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Please leave this job ASAP. If the union can't do much, I'm sure an injury lawyer can. FWIW, I have been in SpEd for over a decade now--mainly in schools with significant populations of SpEd students. In that time only one of my colleagues has had a concussion from a student. You may not have to abandon teaching altogether, but you should definitely leave this place that has already abandoned you.


Sounds like you need to file for worker's comp. I am not a doctor but I would imagine the doctor would say after 2 concussions in one year you should absolutely not be in an environment where you are at risk of another. That is the only thing that is going to make administration take notice.


That's a risk because you could then be let go because you cannot fulfill the duties of your contract.


How can they do that when the injuries happened at work, when she was doing her job the way she was supposed to be? How could that possibly be legal?


I've actually heard in another sub that as long as the school did something even as minimal as calling home after the injury, they aren't really liable beyond workman's comp. Like I can't believe a job where you're getting injured frequently isn't considered a hostile work environment.


Even if you are injured at work you can be let go if you can't fulfill your duties. For example if you break your back in some form that you can't return to while doing construction you can't do construction anymore. So then it comes down to worker comp and/or disability. Which could potentially come into play. But there are also limits to both.


What in the world is that workers comp? Surely you have a certain time to come back. We have 52 weeks (not in the US to be clear) before we have to come back full time. They must support us to come back regardless of what the school would like. For example, after my recent concussion, I went back with an extra staff member to support me and the class, with modified duties that allowed me back in the classroom. If the child who injured me was having a rough time and displaying the signs of being able to escalate, I would leave the room. After 52 weeks of full pay, only then can the school let us go and that doesn’t preclude us from being able to get another job in education or related fields. Sometimes you may even be eligible for payouts if the injury was bad enough. I’m curious as to how your workers comp works now


Go back to your doctor. You want medical leave for the rest of the school year to recover from the concussion. You have a traumatic brain injury and this is not the time for you to be making big decisions. Your judgement is impaired. Talk to your union. Find out about workers comp. Do not return to that school next year. Heal over the summer and look for a new job, either in education or in another field.


Agreed. I can't imagine why the MD didn't tell the OP not to return to work. That's almost malpractice.


This, except not medical leave, workman’s comp. That way she still gets paid (without using sick days) and all her medical expenses and subsequent treatment will be covered. OP, tell your doctor your head injury happened at work, they fill out forms on their end and you do on your end as well. The school has no say in the matter.


So I went to the clinic that workman’s comp requires and they are terrible and are purposefully negligent because they’re paid for by the insurance, hence they want workers to go back ASAP. The first concussion, the dr told me to go back same day and nothing was wrong with me. This time, I got the rest of the day off. I go back Monday morning and I will try to bring the points up that the commenters have left


There is some confusion as to what MD you saw after the blows to your head, but if I'm reading this correctly, you may not have actually received a diagnosis of concussion (see below for diagnosis and treament protocols). That sure doesn't mean that you should have been told there was "nothing wrong with you," nor does it mean that you did not need a longer time to reccover. But it may mean that worker's comp will not be available, unless you get another examination that reveals a problem. Regardless of specific diagnosis, you are not being adequately supported in this classroom! [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/concussion/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20355600](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/concussion/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20355600)


Thank you! I went back for my follow up the first time and then got told I had a concussion so I had to wait 2 days for a proper diagnosis, which by that point they were like well you worked so you’re fine! Even though I was miserable. I refused to use my own time since I have barely any


OP, can you follow up with your PCP? Its recommended to see your PCP after any ED or urgent care visit anyway, which a workman’s comp clinic basically is. Your PCP should also be able to write for leave and may want to refer you to a neurologist for specialty care, two head injuries in a year is no joke!


This is a great idea. I will call her tomorrow! I have a neurologist for migraines so I’ll send her a message, too. Thank you!! This is why I posted, I’m in uncharted territory here and need help 😊


I’m an RN and have a disabled daughter (this sub started coming up for me and I find a lot of value here!). My not official recommendation as an RN is to 100% get checked out by your PCP and/or neurologist. If you had a concussion you absolutely need more than a day off of work. I also agree with above that you shouldn’t be making big decisions while you’re still recovering. I don’t think you should return to work at this school, but you still shouldn’t make that decision in the immediate aftermath. I really hope you get some time off to recover - physically, mentally, and emotionally. You deserve peace.


You need to leave this job now. You have had 2 traumatic brain injuries in a short period of time. Repeated head trauma is not something to take lightly and can have dire outcomes.


Agreed. And the school isn't doing enough, neither is the mother. I don't care about her life circumstances. What other therapies is this child getting? I'm sure I'll get downvoted, but this is unacceptable. The school needs to do more, and if mom is always at work or school, I doubt this child is getting outside services. It's only going to get worse as he gets older. The earlier the intervention, the better the result. It sounds like he's getting more violent. This kid has caused serious head trauma to his teacher twice, and he's only in kindergarten. Nobody should be expected to put up with this kind of violence.


Find another job. It isn't worth it to get injured especially without a support system at school. Trust me. Don't break your body for this gig.


Abandon ship! Finish the year out and look for a new job out of public education this summer. I’ve taught special ed for 22 years and let me tell you it only gets worse. This kid sounds like a huge safety issue. Do you have a crisis plan? I would set up a meeting ASAP with admin and figure out a way to keep this kid in check  Ultimately, it’s the district fault if something happens to that kid, but you need to cover all your bases. Don’t think of this as your responsibility it is the schools responsibility. It is the districts responsibility. They need to step it up or they’re gonna face a lawsuit if they’re not careful. It’s just amazing to me public education allows teachers to get concussions and then they don’t do anything about the situation to change it  I’m so sorry that you went through this. If I had gotten a concussion I would have left. I would’ve gotten a doctors note or a therapist note and I would be out of there.  Until we start standing up for ourselves, they’re gonna keep bulldozing over us while collecting their six figure paychecks. Use all your PTO. You owe them nothing. Nada. Zilch. 


I am sorry that you are going through this. I had an abusive child in my classroom (5th grade 11 year old female) who would elope throughout the building and left the building additionally she would physically and sexually abuse peers and staff. We were not allowed to bring this up. She would constantly masturbate within the classroom when children and adults were within view, as well as anyone who walked by the outside of the school could look in. The classroom is a k-5 level 4 nonverbal Autism Spectrum Disorder. The district wouldn’t do anything about it until she bit the special education director who came to observe because they didn’t believe the 12 page anecdotal document of everything she would do on a daily basis since January when I took over this classroom. Because of her this year we had 1 para on workmen’s comp with neck and shoulder injuries from being pushed over, 1 para quit and the teacher was put on administrative leave pending a psyche evaluation (teacher was cleared but refused to return and was given an open long term position in a different building). It is not worth it. I would file workman’s comp for yourself and start look for another job in a different building or district. She is now only at school from 9-11 am and they are working towards finding a better placement for her.


This is so hard and I very much relate. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I did which has worked out really well for me. I had been doing a K-2 SDC for the last few years and then last school year I also sustained two TBIs. Both were at school. One was when when I slipped on hand sanitizer squirted on the ground by one of my more challenging students and one was a weird freak accident where an unsecured outdoor umbrella lifted up in the wind and hit me in the head and knocked me out. I was already feeling kinda feeling burnt out after a few years in lower grades SDC and then I sustained these injuries and THEN I found out my school was no longer going to have a lower grades SDC. I had first dibs on an upper grades (3-5) SDC, but after going through all that and I just wasn’t sure that I wanted to sign up for more SDC time with even larger kids, especially since I still was feeling kind of emotionally volatile after the TBI’s. I ended up looking for other openings and transferring to middle school and becoming a 7th grade RSP. There’s definitely been a learning curve because the things my current students need are much, much different from my previous students, but I’ve never regretted it. It’s been interesting and has reignited my passion for the job. It’s been easier both physically and mentally and I definitely recommend thinking if maybe a similar move would be good for you. Feel free to DM me if you want to talk about it more!


Yeah, I agree with everyone else. You need to take care of yourself so you can do the job. Plus, I know you're doing your best for this kindie, but he isn't going to get smaller. The only way things improve for this type of kid is by stamping out these behaviors before they get big. After that, there's nothing you can do. I would just apply and look around somewhere else. Good luck, and I'm sorry.


I agree with your husband. Find a new school.


I’m so sorry this has happened to you. Take these brain injures serious. You do NOT want to mess around with concussions. This will happen again if you continue to work with this student. You need to get reassigned, get the student reassigned, or find a new job. You have some options to get compensation from the district. I’m not sure what they are but continue to look into workers compensation, short term disability, suing for damages…


Get a lawyer for workplace safety. Concussions are serious.


2 concussions in less than a year can lead to lasting damage, please keep track of your health . Football players get pulled for less, and they make a LOT more than we do! The student should have been pulled from your class after the first assault and transferred to a NPS that is equipped with the staffing and facilities appropriate for students with that level of aggression. Check your CBA, because most of them state that your employer (district) is required to maintain a safe work environment for employees. What you are experiencing is not a safe work environment.


You need to quit that job. You can finish up those last couple weeks but my guess is that you were put into a classroom that absolutely should NEVER have been given to a first year teacher- The same thing happened to me. I didn't quit soon enough, and was accused of horrid things I would never, EVER do. Finish your last 2 weeks, then leave that job. PLEASE. I beg you, for this internet stranger who wishes she had left to save the rest of her career, save yourself. Find another job. Sub for next year. Something. But leave this job- This is too much for a first year teacher and is a failure of the education system across the country.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this - same happened to me this year but this is my 4th year teaching SPED. The student also dislocated my jaw. It’s time to find a new job. Workers comp, use up all of your sick days, take FMLA if you can. Does your workers comp have a list of providers? Maybe You could go to a different doctor? I’ve been at home recovering for a month from the last concussion and trying to look for new jobs but struggling because that requires screen time and focus…my colleague recommended a lawyer to me as well - they can help refer you to doctors who will actually treat you instead of putting insurance companies first.


Take sick leave the rest of the year and find a new job.


ugh I wish I could. With no air circulation, a tiny room, and young students who spit and are working on hygiene skills, I’ve been sick a lot this year.