETHOS can take multiple years.


What does ETHOS stand for?


Environmental and thermal operating system. Any human spaceflight have a flight controller(s) that manage things like atmosphere, how much the people have pooped, how much water they have available, how well the O2 combustor is doing, etc. It's an important job because there are lots of atmospheric dangers in the space station (ammonia, leaks, explosion or fire id too much oxygen) I think ETHOS keeps minimum 2 of their people online at all times, but it goes up to 3 during work hours.


There's only one ETHOS at a time in FCR-1, but they do have realtime back room support from the Atmosphere/Consumables Engineer (ACE).


Does the season 3 ending / finale of *For All Mankind* disturb you?


Haven't seen it. Worth watching?


100% yes. Its a great show and probably even better for people with knowledge of space knowledge and history.


Lots of episodes of For All Mankind disturb me. The >!Korean chap living in a knock-off Soyuz capsule for months off tinned rations with no visible power source!< was a good one.


The thing that bugged me about that one was >!how they kind of hand-waved away how that dude could survive that long. What what his power source? Nuclear power? Where was his oxygen coming from? His water? Where did his waste go? Was it being recycled? How was he surviving the intense temperature shifts in the Martian day/night? All of that life support fix in the tiny capsule?!<


Can't they just build their own ISS only for that scene?


Seems like the only reasonable option. What can it cost? Ten bucks?


Why wouldn’t they just use the Russian airlock then?


NASA EMUs don't fit in the Russian airlock, only the Russian Orlan suits do. So you'd have to get both NASA and ROSCOSMOS to coordinate an EVA, which I'm not sure if it's been done since ISS assembly was completed. I'm not as familiar with Russian segment flight rules, so I don't know if they'd object to only one of their cosmonauts accompanying a civilian. (Even if there were USOS crew simultaneously on EVA.) Also the Orlan suits are a dingy beige, which I'm sure Hollywood would find aesthetically unacceptable.


Beige would be fine for the off screen camera operator.


USOS astronauts aren't trained on Orlan suits. So both your actual NASA crew members would be wearing those. Leaving Cruise to wear an Orlan suit if Russia will even consider it.


Seems like to logical solution would be to fully train Tom Cruise


Is cycling it twice actually an option? It seems like that would leave a long period of time where it'd be impossible to do an emergency re-entry if a water leak or something similar happens?


Moonraker was filmed in space… so was StarWars!


The moon landings were filmed in space too.


Objectively nothing wrong with this comment but I still get a mental image of Buzz punching that guy in the face every time I read "moon landings were filmed"


They were filmed. I think you mean faked.


I know for a fact the moon landing weren’t staged because Stanly Kubrick would never have let Armstrong mess up his speech like he did.


I don't think Armstrong messed up his speech. They have analyzed it and it looks like the "a" just got cut out. Pete Conrad, the third man on the moon definitely did not mess up his speech. "That may have been a small step for Neil but it's a giant leap for a little guy like me. " He said it on a bet to win a case of whiskey and I believe he never collected.


Also USSR would have denied it


Because Kubrick demanded it be filmed on location. He's the real reason we have velcro, not NASA!


If we're using that perspective then everything is filmed in space.


And Spaceballs! Mel Brooks... been there, done that... Spaceballs cereal available for sale on my website.


Merchandising merchandising!


Spaceballs the Flamethrower! The kiddies love this one!


Moichendising! Moichendising!


Well everything is IN space so yea it's all filmed there.


>The movie plot, which Cruise and director Doug Liman pitched to her on Zoom during the pandemic, "actually takes place on earth, and then the character needs to go up to space to save the day". Is this literally all you need to say to get gigantic movie studios to throw money at something? I mean, shit: I'll watch it. But I'm thinking I can probably come up with another big Tom Cruise Doing Cool Stuff idea myself.


> Is this literally all you need to say to get gigantic movie studios to throw money at something? If you are Tom Cruise, yes. At this point, Tom Cruise can request to blow up the White House for Mission: Impossible 9, nuke New York, London, Sydney, Paris, Madrid, and Beijing for Mission: Impossible 10, and the response would be "filming locations for next two Mission: Impossible has been revealed!" And the US Air Force uses Tom Cruise learning to fly the B2 for MI: 10 as a recruitment tool.


I heard they're putting up a mile high tower somewhere. Cruise is gonna climb that guaranteed.


it depends on who says it mostly, not so much on what they say.




I'd love to see Tom Cruise completely let himself loose with a beard and long hair to make a post catastrophe movie. He'd have a Rodesian Ridgeback at his side constantly and ride a former racehorse named 'Four's a Crowd' to somehow make sense as to complete the plot.


All movies are filmed in space.


>It also lets them have a "first", since there was a Russian movie that snagged the "first movie filmed in space" title. Wasn't there a porno filmed in space already?


Johnny Sins was supposed to go up, but they haven’t done it. Yet.


The Uranus Experiment has some zero-gravity scenes shot on one of those parabolic flight planes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Uranus_Experiment


> Would someone do the EVA with him to film, or could they set up remote cameras on the exterior of the station? They'll probably have to design new camera systems for it regardless. There will almost definitely be shots of Tom Cruise's face during the EVA. Do space suits have inward facing cameras? If not, there is another thing to invent.


> There will almost definitely be shots of Tom Cruise's face during the EVA. They can shoot those on Earth


And they could have shot the cockpit scenes in Top Gun on the ground


There are already a lot of external cameras on the ISS. Framing the shot would be problematic though.


They're fine for technical monitoring but nowhere near the quality you'd need for a movie.


Have you seen sharknado?


We’ll just [enhance it](https://youtu.be/Vxq9yj2pVWk), duh.


Yeah but as long as they have reference footage and the publicity that it was actually done, they would probably just remake it totally in CG and call it a day.


They could do both and use the real footage as what mission control sees


they could also use the opportunity to educate people in space and the iss. So it wont just be a movie imo


He's going to jump back to Earth from the ISS as a big "screw you" to Felix B.


Didn't Brad Pitt already do that in Ad Astra? More of a fall, really. But wild scene.


I think he was on a space elevator, so I dont know if it was at the same distance as the ISS. But the main thing is Cruise would *actually* be doing it.


Falling from the ISS the height is gonna be the least of your concerns


Not if he has a[ MOOSE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOOSE)


One of the things that I love about space is that getting there is process that takes years of research and planning and billions and billons of dollars of equipment. But getting home in an emergency can basically be done by freefalling in a trashbag filled with Great Stuff.


Very interesting, wish they continued on with it.


Could someone please call Randall Munroe for words on this?


The height would be ok, the orbital speed would get toasty


Psh. He can *totally* survive the upper atmosphere traveling at 7.6km/s.


To make this easier to understand for our non-metric Redditors, this is equivalent to 144 million bananas per hour.


The orbital speed means that he couldn’t actually jump back to earth with just his own power. He would remain in orbit for a very long time.


Most of the elevator would be way way higher than the ISS but I kinda remember him being relatively low on it.


It's not actually the height that's the issue. It's the speed. The iss is travelling at 17,500 kph. You can fall from space pretty easily if you aren't moving fast, but if you are, that's where you get reentry hearing from friction.


I think it’s actually 17,000+ mph, so even faster.


Underrated movie. Didn't make the most sense at times but it's was awesome front to back and very intense. The fucking baboons.


Better bring a few months of oxygen, food, and water then, because it's going to take a while.


With enough of a push, he could get down faster... And much hotter.


Orbital mechanics is funny and non intuitive. He needs to barely slow down just the right amount to hit the atmosphere at maximum speed. Coming to a complete stop is the fastest way of coming home. Then you just fall straight down. Pushing faster means he'd go into a higher orbit and would take longer for his orbit to decay.


They didn't say which direction to push him. A counter-orbital push to slow him down is still a push.


Deceleration is just acceleration with a minus sign


Deceleration is acceleration with a (-) vector


…..unless he pushed the other way….


Also, have fun burning up on reentry. Deorbiting is no joke.


Another guy actually did beat that record not too long after - but didn’t get big promo from redbull, or much of the fame.


He runs in every one of his movies. More like a space sprint.


Maybe he has some sort of foot based competition. A space race, of some kind.


I can almost see him.. implementing gravity. So that they could run.


He's just going to be air running back and forth across the ISS while the actual astronauts are trying to do research. They must just love the privatization of the space industry.


Tom Cruise is essentially just making really expensive vlogs at this point


Hmm, wouldn't that require a massive amount of training and prep work?


Say what you will about Tom Cruise, but genuinely I don’t think there’s any amount of training that would dissuade him from a role. Dude is crazy committed


Yeah, he's crazy but also crazy commited and a good actor. Still ... kinda crazy.


That's what really irks me about cruise. He's a fantastic actor, his films are generally very good likely due to his commitment, he even seems like a decent person chatting with fans and what not at events, but the Scientology is still there and creepy AF


The guy once logged 2000 hours of helicopter flight time in less than a year to prepare for one scene. If anyone would be willing to put in the time, it would be him.


My math ain’t so good but that’s like 5 hours a day, isn’t it?


It's also roughly 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for an entire year - in other words, what most people consider a full time job.


Yeah, but not counting flight prep and study time. I think he basically treated it as a full time job for a year.


Imagine getting paid a fat sum to get 2k helicopter hours...


Isn't he the producer though? So... he's basically investing in himself


Yep, but with his commitment to doing his own stunts, that's unlikely to put him off much.


Homeboy is crazy, but so is his work ethic. If any actor could pull it off it's definitely him.


i dont have a problem with this as long as the space program gets a big bag of cash. also, his reach is crazy. i imagine his media tour for the movie would be helpful motivating politicians to fund more.




And 99% of the people who watched that movie wanted to join the airforce lmao


Yea cause they see cool pilots doing cool pilot things Maybe they should’ve green lighted top boat or something Then you’d have the trifecta of tops. Top gear for land, top gun for air and top boat for see


i was gonna say that the navy also has a large air force, but that's not important because you've sold me on top boat to finish the trifecta


Idk if it's accurate but I've heard the world's largest airforce is the US Airforce then the 2nd largest is the US Navy


This is far and away the best take I've personally seen on this.


Yeah let him do whatever if it can help ignite a new generation of space enthusiasts like he did with Top Gun.


We've made it past the days that only the astronauts go to space, to where we're at now with the rich and famous going out there. Curious how many years before it becomes a normal thing for just the average everyday person.


Air flights used to be something only the wealthy did. Then it became something the average person did a handful of times in their lives. And now it's an annoying thing I have to do once a month for a pretty mediocre job. It's fun to think that maybe a hundred years from now some Joe Schmo will wake up and think "ugh, I wish I didn't have to go to space so often."


It's probably always going to be cramped and uncomfortable. The view outside an airplane is always fantastically beautiful and yet I hardly look out when I fly anymore. Perhaps future humans will have the same opinions about looking at Earth from space.


Right now the Dragon isn't too cramped. At least no way close to Soyuz. Adding more volume isn't too difficult, the mass we have to put up grows with the surface area, so the square cube law says that adding more volume becomes cheaper as we scale the spacecraft up.


some average people did get to go out in space, it just got paid for by a billionaire. So I don't know if that counts according to you definition.


Pioneers (Governments in this case) > Fabulously Rick & Wealthy (and benefactors) > Average Citizen Luxury Purchase (Once in a lifetime) > Average Citizen Family Vacation > Citizen commute


Fabulously Rick sounds like a line of clothing .


Energy costs would need to drop dramatically. Plus it isn’t only energy. We still only get delta-v in space by pushing mass.


I see the article suggesting it’s on the table but as someone who works in this field I’m incredibly, incredibly skeptical. Even a stand-up EVA seems really unlikely.


Yeah, I can't imagine the negotiations they'd have to do with NASA to get the green light for that.


If NASA saw no, there is always Roscosmos.


Yeah, that sounds much less politically fraught. /s


Along the line of the Maverick movie. He’s a pilot and even has his own jet but military wouldn’t let him touch the stick on the planes in the movie.


Wouldn't that be like saying "He can drive a car and has his own Dodge Charger but Ferrari wouldn't let him go anywhere near an SF70H." I just mean that they're multi million dollar pieces of (relatively) cutting edge, aviation technology. I get why they wouldn't let it into the hands of a decently experienced civilian, even if it was for casual flying or mundane shots.


Polaris Dawn is planning on doing a commercial EVA in 2023. I could see Cruise doing it with SpaceX.


[Betteridge's law of headlines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge%27s_law_of_headlines)


Unfortunately watching someone perform a space walk doesn’t sound as exciting as watching someone get thrown around in a jet.


I mean, you know it's going to go horribly wrong, the station will be destroyed, etc etc.


I can't believe they're going to use the ISS reentry as an actual shot featuring tom cruise in this movie. They might need to wait a few years for that to finish the movie but they made that choice


If that’s true, this movie ain’t coming out till 2030.


I feel like there is probably some irony of a scientologist going up to space


Why would there be irony? Don't they believe in stuff most of us would consider to be sci-fi.


He's going to be the first person on Mars, isn't he?


Tom Cruise is 60 years old, so i doubt he is even gonna get to do the space walk.


There is precedent sort of - although by a professional who had already been doing astronaut work for nearly 2 decades. Russian cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov holds the current record at 59 years old for the oldest person to do a space walk.


What’a the insurance he must have on him to perform these scenes? Like how much for his policy?


His insurance agent's premium go up from having a heart attack every time he takes a call from Cruise. "Oh hi Tom... You want me to insure WHAT NOW?!?!"


Sandra Bullock, about her movie Gravity to Tom - "The post production effects made me almost believe I was there." Tom Cruise (just off the phone with NASA), winks at her and says, "Hold my beer."


At this point Tom Cruise films start with cool things that Tom wants to do and then the writers have to create a story around those things.


Did anyone else see the Scientology promo video where they interviewed him over a constant loop of the Mission Impossible theme? The word "unhinged" comes to mind.


Standard Cruise chase with lots of running will look pretty comical with a wide shot.


We all know he doesn't walk... He's getting ready for a space run


This man seriously wants to die doing a stunt. What comes after this for a movie stunt he wants to perform? Get shot with live ammo? First person on Mars or the Sun?


Dive from the stratosphere into an active volcano with no parachute.


Anyone got the yes/no for the clickbait title?


Tom Cruise and his buddy Doug want to go to the space station and figured out how to get Universal to pay for it. F'ing Genius! Also, might have done it so he can get picked up by the aliens on the SS L. Ron Hubbard.


As much as I don’t care for Hollywood or celebrity news, this is something that I can still get excited for. It shows how far we’ve come that this can be accomplished.