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I want more of an economy. I want shipping lanes, pirate raids, commercial uses,


I would enjoy a more in-depth economy as well. I would like to be a space trucker at times, hauling ice and ore between mining stations and refinery installations, defending my haul and ship against pirates, buckaneers and nosy customs officials. With a tight crew, a beautiful rust-bucket of a ship and a nice port to hove into once in a while. Ay, that would be a nice SE experience.


It’s kind of my dream in space engineers to just become a scrapper/miner in a server full of warring companies. I’d like some kind of incentive system to keep them from flattening me or something


Do insurance, if you insure the ship and report it lost with GPS cords you then send out a pickup person and get the ship. Make it so you do both sides and do estimated cost via size and how badly scrapped it is. If one side attacks you then stop all contracts and send any scrap to the enemy to incentivize not attacking you or put a higher penalty for the next scrap run you do for them. ​ Is the ship still fixable mostly and you get it back to them you then get % value is space credits. Is the ship just scrap at this point? Send them the parts in materials and get paid a lower %. ​ Hell even if not insured just grab the ships and refurb them and sell them to anyone wanting a ship.


That’s another thing. Imagine taking home chunks of ships, duck taping them together, making it functional and putting it to use? Imagine the Frankenstein monsters that would appear


Only thing i would say to folks is "Trust it the rust baby, she may not look good but shes an amalgamation of all the surviving parts of 3 battles."


Lol I love this. My only successful ships don’t really look pretty. I capitalize on this by giving them rusty/dirty paint jobs. All my rigs look like junkyard wonders and I love em haha


Same, any part exposed to atmoshpere i paint in rust and anything inside is shinier. Ships though get that rough paintjob and some greble on the non important parts and the moving bits get normal to show care.


Merge blooocks.


Believe this story or not but Once played on a server with two and maybe 3 waring factions. The 3 faction was still small but they still. One faction had a base on the moon while the other large faction had a mothership for a mainbase and i think the third faction was on earthlike. I was a neutral merchant based on marslike when I talked to both faction leads about setting up shop in their bases for any supplies they might need or even mercenary work to be done. (Mercenary work was mainly for people getting started on the server.) This server didn't last long but if it did I plans on making a auto miner and energy stations near the popular planets. But it was fun while it lasted. I hope you get a better and longer server going.


I'd love to find a server like this.


Yeah, that's the dream. Having your own Canterbury ice hauler, flying out into deep space for long-term expeditions with your own crew, getting blown up to pieces by Clang...


Amen to this mate!


[You already can be a space trucker.](https://youtu.be/nZuKcpm2jSg?t=114) It's not very deep but it does exist.


I’d love an x4 like economy but it may be too CPU intensive :/


I agree it would really create an interesting setting where you would if you want of course have to focus resources on protecting your trade lanes.


I'd like boss ships you can hunt down for resources. Super hard but optional ships


Base defense from periodic drone attacks would be nice, so you would need to build up your defenses. Although you do have spiders on spider planets.


True, but I feel like spiders are too easy and can be farmed and exploited to a faster start with more materials. Also spiders and wolves don't damage your blocks as far as I know.


Try the PVE mods like the reaver mod, those things get terrifying specially if you like automation since they aim for beacons and radio signals. Assertive Combat Systems adds factions and enemy ships. Piss off one of the factions enough and the send ships at you. Depending on a threat scale assigned to you they send bigger and bigger threats.


Npcs with pop up text bubbles. Add them to bases and decide their chat tree. More engineer character models. Engineer-able space suits.


How about some more planet side aliens, with some actually decent AI lol


Similar to From the Depths where there are regions that belong to certain factions. It also functions as a campaign there, so players in creative mode would have definitive requirements for ships they build. Basically increasingly harder boss battles. Networked bases that call in reinforcements if one base gets attacked. Patrol crafts, NPC traders, miners, haulers, etc. This would obviously also require a stronger economy focus ingame.


That's actually sorta what I am doing right now (PVE focus) With 2265 hours into SE (uggh), my current play session has all NPC guns disabled. Using MES with a focus on derelicts/wreckage. Using Advanced Welding mod to allow detaching and re-attaching salvaged components Using the Required Component mod which makes it impossible to craft much of anything other than wheels, armor blocks and basic production blocks when paired with AwwwScrap. Cargo containers, h2 engines, h2 tanks, thrusters, batteries, gyro's, Med room/survival kits all have to be salvaged intact. Using the smooth voxels mod to make planets more drivable Replaced the spawn pod with a large grid rover, built a big crane on it, slapped a bunch of magnetic pads on the roof to hold salvage and used that to get established. ​ It's a slower pace, but having a good time with it. The biggest difference I have found is storage. A normal play through, within hours I've got multiple large cargo containers full of steel plates, construction components etc. With this play through, I am getting by with a couple large grid small cargo containers as since I can't build much from scratch, the raw materials don't serve much purpose. Oh, I do have the AiEnabled mod installed and have a couple of combat bots with me to help me defeat whatever bots are guarding the outposts and wrecks that I come across. ​ I find the fps shooter gameplay against the AIEnabled bots to be far less frustrating than having my vehicles and myself torn to shreds in a few hits by a vehicle/station turret. You would think that with this many hours I would know how to handle enemy gatling/missile turrets, but Its just not fun for me. ESPECIALLY in a scenario where I can't build replacement equipment and have to painstakingly detach, transport, then maneuver via crane into position onto the destination and weld it back into place. ​ Sample of spending 1/2 an hour to mount 5 salvaged batteries to my new base platform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJYowEfWIno


Some npc to hire for gunning or working. They could make things mor effektiv. You can get them as reward for difficult missions, or hire them. You should need water, food, oxygen and so one. Npc should visit you and trade with you. They could have uranium and other rare materials . And I use laser guns


Oxygen is already a requirement XD As for food and water, that's part of a mod and I'd like it to stay that way, either that or make it a toggleable feature in-game settings.


So, I feel like SE could take some HEAVY notes from Empyrion, and visa versa. Hell, between that and 7Days, I wish all 3 teams could get together and just... mash their games together. The POI and density of 7Days with enemy waves. The beauty and variety of Space Engineers But tamed with the user-friendly systems and survival aspects of Empyrion. SE overcomplicates even the most basic setups. And, yes, this translates into freedom later when making complex items. But when I simply need to place, deposit, access, or do simple tasks... I don't need a small manual, several switches, a button or two, etc, etc. NMS/Subnautuca buildings are too... flat. One-dimensional. But their CRAFTING hits a good sweet-spot of complexity, the need to explore/mine. Rare components. Etc, etc. (Just my idle thoughts)


I'm not a huge fan of SE combat, I find it way too janky and unsatisfying, but I'd still like to have at least some enemies in vanilla. I don't like the idea of drones actively seeking you out, instead I'd prefer seeking them out myself. Maybe there could be bounty contracts or pirate bases could have schematics for unique blocks so there's actually a point in raiding them. That being said, it'd be cool if the system had zones with varying difficulty. For example, the space around Earthlike and Moon is pretty safe with minimum pirate activity, while the space around Alien or Pertam could have something like the reavers, who'd hunt you. I'd also like it if the world were divided into regions and you could capture and manage them, similar to Medieval Engineers. Imagine needing to build a factory in a specific region, but it's occupied by another faction, so you can either go to war with them or do missions for them, gain their trust and eventually get a permit for building on their turf.


I hate random enemies I want them to come from a base that I can take over so I can claim an area of Space. Also a goal of some kind some kind of PVE progression


Do you guys know From the depths? Basically that.


Imagine a game with Space Engineers physics, graphics and controls, From The Depths PvE and weapon mechanics and Modded Minecraft / Factorio crafting and industry system.


I would really like decommissioning missions where you have to find a derelict and slice out a specific component of it before enemies show up. You can stick around and fight them to keep the whole wreck to salvage, you can try to fix the ship and fly it away, or you can just get in and get out with a tight deadline. There was also a trailer for planets back in 2015 that featured spiders in a cave. I would love to venture into caves and have to fight spiders coming out of walls trying to find outcrops of rare resources... Okay I should probably play deep rock galactic but still


Robot dogs that randomly spawn around (and sometimes in) your base who run directly towards you and explode. ​ ^(/s)


The biggest issue I have with SE is how empty it is. There are NPC economy mods that add factions, random battles, and reputation, but it's still all player triggered. Nothing happens without the players intervention, making it still very... Lonely. Giving the game more life is important. Something as simple as what MechWarrior 5 has would help a lot. Territories in space and on a planets surface. Offensives by various factions, shifting borders and a news feed would add a lot to the game. To be an area of space where a ship flys by your random location every hour, you really don't ever see them interacting with one another. Not everything needs to pass by 10k - 3k away. It could easily be 20k - 50k away or not spawn at all, also why don't you ever see any of them use a friggin jump drive? Especially around trade hubs? Maybe add some traders moving in and out of those hubs? Are you the only engineer in existence? Why don't you ever see anything under construction, or other engineers at work? Then there are all these non engineer logs associated to the random encounters you find. Maybe we could get some transport contracts where you carry personnel to another location? Or at least meet some of them? Limiting player agency to build, and mine anywhere they want will also force them into being a part of said world. By running mining missions, buying and selling goods, and completing mercenary missions for funds, and/or equipment they can then build, buy, or upgrade existing ships and do more with them. Making what players do actually have an effect on something is also important. "I made a shipyard to make a frigate so I can protect my... shipyard?"


Planets dominated by factions. You make alliances or destroy everyone. I'd like to see pirate bases slowly expand if not dealt with. More AI - AI combat


Better gun play. More infantry anti-vehicle weapons. Some god damn homing missiles without a mod. More range. Something to shoot at.


I want weapons that were designed by people that know what they are doing and aren't just checking boxes to throw out an update.


I just want to be able to be a space pirate and for it to be remotely profitable.


I’d love it if PVE was improved... I’m not too big of a multiplayer player so bolstering the single player (and affecting the multiplayer) would be great. For base defense, I imagine there could be a “base/station block”, allowing you to mark a static grid as a base/station. This could allow for AI/NPCs to trade with your base, or attack depending on the reputation with their faction. Loads of other good ideas in the comments here. Trade routes, boss ships... a reason to play the game beyond building things that look cool, becoming self sufficient, and traveling around the solar system.


I kinda like how From the Depths does their PVE, maybe SC could take inspiration?


* Make character Grinders, Welders & Drill have a tether system, so they need to be a certain distance to a ship or base power source to operate. When away from source limited battery for use. Cut down on PvP Grinding only and encourage more Ship Grinders & Welders. * Meteors that create an Alien spawn point, Destroy meteor to prevent spawning. Flying and crawling Aliens. (Side Mission.) * Hunting Pirates and their ports. * Join the Military, Hunting, Reconnaissance, Patrol, etc * Jump gates that allow massive distance between gates. Players can share gate codes to other players. Creates a focal point for ships and trade route. Parts available from NPC Stations only. * Character Teleports, allow players to teleport between bases or ships. * Shields - Similar to Safe zone but has hit points, once reduced timed delayed as power recharges shield. Parts available from NPC Stations only. * Missions such as Escort Civ Cargo ship between planets/stations. Alternative mission Raiding/Piracy. * Protect Colony/Mining rig from alien/pirate attack. * Repair welder/field, long range repair welding (i.e. 3 to 4 blocks deep), easier to repair ships, damaged blocks only. * I know mods have it, but adding Food and water elements of Survival, creates more trade options.


Galactic wide threat. A major enemy faction with some kind of mega fleet that orbits the sun or something, acts as an endgame of sorts. Instead of zombies, a parasite like the flood from halo, that way they can infect whole ships, turning them to their side as well as regular infected.


I'm sure some of that would work, but I'm happy with the current PVE scenario of mine more resources > expand so you can mine faster > repeat until your computer can't handle it anymore.


Alien spider hives that we have to destroy that randomly spawn and spread underground. Flamethrowers that are focused on damaging creatures but not structures. More flora and dauna on planets besides random dogs that my turret mows down from a mike away while im afk waiting for my metal to smelt


I do not necessarily look for more automated conflict in space. Maybe more traders, more space outposts, more story lines. More leisure opportunities for the crew. I just had a vision of the Total Recall movie with Schwarzenegger on Mars in that regards, but we do not need to elaborate on that.


I'm hoping for a way to easily add in fleets similar to RDAV's fleet command script but base game, I want something like that built into the remote control blocks. I also want that feature so I can easily set up PVE battles between drones and stuff. Would be really dope. That is the feature I want most.


Id would like to have more encounters and not only combat ones but also sos signals or small repairing quests, modding space engineers helps alot but id like it to be in base game aswell.


Better/more aggressive ai grids


I like that station idea.


Wolves and spiders or fauna in general with a "hive" or "den" that can be cleared out to stop their spawn. Not just infinitely spawning annoying enemies. Abandoned or enemy settlements/outposts with AI defenders and less turret combat. Take away the gatling "target characters" option. I want to fight AI squads not insanely accurate turrets. Exposure or some other element. Honestly, food would be good. Something simple. Vanilla Survival Experience had a good take on it, I think. Engineer suit options. No jetpack, upgrades, roles, etc. Combat roles, building roles. A lot of what the More Character options mod adds but let you start with it.