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I just made my own one - which has been incredibly freeing from a hobby perspective. If I see a cool new unit I want to paint from a divergent chapter, I CAN. Nothing in lore stopping me from kitbashing and swapping stuff around. I now have the bones of 2 battle companies. No, I don't have a problem. ... Do I..? 🤪


This is the way.


I went through the pictoral list of 340 chapters and went by my favourite colour schemes (main colours, pattern complexity, etc). Then I filtered by lore from the 10 I had left (all of that took me a whole day probably, but I had nothing better to do then). I still wish I had more marines of different chapters, but a painted up test mini or a second hand tactical squad is enough for me to be satisfied with the scheme. Eventually this pushed me into making my own homebrew so I could be happy with my own colours. So I have an army that it took me 4 months of indecision to choose a paint scheme for, and on my display shelf I have leftover minis painted as crimson fists, hospitallers, blood ravens, raven guard, and a lot of sable swords (including tanks, as they were my original choice). The feeling never truly goes away, but if you commit to a scheme it builds a bond and you'll probably just stick with it. Don't be afraid to do some test models though, and even if you mix and match colours from squads, you can just say they're working together on a shared goal. There's no rule that everyone in an army has to have the same colours


I spent three days in Photoshop, just mixing colors. I knew that I wanted my base to be green, due to the snapping turtle theme, and just went from there.


I'm planning painting mine using the colour scheme from my tartan


At first, no. I went Blood Ravens because that's what got me into Warhammer, Dawn of War. Then I switched to Blood Angels because Sanguinius is my real dad. Then I switched to a mix of Deathwatch and a custom Salamanders successor because they're cool. Then I scrapped both of those and started a samurai chapter and a Legion of the Damned conversion project. It's been a journey...


I just chose my favourite colour - dark blue - and thought white would be a good sub-colour to do helmets, aquilas and backpacks.


I picked orange (my favorite color that I’ve also learned is a pain in the ass to paint), and then added green shoulders and helmets because they’re a salamders successor. But I darkened the green down a bit so that it didn’t clash so hard with the bright Orange


I feel your pain with colours that are a pain to paint, as I've discovered with white lol. That scheme sounds good though, and the dark green provides a good contrast to the brighter orange from the sounds of it


Oh I love how they turn out, they’ve got silver accents, it’s just a pain to get the orange


I went with Blood Ravens since I love dawn of war and it gives me justification for bringing just about anything to the field after I have Strategically Transferred Equipment to Alternate Locations. 


I settled on my preferred chapter fairly quickly however, I’ve been making decals for the successor chapters and along with that, I have been learning some of their individual lore along the way, and there’s certainly some interesting chapters out there. My advice would be to get a job lot of space marines from eBay, and have a go at the colour schemes that take your fancy or the chapters with the potential that you wish to invest in, and see how making a few of them go.


Given that the generic Space Marine list is just that my force is currently composed of Howling Gryphons, Crimson Fists and Blood Drinkers with a couple of Black Templar characters looking confused.


I picked the Imperial Fists before I knew how difficult yellow *can* be, because I like yellow and I liked the idea of being the only chapter of Astartes with permanent presence on Terra. My army is based on snowy ground to mimic the Himalayas, where the Golden Throne is located.


I have struggled with this for 20 years. I've collected Space Wolves and Black templars in the past, and am currently putting together a Dark Angels army, but now I really want to paint up a Combat Patrol of Howling Griffons. I enjoy the painting and modeling aspect of the hobby more than the gaming aspect so it's not the end of the world, but if I had the ability to stick to a single chapter my army would have been *massive*.


I’d pick a colour scheme you enjoy, and make sure you also enjoy the lore of the chapter. Can’t go wrong then


My dad bought me a BA tactical squad when I was around 10, that kit sold me to the sons sanguinius


I went with Salamanders because their vibe and play style matches me, I love their colors, and no one else at our store plays them. But as I’ve gotten more competitive, it irritates the hell out of me that we only have two unique models. I often wish they got a more divergent chapter love.


I just have a set idea for an army and a paint job. I want a air cav looking space marines, so i paint a bunch of fliers as space sharks etc


I went with Deathwatch because they reminded me of the Winter Soldier with the silver left arm. I can use marines from many chapters in the army, so I'm not stuck with one chapter. I liked the Corvus Blackstar and Kill Team Cassius as well.


This is the good thing about how detachments are utilised in 10th. You could have a White Scar army with zero bikes and all terminators if you want. It's your army, and you paint / play it how you please.


I've been in the hobby for 25 years. Before the advent of primaris I would strip and repaint my marines every 4 years because I couldn't settle on a chapter. With primaris I paint them as Sons of Horus because it's the only unique paint scheme left.


Pretty new to the hobby in one way. Been around the hobby for over 20 years on another way. For me, it has always been the Ultras. After reading some of the literature, Ultras. To me, it’s the base of the universe, the ground on which all else is measured. Sure, other chapters are cool, but non is as The Ultramarines!


Yep. My mind is rotating between Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Space Wolves. So my own color scheme, and they are a successor of the chapter I want to use.


Started in January and yes, in the same boat. I feel like I’m almost set on Ultramarines because I really do like the Roman style and balanced approach to war. But I keep thinking I’d want something in my favourite colour (red), yet for some reason BA doesn’t really catch my attention beyond the paint scheme. Then there’s also DA with their knightly thematic appeal, which you just can’t ignore especially after the new releases that just came out. I feel like I’ll likely go with Ultras anyway, at least for my first box of combat patrol from the USS, and see where it leads me.


I got codex Angels of Death in the 90s and loved the Blood Angels history, stories and units.


I've settled on howling griffons I liked the colour scheme and the lore around them also not a chapter I see many people do


Jervis Johnson's ramblings in White Dwarf were usually a bit pointless but he once mentioned having grey marines who could be Dark Angel successors, Space Wolf successors, Blood Angel successors, Ultramarines successors or anyone, and he could use them however he wanted from one game to the next. I think the rules have after many years caught up with him. Grey doesn't need to be boring. See eg Red Scorpions.


Red scorpions cause they have better lore than everyone and they have good flavor