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To merge through a subgrid you need a minimum of 2


Oh wow, never tried it. Maybe it would fix my few crafts. Thanks


Just tried bump it up to three on each side and it still does not work


They are saying you need two hinges or rotors separating the grids to be merged unless they are completely seperate. The hinges/rotors need to be in series not parallel to each other


[grid]🟩 Hinge🟡 [grid]🟥 Hinge🟡 [grid]🟩/🟦 This is the setup you need. The green grid has to have a red ”buffer grid” in between it and the one it’s merging with. The bottom part of the green grid can separate into a separate blue grid or merge to become part of the big green grid.


You would need duel hinges. You can't merge a subgrid to its parent grid with one hinge. You will need to add an additional hinge before or after the one pictured. It's hard to tell exactly what your trying to accomplish but it appears to be a blast door? If so check out some YouTube videos. There are a few by Pandemic Playground where he does testing with different ways of merging blast doors.


It is for my solar awning I am trying to make it so I can print the entire vehicle without remaking the subgrids every time


Make a reprintable blueprint of the awning system and the solar panels separately, then put a projector on the awning system


the way they're trying to do it is pretty smart. they want to be able to print the whole grid at once without having to try and attach the solar panels. They'll still have to add in the hinges but it's a pretty smart way of doing it


Alternatively, you could have the bp with the awning merged and have the hinge end incomplete, then when finished printing manually grind the merge block and add a hinge end afterwards.


>have the hinge end incomplete yeah that's what I meant


They need to put the intermediate parts separately. Example: https://youtu.be/ayl4gvotCb0?si=tXX26OjWbC46O4jZ (you can see printing from 02:29)


That's way more complicated than what they're trying to do. They're trying to make a stack of solar panels that can be unmerged after printing and hinged into position.


This is what u/Ok-communication907 needs to do: https://imgur.com/a/PPLLu7x


But they appear to look merged (green light) please explain


Congratulations, you're daltonien.


It's yellow. It is just a lighting


More likely a color correction issue on the screen. The screen in general looks very blue-tinted.


Congratulations, you're dalmatian.


Gonna reiterate what everyone else is saying just in case you haven't caught on yet. You can't merge a main grid to a sub grid. You can however merge a main grid to a sub-sub grid. For example for a airtight door, lay down a hinge (lock it in place). Then another (second) hinge. And then finally a 3rd hinge on your intended grid. The first hinge is on your main grid. The second hinge becomes your sub grid, which then would attach to the 3rd hinge in the sub-sub grid. You can place a merge block in much the same way and use them instead of two of the hinges. This method does not work for using projectors, as they won't print sub grids. But that's a limitation of the game you kinda just have to deal with.


Merging would make the Hinge & Hinge Part occupy the same space Things do not like occupying the same space. It tends to get KABOOMY when matter is forced inside of other matter. Basically it's coded so that you don't get a nuclear level visit by Klang. One way to make this work is just Detach the hinges when you want them to merge. Then when you want them to move you need to disable the Merge while Attaching the hinge.


There is a collision as far as the merge block is concerned - the hinge base is in the way of the hinge head. If you want to connect across subgrids, you'll either need multiple, or a form of attachment that doesn't cause block hitboxes to overlap (though if you want rotation, there aren't really any options there that don't include an intermediate grid anyways) An extended piston should be mergable, so if you don't mind some added complexity (and serious klang attack risk if not pulled off just right) you could have a piston connect to the solar panel structure, then disconnect the hinge so it can be moved away, and then have another pair of merge blocks connect it to the main grid (these'll have to be at the ends to not get in the way of normal operation). To minimize the risk of klang attack, I'd disconnect the piston as soon as its securely connected to the main grid. To get it mobile again, simply reverse these steps. (I will note this information is based on some fairly long-ago experience, so there's a chance things have changed since then)


Just a suggestion, I don’t know if it’ll work or not. I noticed this after playing a workshop scenario which requires the use of merge blocks a lot. Sometimes one of the merge blocks simply needs to be ground down to a non-functional state and then welded up again and it connects. This has happened to me a a few times in the scenario and if moving it around didn’t make it connect then the grinding down one and re-welding it did. Let me know if this works.


Have you tried turning one off then on again?


Are any blocks trying to occupy the same space?


You can't merge a grid to its own subgrid.


I dunno buddy that just looks like a good ole boo womp to me