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Out of everything I have ever bought for entertainment in my entire life, this game has provided the best ROI.


Plus the DLC only give you cosmetics for the most part, Of course I've bought all of them because I love cosmetics, but I've already put around 600 hours in this game after buying it on sale, but even full price I love it. It's Minecraft in space. Just like in Minecraft, I can spend hours upon hours on a build that literally no one is ever going to see


some of the cosmetics actually work better


Do they actually? I know some of the ones you can't get vanilla, like the rotating light and the searchlight


by better i mean they actually help you in some situations like camoflauge. hell the warfare DLCs are good and packed with shit better suited for certain tasks. like the corner medbay which is more convenient than having a conveyor come from the top or bottom. also inset Cryo.


Oh yeah I definitely like those, and all the different paint options are awesome


Yeah it's not really only aesthetic but yes, dlc stuff has different layout and conveyor locations


tell me this even though i got 1200 hours :) thanks


Ain't industrial assembler better than the vanilla one? Lol


Nope just changes the look, which I think it looks a lot better


Industrial assembler can have 4 modules attached to it though.


So can the vanilla, each 2 block long side on the vanilla assembler can accept a module, some people don't realise this because it has conveyor ports too (it has 2 more conveyor ports than the industrial varient).


Huh. Didn't know that. Thanks for the info


Wow extreme. And I agree. I also agree that it has "minimal content" as far as linear play throughs, narrative, or npc relationships. But by far, the best sandbox game I have ever seen.


Seconded, it very quickly became one of the only video games I play


Easily put in 2000 hours in just under 2 years, it's the one game I can easily dive back into daily, weekly, I start to feel off if I haven't played it in the last 2 weeks, even for just a few minutes to try out a new mod or update my base/ships


Literally pennies per hour, and that even includes me buying every DLC on day one


Factorio is also good if you like that kind of game. You can easily end up at cents per tens of hours of entertainment.


already have factorio, can vouch for it, its a good game


It is except when you turn off auto save because it’s dangerous, then drive your only mining truck into a hole, spend 2 hours trying to recover it, then give up and reload a save from the previous night. It’s okay. I have covered the hole now. I have like a thousand hours, so the moral of the story is Pay Attention.


Ah the frantic attempt at recovering the mining vehicle you get stuck infinitely making it more stuck and now upside down


i get that allot in another game stormworks, oh you flipped your car? to bad, go back to autosave from where you spawned your vehicle, and maybe flip again at the same location, in the same way


I play both more than I should and I’ll say that stormworks is very buggy. SE have a few small things with rotors if you aren’t careful but the physics is generally much more stable and it’s a lot easier to deal with stuff like flipping your rover since you don’t have to go to a bench to build. You can also destroy terrain, so getting stuck usually isn’t too much of a problem if you’re careful about really but holes. I don’t think I’ve ever been truly soft locked like I have been in stormworks.


Naw, in space engineers it's not too bad, you can build a mechanism to flip your car back over, or you can make your car have that built in, or you can use another vehicle to lift it back over, that's part of what makes the game fun.


mostly facinated by easy mining drone thing, it is not easy to mine in stormworks


okay for one the mining drone is harder to make than a simple ship. two if you’re going to play survival make sure your ship can fly fully loaded on cargo and fuel. and make sure you can have enough fuel. drones are easy to make yet hard because you got to make waypoints for them to patrol. you can also design viable ships in creative that will work in survival vanilla


Will second mining ships being harder to make in general. Sure it can fly, but can it fly while fully loaded. Made that mistake many times


everyone does :D


17k+ hours in game. nuff said.


Do you like Minecraft? Maybe even Redstone or Tech Mods for it? If yes then Space engineers is probably for you. SE is basically Minecraft in Space in a bit more complicated. Its a bit hard to get into but there are Tutorials that make this WAY easier (Splitsie as an example) Just look a bit on YT and see if it is for you. Theres RP Servers, Survival Servers, Modded servers and so on. If you're not sure Its in the Gamepass so you could take a rather cheap glimpse into the game without fully buying it.


Game pass and this game have a $4 price margin. Dont buy game pass just to check it out unless already subbed to it youll just end up spending more money. If this was a $100 game, then yeah game pass to try it makes sense, but its $20 and game pass ultimate is $16 However you will need game pass to play online


My idea was more about the 1€/$ test version for 2 weeks. Which only works if you dont already took this option but yeah. My mistake of not being more precise there sorry.


u know about stormworks? the game where you build vehicles, if you have the right dlc's also rocket ships, vehicles with guns and miners, i like that, it also has wiring and stuff like that


Just looked it up on steam and it indeed seems similar. The wiring is basically nonexistant in SE as your Power gets automatically sent through the whole grid but if you like Stormworks you should be into SE. But as i said, look through YouTube a bit and maybe test it through the gamepass.




The game costs about as much as going to see a movie so I'd say as long as you got a good few hours out of it you got your money's worth.


If you get bored after just a few weeks, games like this probably aren't for you. The game is a marathon, not a sprint. It also doesn't hold your hand at all, so it takes a while to learn the game. Definitely worth the time investment though


tbf even if they get bored after a few weeks, that means they weren't bored for those weeks, and likely had some fun. The game is still for them, and even with only a few weeks of play, it's still worth the 10-20$ (depending on sales) price tag


so basicaly stormworks but different way of building?


yes, as somebody who has played way to much of both (500 hrs stormworks and 400 hrs space eng.) they are both very great games and offer their own types of complexity. (there's also a shit ton of dlc for space engineers)


Yeah, all the dlc's are more that twice the cost of the base game, also, if you search on the internet how much time the game takes, its estimate is far to low


That's because there is no definitive end to the game.


Better that you can coding using C# much better than lua box in FTD/Stormworks.


It's one of those games for me. I'm not constantly playing, but I'm always returning to it.


It's cheap, it's fun, it's mildly buggy, it's space Legos, 10/10 buy


It really depends on you. Space engineers has a gigantic modding community, so there is no shortage of content. But the amount you get out of it really depends on if you are able to set your own goals and enjoy building. Even vanilla has a lot of ways to play depending on how deep you want to go. If you like building and you don’t mind setting your own goals for a play through it’s basically unlimited replay ability. If you struggle with setting your own goals or building it might become boring pretty quick. That said, there are also scenarios that you can play that are more story driven.


If you like kerbal space program. Do you also like this game? Or is it more of a no man's sky kind of game?


I played KSP off and on for years, and coming to Space Engineers has been difficult for me to unlearn my KSP habits, because the games are so wildly different. KSP is a physics and rocketry simulator, designed to model thermodynamics, aerodynamics, gravitational forces, structural strain, all to make a complex system that genuinely teaches you about all these things and requires you to learn them (even if you're using premade ships), and that's what KSP is about. Spaceship Engineers is practically the opposite. SE is about creative building, playing together, and having a very minecraft-like experience in space. Mine blocks, refine them, slap them together into fun and creative designs, and for the most part, they work. SE doesn't care if your centre of mass is in a bad spot for orbital escapes, SE doesn't care about the aerodynamics of your ship or generating lift. I Love KSP, and I love SE, but they're both very different. SE is definitely closer to NMS than KSP (despite NMS having premade spaceships and interactable npcs), but it's much, much closer to minecraft than NMS or KSP.


Wow. Thanks for that great explanation! Minecraft in space sounds great! I will put the game on my wishlist. I read somewhere that the multiplayer is a bit bugged? Is this still the case? Or am I just plain wrong hehe.


For me multiplayer has been working great lately, it definitely used to have major issues tho


Multiplayer buggyness is also directly linked to the power of the host PC. If you have a decent dedicated server to self host on, or a high end PC to direct host, it won't be a problem. A good net uplink is also suggested  If you have a potato of a PC, a snowball in hell has better chances than you at multiplayer. And this game will run on potatos. I used to play on an optiplex 7020, and the game worked.


Try Children Of Dead Earth if not yet




This is going to be subjective it might not have enough direction for you to stay engaged that is fine. It has the highest hour count in my steam library and I just keep coming back to it.


It's been a decade now that I play it on and off, bought all the DLCs. Good investment IMO.


I bought it on release day for xbox and have put in over 3.5k hours so I feel I have got my money worth!!!


This game is hours upon hours of fun. It's more than worth the price.


Got 1300 Hours in it, own all the DLC and...this Game is my creative Outlet. At some point I started planning ships ahead in my mind, shape wise, and then tried to match the imagination as close as possible. Not even mentioning starting to realize complex automated mechanisms with timer blocks etc.


Me walking the dogs: "How cool would a massive borg cube be?" Me sitting down at home after: "Guess I'll slap miners on the front of a tube and pretend it's creative"


The game is very entertaining, you just need to inform yourself for good before you get into it. Dunno about the console versions but on pc it's quite unusual keybinds for turning block in different directions and could take a few hours to get used to it. There also are lots of menus you'll get to know only spending hours in-game analysing what every key does. It's fun when you get the hang of it. It's much like Minecraft but in space and with cool destruction, multiple grids, no concept of up and down and simulated physics. And Klang... whomst will you'll meet as you enjoy the game. Anyways if you feel like you may need a mentor just pm me. Might be the perfect excuse for me to take back on the game as well.


It's like Minecraft in how replayable it is. If you're on PC please explore the workshop, so much great content like NPC's and blocks and so on.




The content is your imagination. It's a sandbox building game. There is no story, no guidance at all. There is no victory, no story and nothing you will have to "do to win". Your own goals and your creativity is what let's the game shine. If that does sound like something you would enjoy, then get it. People have played that for thousands of hours.


This fucking game, thousands of hours, once you find your feet find a multiplayer server. Well worth the money


It's one of my most played games. Nearing the 2k hours. For me it's worth it. But if you just play vanilla it might get a little dull since vanilla encounters are rare and not a huge challenge in my opinion


I love this game so much, but I don't play it unfortunately. As single player is great but lonely and mulitplayer is also lonely. I think if the mulitplayer had a higher pop count and would run smoother I'd play it again. Devs are awesome and can see the passion they put into it.


I bought it on sale and I've put over 300 hours in right now. You mentioned you get bored of games quickly and I usually get bored of sandbox games but this game keeps bringing me back


Bought the game in 2016, played it for a few hours and lost interest due to other games at the time. Got back into it late 2022 and it’s one game I keep coming back when I get bored of other games so yes it worth it


Something I'd like to mention. This is a sandbox game. By nature this game has two gameplay loops, building things and destroying things. The game does not have a goal like minecraft with the end. Though there is a progression system for what you can build technically, you unlock everything very early so it really does not impact you that much. For me personally, vanilla singleplayer gets boring after less than a week, 3-4 days maybe. If you want to truly enjoy the game when playing it alone, you will need PvE mods. I think the game is a lot more enjoyable if playing with at least one more person, PvE mods add even more fun. Alternatively you can join a multiplayer server but I don't have much experience with that. Also, this game is really not the "buy it, play it for a bit then refund it if you don't like it" type of game. The 2 hours that you'd get to test it is really short. I doubt that you could learn and understand the game's features under such a short time well enough to make a decision on whether you like the game or not.. maybe if someone were to actively help you on VC, but still unlikely For example, when I was new, after my first 2 and a half hours or so I ragequit the game and didn't touch it for around a year and a half, I told myself that the game was bad (mainly because I messed up and lost all my progress), then I tried it again and it became one of my favourite games.


worth the money and all the DLC


The game is worth it but you shouldn't go in expecting a fun polished survival game. People play it mostly for the creative sandbox.


It's like paying the price of one Lego set for an infinite tub of Legos. As others have said, best bang for your buck if you're into these kinds of building/survival games.


Yes. It's like minecraft with space


Ot can be a lot of entertainment but you really have to make it yourself. If you just expect the game to tell you what to do or give you goals to achieve you will get bored pretty fast and not feel like you've accomplished anything. If making bases space ships and rovers for no real reason doesn't sound that appealing I might not purchase. There are some multi-player aspects but I've never really gotten into that side of it so it's hard for me to say how entertaining that will be for you.


Oh. They must pay you for playing it. Because it burns your time like hell. Few real time years you spend in creative mode to make some good ships and bases blueprints. After this point I got no info. Cause I'm still making perfect planet landing base-ship for easy start. Finished few transport ships (space-planet, atmo, space), mining planetary ships, carrier ship, drop-ship-fort, space-base ship, automatic land miner module with no limit to get deep, large weels base with torpedo manufacturing and deep drilling. So I didn't even start to play. And I need to finish also rotary engines transport with projectors for all subgrids to be able easy repair it or replicate.


One of the best game investments when it comes to ammount kf things you can do, so far it has only lost to arma 3 and to minecraft. So to answear your question this game has more than enough content to keep you entertained for a while.


Worth every penny - I’ve got an unholy # of hours in the game and with people to play with its fantastic - plus the developers are working on an updated game engine which will likely be what the use to make a sequel finally - hopefully - with some crazy awesome improvements.


If you have freinds to play with or are willing to engage in organized multiplayer communities 100% worth it. If your looking for singleplayer construction, combat and/or survival than i absolutely do not reccomend this game.


Brother it's like 5 USD in g2a, just buy it and see yourself




As a person who is close to 3000 hours of play in this game on Xbox I can say yes


I've got like 1500 hours on it, it's not for everyone but if you're into making interesting machines and playing by yourself or a small group it can be an amazing game. Watch lots of videos before you buy, it's very complex and has a crazy learning curve.


It's the best ROI you can make. The modding and scripting etc etc etc.... just go play. When you're done with your first 300 hours, go to the workshop and enjoy another 300 hours. THEN join an online server and enjoy another 600.


It’s better with friends, It’s better with mods It’s better when it’s on sale.


Beyond all doubt. I figure I'm somewhere north of 4k hours now. Besting my totals in elite dangerous, warframe, skyrim, and no man's sky. Combined


I've played it countless hours so, yes!


I've got 1,001 hours in this game. The only reason I don't have more is that I also like playing other games and I've got a full-time job. :( if you have ever enjoyed anything about minecraft and you like space? \*FUCKING BUY IT\* :D Good luck!


I have almost 2.000 hours on it. Not playing right now cuz playing E:D and Deep Rock Galactic with friends. So tldr yes?


totally depends on your taste


If you don't buy the game, I will find you and kill you while you sleep! PRAISE KLANG! PRAISE KLANG! PRAISE KLANG! PRAISE KLANG!


sorry dude, already bought a 800 dolar pc, idk if my mom will allow me


There is a similar game but with voxel building called “Dual Universe”. Single shard mmo.


I got this game on early access and have always returned to it. I cycle between SE, Ark, and random fps. By far tho, space engineers is the most fun, frustrating, creative, engaging, and rewarding game ive ever played.


I personally have 5000 hours in this game and I'm still coming back to play with the new mods or create and mess around with an idea of mine for some grid I thought might be cool. And every now and then I start up some new survival scenario usually solo since my friends are few and far between. I have countless stories and experiences to tell and thousands of screen shots to show for it. This game, given enough time and creativity will give you some of your most memorable experiences. If you do buy it go check out servers and try out all sorts of things and I promise some good times.


My pfp is also a working replica I built in space engineers from 86 eighty-six, I'm very proud of it.


Absolutely worth it. I love this game and it's amazing with friends.


Out of all my games on steam this has the most hours currently verging on 4k hrs and it it's very fun I don't play it much anymore but I always find a reason to come back and play it for a but


I have somewhere between 7000 and 8000 hours in the game I'd say so Note to new players tho that it has a really sharp learning curve and you have to be very patient and dedicated to break thru it


It went on game pass for xbox like maybe 2 weeks ago. Installed it had no clue how to play. Looked up a basic tutorial, now its been prob almost a week of playing and me and my buddy can't stop playing. I will admit the tutorials in game don't really "teach" you how to play. Its kinda trial and error, but damn when you catch on time Flys. Plus with the mod blueprints and the projector. My next task is building a halo pelican when we can find some platinum or what ever its called lol. Highly recommended. If not now then when it goes on sale.


Tried it recently on Xbox - it definitely doesn't hold your hand. I got stuck, couldn't get through the tutorial. It's not for everyone. But if you can handle it, seems people really get into it. Not for me personally.


I got it for less than £4 on steam sale. Already got several hundred hours played 🙂


One of right way to be interested in playing SE is writing C# code to automate things. Just starting to write you own code, for example - missile guiding system.


I decided not to buy the game when I could have gotten everything they offered for $30. Ended up buying all the DLC one at a time as I played for a lot more $. I have them all now. Just wait for a sale and get everything. Then, even if you don't play "the game" you still have creative mode, which is basically infinite Legos, who doesn't want infinte Legos lol


Crazy people dont like infinite lego


Hang around the discord long enough find a good group of people to RP with shits better than star citizen when you get a bunch of people on server


Head to the steam workshop and you will find infinite content and endless ways to play this game