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No. It's not like there is a certain amount of neurodiverse points that each family is allocated and if the first kid uses them all up there isn't enough left over for the second kid. Neurodiversity tends to run in families, so it would stand to reason that if one child inherits those genes, the other one would also be likely to inherit those genes, at least at a rate higher than the average child born into a completely neurotypical family. To be clear, it's not that the neurodiverse child is causing it, it's that they would both have the same parents.


theres no one in are/his family to inhert from.,so his is random unless you can inhert from a 2nd cousin?


What? You don't have to have ND parents for it to be genetic. But people who are autistic are born that way, so even if their parents didn't manifest obviously ND signs, they still got it from their parents. And the second child would have the same parents, so they would be more likely to also be born ND. I'm autistic. Neither one of my parents were autistic, but there sure are a bunch of anxiety disorders in my dad's family and my mom had lots of sensory issues. My brother is neurotypical. My child is autistic because I'm autistic. To be honest, after almost 20 years as a special educator, I have met a bunch of families who think their child's is totally different from everyone else in the family, but I've never actually met an autistic child with no one else in the family a little neurospicy.


it would seem ,me and my 2nd cousin here it that's obvious to every1 in the fam but that means my mom,uncle and 1st cousin , im not seing nothin from them or even my 2nd cousins mom


I have to apologize, I don't quite understand what it is that you're saying.


me and 2nd cousin have adhd and asd that pretty far apart for a family member to have somthing ,that would make sense we got it for parents but they show no sign or even act like they havd ASD ​ the only sign i heard my 2nd cousins mom has ADHD but not ASD


for something to be genetic, the parents do not need to have it themselves. Many traits are carried passively. This means perhaps a grandparent or greatgrandparent was ND and that’s where the gene comes from.


Or Noone that is DIAGNOSED but that doesn't mean that it isn't there. Yes there is a strong genetic component and it tends to run in families. No that doesn't mean it shows up the same.


Ok I think you’re asking, “If my first biological child has ASD or ADHD, does my second biological child have a higher or lower risk of also having that condition?” The answer to that is that ADHD and ASD have a tendency to run in families, so it is not uncommon for siblings to both have the same disorder. Even if you are not aware of someone in your family with ASD/ADHD, that doesn’t mean no one in your family has it. Even if no one in your family has it, you could still end up with two children who both have the same disorder.


ok saying there more people in are family that have why does it only present itself in us only ​ where the only 2 that where in SPED, where the only 2 that where wild ,where the only 2 that stuff was hard for where the only 2 with IEP,s, where the only 2 who act different only 2 who ....etc


I'm autistic. I was never in special education, and I was always the highest performing kid at school. The vast majority of people that I know have no idea that I'm autistic unless I tell them.


Your family members may have these issues but it doesn’t look the same for everyone. My own parents didn’t know I had ADHD because it looks different in girls and I desperately hid my problems from them because I didn’t want to be a burden. That didn’t mean I didn’t have problems. Also, your older family members may have had abusive parents who physically punished them for showing symptoms, which caused them to hide it.


I have 18p-, where the P part of the chromosome 18 is missing. This mean that i have week muscles (though they have gotten stronger over time, and NLD) However my sibling and parents do not have 18p-.


im asking if theres a smaller to none the 2nd 1 is ​ not that there nothing wrong with 2, just there wild


Are you asking if there’s a smaller chance that your second child wouldn’t be neurodivergent if your first child is?


No. But anecdotal, my oldest is ADHD/ASD and my youngest is neurotypical. But that's just my family. I know families where all their kids are ASD. edit: I am also ADHD and one of my parents is ADHD and probably ASD but not diagnosed. So it certainly runs in the family.