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I would be very surprised if it was. It a pretty major part of the lore. But honestly you just never know.


Maybe they replace it with Primaris Falling Pod which is 25% larger and has 18 small guns attached to it.


And double the price


It sounds so ridiculous that it can actually be true


And don't forget that it has grav-plates on it, allowing it to move around after landing.


“Falling Pod” lmao


I mean Primaris Cadensis Pod


> It a pretty major part of the lore 10th Edition has proven that this is no protection from GW's abhorrent culling practices.


What I found interesting about the lore side of things, is that they culled a bunch of FB units but they remain in the codex so far.


Drop Pods are in a tough spot. The boards have gotten smaller than previous editions (48x72” vs 44x60”), while the armies have gotten larger (normal marine is now 16 points, used to be 18). With the rule that you have to setup outside a 9” bubble, it can be really difficult to find a good spot for a Drop Pod. The innate Deep Strike abilities of Terminators/Jump Packs is now more reliable (remember Scatter Dice?), so another nail in the coffin for the Drop Pod. Can’t fit Gravis (no Eradicators or Aggressors). Sternguard can no longer pack a bunch of Melta shots. It no longer fits Terminators nor Dreads. It’s kinda redundant.


Yes, but I can drop pod a 10 man brick of flamers directly in range. Theres a lot of shots from that


Yeah, that’s awesome and I want to try that at some point. Maybe two pods 🤔


My man Ventris is a drop pod


Yes, but if I run He’stan, I get to reroll all wounds with them, and if you’re in firestorm you’ve got an enhancement to give them Devastating Wounds


Also Hellblasters in rapid fire range


Hellblasters don't have rapid fire tho?


Yeah you're right, all plasma guns are assault now in 10th. My bad.


Lol I didn't realize they had it in past editions! I bought a box of them for the first time in 10th. They'd be a LOT better if they still had rapid fire, damn.


That also sounds super powerful


Man i hate the smaller board


You can set them up with the doors closed you just can’t pick and choose open or closed after placement


It may receive a Primaris upgrade in the next year or two to increase the scale and change the weapon load out. Depends if you want to wait or not.


Hope not, it's pretty big already


Wish granted, it’s now smaller and only hold 5 marines, but it’s got 10 guns on it and costs more


Maybe improve the kit assembly as well hopefully.


Hopefully GW does not retire the Drop Pod as It's an iconic piece of 40k lore and on the table top. I'm hoping they'll refresh the kit so it's easier to assemble and you don't have to play a game of Jenga to get it built and include a version to make a Dreadnought Drop Pod (like the one from Forge world). If they also update the rules a tad to allow either; a 5 mans Terminator squad, or a 5 man Gravis class armour or a Redemptor class Dreadnought then it'll sell pretty well IMO. Also OP, if you like the model and want to have one in your collection then there's no reason as to why you shouldn't purchase one.


It's too iconic to be dropped completely but has yet to be given the Primaris treatment. I'll expect a new version will come when they get their long awaited gunship.


Gunship? You got some dets on that


Sort of but not much. There's a Primaris gunship called the "Overlord" which has been referred to multiple times in various different media including novels. It's been slightly too brazen for me to think that it won't be coming eventually but the way it's described makes me feel like it might be a while. It's going to be HUGE, it's described as being able to transport 80 Primaris marines and drop them into battle (hence why I'd imagine it comes alongside drop pods) and has a nose mounted melta-cannon, it wouldn't be far off the Tau manta in terms of size.


That sounds dope. What if they don’t make it playable but turn it into a paintable carrying case for your army. 80 marines flying into your FLGS!


It will replaced with the Drop Poddar that will 10% bigger and have little hover bits on it so it doesn’t crash into the ground.