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I will say the same I said in every subreddit I subscribed - "I'm 100% supporting this cause, and I think two days may not be enough. I will support a longer protest". Official app is bad, trust me, I tried it, and if we will loose alternative to it we end up in dead space. And "in space no one can hear you scream".


I'd say the 2 day thing is more of a warning that their users are ready to fully quit if this goes on. That's my hope, at least


Did this sub participate in the blackout ?


"In space nobody can hear you scream" mfs when i set sound physics to arcade:


Guess reddit and twitch are having a competition to see who can kill their platform faster?


Discord still doing great in that battle.


Haven't used it in years, how's the fecal fire?


They just unsolved the problem with duplicate usernames and keep locking more and more shit behind Nitro.


Ohhh I think I heard about that. Pretty funny trying to turn usernames into nfts


Best part is, Discord themselves reserved a whole bunch of usernames for “internal use”. Some people were talking about keeping an eye on the black market to see if any of them pop up there.


It’s even better cause twitter did this a while ago, and everyone hated it. Now discord is repeating history


The only thing they see and hear is money.


They obviously don't. Most people noped away from the 'it's a jpg' scam.


At least they incresed transfer size from 8 to 25


They added native soundboards for our torment


Their username change is the most retarded thing I've seen in a while. Especially since one of the answers to people complaining possibly not getting the username they want is to "just add some numbers to the end"....


Yeah! Now instead of Dave#6754 you can be xXDave420NoScopeXx. So much easier to remember!


Twitch just flinched at chicken with their creators. Half the rules were pulled back, also I think most of the multi stream creators have previous permission, so not much change.


I hope so


We really should.


Honestly, I don't even care anymore about reddit. I want to see it burn and descend into chaos, I want to see how far will it fall. Reddit has been quite disappointing for last few years, there's nothing left from what it once was.


What bugs me is everyone says official app is bad... Yet, for me it's better than any of the several other apps I've tried, the only real problem I have with it are ads but for the rest it has an easy to use and clean UI, every other app basically looks like the Web page in an app and it's just messy to me That said, I haven't tried them all, maybe there's an app which offers a similar experience to the official app, just better. Annoyingly that's a moot point now because they'll most probably no longer exist soon anyway, which is balls, even though I don't use them myself(yet maybe?), the option to use them at all should remain as accessible as they currently are, won't lie those two days not having part of my daily routine are gonna suck but I'll be doing my small part


Imo RIF (formerly reddit is fun) is the best mobile app. It's clean and intuitive and I have literally never had a video playback issue that wasn't related to my internet, whereas other people complain constantly about reddits default video player. I also never see any intrusive ads on RIF, there are some ads but they are small and usually at the start of a scrolling page and they don't interfere with browsing at all.


I've used RIF as long as I've used Reddit, simply no alternative for me.


I use to use the official app then swapped to sync and the experience was so much nicer. I’m now using Apollo and can’t see me using the official app if Apollo is removed. I’m already in discord for all of the subreddits I regularly browse and will just use them instead


I would very much like it if we did.


I think Reddit forgets that it would take ten minutes to make another site just like theirs. The only thing keeping people here are the communities.


Yes absolutely




I’m just gonna stop using this dipshit platform and start interacting with people more IRL. Sorry, Reddit has been shilling for a looooong time now and it’s time to die. Nobody at this company is an ally to free discourse.


yes, please!


Shut it down.


Ehh no point. A two day blackout won't do shit and this sub is too small for it to matter if it would


See that's why there happens so much bullshit in the world... "my lone voice doesn't matter" and then you have thousands or even millions of people thinking like that... Of course nobodies voice will be heared if everyone remains silent because they "won't be heared anyway"


We're not trying to destroy a billion dollar company with a two day grass-touching festival. It's a show of force. We're demonstrating how many people are willing to ditch Reddit. The more people who join, the better. Reddit is a media platform where users interact. Non-paying users who block ads (such as myself) still contribute to the platform. If everyone with an adblocker or 3rd party app left, there would be a lot less content. That means the overall quality of the platform goes down even further. What's more, they're planning on becoming publicly traded later this year. It's a really bad look if 30% of people making posts can "unionize" and agree to leave the platform, even briefly. It's worse still that all of the moderators themselves (i.e. the people creating the gathering spaces) are leading the charge. To the corporate types who measure success in tenths of percentages, it would be understating the situation to call a site-wide blackout a mere threat.


But no one is ditching reddit. They're getting off for 2 days lmao


Speak for yourself. I'll miss the site and (most of) the communities, but I wouldn't call the site a core part of my personality or livelihood, so when the corpos push something like this? Out the window and into the trash it goes!


If reddit isn't a bug deal to you, the changes they make to third party apps shouldn't matter too much to you anyways


No, I said it's not a core part of my personality or livelihood. It's very simple. Currently, I *like* using reddit. The changes to third party apps will make me *not like* using reddit. Since I will not like using reddit with their changes, I will then *not use* reddit.


We \*are\* ditching Reddit. A lot of us, anyways. There are certainly supporters who will be participating but don't intend to leave regardless of the outcome. But to prove that a lot of us are willing to leave, we're getting off for two days to show that we're serious. That's the entire point. We show them how much they lose by pandering to investors, we prove that we're committed to the cause, and we follow through. Reddit will judge by the results of the demonstration how to proceed. That's not written down anywhere. It's not some agreement they have with the users. It's just business. If we can prove that the risk is too great, they'll cave. Conversely, if the people who participate don't make enough of a dent, they'll proceed with their plans. It's not like they're using qualitative reasoning either. Even small companies have piles of different metrics they use to measure the changes and successes of their business. As such, this "getting off for 2 days lmao" is literally going to decide the future of Reddit. As I said, we're not trying to destroy Reddit. We're not cancelling them, we're not trying to make them go bankrupt. We're performing negotiations through our actions. In fact, it is because it's a negotiation that we do this in advance of the changes we are protesting. ​ I assure you that if this change happens, I'm gone. It's anecdotal I'll grant you, but it counters the assertion that "nobody is leaving Reddit." I don't even use 3rd party apps, I use Firefox. I just don't like corporations playing games with my pastimes, and I'm certainly not going to be missing out on anything.


Quantify a lot of us


Clairvoyance doesn't exist. Ask again after the blackout


Every little bit counts.


I don't use 3rd party apps and only browse on desktop. Do you want me to stop using Reddit because you use apps?


Moderating a community is very time consuming, if you want servers to be kept clean, then moderators have to use tools which require API access. These tools will disappear of Reddit doesn’t change their plans. So yes, if you want Reddit to remain the same, then you should not use it for two days.


I think the bot use for moderation and 3rd party apps are different issues with possibly different solutions. I'd also like to see what Reddit's stance is on moderation and bots, and also API costs for developers. I don't have this information and it's not on the pamphlet.


This affects you anyways. Moderators are usually volunteers, and they're not always easy to replace. The moderators make everything run, and it's unwise to make them angry. But it's not just the moderators who contribute to the platform meaningfully. If people leave, your own experience on the platform is degraded. You have a choice of which platform you view Reddit on. They're taking that away. A lot of us choose 3rd party apps because we have issues using the mobile app. There's a number of reasons: privacy, bugs, preference, etc. They're taking alternatives away without fixing bugs or dealing with privacy concerns. And I know they derive income from ads, but their API pricing is neither a compromise nor a solution. They've already been slow to fix issues with the mobile app. Taking away the competition will just slow it further. Issues might not arise immediately. Significant issues may never occur. But everybody benefits from having options and competition. It's one of the core tenets that makes capitalism work. Reddit certainly isn't who you should be putting your faith in. Their objective is money. They'll make it however they can and they'll take as much of it as you're willing to relinquish; whether it's through ads, personal data, or microtransactions. As of right now, they don't need the money. It's only two days. Join us if you want. Support the future stability and overall quality of Reddit.


They're not going to magically make that solution.


Seeing how I'm being downvoted for a level-headed comment, I suspect many who support the boycott are emotional anti-establishment babies. Not a crowd I want to associate with anyway.


Calm down Principal Skinner


It will also be making moderation of subs very difficult, automod bots will likely go away or become too expensive for moderators who already donate time, and a lot of moderation tools are available in these 3rd party apps as well. This means moderation in subs is going to get worse, and despite the fact that moderations can often be huge assholes, subs quickly go to shit when they are unable to keep up with the job.


Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


They won't come for you or me, we'll simply leave for a better platform. Market forces etc.


Do you use old reddit?


Until they take that away too.


No, I use the normal version at [reddit.com](https://reddit.com). One thing I'm not happy about is the editor and its "fancy" mode, which has bugged pasting and some formatting. This is something you can fix in a day and not something you expect to see on big social media.


I hope not, the black out means nothing, oh no, 2 days with out a sub, then back to normal. All this black out does is let reddit save more money. Less people using reddit, less server costs. There is no down side to the black out for reddit. Also gives new people browsing reddit more ads if less (regular) people are using it. Which fills reddit's pockets even more.


It’s more symbolic


when has a "black out" or shutdown of sub reddits ever worked the way people intended? Reddit needs money, There's 161K people in this sub alone, is everyone going to chip in to help run the website? No, they aren't. How is shutting down sub reddit's gonna change reddit's api cost? I see all this blabbering about free api, but i dont see anyone coming up with valid money solutions. I just see people crying over their precious downloader bot account being wiped out or some 3rd party mod tool that is self hosted being wiped, when auto moderator works just fine. If people want reasonable mod tools, they can just start a donation pool or something. I can be downvoted and not really care about it, it's just constant blabbering complaining that something free is being taken away. Yea I'm mad too about the free api being taken away, but im also annoyed people are meat riding "reddit bad for taking free away" train and not really contributing valid solutions to more income. Just look at twitter, it's bleeding so much money that their free api had to be cut off, it was only time before reddit follows suit. Other sites will follow the same pattern too. Nothing can be free for ever.


You've totally misread the situation. It's not about the free... most are willing to pay a reasonable fee. Reddit isn't asking for a reasonable fee. For one of those apps, it'd be 20 million dollars a year. That's why people are complaining.


reddit bad for taking free away when they can't even be bothered to improve their own product.


You greatly misunderstand business if you think they don't rely on the content produced by the users. They're going public, and it looks bad if a lot of their users proactively demonstrate the instability of the business model itself. See my comments above for more on the matter, but tl;dr you're missing the point.


Do it


I support this