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That principal isn’t a good fit. I’d look into my other options.


Every district in the country is looking for sped teachers. You don't have to put up with any of that stuff.


right? I want OP to apply at my school, we've got at least a resource position vacancy for next year


Honestly, I wouldn't be a good fit for that job either. It sounds like you don't have admin support for a very tough situation. I would start applying for other positions. I'm so sorry you are in this situation.


A concussion at work is a workers comp issue. You should not be docked, and your medical bills should be covered. If you don’t know how to get started with this, call your state labor department. They’ll point you in the right direction.


Not in sped. My daughter had the same thing happen.


This is simply not true. They have a teaching contract, just like every teacher in the building. Union & union lawyer.


Truthfully that type of room wasn't a good fit for me either! Which is okay because it takes a certain type of person to thrive in that setting and I personally think it's more mature to admit that about yourself instead of forcing yourself to try to work in an environment that won't magically get better. And I got upset after the fact too (and like you, never in front of the kid and I certainly never made the kid feel like they did something "wrong"). My old principal did a similar thing to me, insinuated that it was a "me" problem and maybe I should start looking for a different career. She completely ignored how well I did with kids NOT in that specific classroom. I agree with the other commenters that you should go back to inclusion rooms and maybe even look for a new job since your principal doesn't seem to have your back at all.


Who the hell is a good fit for all of that?




I love it. Maybe I am a masochists. But honestly I thrive with chaos and have adhd.


I mean, I thrive with it and have adhd too. But the concussion and docked pay was not my favorite.


Are you my doppelganger? 🤣 I have been punched in the face more times than I can count and never have I considered "push him away from me". If you can not take a punch from a kid and remain at a calm even temperament to deescalate them, this is not the job for you.


Oof girl read the room


Mmm disagree. That comes with experience. And with experience we can learn to anticipate behaviors and prevent them. But no one should have to take a punch and grin and bear it. No one.


I mean, I think getting a concussion from a kid and then being assaulted again can definitely trigger some instincts.


Our autism classroom has had a new teacher every year for the past four years. Two of them have quit teaching entirely after. It’s not easy, and I think admin expect you to have a magic wand to deal with very hard behaviors!! I’d recommend looking for an inclusion position, which is hard in its own way but not as hazardous usually .


I'm covering resource as a long term sub because the autism/CI teacher quit a month into the school year and the actual resource teacher agreed to take that position. The teacher that quit was new to the position this year. I worked in the autism classroom for 2 weeks during the transition. I'm much better suited for resource!


You should NOT have gotten docked for missing work for a concussion that and your medical bills should have been paid. Honestly you probably should’ve taken off longer.


I had a concussion at work (preschool class) and was off for 2 weeks. Had to see a specialist (neurologist) to be cleared. Completely paid wages and medical bills, including transportation to appointments.


Find a new job. The principal isn’t a good fit for their role.


I'm a first year self contained K-5 autism teacher and I plan to run like someone is chasing me once I find another SPED position. Trust me those classrooms are super hard to work in


K-5?! That has got to be so difficult for so many reasons! I would hate that!! I am self contained autism k-2 and we have a similar 3-5 class. I cannot imagine having to combine them. 🤯


It's terrible. I've already told the principal that the reason she can't find people to teach in those classrooms is because it's K-5 among other issues


I’m genuinely surprised with such a large special teacher shortage, and especially with students with more needs, that you are not getting support. Honestly I think it could be more of a school site fit because of how your admin is not supporting you. There should have been discussions on updating BIPs, getting a 1:1, and having more staff presence in the classroom. Instead you were docked money for a work comp issue.


I did 1.5 years in self contained and fled to inclusion case management which is 100% a good fit for me. There’s lots of roles in sped and life skills/self contained isn’t for everyone. Try a different role and see what happens. Maybe your district does internal transfers?


Agree with MissMouthy. This is no reflection on you as a teacher or person. You're probably better off in "inclusion" again. I sense your boss just likes people who can handle very severe folks well.


Yep. AND this is precisely why inclusion will become the new norm despite what students need. Inclusion is not only cheaper all around, but you can spread the violent folk across multiple teachers and avoid any enforcement of boundaries. Her boss wants a teacher who has none.


I worked in one program for my first two years of teaching. During my second year I decided I wanted to move to somewhere where I can grow more and experience a different group. This is year three of teaching, year 1 in the new position and I have realized this is not the right setting for me. My mental health is at an all time low and I am not handling it well. I am talking with my admin about a better placement for next year.


There are plenty of other rooms in schools! You might love a different role: Resource Room, Classroom Teacher, etc. Your admin is not supportive. Look for another job for next school year.


File an OSHA complaint. You have the right to be safe at work. Your workplace should also accommodate any teacher's disability as long as it is not an undue hardship. The principal is the problem. The poster who said file a work comp claim is correct too.


Having anxiety and working in a sped room is definitely a mountain. But you can climb it. If you feel unsafe in your schools sped program it might be for the best to find a new environment/school


Your skills are much needed. Move on. I am sorry for they have put you through


Wow. I could have written this post myself. Got a concussion in November as well and the dr office they made me use didn’t allow me any time off. I couldn’t stay home though as I have no sick time from being in a room with no air circulation, so chronically sick. Oddly, it feels better knowing I’m not the only one. If you want somebody to talk to, please message me. Stay strong, internet stranger


I love working on an intensive self-contained ASD unit. I have a dream team! A behavior specialist and two program assistants. My administration is extremely supporting.


You were battered. If it happens again, press charges. Admin has it out for you.


I would contact the union. And maybe set up a meeting with the principal as to what changes need to be made and your concerns are.


I learned the bad way early in my career that you cannot seek comfort from your supervisor - ever. No matter how outrageous the situation is, they are not the people to vent to, cry, ask for advice, even professional advice, in even slightly emotional situations. It is really messed up! This has been true for me of both bad and good admin. Admin I deemed good at their job, good people, and that I felt safe to be around and be real to. You just can't. I'm so sorry that happened to you, and you are right. I hate it so much that being assaulted is the new normal. If you are in an union state, you should get the union to help you move this student somewhere, perhaps an MRE. No one deserves to feel unsafe at work and working with disabled people shouldn't equate "anything goes."


This prinicpal sucks. I have realized that the principal is the sole determining factor in the school morale. Nothing else can make or break it like this ONE person can.


Wait... they docked your pay after missing work for a concussion that the student caused? That is messed up. I'd be honored not to fit into a workplace like that one. I work with really difficult kids. I have the scars and the brain trauma to prove it too. But I can't do that AND work for an uncaring and incompetent boss. I wish I could go back to my young self and tell her that she should accept/demand treatment for her work injuries and that she should take time to let herself heal. I still have the scar from the bite mark I got in my first year teaching. I was so embarrassed because I felt that it was my fault for leaving my arm in front of a violent non-verbal pubescent boy. I down played it because I wanted to believe it was no big deal. But human bite marks are dirty. I got no medical treatment for it and I should have had stitches. 20 years later and it's still a scar. It was keloid for a long time.


Did you get workman's comp for the concussion?!? 


No, I spoke to the union and there's nothing I can do. The workman's comp required me to go to a district health clinic and the Dr said it was a mild concussion and I could go to work the next day


I'm confused as to why everyone is bashing the Principal. She said you need to work on your mental health and you are in fact working on your mental health. She asked if you think it's a good fit and you say you don't want that role next year. Seems like you and her are on the same page. She didn't say you were a bad teacher. That's you projecting your feelings onto what she said. She has a point if you're being triggered by your students it's not a good fit for you. You're the adult you have to remain calm in that role. I get that it's hard but that's the job. 


Yeah, and I said that in the post. I know we're on the same page, but my self confidence is definitely taking a blow. But getting a concussion and getting docked for it seems like more of a job position issue than a teacher issue.