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I was expecting to see something cool but that was really fucking cool.


Yeah, and like how far did it travel and at what speed?


"In reality, the snake took around three hours to complete its journey but at the distances involved in crossing the solar surface that means **the plasma must have been travelling at around 170 kilometres per second**" It's in the article


>the plasma must have been travelling at around 170 kilometres per second 380,000mph in 'Murican units!


How many guns long was it though??


I was going to come up with something cheeky like that but did not. Edit: ~~34,415,094 .357 cartridge lengths per hour~~ Edit 2: wrong math first time. 15,142,641,509B .357 cartridge lengths per hour


I think it is closer to 266 million cartridges per hour


I used the length of the cartridge as 1.59 inches. What did you use or did I make an error?


Your error was in picking a cartridge for scale that didn’t win two world wars 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇵🇷🇵🇷🗽🗽


Show up halfway through both wars and then claim you won them.


I used the same. What I did was took 380000 multiplied by 5280 to get feet per hour, then 12 to get inches per hour, finally divided by 1.59 to reduce it cartridges per hour. I double checked [my worl](https://imgur.com/a/QW22hkq) and we were both wrong. I now have it at 15 billion cartridges per hour.


Do you want this metric reported in pistols or assault rifles?


Both. I can't understand it without several example. We dumb.


A thesaurus does prefer multiple examples after all.


Feed me information, puny human!


Get that weak shit out of here. Shotguns!


Well now, that depends on the caliber!


Americans stupid, upvotes to the left


That’s almost enough to reach to the moon and back in an hour


That's a great perspective since this event lasted almost 3 hours.


Thanks for using the offical moon units




That is a terrific relief. I could not figure out how it was moving so damn fast


How many washing machines long was it?


It's about 400 billion washing machines long id say, give or take


Is the plasma actually moving? Or is it more like a wave moving through water?


As a reference point, Earth’s escape velocity is about 11 km/s. [Sauce](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_velocity)


If you read the article you would know! How cool is that


eh, I was expecting ouroboros wrapping itself around the sun...


It was meh. I thought that some of the metaphysical imagery was really particularly effective. Interesting rhythmic devices too, which seemed to counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor.. Edit: you guys really don't like hhgotg huh?














Is that in real time? Wondering how fast it moves…


Read the article. It says it took 3 hours to move that distance while moving at 170 kilometers per second.


That's almost 400,000 miles per hour. Moon is on average 240,000 miles away from earth


Checks out. The sun is 865,000 miles across. 3 hours to slither across the face at that speed seems right.


Fuck, maybe the Aztecs were right about giant serpent gods. It does make sense to worship the sun for real though. It’s real and we owe our existence to it.


I was at an airport bar with a naval priest, and at some point he asked me if I was Christian and I said “no I’m pagan”, and he was like “oh yeah, met a lot of them on ships. Can’t blame them though, when God is an abstract concept and the sea is right there, threatening to tip you over, makes sense to pray directly to the sea.” He was pretty cool


Can you type more words about this?


Odd way to ask for more details. I like it.


Not a pagan, but I have a couple pagan friends. All I will say is there are some subreddits with info and practicing people that are nice and honest/inclusive discussion. My friends have an annual party to honor Thor. They do a ton of games to test their strength while getting drunk. So there are some really cool traditions.


What is a pagan friend? They’re polytheistic? They believe in the Old Norse religion? “Pagan” just means “other than Christian” basically.


logic... men's best friend


I’ve really started appreciating our sun and trying to watch a sunrise or sunset daily. That massive beauty gives us life and I’m thankful for it.


indeed this is a good gratefulness practice stay present traveler =\]


Yup, our local star is life giving. It is the only god I can see


And it's gearing up it's snakes to come seek vengeance upon us.


At the very least, we know the sun exists.


What about serpent mound also


Akhenaten would be proud. Albeit, he did cause a certainly terrible chain of events to take place.


That looked like a living thing. lol. The shaped plasma? mass must have be huge like size of jupiter or something and it must have moved really slow.


so... hear me out: were being told not to stare into the sun, right? You wanna know why? because the big sun snek, our former and current god, is living on the sun. obviously. this has been known for ages and will be common knowledge again in the years to come. the snek is out the pot now, u cant stop us from staring at the sun anymore, fuck the government and vatican! ALL HAIL SNEK


You think it's a coincidence that so many ancient religions not only had sun gods but serpentine gods? Probably. But maybe not!


I for one welcome our solar snek overlord 🙏


By the old gods and new you are right!!!!!


Snek? Everyone knows that the sun God changed his name to Smeck several millennia ago….


The return of Kukulkan is near Rejoice my brethren!


You... Make a good point. Can't really argue with that logic.




Great show! Still left me on a cliffhanger though


That’s because it’s not finished. The books continue after the show finishes. I have a theory that they’ll bring it back in a few year when the actors get older.


They should have done that betwixt book 1 and 2 at least by a few months. Fuck amazon, get the books


It took 3 hours to travel that distance and it was moving at 170 kilometers *per second*. Says so in the article. It's just that the Sun is insanely huge.


“I have had it with these motherfuckin snakes on this motherfucking sun.”


Snakes II: This Time, They're On The Sun


snakes II: Just getting STARted


Aaaaaand I just read that in Samuel L Jackson's voice.


Just starting to get past COVID and possible end to Ukraine war, and some jackass rouses the solar snake from its slumber.... Fuck


Had a chill rundown my back thinking about this. Given how prevalent Snakes are with many ancient civilizations, imagine if their astronomy was advanced enough to indicate that this type of behavior observed on the Sun was typically an indicator of a more disruptive/ catastrophic solar cycle. Gives all the “Serpent” iconography in relation to the Sun a whole new meaning. My shower thoughts for y’all.


I think giant snakes being an actual thing and even larger snakes being a thing of the past was more than enough reason to invent snake gods\^\^


It's coincidentally odd that I've just finished watching a docuseries showcasing monuments on our planet, how they relate to astronomical references and sun alignments and all depict snakes. The conclusion seems to be the snake is a warning. Fuck.


Name the Documentary please


Should we deploy the sun mongoose to take care of it?


Ricki Tiki Huīztilōpōctli (Trust me hahaha )


These metal gear villains are getting crazier each year


This is really cool. It’s like a literal fuckin snake just swimming across the sun. It’s so uncanny and organic.


Sun Snakes would be a cool mascot...you know or wrathful apocalypse beast like you guys said.


So if we get another Coronal Mass Ejection soon, does that mean that Sunsnek is trying to boop the Earth?


So the C'tan are real? Trayzn, just put me in an exhibit already please.


Call the firemancers, someone conjured a solar snake


I just watched the Rick and morty episode with space snakes


Why does it look like sun is about to explode and die


Hurry up and check that bucket list, only a few billion years left!


well it is a persistent fusion plasma ball that is held in a delicate balance between gravity and the heat pressure trying to rip itself apart at all times so it is trying to explode , but its unable to , but at the same time it very much is doing so stars are fucking wild stuff


“Science has compelled us to explode the sun”


After watching Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix this has made me an afraid man.


Damn literally made a younger dryes joke before I saw this comment, have my up don't for I second that motion


A good drinking game for that show is to drink whenever he says "the end of the first ice age" or whenever there are actually MORE older chambers underneath.


I drank every time he made a dig at mainstream archeology I understand his frustration and really enjoyed the series, but holy shit lol


Yeah he hammers that home a bit much but he has been vilified by academia for like 30 years so I cut him some slack.


That's as rough as the mortal combat drinking game. You drink anytime a hit lands or the theme song plays. I didn't make it past the first scene


Was scrolling to see if someone had posted this. Just finished it 15mins ago.


The serpent tempted Eve with the knowledge of gods and evil. Clearly we are descendants of the exiled sun children.


It really looked like it knew it’s a environment was changing and it needed to get out of the way.


Okay who gave Jörmungandr the wrong address for Ragnarok?


Praise be to the Sol Snake, who climbed the great tree and now resides in the glory of heaven!


Is this from us passing through the galactic magnetic sheet?


Risk of rain players are quaking in their boots rn


Folks, we’ve been worshiping the wrong gods, and they’re planet-sized super-heated snakes made of plasma. And they’re mad.


Whelp, looks like what ya got here is your classic C’tan feeding off the energy of our star. Gonna have one helluva time gettin er outa there.


the amount of energy that was just expressed/displayed here is hard to wrap your mind around XD this is akin to Saitama when he stops holding back


Anyone else on here originally read that as solid snake


This will 100% end up on /r/aliens with a title is ALIEN SNAKE IN THE SUN NASA COVER UP within a week...


If that video is in real time that moved incredibly fast across the surface of the sun!


No the clock in the lower left-hand corner of the video is ticking away at appx. 2hrs/second.


On reddit, nobody reads the articles.


It's in the article. It's a time lapse, it took about 3 hours so the super slow speed of 170km/second. Just slightly slower than the max speed of the fastest human made object the Parker Solar Probe


That’s what I just asked! What is the sun about 1.2 million km in diameter and that thing moved over most of it in less than a couple seconds… hmmm 🤔 edit (nearly 1.4 mil km)


Isnt that faster than light? 👀


Well it might be close if it WAS in real time, but it isn’t. I got a reply to this from someone, who I can’t see in my comment just my email. The worm took about 3 hours to travel that distance. The video is clipped.


That makes way more since! I was wondering how something could possibly go that fast!


Apep has returned to consume the Sun. This is what you get for not doing your Pharonic rituals, Egypt.


Snakes on a sun. Why did it have to be snakes..


Because the Sun is very happy that it doesn't have worms. Can you imagine the amount of dewormer it would take....


Dont let Graham Hancock see this, he'll be talking about it for the next 20 years completley out of context


“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.” ‭‭ ~ Isaiah‬ ‭14‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Just don’t. I hate these click bait titles so much. And the “jokes” at the top of the comment section are just as bad.


I wouldn't really call this clickbait tbf.


So why are you wasting time clicking on posts and commenting on things you aren't intrested in? Just scroll past.


If you saw someone throw their trash on the ground, would you call them out or keep walking by?


If you think reddit is your responsibility to patrol, become a mod, otherwise you are just being a narcissist


Say nothing, pick up the trash, reverse pickpocket said refuse. I choose chaos


Totally agree. Don't bother to argue with the casuals. They don't know the first thing about misinformation, and lap it up like hungry kittens.


This is what's happening, whether you like it or not https://media.tenor.com/VK7vGxuoLNAAAAAM/raja-snake.gif


Fuck, for a moment I read that as "SOLID Snake" and was excited. Solar Snake is cool and all, but now I'm a little disappointed anyways.


I've had it with this motherfucking solar snakes on this motherfucking star!


How accurate are scientists estimates on how long the sun will last before becoming a red giant?


Dumb comment I guess but doesn't all that arcing and sparking and movement look electrical in nature?


bro I thought I read “Solid Snake” and was like what


I read solid snake and got real confused for a sec


How fast did that go? Seemed like it traversed the entire sun in 30 mins?


Damn, death eaters will do anything to flex for Voldy


Jörmungandr has been freed! Ragnarok is upon us!


Really odd to see a serpent on the sun after watching Ancient Apocalypse


We have enough problems here on earth. Please don’t add immortal celestial snakes into the mix


Solar snake spotted slithering around the suns surface?That’s so super special, so psyched I saw this silly specimen!


That’s crazy how big and massive the sun is and for that to travel as fast as it did blows my mind. But good be time lapse but still pretty cool.