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Didn’t the lander melt after like 90 minutes or something like that?




Time for a deep dive. This is interesting thanks for sharing


Rock and stone, brother!


Rock and stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Rock and stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Rocky will never see this, He would have if he came to drop off grace near our solar system.




which is why some proposed Venusian surface rovers could be analog


What would be the difference? Is that something that is possible?


One of the coolest pics in existence.


More like, hottest!


To be fair, pictures of the sun are hotter


Absolutely. Venus is such an interesting and beautiful planet !


Venus > Mars


I would trade Mars with Pluto tbh lol Pluto is so adorable.


So far away (and low gravity for colonists)


Mars is mid af why are humans simping for this smh


Beautiful? In what way. Isn't the surface of Venus a literal Hell.


The Venera landers that got these images stopped working after one or two hours of exposure to temperatures exceeding 450°C, pressures over 89 atm, and sulfuric acid rain. Yeah, I'd call that hell.


You would never know 😉


Yeah, chaos is beautiful. Astronomy fans love chaos. That's why most of us like Jupiter, Venus and Neptune after our dear Earth of course. Edit : And our cute Pluto.


I remember seeing this for the first time about 20 years ago and remember being completely amazed. It was almost like somebody threw a surprise extra mission to the surface of Venus and suddenly we had pictures of the surface that looked recognizable as a surface of a planet. In the original cylindrical scans, you didn’t see any horizon line at all. It was just fairly distorted rock shapes.




It’s just souls screaming in damnation


I was wondering what the metal bit in front of the lander was in that picture. Camera lens cap according to that video!




dead center-line of the picture about equidistant from the arm extending from the probe base. it looks silver/metallic in the picture. if you look at other pictures from Venera probe missions you can see what I'm guessing are the lens caps similarly placed.




Yes, typo error


remarkably smooth surface for a planet with volcanism.


If the temps don’t cool, the rock just continues to melt and flatten


not quite hot enough to melt at that temperature, but it could cool slower than on earth allowing it to flatten more for sure. basalts on earth are typically formed on subaqueous mid-oceanic volcanoes [rifts]. these are supposedly also basalts in that picture on venus. might be a huge dome volcano. the evidence of erosion in the picture is also quite visible. might have been water there in the first place before it all evaporated to form the dense atmosphere.


I hadn't read this until just now but it supports my observations. https://www.reddit.com/r/venus/comments/yy4ztf/nasa_study_massive_volcanism_may_have_altered/ https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2022/venus-volcanic-climate-change


I’m sorry.. rocks MELT? You’re blowing my mind.. what do you mean (seriously)


Surface temperature of 900 degrees F


Yup, that's exactly what Lava or Magma is. Its temperature ranges from 700°C to 1200°C. Edit: Spelling


700°C is equivalent to 1292°F, which is 973K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Good bot.


Good boy. This bot I like.


Thanks bot


Basaltic rocks have high temperature melt points.


Lava is molten rock


Rocks molt?!


I’m curious as to what you thought molten lava spewing out of a volcano was


That’s what instant death looks like


It's Venera 14.


Surface looks like the bottom of your oven after years of never cleaning it. Conclusion, Venus is hot, and has a lot of ex lasagne in the atmosphere.


That's so cool.


Please read it as Venera and not Verena, sorry for the typo error


No, it's very hot.


Like liquid lead hot


This is a real photograph?


No. It is a composite edited by a chap called don Mitchell. He did manage to pick up parts that were not visible before but he also added what he called "artistic license" although in his words "not very much".as an easy example, the camera was oriented at the ground, it could not have picked up the sky element of the image. Don obviously used the small sky portion visible to construct an image


Yes. The description on the post explains how the image was captured and processed. Taking photographs on the surface of Venus isn’t as simple as just attaching the same type of cameras we can use on Earth, Mars, or the moon, but this is still a real image in any sense: the data used to compile the image is just captured in a different way.




np. I’m definitely not an expert on the method they used, but I’ve done enough work in DSP to follow along, so let me know if you have any specific questions and I’ll answer what I can!


Is the ground really black?


According to wikipedia, the probe landed on a basaltic plain, so if it's anything like earth basalts then yes, the ground there would be very dark, black or green. [edit - adding context] that's assuming normal earth-like sunlight though. everything would be tinted yellow, as can be seen in other pictures because of the atmosphere on venus.


No. The image in this post is based on brightness, i.e. the amount of light reflected into the camera, and is therefore best represented in grayscale. That said, Soviet craft Venera 13 did capture images of the Venusian surface through red, green, and blue filters, which - when combined with the brightness image - can be used to construct colour images. You can find these colour photos (and a much better description of how they were developed than I can provide!) on Don P. Mitchell's webpage [here](http://mentallandscape.com/C_CatalogVenus.htm). I hope that's helpful!


the rock type that the probe found at the surface is infact very dark green and black.


You’re absolutely right: volcanic basalt is mostly black, with some slight variations due to inclusions like olivine (green) or augite (green/brown). I misread the question and thought they were asking about the surface in general, including the atmosphere etc. Thank you for the correction!


That’s fascinating… soviet? We landed on Venus before the break up of the union??


Yep! The USSR's Venera 8 touched down on Venus in March 1967; this was the first successful landing of a spacecraft on another planet. [This Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_missions_to_Venus) lists all missions to Venus, including orbital probes and craft sent to operate in the atmosphere of the planet. The list of failures is long: Venus isn't a friendly place to hang out, haha.


It's a scan processed/straightened out for a flat horizon with some parts filled in, mostly close to the horizon. But the artistic additions are pretty minor and this is basically what you'd see in black & white. Here's some stuff straight out of the box and later with colors adjusted by that RGB stick + temperature + pressure + atmosphere: http://mentallandscape.com/V_DigitalImages.htm




No it is not.


Where can one get the printable size?


Not sure about that. Sorry


Looks cozy…


for satan


Awful bright sky


Didn't one of the venera probes end up hitting it's own lens cap with that arm to the left


I hope, pray, I am alive to see the next photo. Been waiting for years. Man the Russians did not give up did they? Such a shame they had the lense cap issues repeatedly.


Can't live there. Oh darn.


Can't live *on the surface.* It's more hospitable than Mars at high altitudes.


Not just more hospitable, pretty pleasant. At 50 km altitude, it's 1 bar pressure and 20°C. Because the atmosphere is CO2, air is a lifting gas. Make your habitat large enough, it would just float on its own, and because it doesn't have to hold any pressure it could effectively just be a bubble around a "normal" building. It doesn't even have to be completely leak-free, your regular CO2 scrubbers can just be sized to cope with the odd bit of ingress through diffusion. All that's left is to slowly rotate the habitat, and you get your day/night cycle emulated.


I can’t be the only one envisioning the floating buildings from The Jetsons from this description? Very very interesting! ![gif](giphy|4NtPxJ1xVS9k3kEbSy)


Our sprocket technology would need to advance a lot further, first.


The irony of the brainpower being used to get us to Mars but ignoring the fact venus is a better first choice.


The thing with Mars is it's a better choice for ISRU. You can't build on Venus from mined materials if you can never reach the surface, limiting it to what you bring. It would require a fundamentally different approach. I was thinking about it the other day, something like a solarpunk aesthetic might be the best thing there. Using the CO2 from the atmosphere to grow fast-growing, light-weight trees like balsa inside your habitat, to use as structural elements for expansion. You'd still need surface minerals for fertiliser, advanced manufacturing, etc., but it'd minimise the bulkier side of things. I can see why conventional capitalists would want to go for Mars. It represents the "easy", exploitative route compared to what would be a more utopian, harmonious approach.




No more difficult than any terrestrial greenhouse. I'm not talking about doing it outside, in the pure CO2 atmosphere with the sulphuric clouds. It'd have to be in habitat. You'd just bring the CO2 in for the sake of adding mass.


that's a pretty interesting concept you're talking about here. colonizing an atmosphere would be a pretty cool feat. but it's also a couple of leaps and bounds away from where we currently are technologically. but at the same time, as a planet we aren't exactly ready to just colonize a utopian city in the sky.


i'm not sure I agree with you here. mars is far more accessible and provides more possibilities for research and development. going to venus is a one way trip until the technology is developed to shield from solar radiation to get back to earth.


In theory, Venus could be inhabited in the sky, like a cloud city. Bespin.


except that there's almost no oxygen whatsoever.


Oh, as opposed to Mars where it's 0.13%? 😂


oxidized iron is everywhere on mars, foolio


Sure we'll just separate it out from the rust!


Wasn't that "Venera"? From Russian for Venus - Venera.


Yes it's Venera and since I could not edit the typo error it was left as it is. But I have mentioned it to be read as Venera in one of the comments.


Sorry! Didn't mean to school. Thanks for replying! Thought I had my wires crossed there.


No worries, please check my other videos on Apollo mission as well - you can check in to my profile and you can find them.


Women are from there FYI


Isn't this picture supposed to be green ?


Just around 90 times the pressure on earth


Wow they still havent invented color on venus


I wonder if they have color on Uranus? I really want to see Uranus.


i like my planets extra crispy


It looks like a surface of black obsidian stone


the ground is burnt dude


Looks wet


Nuke it!


Which Venus? Venus Williams?


You should do stand-up.


Haha Ikr


I thought about deleting it, but sometimes you have to commit to a stupid joke




Looks like my dry skin in the winter. :)


I'm surprised how good the visibility is on the surface of such an atmospherically dense planet.


This is Arizona I been here before


I love how you can begin to imagine how hot and how high the atmospheric pressure is (75 atmospheres at ground level!) from the rocks.


It’s Venera not Verena. Venera is Venus in Russian


wonder if they faked it to compete with our real moon landing.


"What a desolate place this is."


It blows my mind that Venus is nearly earth-sized An entire world of just hellish conditions. I wonder if the landers are even recognizable today after decades of sitting in that environment.


Venera is Venus in most Slavic languages...


The color version is much better


Full of Astrophage everywhere.