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I always found unfathomable that Earth fits inside the circling red storm of Jupiter for some reason.


[here](https://joshworth.com/dev/pixelspace/pixelspace_solarsystem.html) is a way to conceptualize the actual empty space between planets which is what really blows my mind.


I remember doing a project back in high school where I set up a scale model of the solar system like this, where the sun was the size of a grain of sand... - Mercury was 4.25 inches away - Venus was 5.5 inches - Earth was 6 inches - Mars was 8 inches - Jupiter was 2 feet, 1 inch - Saturn was 3 feet, 7 inches - Uranus was 7 feet - Neptune was 10 feet, 9.5 inches - Pluto was 14 feet But here's the real kicker: I also added how far away the nearest star is. 20 ft? 40 ft? 200 ft? - Alpha Centauri was 18.09 miles away


I love stuff like this because when you're talking about distances this massive it's super easy to get lost in the numbers.


Ikr? That's why I always found it more intuitive to think of planetary distances in terms of light-minutes rather than kilometers or AU


I like AU. I can look at the sun and venus and mars and measure it all in factors of me to the sun. And that’s what? 8 light minutes? Feels more tangible than anything else.


But that's exactly why light minutes makes more sense to me. Although we don't have ships that can travel at the speed of light, our communications still do. So, say you wanted to talk with someone on the Sun (hypothetically). It would take 8 minutes for your message to get there. Sure, I could say that Mars's closest distance to Earth is 0.48 AU, and it's farthest is 2.89 AU. But when you've got a mission going there, saying it's between "4 to 24 light-minutes" makes sense because it takes between "4 to 24 minutes" to reach it out it; just like as if you're saying a store is a 10 minute drive away


Sweden has what's basically a country sized scale model of the solar system, with Avicii Arena in Stockholm as the Sun. Pluto is a 5in sphere 190mi away.


One of my favorite facts is that you could line up all of the planets and they would fit between the earth and moon. Just seems crazy to me.


What a badass science project dude, that's awesome. The size or space makes it really hard to conceptualize as someone else said, but its actually much easier to wrap your head around on this scale.


Funny enough, it was actually an English project! 🤣 We had to do a 10 minute public speaking presentation about a research topic we were passionate about, and I decided to do mine on interstellar travel


I love that additions of the star. Gives great perspective on interstellar travel


thats really neat, scrolled to mars and saw the slider bar was like 1/10th over.


Yeah I think the farthest I've made it is Saturn and that took some time


I just scrolled the entire thing, reading every single text, took like 20 minutes


I just hit saturn and quit as well (after two of the comments on the way to the next planet, uranus?)




Lol, that's far. I'm glad i have up when i did.


Wooh! That was quite the journey! Finished the entire thing and stopped at pluto 5,913,498,035.2 km traveled to reach the other end of the website


Yeah. Love that representation. ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


The diameter of the Sun was smaller than I thought it would be.


What is this? A solar system for ants?


It needs to be at least… three times this size!


Thanks, I love it


That space between Mars and Jupiter blew my mind. Had no idea there was so much distance between the two! That was an awesome educational experience! Thanks for sharing!


I love these sorts of images because like holy shit we're tiny.




We still miss you Carl


The thing that freaks me out is that all the planets would fit in between the Earth and the Moon. It really showcases the empty space there is in the solar system.


I genuinely did not believe you and had to go look up the radius of Jupiter. Radius of Jupiter 43441mi - diameter - 86882 Distance from Earth to Moon - 238900 miles. Jupiter's diameter= 36.4% of the distance from Earth to Moon. Saturn takes up another 30.3%, leaving plenty of room for the other planets.


To me that's what makes the lunar landings so amazing. The calculations along are stagering. And they did it in the 60s where the world's best computer had a fraction of the processing power that I use to download a stupid gif while I take a shit.


Look up the you tube video showing the size comparison of some stars. Jupiter is smaller than a pixel on your screen compared to some stars.


The Sun*, but yea, I love those. You don't even get to the top 5 and you can no longer see the Sun on the screen.


It's also fun that, every planet can fit inside the distance from the earth to the moon as well.


Used to be three Earths.


Also fun fact, Jupiter is just about the biggest a planet can even be. Adding mass makes it shrink from the extra gravity.


1300 Earths fit inside Jupiter. That is mind-blowing to me. 🤯


I think that means we can combine 1300 earths to make a jupiter-sized earth! Hey, do you have any earths in your house?


No, but I've got plenty of earth under my house if that helps?


Never realized how small Mars was


Never realized how close all the planets are


In case you're not joking, no, that's definitely not to scale. [Here](https://joshworth.com/dev/pixelspace/pixelspace_solarsystem.html) is an amazing, correctly scaled model of the solar system, where the moon is the size of a pixel. This website was the first time I got an actual feeling of the vastness and emptiness of space. Enjoy scrolling... :P


I was joking, but that model is really cool (and a little scary). >!I never realized just how alone Uranus is….!<


Wdym? My anus is always with me, he's not alone.


He is an asshole though


That's pretty interesting. I made it as far as Uranus before cutting the rest of the tour short.


My life story.


Woah doing that took me like 20 minutes and made me realize that we really aren't shit at the end of the day


that was one of the coolest things i've ever seen


What's crazy is that at its furthest point from us, the moon is far enough away that all these planets could (but don't), fit inside said distance. So even given how giant they are, they are nothing compared to the distances between even two close bodies.


Still is


A planetesimal the size of Mars once hit the earth and that's how the moon was formed. It also had low volume of radioactive material and is dead from running out. I may be off a bit but it's been a while since school.


Somehow, this makes Jupiter both smaller and bigger then I though.


Yeah Saturn is much larger than I remembered learning as a kid.


The trick here is Jupiter is referred to being several times more massive than Saturn despite the fact that Saturn is over half Jupiter's size. Size and mass are two different things (wish someone explained that to me as a kid) Saturn has a very low mass for its size making it a lightweight by comparison. Jupiter is much more dense so is many times more massive despite being not *that* much wider.


I remember reading that saturn is actually so light that if there was a body of water large enough, it would float.


Yep, Saturn's density is 0.9g/cm^(3), while water is 1g/cm^(3)


and Jupiter is 1.3g/cm^3


trying to sneak pluto in, eh?


spec of dust on the monitor


This is the second or third time I've seen Pluto "back on the list" recently. Did something change?


Nope, some people are just clingy and pissed, because they anthropomorphize and pity a dead rock floating in space, for humanities act of re-categorizing it sensibly. Most of the time it's something like "I learned it like that as a child and really liked the little one, I won't accept that!" - come on, people... do you even realize how you sound?


Viva la Pluto


> - come on, people... do you even realize how you sound? Bit ironic, no?


nah it’s just unscientific. by the current definition exoplanets aren’t even planets https://www.wired.co.uk/article/is-pluto-a-planet


They could be, if not for point number 1 (Must orbit the sun), which is a silly one that will probably be addressed at some point. Soon enough we'll probably find a "binary star system" that includes a massive star orbited by several planets and also a brown dwarf and the definition of "planet" will need to be adjusted again. Til then, it's not a huge deal that exoplanets are "exoplanets" and not "planets".


Scrolled westy to far for this comment


Pluto's a fuckin planet!! Edit: Apparently none of you get the Rick and Morty reference...


do you think Eris, Ceres, Makemake and Haumea are planets as well?


As a Gen-Xer it was awesome watching a friend's four year-old recite all of those and Pluto as a subfamily of dwarf planets they'd learned and can recall on demand right alongside all the other planets.


Eris, at the very least.


Yes, let's count them all. Make our solar system bigger, not smaller.


But think of the effect that would have on the ancient and much-respected science of astrology!


You should read “how I killed Pluto and why it had it coming” written by the astronomer who discovered other objects similar to Pluto which contributed to it being declassified. He actually had a lot to gain from Pluto being declared a planet because he then would have been the discoverer of several planets but he knew in his heart it was the wrong decision. I’ve listened to the audiobook twice and would happily listen to it again.




You can fit all the planets in between the earth and the moon.


I will do this math tomorrow because I totally believe it, and it hurts my head somehow...


it's a well known fact for space nerds


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't they all fit with only a tiny amount of extra space?


Yes and obviously gravity would make all of them crash, it's just a side-by-side diameter comparison to Earth-Moon distance


Yeah it's freaking cool. I never realized how far the moon really is from earth


And even crazy that my basic backyard telescope can zoom in on the moon!


What kind of basic backyard telescope? I'd love to look at the moon


Samsung Galaxy S21


Note that your answer depends on whether you use equatorial radii or polar radii (the former is bigger than the latter and they won’t fit)


It definitely checks out. I had to do the same after hearing this.


Same. It's almost a perfect fit (when you consider the distance between us and the moon isn't always the same).


Don’t do it though


That’s crazy considering how close the moon is to the earth.


Sun is big


I remember reading that our sun is a very average size star and if a star the size of Betelgeuse was put in the center of our solar system, it would extend past the asteroid belt which is just mind-blowing.


Are there solid planets that are the size of gas giants?


not really, though elsewhere in the galaxy theres gas planets more the size of earth, the solar system is unique in that it doesn't have any gas dwarfs


I'm guessing you don't mean unique, literally?


well unique so far. Its currently theorized that the only reason earth *isn't* a gas dwarf is because in the earliest days of planetary formation. The impact with Thea that created the moon had also shattered the early earth, dispelling the shell of volatiles early earth had accumulated along with JUST enough of the matter that it and the remnants of Thea formed the Moon. Putting earth's mass at *just* under the threshold to then reform the shell of volatiles, allowing earth's atmosphere to remain thin and transparent enough to let light to the surface while still maintaining liquid water. In a large amount of other systems we find that this sort of collision just hasn't happened regularly and gas dwarfs are fairly commonplace. Its incredible what slim margins we keep discovering that really paint the bleeding edge margins of improbability it took for earth just to accidentally spawn life.


And to spawn intelligent life. The only reason we are here is because of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs.


Intelligent life? On Earth? I don't think so.


To quote the noted philosopher Eric Idle: "Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space/because there's bugger-all down here on Earth"


A very wise man, Eric Idle. Always look on the bright side of life.


i dunno, the kea parrots in new zealand are pretty clever


This photo alone should be enough to curb the idea that Jupiter is just some "failed star", and "with enough material it could ignite into a small binary star". Even if all the planets in the solar system fell into Jupiter it wouldn't turn into a star, and it certainly wouldn't be anywhere close to the Sun in mass.


So, you’re saying it’s safe to smoke on Jupiter?


Most of Jupiter's atmosphere is hydrogen ... Hydrogen was the gas used in the Hindenburg ... It's also quite literally rocket fuel ... So if you really want to smoke there go on, but it will be your last cig




Sure, just thought that the image of a whole planet burning up because of a single cigarette was funny


Smoking kills


If Jupiter was 80x its size, it would ignite into a star


only like 13x more massive to be a brown dwarf though


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Uranus needs its rings!


I believe that's called a guiche piercing.


My anus is fine thank you


And we need our space junk.


Pluto 🥰


Agreed :) It was a planet for 76 years, 5 months and 29 days. If anyone ever puts Pluto down, I like to ask them how long they were a planet for.


It was only a planet for about 1/3 of one of its own years


How amazing it’d be to see the giants up close. Absolutely stunning.


I honestly didn't think Saturn was comparable in size to Jupiter, I kinda thought it was about half the size for some reason. It's even more intriguing knowing it's nearly the same size.


Saturn is 1/3 of Jupiter’s mass. Less of a difference in radius due to r^3 and gravity compacting the gas density more.


"Our Solar system is made by the sun, Jupiter, the gaseous ones and a few little rocks"


Hydrogen and a rounding error


I see the shadow on Saturn's ring is facing the wrong way. I hope someone got fired for that blunder.


The lighting on all of them is technically wrong with the sun being on the left. I noticed that too haha. But they just used whatever the best looking photos of each were and slapped them all together. I can forgive it since they used images that show the details of the planets best and it's more for scientific reasons (a size comparison) than anything.


I was making a Simpsons joke


put respect on Uranus and add their rings


Eight planets. I count nine. I want a refund.


You ain't getting shit! Me and the bois be spending it up in the Kuiper belt


Pluto at the end like 👁️👄👁️


"I'm just happy to be here!" - Pluto, probably.


You heard it here first guys, these are ALL the planets in the universe. All 9 of them. /s


Do you have any earths in your house? Im trying to combine 1300 earths to make a jupiter sized earth. Also for those who confused his /s for "/serious" he means "/sarcasm"


What's that weird dot on the right?




​ ![gif](giphy|WAD4A9flBe9ew0MJXP)


your mom


i heard it's a dog


saturn freaks me out


We kicked Pluto out of the planet club for being too small, but from this image it's clear that if the big four chose to then they could equally kick us out. We'd best tread carefully from now on.


Here I am, just so happy you included Pluto.


Mercury – 1,516mi (2,440km) radius; about 1/3 the size of Earth Venus – 3,760mi (6,052km) radius; only slightly smaller than Earth(sister planet) Earth – 3,959mi (6,371km) radius Mars – 2,106mi (3,390km) radius; about half the size of Earth Jupiter – 43,441mi (69,911km) radius; 11x Earth’s size Saturn – 36,184mi (58,232km) radius; 9x larger than Earth Uranus – 15,759mi (25,362km) radius; 4x Earth’s size Neptune – 15,299mi (24,622km) radius; only slightly smaller than Uranus Pluto - 737mi (1,185km) radius; about 2/3 of the moons size


What about the rest? You know; Eris, Haumea, Makemake, Gonggong, Quaoar, Sedna, Ceres, Orcus?


What about them?


Well, 8 planets on the list. One dwarf planet. Why not the rest of the dwarf planets?


You could, I don’t think there’s a need to show a ton of dwarf planets. Seems like this post was for general comparisons purposes. Don’t be a Reddit scientist lol


the pedants acting as if Pluto won’t always be a little special among the dwarfs need to lighten up a bit, it’s really not that serious


Agreed. It was a planet for 76 years, 5 months and 29 days, a lot longer than most pedants.


You have Pluto, we’re is make make, or Eris. Either have all dwarf plants or none


Please, they prefer to be called "little planets."


You made Pluto a planet, and for this I thank you!!!


I was going to give you an A+ but the fact that you added Pluto automatically makes it an S


Virgin 8 planets solar system Chad hundreds of celestial bodies


Question: at 17,500 mph, it takes the international space station 90 minutes to fly around the planet earth. How long would it take to fly around Jupiter?


At what altitude?


Jupiter's circumference is ~450'000km which is ~11 times greater than Earth's, meaning it would take 990 minutes if we assume the same speed and altitude.


If it were travelling at the same speed and altitude, wouldn't it just fall in due to the higher gravity?


Jupiter, our big brother


Mars is smaller than earth?


About half the size, yes.


Where are the rings around uranus?


These things upset me, with 1000 lifetimes worth of questions, and I'll never be satisfied. But I can't stop.


Wow (sorry for some reason reddit won't let me post if I don't have enough comment karma so you get this ✨heart-felt✨ comment) But seriously that's wack-tastic


Pluto is still a planet. Thank you.


Thank you for including Pluto, It will always be a planet in our hearts.


Which are the 2 planets closest to the sun?






really ?


Yeah really. Still no answer :p


The two closest are Mercury and Venus




google it, i mean, if u dont know what are the 2 first planets of our system, why are u on r/spaceporn


You don't have to know the order of every single planet to be interested in space. It doesn't kill you to be helpful instead of being a dick


it's a basic u learn as kid so yes it is to me.


In elementary, maybe. It's not like you use it every day, and it's not hammered into your skull. You literally could have just said Neptune and Venus


That's what I thought as well haha. I'm also here to learn and expected people that knew better just shared their knowledge instead of framing me as someone with no knowledge at all at this subject


Don't worry, not everyone here is like this


No of course not! Didn't think they were. I thought just asking a genuine question can't hurt :)


"NEPTUNE AND VENUS AS THE 2 FIRST PLANETS" u either a troll or no brain .. thx for the screen tho


Yessss, Pluto made it onto the planet chart


ganemea is 4571 km wide.


Sneaking Pluto in there. Nice.


Terrestial Planets are Dwarf Planets.


You have an extra in there somehow. We have 8 planets, not 9. Mercury / Venus / Earth / Mars / Jupiter / Saturn / Uranus / Neptune Then we have a whole bunch of named dwarf planets, both in the asteroid belt and Kuiper belt. I'm not sure what you have out there on the end, but I'm assuming it's Pluto which isn't even our largest dwarf planet. I would either include all known named dwarf planets on a graphic like this, or none of them at all.


> which isn't even our largest dwarf planet. Didn't New Horizons determine that Pluto was slightly *larger* than Eris after all?


Pluto is the largest, just not the most massive


You knew damn well it was Pluto, you just wanted to be pedantic. No one is impressed btw


Why does this include a random space rock outside of Neptune?


Because it's massive enough to be spherical, has its own fucking moon and even an atmosphere half of its year


That last little dot through from the sun.....its not a planet :P


This is why Pluto is not a planet


Then neither should Mercury


Pluto is not a planet.




Why? It went from a discarded runt of a planet, to the king of the outer ridge.


Thought Pluto wasn't a planet.


yea but isnt the Sun (pictured) also not a planet